Sport Scholarship application form

Guidelines for the completion of this Sports Scholarship application
Provide sufficient information for each question on the form. Do not ignore the questions. Writing “see
attached” is not acceptable. A concise supplementary narrative covering the information requested can be
appended if you feel you can better present your case this way but summary information to each question
must be provided on the form.
In questions Q3-Q5, provide specific details about the representative teams in which you were selected or the
event in which you participated. Provide the full official name of the team/event (e.g. “NSW Combined Events
Championship” is acceptable while “state titles” is not) and whether it was an Age or Open team/event; date
of selection or of representative fixture and results (e.g. “NSW Combined Events Championship, 5-6 January
2013, Campbelltown, Women’s Heptathlon U20 – Placed 4th”).
Evidence of selection in a representative team or participation in a highlight even must be provided. This can
be done by providing a web reference to where that information can be found. If the website holds that
information for only a short period of time or if the required evidence is not available on the internet then
attach evidence of selection. Note that the application does not need to provide more than 7 documents of
selection/performance. If web references are not available, athletes who have been successful in multiple
events at district, state and national events should provide evidence for just their best 2 performances at each
While applications must provide sufficient information to cover all questions, overly long submissions will not
be assessed more favourably.
This is an exam, so read all questions carefully first before answering.
Provide sufficient information to answer all parts of each question.
Each question seeks different information, so do not repeat information provided in answer to other
Except for information about the University of Newcastle representation, include only
information/selections from the last two (2) years.
If available, provide web references as evidence for all performances cited.
If attaching documents, please collate all these into one attachment with information presented in
the other indicated by the questions i.e. evidence for Q3 first, followed by evidence for Q4 etc.
Do not include testimonials or character references.
Applications close on 30 June each year. Applicants are advised to apply for a sports scholarship after enrolling.
If an application is lodged early in the year, applicants are advised to update the information provided with any
new relevant information before the closing date.
Sports scholarships are awarded on several criteria including sporting achievement, support for University
sport and academic performance. Minimum standards apply.
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Student Name:
Student Number:
Q1. In which program of study are you enrolled at the University of Newcastle?
Q2. How many years have you been enrolled?
Q3. Have you represented Australia in an international competition (outside University sport) in
the past 2 years? If yes, provide details and indicate if your representation was on the basis of
selection. Provide evidence of selection/participation through web reference or attach evidence
for your best 2 performances. IF web references are not available, attach evidence for your best 2
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Q4. Have you represented your state in a national competition in the past 2 years? If yes, provide
details and indicate if your representation was on the basis of selection. Provide evidence of
selection/participation through web reference or attachment for your best 2 performances.
Q5. Have you represented your district in a state competition in the past 2 years? If yes, provide
details and indicate if your representation was on the basis of selection. Provide evidence of
selection/participation through web references or attachment for your best 2 performances.
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Q6. List selection in any regional, state or national talent identification or elite training squad or
invitation to participate at talent identification or elite training camp (e.g. NSWIS squad).
Q7. Have you been selected in an Australian Universities team to compete at a World University
Games or Championship? If yes, provide details. Include evidence of selection/participation.
Q8. Have you represented the University of Newcastle in any sporting competition? If yes, specify
each event and year. List all Eastern University Games and Australian University Games or
Championship in which you participated, medals won and AUG Green & Gold selections.
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Q9. Are you a member of a University sporting club? If yes, specify the club(s) and provide details
including any official position held in the club and/or the grade in which you play (if applicable).
Q10. Provide any information considered relevant to this application relating to support for the
University through sport, such as involvement in social sport or college sport programs.
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