Cleaning Checklist
Ground Floor
Meeting Room
 Sweep.
 Mop
 Empty Trash cans and replace with new trash bags.
 Sweep.
 Mop.
 Empty Trash cans and replace with new trash bags.
 Empty and Wipe down the refrigerator and all stainless steel
surfaces (Oven, countertops, plate warmer, Sinks).
 The dishes washed, dried, and put back in their place.
 The dishwasher run, emptied, wiped out. Coffee Maker cleaned.
(Don’t forget the filters in both the dishwasher, and the coffee maker)
 Empty the trash bag and put a new trash bag inside garbage can.
Leave used dishtowels in a pile on the countertop.
 Clean the sinks (with «gradex» product and a sponge) and the Toilets
(Pink Rag and Pink cleaning product).
 Empty the garbage.
Dining Room
 Return dishes to Closet.
 Sweep
 Empty the garbage bag and replace it.
2nd Floor
Showers and Toilets
 Clean Showers and Sinks (with «gradex» product and spounge) and
toilettes (Pink Rag and Pink Product).
 Empty garbage cans, and replace trash bags.
 Make sure nothing is left in the showers.
 Shake out, wipe down, and replace pillows and mattresses.
 Fold the comforters.
 Wipe down mirrors (“vitre” product),
 Clean Sinks («gradex» product and spounge)
 Empty trash cans and replace trash bags.
 Sweep floors, including under the beds.
 Close the windows.
3rd Floor
Showers and Toilets
 Clean Showers and Sinks (with «gradex» product and spounge) and
toilettes (Pink Rag and Pink Product).
 Empty garbage cans, and replace trash bags.
 Make sure nothing is left in the showers.
 Shake out, wipe down, and replace pillows and mattresses.
 Fold the comforters.
 Wipe down mirrors (“vitre” product),
 Clean Sinks («gradex» product and spounge)
 Empty trash cans and replace trash bags.
 Sweep floors, including under the beds.
 Close the windows.