Office Use Only Monitoring of Mineral and Landfill Planning Permissions Report for Connon Bridge Landfill Site, East Taphouse, Liskeard on 10th June 2015 Report Summary No. of Conditions Development was not considered to be compliant with the condition at the time of the site monitoring visit. Furthermore it is considered that there is an urgent need to remedy this breach due to the potential risk and/or consequences to the environment or amenity. It is therefore concluded that steps should be undertaken without further delay to remedy this breach. Appropriate enforcement action is likely to be expedient should noncompliance with this condition continue. Development was not considered to be compliant with the condition at the time of the site monitoring visit and/or there are outstanding matters which remain to be resolved at this time by the operator or this Authority. Any continued noncompliance or breach of this condition may result in the instigation of enforcement action. Development was considered to be compliant with the relevant planning condition at the time of the site monitoring visit although some minor works may be required. Page 1 of 25 0 5 35 Page 2 of 25 1. Introduction This report is a document produced by Cornwall Council’s Natural Resources Team. It relates to a site visit to monitor compliance with a planning permission and legal agreement for a minerals / waste site under relevant requirements of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 20041. Disclaimer It should be noted that apparent compliance with any condition at the time of a site visit by this Authority does not preclude the Authority from instigating enforcement action where any activity being undertaken is subsequently considered to be in breach of a condition or presents a risk of damage or disturbance to the environment or amenity. Any additional site visit required as a result of non-compliance with a planning condition may result in an additional site monitoring fee being levied. Traffic Lights For ease of reference the Authority has adopted a ‘traffic light’ system to illustrate the level of compliance with each requisite planning condition. The colour coding is based on the following criteria; Green Development was considered to be compliant with the relevant planning condition at the time of the site monitoring visit. Amber Development was not considered to be compliant with the condition at the time of the site monitoring visit. Continued non-compliance or breach of this condition may result in the instigation of enforcement action. Red Development was not considered to be compliant with the condition at the time of the site monitoring visit. Furthermore it was considered that there is an urgent need to remedy this breach due to the potential risk and/or consequences to the environment or amenity. It is considered that steps should be undertaken without further delay to remedy this breach. Appropriate enforcement action is considered likely to be expedient should noncompliance with this condition continue. 1 The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications and Deemed Applications) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2006 came into force on 6th April 2006. These Regulations are made under Section 303 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 53 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Page 3 of 25 2. Details of Site Monitoring Visit Site Name and Address: Connon Bridge Landfill Site, East Taphouse, Liskeard Planning Permission(s): PA12/06980 Proposed further development of the existing operational Connon Bridge landfill waste management facility, such further development being; i) increase in consented landfill void space through a lateral extension within the existing operational area such extension not to increase existing consented maximum tipping height; ii) extension of the time of operation of the landfill site and other waste management activities until 31st December 2036 these retained activities being, Household Waste Recycling Centre, site offices and weighbridges, leachate management system including leachate treatment and storage tanks, (existing gas engines and flare are subject to separate planning permission's CN61(22) & CN61(26)) use of the Bodithiel fields to the north of the operational landfill area for the spray irrigation of leachate, retention of the existing Waste Transfer Station building for use for Waste Transfer, and associated existing site infrastructure required for the operation and progressive restoration of the facility such as fencing, gates and CCTV; iii) use of the former Waste Transfer Station building to produce Refuse Derived Fuel from waste wood; iv) the continued use of the former Waste Transfer Station building to produce refuse Derived Fuel from residual waste - Approved 17.12.2013 CN61(22) Extension to existing compound to allow installation of up to four containerised 'Genset' gas engines and to extend the exhausts on all engines to heights of eight metres above ground level. - Approved on 06/02/2006; CN61(26) Minor extension to existing power generation compound to allow installation of a fifth containerised ‘Genset’. Approved on 13/12/2006; The existences of the gas engine permissions are acknowledged but these have not been routinely monitored as part of this review. It should be noted that no new noise conditions were imposed by the recently issued planning permission PA12/06980 as it was approved by the planning committee that in accordance with government guidelines and to avoid the duplication of control and regulation of noise at the landfill site should henceforth be regulated and controlled by the Site Permit as issued and monitored by the Environment Agency. Page 4 of 25 Legal Agreement(s): The operator at this site (Sita UK) have entered into a Legal Agreement restricting them from applying for any further extension of time in respect to landfilling activities at this site beyond the expiry of the currant permission which is set by condition No 2 as being on or before 31st December 2018. Operator: SITA UK Ltd, Site Name and Address: SITA UK, Connon Bridge Landfill Site, East Taphouse, Liskeard. Site Status: Active Type of Visit: Chargeable Visit Visiting Officer/s: Mr M Butfield, Development Officer, Planning Enforcement, Cornwall Council Date of Visit: 10th June 2015 Time on Site: 10.30 Time off Site: 11.45 Weather: Dry and Bright Ground Conditions: Generally dry Report Author: Mr M Butfield, Visiting Officer Attendees. Mr Ian Mitchell, Site Manager, Sita UK Ltd Page 5 of 25 3. Compliance with Planning Conditions PA12/06980 dated 17/12/2013 Condition Number and Description Condition 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this Notice. Notes Following Visit The permission is recognised as having been implemented as it authorises the continuation of existing works at this site. The following picture shows the current landfilling operation which is taking place in phase 4 with a smooth recently capped section in the upper far right of the picture Condition Number and Description Condition 2 This permission authorises the following:- the lateral extension of the tipping area (albeit within the existing waste management facility operational boundary) in order to increase existing consented void space by an additional 800,000 m3 without increasing the overall currently consented maximum height of tipping. Landfilling at the site shall cease on or before 31st December 2018. - retention of other associated and co-located waste management activities until Page 6 of 25 December 2036, such retained activities to include, the existing Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) , site offices and weighbridges, pollution control infrastructure which are not covered by separate planning permissions, Waste Transfer Station building, for use as a Waste Transfer Station, ancillary developments to enable site operation and restoration including site bunding, landscaping and progressive restoration. - the use of the former Waste Transfer Station facility to treat wood waste to produce a Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) up until December 2036. - the continued use of the former Waste Transfer Station as a facility to treat residual waste to produce RDF up until December 2036. (this activity is currently time limited by planning permission no` PA11/00507). There shall be no development outside of the area edged red on Drawing No. Cnb-Pln1111-02. Notes Following Visit - The Landfilling operations and associated operations which are being conducted at this site are acknowledged to be one of the identified operations which have been approved by this condition. The following picture shows an internal view of the former Waste Transfer Station building which is now approved to facility the treatment of wood waste to produce a Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) but this was not being operationally used for this purpose at the time of this visit. Page 7 of 25 Condition Number and Description Condition 3 No development shall be carried out except in accordance with the details in the submitted application dated 20/07/2012 - Council Ref PA12/06980 and the accompanying documentation. Schedule of approved plans:- Cnb-SLP-1111: Site Location Plan; - Cnb-Pln-1111-02: Planning Application Boundary Location; - CnB-AWC-0808-001-P1: Current Approved Pre-Settlement Waste Levels and postSettlement Restoration Levels; - CnB-AWC-0808-002-P1: Current Approved Pre-Settlement Waste Levels and PostSettlement Restoration levels Contours only; - CnB-PWC-0808-001-P1: Proposed Pre-Settlement Waste Levels and Post-Settlement Restoration Levels; - CnB-PWC-0808-002-P1: Proposed Pre-Settlement Waste Levels and Post-Settlement Restoration Levels Contours only; - CnB-SEC-1008-001-P1: Sections through both Approved and Proposed Waste Levels; - CnB-FPP-0808-001-P1: Proposed Future Phasing Plan; - CB861-D9v3 Version 3 : Proposed restoration Masterplan; - CB861-D11 Version 1 : Restoration Cross Sections; - DRAWING 1: Comparison of current and previous footprints; - Cnb-LMP-0811-01: Leachate Management Plan; - Cnb-LTP-04908-L6: LTP Layout - General Arrangement; - 4000- Issue Z3: Waste Transfer Station - As Built - General Arrangement; - 4002- Issue Z2: Waste Transfer Station - As Built- Foul and Surface Water Drainage; - G(1): Waste Transfer Station - As Built - Structure; - 4014- Issue Z2: Waste Transfer Station - As Built- Steel Frame Building Section; - HWRC/LISK/OPLAY/01A: Household Waste Recycling Centre - Operational layout. Notes Following Visit The works which are being undertaken at this site are acknowledged to be in accordance with the details shown on the drawings as approved by this condition. Landfilling continues to take place in phase 4. A section on the eastern side of phase 4 is currently being capped and this will hopefully conclude the infilling of waste at such a high level within the site. Page 8 of 25 Condition Number and Description Condition 4 The site shall be restored in accordance with the provisions of Drawing No. CB861D9v3 Version 3 by 31 December 2036 with the areas of former landfilling having been restored by 31st December 2020 (ie 2 years from the cessation of tipping). The provisions of this condition shall not apply to the areas occupied by the landfill gas engines or the leachate treatment plant unless the Environment Agency (or its successor) have confirmed in writing that these items of environmental control infrastructure are no longer required. Notes Following Visit This is recognised to be a post-dated condition as the site continues to be used in accordance with this permission. The completion of the restoration of the landfilling area should be completed in accordance with this condition by the 31st December 2020, which is currently still nearly 5 years away. Condition Number and Description Condition 5 This RDF permission authorises the following:- installation and operation of plant and machinery within the building for treatment of wastes namely shredders, trommel, baler, conveyors along with the use of a fork lift truck to load RDF product and a loading shovel or similar to load metals/fines onto lorries for export; - ancillary developments including the outside storage of baled and shrink wrapped RDF blocks and for the parking of vehicles only in areas that have been given prior written approval by the Local Planning Authority (LPA). Notes Following Visit The RDF permission is now recognised as having been implemented as the building has previously been observed to be used for the storage of chipped wood which is understood to have been processed within the building. This material has since been removed from the building as shown in the picture on page 7 of this report. Condition Number and Description Condition 6 The approved RDF facility shall only be utilised for the receipt and processing of municipal solid /commercial/industrial wastes originating from Cornwall's waste collection routes and or waste wood with a maximum throughput of 49,000 tonnes in any 12 month period. The operators shall keep contemporaneous records of all waste inputs for the duration of this consent and make these records available to the LPA on request to show compliance with this condition. Notes Following Visit The only waste materials which are currently understood to be received within this building are items of bagged clinical waste which is generated through the councils waste collection service and chipped wood. It is acknowledged that some site based plant is stored within the building while not in operation. Page 9 of 25 Condition Number and Description Condition 7 No RDF product shall exit the building either for export from the site or for storage in the approved stacking area until it has been baled and shrink wrapped. No RDF blocks shall be stored more than 2 units high (ie maximum height of 2 metres) and none shall be stored outside except within the area approved in writing by the LPA. Notes Following Visit It is understood that no RDF materials are being exported from the site at this time and no RDF materials were observed to be stored inside or outside of the approved building. Condition Number and Description Condition 8 At such time as the Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre [application 08/00761] becomes fully operational, the development hereby permitted at the Connon Bridge Landfill Site shall be limited to receive no more than 40,000 tonnes of waste per annum for disposal. [This restriction shall not apply to residual wastes requiring landfilling during nonoperational downtime of the CERC]. To ensure compliance with the above condition the operators of the site shall:i) Advise the LPA in writing within 5 working days of the commencement of waste recovery operations at the CERC; ii) Keep records and retain such records in perpetuity of the materials received, the quantities of the materials received and the tonnage of said materials that have been disposed of at Connon Bridge; iii) To forward a true copy of the records on (date of each year ie 2nd January) to the LPA and to make such records available at any time on request by the LPA. Notes Following Visit The Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre has not become operational at this time and as such this condition remains post-dated. Condition Number and Description Condition 9 Following the cessation of leachate generation at the Connon Bridge Landfill Site, the surrender of the Integrated Pollution Prevention Control permit (or any superseding or amending licensing regime) or within six months of the leachate treatment facility failing to be operated for any 12 month period, the leachate treatment facility and the associated spray irrigation pipework on and connecting with Connon Fields, shall be decommissioned and demolished and the sites shall be restored in accordance with a scheme to be agreed in writing by the LPA . Notes Following Visit This is recognised to be a post-dated condition as the production of Leachate is still taking place at this site and the treatment plant is also understood to remain in operation. Page 10 of 25 Condition Number and Description Condition 10 The restoration of the site shall be carried out in strict accordance with the phased programme of progressive restoration indicated on Drawing No. CnB FPP-0808-001-P1 and as indicated in the application documents. The subsequent restoration phases (Phases 3D and 4) shall be developed sequentially and restoration shall be progressive within timescales to be agreed in writing by the LPA. The site operators shall be responsible for preparing annual restoration reports to confirm the progress of restoration, and these reports shall be submitted to the LPA on request. Notes Following Visit The infilling of phase 3D has been completed and the picture below shows a section of phase 3D which has previously been capped. Landfilling operations have now progressed to the eastern side of phase 4. It is confirmed that notification of this commencement and the proposed ten week period in which it is to be completed was received by the LPA on the 20th February 2014. The operator is also reminded of the requirement to submit for approval the timescale in which it proposes to complete the restoration of phases 4 when the infilling of this area has been completed. The operator is also reminded of the requirement to generate annual restoration reports and to make these available to the LPA should a request from the LPA to view them be made. No restoration reports have been received by the LPA to date and the operator has agreed to submit the required report within 3 months of this visit. Action point for the operator The operator is required to produce and submit to the LPA an annual restoration report for the site on or before the 11th September 2015. Page 11 of 25 Condition Number and Description Condition 11 The operators shall notify the LPA in writing within 1 month of the date of commencement / completion of each of the following:(i) (ii) (iii) cessation of tipping; completion of final restoration under this planning permission; date of completion of aftercare. Notes Following Visit The notifications as identified by this condition are all currently considered to be post-dated requirements as the commencement or completion of the identified operations have not taken place at this time. Condition Number and Description Condition 12 Written approval of details of all fixed plant or machinery buildings, structures and erections or private ways shall be obtained from the LPA. Development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to their erection or construction. Notes Following Visit There is understood to have been no addition fixed plant, machinery, buildings, structures and erections or private ways either developed or installed on site at this time. A new section of fence has been installed along the northern side of the remaining landfilling area but it is not considered to be of any consequence of this condition. Condition Number and Description Condition 13 No tipping operations or excavation works associated with the landfill site shall be carried out except between the following times: -between 0700 and 1700 hours Monday to Friday; -between 0700 and 1300 hours on Saturday; -between 0700 and 1700 hours on Saturdays immediately following Bank and Public Holidays. The abovementioned hours shall not preclude the use of machinery to cover down incoming wastes between 1700 and 1800 hours Monday to Friday. This additional hour shall not apply on Bank / Public Holidays. Bank and Public Holiday operation shall be restricted to the safe receipt and disposal of Council collected and HWRF Waste. Any exceptions to the hours detailed above shall only be with the prior written agreement of the LPA. Notes Following Visit There are no outstanding complaints regarding working hours at this site so compliance with this condition is recorded. It is understood that the extended hours in relation to weekend working for the capping operations have now ceased. Page 12 of 25 Condition Number and Description Condition 14 There shall be no access to the HWRC for tipping except between the following times:-between 0800 and 1630 hours each day in winter (1st October 31 March); -between 0800 and 1830 hours each day in summer (1st April 30th September) No vehicle shall enter or leave the RDF facility and no working shall take except between the following times:-between 0700 and 1700 hours Mondays to Fridays; -between 0700 and 1300 hours on Saturdays. There shall be no working on Sundays, Christmas Day or Boxing Day. Notes Following Visit There are no outstanding complaints regarding the working hours at either the HWRC or the RDF facility so compliance with this condition is recorded. It is noted that the limitation on the working hours at the HWRC are only in respect of tipping operations which have not been further defined. Condition Number and Description Condition 15 No temporary operations including soil stripping, excavations, liner placement, bund formation and removal, other mitigation measures and restoration works shall be carried out except between 0700 and 1700 hours Mondays to Fridays. Notes Following Visit There are no outstanding complaints regarding any working hours associated with any temporary operations being undertaken at this site so compliance with this condition is recognised. Condition Number and Description Condition 16 All practicable means shall be employed by the operators for preventing or minimising the emission of dust, smoke, fumes, odours, landfill gas, leachate, litter or the creation of noise during the approved use of the site. The provisions of this condition include the installation and maintenance of effective silencers on all plant and machinery to the manufacturer's recommendation and specification. [These matters shall be the subject of detailed control/enforcement by the Environment Agency under the terms of the Environmental Permit]. Notes Following Visit All machinery which was being operated at the site appeared to be fitted with suppression equipment as recommended by the manufacturers. It is understood that the engine in the main compactor had been replaced with an alternative unit but there was no significant change in any noise output from this unit since the previous visit. The ground conditions were dry but no dust was observed to escape from the site. It is acknowledged that the ultimate control over the environmental impacts as identified by this condition are to be regulated and controlled by the Environment Agency through the Page 13 of 25 site permit to prevent duplication of regulation. Dust suppression on the haul roads is undertaken by a tractor and water bowser which is shown below. It draws water from the lagoons at the northern end of the site and sprays this on the internal routes. Condition Number and Description Condition 17 No irrigation shall take place such that the spray directly affects the Public Footpath. Appropriate safeguarding measures shall be adopted in accordance with details to be agreed in writing by the LPA. Notes Following Visit There is currently understood to be no spray irrigation of leachate taking place on site at this time. The operator is reminded of the requirement to obtain the written approval of the LPA in respect of safeguarding measures which are to be observed should this operation be undertaken. Condition Number and Description Condition 18 All access to and egress from the site for vehicles associated with tipping shall be by the access shown on Plan no. Cnb-Pln-1111-02. Notes Following Visit The approved access route for vehicles associated with tipping operations at this site is being observed. Page 14 of 25 Condition Number and Description Condition 19 Any lorries loaded with metals /organic fines and exiting onto the public highway shall be sheeted. All exports from the site of RDF blocks shall be via curtain sided HGVs unless otherwise agreed in writing with the LPA. Notes Following Visit All vehicles observed to exit the site were observed to be sheeted. There is currently understood to be no exportation of RDF blocks taking place at this site. Condition Number and Description Condition 20 Best practicable means shall be taken at all times to ensure that vehicles leaving the site are in a condition so as not to emit dust or deposit mud, slurry or other debris on the public highway. In particular (but without prejudice to the foregoing) efficient means shall be installed, employed and be thereafter maintained during tipping operations for cleaning the wheels of all lorries leaving the site. Notes Following Visit The public highway in the vicinity of the site was clear of debris. The road inside the site was damp having been sprayed by a water bowser which was towed by a tractor. A wheel wash is also available to be used by all vehicles exiting the landfill area and one such lorry is shown in the picture below passing through this facility. Page 15 of 25 Condition Number and Description Condition 21 The leachate treatment facility shall be used solely for the processing and treatment of landfill leachate which has been generated by the Connon Bridge Landfill Site. Notes Following Visit There is understood to be no importation of Leachate to this site. The leachate treatment plant has recently been serviced and is now understood to be back in operation. Condition Number and Description Condition 22 All oil and/or tanks shall be surrounded by bund walls of sufficient height and construction so as to contain 110% of the total contents of the largest tank and associated pipework in the event of a spillage. All plant and machinery not in current use shall be stored in a tidy manner and all redundant plant, machinery, vehicles, or scrap shall be removed from the site. Notes Following Visit The storage of possible pollutants at this site is regulated through the site permit as issued and monitored by the Environment Agency. While it is acknowledged that some double skin storage units are in use at this site it is accepted that these types of units achieve the level of safety requirements identified by this condition. One such unit is the green double skinned fuel store which is shown in the picture below. Page 16 of 25 Condition Number and Description Condition 23 There shall be no tipping development approved by this permission within the area identified as 'extension to engineered landfill footprint' on Drawing 1 until details of a scheme for the provision of surface water management has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include:- A timetable detailing the implementation of key stages of the proposed Development; - Full details of the final drainage scheme and links to the timetable when elements of the drainage scheme will be implemented; - A plan for the future maintenance and management of the system. The relevant part of the surface water drainage scheme will become fully operational prior to the commencement of each tipping, as detailed in the agreed timetable and this shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the LPA. The scheme shall thereafter be managed and maintained in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise approved in writing by the LPA. Notes Following Visit There are currently no tipping operations taking place in the extension to engineered landfilling footprint as shown on Drawing 1. The operator is reminded of the requirement to obtain the written approval of the LPA in respect to surface water management prior to undertaking tipping operations in this area. Condition Number and Description Condition 24 There shall be no floodlighting of the site except in accordance with details to be agreed in writing by the LPA. Any approved lighting shall be positioned so as not to cause glare or annoyance to local residents or users of the local highway network. Notes Following Visit There are no outstanding complaints regarding lighting at this site and no lighting units were in operation at the time of this visit. Condition Number and Description Condition 25 There shall be no stacking of RDF blocks outside of the building until the operators have submitted to and had approved in writing by the LPA a sample of the shrink wrapping material. Thereafter all blocks shall be wrapped in material of the approved colour for the duration of operations. Notes Following Visit There are no RDF blocks being manufactured or stored on site at this time. Page 17 of 25 Condition Number and Description Condition 26 Any skips stored at the site shall be incidental to the landfilling operations at the site and shall be confined to an area in accordance with details to be agreed in writing by the LPA. Notes Following Visit There are a significant amount of both covered and open skips which are being stored to the rear of the RDF building and a selection of these are shown in the picture below. These skips do not appear to be in regular use and therefore considered unlikely to be incidental to landfilling operations at this site. Action point for the operator The operator is required to either remove the skips from the site or make an application to the LPA demonstrating that there existence is incidental to the landfilling operation and seek the approval of an area in which they should be stored. Condition Number and Description Condition 27 Prior to any new tipping on undisturbed ground, all available topsoil shall be stripped from the affected areas and shall be conserved for future use in restoration. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the LPA, no topsoil, subsoil or excavated material shall be removed from the site. Notes Following Visit There are no soil stripping operations being undertaken on site at this time. Capping materials continue to be processed at the north eastern side of the side but this did not involve the stripping of existing soils. Page 18 of 25 Condition Number and Description Condition 28 All topsoil storage at the site shall be in bunds not exceeding 2 metres in height and shall be in locations approved in writing by the LPA. Notes Following Visit There are no new stock piles of soils on site. The storage areas which currently exist are acknowledged to be have been approved under the previous permission. Condition Number and Description Condition 29 All storage bunds intended to remain in situ for more than 6 months or over the winter shall be grassed over / vegetated in accordance with details to be agreed in writing by the LPA. Such a scheme shall include details of vegetation establishment, weed control and appropriate management and shall be submitted to and be approved in writing by the LPA prior to bund construction. Schemes shall include details of weed control and other necessary maintenance. The seed mixture and the application rates shall be approved in writing with the LPA not less than one month before it is expected to complete the formation of the storage bunds, unless otherwise agreed. Notes Following Visit There have been no new storage bunds created at this since this permission was issued. It is acknowledged that restoration materials have been processed and deployed in phase 3D and more recently along the eastern side of phase 4 from a location on the eastern side of the site which does not appear to have been surfaced treated. Any potential impacts associated with this activity will be continually monitored during future site inspections. Condition Number and Description Condition 30 All screen mounds shall be such that the outward facing slopes shall not exceed a gradient of 1 in 3 (vertical to horizontal) and the tops of the mounds shall be undulating, to avoid an engineered appearance unless providing noise screening. Mounds shall be seeded to grass or a grass / shrub mixture and thereafter maintained throughout the operational life of this permission. Notes Following Visit There are no concerns regarding the creation of any screen bunds at this site at this time. Condition Number and Description Condition 31 The operators shall adopt in full the mitigation /enhancement measures set out in Section 12.5 - Chapter 12 of the Environmental Statement. Notes Following Visit There are no concerns regarding the implementation of the mitigation or enhancement measures as identified in the Environmental statement for this site. Page 19 of 25 Condition Number and Description Condition 32 All trees / shrubs coloured dark green and titled existing woodland retained on Drawing No. CB490 CB861-D9 (Proposed Restoration Masterplan) shall be retained / protected in a manner to be approved in writing by the LPA. The trees / shrubs in these areas shall not be damaged, destroyed, uprooted, felled, lopped or topped for the duration of operations and the specified aftercare period without the previous written approval of the LPA. Any such trees / shrubs in these areas removed without permission or dying or becoming seriously damaged or diseased during that period shall be replaced in the following planting season with trees / shrubs of similar size and species in accordance with details to be agreed in writing by the LPA. Notes Following Visit There are no concerns regarding the maintenance or replacement of the existing woodland. The method of protection is required to be in accordance with a scheme which is to be approved by the LPA. Action point for the operator The operator is required to submit a scheme identifying the measures it intends to undertake to protect and retain the planting which has been identified by this condition within 3 months of this site visit which will be on or before the 11th September 2015. Condition Number and Description Condition 33 The final landform and surface restoration levels shall accord with the landform shown on Drawing No. CB861-D9. At no time shall the surcharge of the site exceed the presettlement contours indicated on Drawing No. CnB-PWC-0808-001-P1. Notes Following Visit This is recognised as being a post-dated condition as the restoration of the site is ongoing and there are currently no concerns regarding the current surface levels. Condition Number and Description Condition 34 As the tipping approaches the level of the pre-settlement contours identified above, and in any case before the final grading of cover and before the spreading of subsoil, the surface layers shall be checked by competent land surveyors. Thereupon markers shall be erected to indicate the approved final waste levels, approved restored surface level and any appropriate approved intermediate levels. Notes Following Visit The operator has advised that the capping of phase 3d has been completed but it was not clear if the required marks had previously been put in place. When the next topographical survey is undertaken in this area the operator should make this report available to demonstrate that the approved levels had been achieved in this area. Condition Number and Description Condition 35 The areas indicated for proposed woodland planting on Drawing No. CB861-D9 shall be planted in the first available planting season following the achievement of the approved levels in accordance with the planting schedule indicated on the abovementioned plan. Page 20 of 25 Within five years of planting, any tree or shrub that dies, becomes diseased or which become removed or damaged shall be replaced in the first available planting season with others of similar size and species in accordance with details to be agreed in writing by the LPA. Notes Following Visit An assessment of the completed operational areas and the planting which has been undertaken on these areas as shown on drawing No CB861-D9 was undertaken during this site inspection. It was established that an area along the northern fence line of the leachate treatment plant at the eastern end of the site had not be planted as required although much of the other required planting had previously been completed in this area. It was also established that much of phase 3A had been completed and no planting or seeding appeared to have taken place in this area as is required by the approved drawing. The area has largely become overgrown with gorse at this time. Action point for the operator The operator is required to confirm their intentions to undertake the weed clearance and required planting which is to be undertaken in accordance with this condition in the annual restoration scheme which is required to be submitted in accordance with condition No.10 of this report. Condition Number and Description Condition 36 In the event of a cessation of delivery of waste to the site prior to the achievement of the completion of the levels indicated in the approved plans which constitutes a permanent cessation (which shall be defined as a period of 18 months without any significant delivery of waste) or by 31st December 2018 whichever is the sooner, a reclamation / restoration scheme, to include details of aftercare, shall be submitted in writing for approval to the LPA within 3 months of the permanent cessation of importation of waste. The approved scheme shall be implemented within 6 months of the written approval of the LPA, unless otherwise approved in writing by the LPA and the restoration of the former landfill shall have been completed by 31st December 2020 at the latest. Notes Following Visit This is recognised as being a post-dated condition as waste material continues to be imported to the site and the approved levels have been achieved. Condition Number and Description Condition 37 The site shall be progressively reclaimed and managed for agriculture/ woodland/amenity in accordance with a scheme to be submitted for approval to the LPA within 12 months from the date of this Notice. The scheme to be based on the submitted restoration plan Drawing No. CB861-D9 and shall include details of:(i) the nature and extent of the intended after-use of the site including provision of Rights of Way; (ii) the sequence of phasing of restoration showing clearly the relationship to the working scheme; (iii) the thickness and type of cover (including topsoiling) in the relevant phases of tipping; Page 21 of 25 (iv) the ripping of any compacted layers of cover to ensure adequate drainage and aeration, such ripping should normally take place before placing of the topsoil; (v) the machinery to be used in soil spreading operations; (vi) drainage of the restored land including formation of suitably graded contours to promote natural drainage and the installation of artificial drainage; (vii) the reinstatement of the site and access roads by clearing plant, buildings, machinery and concrete or brickwork, deep cultivation in both directions to remove rocks and other obstructions, replacing of subsoil and then topsoil previously stripped from the site; (viii) grass seeding/tree planting of restored areas; (ix) monitoring of settlement and remedial measures to be adopted; (x) a timetable for implementation; (xi) any other matters as relevant; (xii) ecological enhancements to include creation of wildlife ponds (with natural colonisation) and linked by semi natural habitats, new ditches with more natural forms having more sinuosity, use of native species in new planting schemes, hedgerows to provide attenuation of surface water flows, consider replacing nonnative planting with native species and biodiversity opportunities to be sought within existing buildings through provision of bat roosts or bird nesting sites. and upon approval such scheme shall be implemented as approved. Notes Following Visit The requirement to submit this scheme has been identified in previous reports and the date by which it was required has been confirmed .No such report is understood to have been submitted to the LPA at this time. Action point for the Operator The operator is required to submit the necessary scheme as identified by this condition within 3 months of the date of this visit which will be on or before the 11th September 2015. Condition Number and Description Condition 38 On completion of the importation of waste material, all access roads, buildings and any other site facilities not essential for restoration / aftercare or for continuing landfill gas extraction / leachate monitoring and control shall be removed or demolished and any hardstandings or foundations shall be removed where these would interfere with the restoration of the site prior to the final seeding and cultivation of the land and 120 of the NPPF. Notes Following Visit This is recognised as being a post-dated condition as the importation of waste material continues to be undertaken at this site. Page 22 of 25 Condition Number and Description Condition 39 During the operation of the site and the stated aftercare period following the cessation of operations, noxious weeds in particular Ragwort and Japanese Knotweed shall not be allowed to colonise the site. Recognised control measures shall be implemented as soon as is practicable following initial infestation until clearance has been achieved. Notes Following Visit There were no noxious weeds observed on site during this visit. Condition Number and Description Condition 40 The following shall be undertaken:(i) aftercare / land management schemes requiring such steps as may be necessary to bring the land to the required standard for use for agriculture / woodland / amenity, shall be submitted for approval to the LPA not later than the expiration of 3 years following the date of this Notice; (ii) the submitted schemes shall specify the steps to be taken and the periods during which they are to be taken. Such steps shall be carried out for a minimum period of 5 years following the completion of the operations required to comply with subcondition (i) above. (iii) subject to sub-condition (iv) below, aftercare of the land which is the subject of this permission shall be carried out in accordance with the aftercare scheme as approved in writing by the LPA; (iv) where the LPA agreed in writing with the person or persons responsible for undertaking the aftercare steps, that there shall be lesser steps, or a different timing between steps, the aftercare shall be carried out in accordance with that agreement. Notes Following Visit This is recognised as being a post-dated condition as the scheme which is required by this condition should be submitted to the LPA for their consideration before the 17th December 2016. Page 23 of 25 4. Legal Agreements The existence of a section 106 Legal agreement is acknowledged and the implications associated with this condition are shown on page 5 of this report. 5. Comments None 6. Noise Monitoring Results None 7. Blast Monitoring Results None 8. Dust Monitoring Results None 9. Other Matters None 10. Issues to be Addressed Issues to be addressed by MPA PA12/06980 dated 17/12/2013 None at this visit Issues to be addressed by Operator PA12/06980 dated 17/12/2013 Condition 10 The operator is required to produce and submit to the LPA an annual restoration report for the site on or before the 11th September 2015. Condition 26 The operator is required to either remove the skips from the site or make an application to the LPA demonstrating that there existence is incidental to the landfilling operation and seek the approval of an area in which they should be stored. Condition 32 The operator is required to submit a scheme identifying the measures it intends to undertake to protect and retain the planting which has been identified by this condition within 3 months of this site visit which will be on or before the 11th September 2015. Condition 35 The operator is required to confirm their intentions to undertake the weed clearance and required planting which is to be undertaken in accordance with this condition in the annual restoration scheme which is required to be submitted in accordance with condition No.10 of this report. Condition 37 The operator is required to submit the necessary scheme as identified by this condition within 3 months of the date of this visit which will be on or before the 11th September 2015. 11. Summary Connon Bridge Landfill site is operated by Sita UK Ltd and is located at East Taphouse in the parish of St Pinnock. The site has previously gained a further planning approval dated the 17th December 2013 for the continuation of landfilling activities which should conditionally cease at this site on or before the 31st December 2018. This permission also provides for the use of an existing Waste Transfer Building on site for the creation of a Refused Derived Fuel product RDF which has previously been recognised to have been implemented as wood chip has been observed to be stored within the building. Approval also exists for the continuation of the use of a section of the site as a Household Waste Recycling Centre HWRC which is located immediately inside the entrance to the site along with site Page 24 of 25 office accommodation, a weighbridge, pollution control infrastructure and the continued progressive restoration of the site. Regulation of the site is undertaken jointly between the Planning Authority who undertake monitoring visits to review the operations which are being undertaken at the site against the current planning permission and its conditions and the Environment Agency who also regularly inspect the site against the terms of the sites Environmental Permit which regulates and imposes controls on impacts such as Noise, Odour and Dust which have previously given rise to complaints from local residents and these concerns are raised at the local liaison meeting which are held at the site. The date for the next meeting has been set for Tuesday the 1st Julyl 2015. The Landfilling operations have now progressed into phase 4 which is located at the western side of the site, having moved across from phase 3D which directly to the east. The remaining area of phase 3D has now been capped with material from a stock pile of material which is located at the far eastern side. There are acknowledged to be outstanding matters which require to be addressed by the operator and these are highlighted in red on the previous page. Page 25 of 25