Steamboat Genealogical Club - Bud Werner Memorial Library

Steamboat Genealogy Club
Meeting Minutes of Thursday, June 30, 2011, 9:30 – 11:00 am
Attending: about 21
Library Staff: Judy Ross and Val Davia, Reference Assistants
 Introductions
 Presentation by Kathleen McPhilliamy
 Review of genealogy resources available at Bud Werner Memorial Library
 Update on Salt Lake City trip
 Upcoming Events
This was a regular monthly meeting. During introductions participants shared an interesting fact related
to their genealogy research. Then Kathleen McPhilliamy gave a presentation about her extensive family
history research with a particular emphasis on the resources she used. Kathleen was very complimentary
of the resources available at BWML – the databases, ILL and our Family History Affiliate status. Below
is a list of resources Kathleen suggested:
 Interview family members
 Census records
 Libraries – especially genealogy libraries with open shelves – Look for county histories (“mug
 Internet
o State and county Genweb sites
o Google
o Family History Library microfilm (deeds particularly)
 Genealogical societies
 Historical societies
 Town historians
 Interlibrary loan – available on Bud Werner Memorial Library databases under “First Search”
 Heritage Quest
 Google Books
 RAOGK – Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness – 2 people available in Routt County (see
 Tax lists
Val explained that the Genealogy Club will have a presence on our new website and asked the members
for ideas about what to include. Some ideas are:
 A list of genealogy resources
 A way for people to connect to share information
 A question page
We called attention to Carol Darrow’s genealogy workshops on July 23rd, and some members took
fliers to place around town. Bill Cousins and Val gave an update about the proposed trip to Salt Lake in
September. PLEASE EMAIL JUDY ( or call the Reference desk at 8790240, ext. 331 to sign up for the workshops you’d like to attend.
A suggestion was made that members of the club could make a valuable contribution to Routt County
genealogists and historians by creating a database of Routt County historical records such as marriages,
births and deaths. Perhaps next winter we could consider the project.
Saturday, July 23, 2011 – Three workshops with Carol Cooke Darrow at Bud Werner Memorial
Library – her website is:
1) Workshop One: The Ten Major Record Groups for Genealogists. 10:00 a.m.
2) Workshop Two: Successful Research Techniques for Your Ancestor’s Town or County – All records
are created on the local level so it’s vital to learn as much as possible about the history, population,
geography, crops, and records for your ancestor’s hometown. 2:00 p.m.
3) Workshop Three: Research Mania—How to Research and How Much is Enough. Learn how to
organize your search, collect and record information, compare various facts, and reach a conclusion.
4:00 p.m.
CONTACT JUDY to sign-up ( or 879-0240, ext. 331.
Tomorrow July 1, 2011 – Brown Bag Lunch Series at the Tread of Pioneers Museum with Jayne
Learn helpful tips on how to conduct an interview and begin your family genealogy search
Free at noon – 1pm at Tread of Pioneers Museum
Field Trip to Salt Lake City: Scheduled for Tuesday through Friday, September 20 - 23.
We just received a postcard advertising on-line genealogy classes for credit or non-credit from Salt Lake
Community College. There are six classes; pricing and information at, or
call 801-957-5200.