ST JAMES’S, SUSSEX GARDENS THE PARISH CHURCH OF PADDINGTON LENT, HOLY WEEK & EASTER 2015 WHAT IS LENT? Lent is a time of preparation – lasting 40 days - for the events of Holy Week & Easter. Easter was traditionally the time when baptisms were celebrated, and the time when those who had become separated from the communion of the Church because of their serious sins were restored to the Church’s fellowship. This means that Lent has a solemn character. It is the season of the year where the disciplines of penitence, selfexamination, self-denial & study are practised. Almsgiving has also traditionally been associated with Lent. Originally these Lenten disciplines were adopted by candidates for baptism and penitents preparing themselves to be readmitted to communion, but it became the custom for the whole Christian community to join in the process of study, preparation and repentance. The Lenten disciplines happened over forty days to remind Christians of the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness, being tested by Satan. Ashes are an ancient sign of penitence, and from the Middle Ages it became the custom to begin Lent by being marked in ash with the sign of the cross. It is for that reason that the first day of Lent – Ash Wednesday – is so called. Liturgical dress is at its simplest during Lent. Churches are kept bare of flowers and decoration. The Gloria in excelsis is not said or sung. The joyful word alleluia is not used. However, the Fourth Sunday of Lent (known variously as Laetare or Refreshment Sunday) was provided as a day of relief from the rigours of fasting - it is the day on which in more recent times the Church has kept Mothering Sunday. The Feast of the Annunciation almost always falls in Lent, but because it is a day of rejoicing marking the announcement to the Blessed Virgin Mary that she was to conceive Christ in her womb, the disciplines of Lent are suspended so that a feast can be celebrated. As Holy Week approaches, the atmosphere of the season darkens; the readings begin to anticipate the story of Christ’s suffering and death, and the reading of the Passion Narrative gives to the Fifth Sunday of Lent its name - Passion Sunday. EVENTS IN LENT ASH WEDNESDAY The First Day of Lent 18th February Solemn Mass with Imposition of Ashes 7.30pm THE FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 22nd February Sung Mass & Sunday School 10.30am HOLY HOUR Wednesday 25th February Mass 6.30-7pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, concluding with Benediction 7-7.30pm A time for silence & reflection before the Blessed Sacrament each Wednesday evening in Lent. THE SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT 1st March Sung Mass & Sunday School, followed by Parish Conversation 10.30am Mass will be followed by the first of our Parish Conversations: a time of sharing ideas and open discussion of opportunities of mission and outreach in the Parish. This first session will focus on work with children and young people. HOLY HOUR Mass 6.30-7pm Exposition and Benediction 7-7.30pm Wednesday 4th March THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT 8th March Sung Mass & Sunday School 10.30am The second of our Parish Conversations, focusing on mission and outreach in the Parish, takes place after Mass. HOLY HOUR Wednesday 11th March Mass 6.30-7pm Exposition and Benediction 7-7.30pm CONFIRMATION CLASS Session One Thursday 12th March Children’s class at the School 3.30-4.30pm Adult’s class in church 7-8.30pm Theme for session one: Introduction, God, Human Nature and Sin FAITH TALK Thursday 12th March Mass 6.30pm Refreshments 7-7.30pm Talk 7.30-8.30pm A talk given by Gillian Crow to members of the London Branch of the Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius – but open to all – on the late Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. The talk is entitled ‘Metropolitan Anthony: Leadings us to the light of the Resurrection’ MOTHERING SUNDAY The Fourth Sunday of Lent 15th March 10.30am Sung Mass & Sunday School Pageant The service will be followed by special Mothering Sunday refreshments, and the third of our Parish Conversations on mission and outreach opportunities. HOLY HOUR Mass 6.30-7pm Exposition and Benediction 7-7.30pm Wednesday 18th March CONFIRMATION CLASS Session Two Thursday 19th March Children’s class at the School 3.30-4.30pm Adult’s class in church 7-8.30pm Theme for session two: Jesus: Life and Ministry LENT DAY RETREAT Saturday 21st March 10.30am-4.30pm A day of quiet prayer with addresses. Details to follow. PASSION SUNDAY 22nd March The Fifth Sunday of Lent Sung Mass & Sunday School 10.30am The final two weeks of Lent are called Passiontide. As the great Triduum – the ‘three days’ – draws closer, traditionally images in church are veiled in purple. THE FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Wednesday 25th March Lady Day Outing 5-9pm A Parish Outing to our neighbouring parish - the Church of the Annunciation, Marble Arch - to celebrate with them their Feast of Title. High Mass is at 7pm and the preacher is our own vicar, Fr Paul. There will be High Tea at 5pm beforehand at the Bathurst Street Deli for all pilgrims before departing at 6pm. CONFIRMATION CLASS Session Three Thursday 26th March Children’s class at the School 3.30-4.30pm Adult’s class in church 7-8.30pm Theme for session three: Jesus: Death and Resurrection CHILDREN’S WORKSHOP Saturday 28th March 10.30am -1pm Holy Week activities and craft for children and parents, ending with lunch. HOLY WEEK PALM SUNDAY 29th March Liturgy of the Palms, Procession & Sung Mass 10.30am The first day of Holy Week begins with much ceremony as palm crosses and branches are blessed & carried in the open air, and we go in a loud procession through the local streets and into Church, recalling the Triumphal Entry of Christ into Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday. The Preacher throughout Holy Week is Fr Julian Browning (Honorary Assistant Priest at All Saints, Margaret Street) MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK 30th, 31st March & 1st April 6.30pm Mass 7.15pm Supper (soup, bread & cheese) 8.30pm Holy Week Address (Fr Julian) 8.40pm Compline (lasting 10 mins) A Priest is available to hear confessions can from 8-8.30pm each evening. Feel free to come to one, some, or all of the evening. MAUNDY THURSDAY 2nd April Mass of the Last Supper & Watch until Midnight 7.30pm The events of Maundy Thursday are dramatic. In the Mass we commemorate how Christ on the first Maundy Thursday instituted the Holy Communion at his Last Supper. We also commemorate how he washed the feet of The Twelve as an example of his servanthood, and how our Lord then went in obedience to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray and to await his betrayal. The service ends with a silent Watch until Midnight. GOOD FRIDAY 3rd April Children’s Stations of the Cross 10am (followed by Hot Cross Buns) A short service for children and families that moves around the Church telling the story of Good Friday. The Liturgy of the Passion at 1.30pm A solemn liturgy that commemorates and leads us into the mysterious selfgiving and suffering of Christ upon the Cross. EASTER EVE 4th April Lighting of the Paschal Fire, Vigil & First Mass of Easter 9pm This service begins outside in darkness with the lighting of the Paschal (Easter) Fire, from which a single flame is taken – a symbol of the Resurrection - and brought into church. A hymn of praise called the Exsultet is sung to the Resurrection, and a sequence of readings follows which takes us from Creation to Resurrection. The Easter Acclamation is proclaimed: ‘Christ is Risen!’, a merry noise is made, and the first Mass of Easter is celebrated. In addition the waters of the Font are blessed and our baptismal vows renewed. EASTER DAY 5th April Procession & High Mass at 10.30am The Resurrection is proclaimed with great joy at the High Mass on Easter morning. Festal Evensong at 6pm Confirmation Classes resume on Thursday 16th April.