Broadbridge Primary School Thursday 19th November 2015 Diary Sat 21st November – Choir will sing at 6pm Mass in Star of the Sea. Note 12 P1 Nativity Play – At 12 noon Mass in Star of the Sea on Sunday 20th December. Extra-Curricular Activities – Please check below before ringing school. Day Friday 20th Nov Activity Indoor Football Vale Centre Cross-Country Choir Gaelic Netball Eco-Meeting Mon 23rd Nov Tuesday 24th Nov Wed. 25th Nov Thursday 26th Nov Netball Vale Centre Craft Time Classes Note 3.00 – 4.15pm P4/5 Please collect on time 3.00 – 4.00pm P5/6/7 P4/5/6/7 P5/6/7 P4/5 Members Lunchtime training continues 3.00- 4.00pm. 3.00 – 4.00pm 3.00 – 4.00pm Teachers’ Meeting 3.00 – 4.15pm 3.00 - 4.00pm Last P4/5 netball of the term. P6/7 P6/7 School Draw – Last Month - £10,000 Please return any outstanding draw money tomorrow if you have not already done so. It will give the office staff a chance to have everything ready for the big prize. ‘Big Shift’ Active Travel Competition – Monday to Friday Next Week There will be a competition next week between the two schools i.e. Eglinton and ourselves, to see who has the bigger percentage of children walking/cycling scooting to and from school. While I appreciate the camaraderie, which is never more evident than at inspection time, that exists between the two schools I enjoy winning and I want to win this competition. I will even insist on Mrs Blair, Principal of Eglinton P.S., coming here to present the prize to our school. So far we have had one victory each. This is the decider. Remember it is the percentage of children that counts. There is a Facebook campaign run by Eglinton to rally their parents – Bring them on! Children should wear high visibility jackets which are available from the school. Children who live a long distance from the school may exit the car a short distance from the school and walk the last couple of hundred metres. PS If the weather is bad on any of the days do not allow the children to walk. School Inspection So far we have only received an oral feedback last Friday and as the report is subject to quality assurance we are obliged to treat the findings as confidential. Our governors have not yet received any details of the inspection apart from a very brief summary. However, I am sure that I am not breaking any confidences when I say that your children’s performance was outstanding and their behaviour was exemplary (they must have underperformed while the inspectors were here). You will be able to access a full copy of the report on the website by 08/01/16. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the children, parents and staff for their contribution to the inspection. A special word of thanks to all those parents who completed the online questionnaire before the inspection and who made such positive comments about the school thereby placing the school in a favourable light. Nativity Play P1 children will have dress rehearsals for the Nativity Play in Longfield Nursing Home and in Star of the Sea. Likely dates are Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th December but these are to be confirmed next week. Choir NB Practice has been changed back to Monday in Mrs Hueston’s room. Children have been given a separate note re arrangements for the Mass. Cross Country Note that training on Monday is for P5/6/7 children. This will be the last training session until after Christmas due to the dark afternoons and inclement weather. Team will still train at lunchtime. Parish Bazaar Appeal – 29th November NB The above date may be changed as many parishioners will be away supporting Faughanvale in their final. I have to confirm the date with Fr McDermot who is on holiday at present. We would welcome any small clean toys, unwanted gifts or small gadgets/stationery which we could include in the “Lucky Dip” and any kind of a bottle (sauce, spirits, wine, shampoo, water etc.) for the “Bottle” stall. Please send the items to the school office. The profits from the bazaar are shared 50/50 between the parish and ourselves but we will be donating our share to St. Vincent de Paul. Please support us.