12 Feb 15 - Amazon Web Services

The meeting commenced at 6pm. Valerie Boyde-Shaw welcomed everybody to the meeting.
Governors present: Doug McMillan, Elise Taylor, Ian Baker, Jan Barber, Jess Devanny, Jimmy Johns, Jon
Lawson, Ken Hallett, Kevin Lynch, Linda Parle, Mary Elford, Matt Furneaux, Nicky French, Pauline Davis,
Valerie Boyde-Shaw.
In attendance: Jo Hopkinson (DHT), Debbi Buss (Clerk).
Martin Brasher, Paul Light.
Declarations of Interest:
These were as stated previously - Governors have children at school in
the following year groups: Jon Lawson Y5, Matt Furneaux Y6 & Y3, Paul
Light Y6, Jimmy Johns Y2, Elise Taylor Y5, Ken Hallett Y6 & Y2.
Pauline Davis has an interest in the Trendlewood Church let.
Minutes of Full Governors’ Meeting on 11 December 2014
These were approved as a true and accurate reflection of the
discussions held and were signed by Valerie.
Matters arising:
(a) Presentation of proposals for re-constitution by sub-committee.
Matt led this part of the meeting. He commenced by reminding
Governors what this exercise consists of and why it is necessary.
Following the last meeting a letter was sent from Matt and the
Headteacher reminding Governors what was discussed at that
meeting. Every best endeavour was made to contact all
Governors (including those not at the previous meeting) to draw
their attention to the main points. Chris Hustwick from
Governor Services had attended a meeting with the subcommittee and her insight was included, together with LEA
advice. Governors were asked to consider their position and
advise their intentions. Matt thanked those who have replied so
far, but there are still some replies outstanding, although
responses had been requested by the end of January. The
purpose of the discussion this evening is for Governors to decide
which of the outlined options is the preferred constitution for
the new Governing Body and the indication at this stage is that
the majority of governors favour Option A. Governors asked if
the sub-committees will remain the same as now and whether
there needs to be any change to the ‘split’ of governors on
each. It was advised that the committees can be changed, but
it is proposed to keep them the same (R&P and S&I) with an
even split of governor numbers if possible. The governors on
each committee can be any ‘category’ of governor but it is usual
for teaching staff to sit on the S&I committee. It may be
necessary for some governors to switch committees to maintain
an even number of governors across both committees.
Governors then asked what needs to happen next and it was
agreed that this would be an appropriate time to vote on
preferences for the new constitution. At the next FGB (after
responses have been received back from all governors), the
Any governors who
have not advised
their intentions in
light of reconstitution to
please do so asap.
structure can be decided. A new Instrument of Government will
need to be created (and minuted) which will define the
constitution of the new Governing Body and the structure of the
committees. Governors were asked if they were happy with the
two proposed structures or if there were any other suggestions
which have not yet been considered. All were happy with
the options presented by the sub-committee. Structure
A was proposed by Valerie and seconded by Nicky.
Structure A consists of a total of 15 governors (2 staff, 3 parent,
1 LA and 9 co-opted).
Headteacher’s Report
The Headteacher’s report was circulated ahead of the meeting.
 Pupil Numbers - Since the report the school has been advised
that a girl in Y4 will not be returning after Half Term which is
disappointing in a ‘boy heavy’ cohort. Confidential details of
Reception intake for September 2015 have been received.
 Challenging Behaviour - There was a detailed discussion about
the issues the school is facing with a small minority of pupils with
challenging behaviour. The school is working with BIP (North
Somerset’s Behaviour Improvement Programme) to support the
children and their families. Extra resources have been necessary
in the short term in Y4 & Y5 to assist. Governors asked how the
behaviour is characterised and it was advised that it varies but
includes: dis-engagement, occasional walking out of classes,
destroying own work (unable to receive praise or criticism). The
issue is that it is difficult for the teacher to leave the class / focus
individually on an individual child when there are 29 other
children and it becomes necessary for one of the SLT to assist.
Governors asked if there are any violent experiences and it was
advised that this so far has consisted of pushing things across
desks onto the floor and slamming, but there has been no
violence to other children. The school is careful not to overload
the support offered to a child as there can be the danger of too
many people becoming involved in trying to manage the
situation. Members of staff and SLT are attending courses on
Behaviour Management shortly which will be disseminated to
other staff. Governors asked if the school has looked at other
schools where there is a higher proportion of similar behaviour,
or do they only take guidance from Ed Psych. It was advised
that the school does not have the flexibility to employ someone
specifically for a behaviour management role which is what
happens in some schools, although there is the potential to
review aspects of this next year due to budget changes.
Currently BIP is de-delegated in the budget but from next year
this will no longer be the case and the school will have the choice
of what to spend this aspect of funding on. They will review
what is on offer and may opt to buy in BIP services with a
bespoke programme. Governors asked about exclusion if there
is any deterioration and whilst this is a last resort the school
hopes to manage the situation without this. As an inclusive
school the aim is to be able to support the children to be able to
manage their behaviour to enable them to continue to be
educated at GV, although if certain lines are crossed then there
may be no other option.
 Parental engagement – there has been another Share a Tray
event, and also an IMPACT meeting for Y2 parents.
GVSA continues to raise funds and has made a £6,000
contribution towards the purchase of iPads.
 There was an update on use of Pupil Premium money.
 Fire evacuation – following a recent unplanned incident the
school has purchased foil thermal blankets as a class of YR
children had to stand in the playground in barefeet and PE kit for
a little while.
 Staff – an update was provided on staff changes / appointments
/ absence / training and staff meetings.
 The Headteacher and Mary Elford will be attending an event to
provide feedback to other Headteachers about their Ofsted
 Local Leader of Education (LLE) – Kevin has been accredited as
an LLE and will be advised shortly how he will be deployed to
support schools in this capacity.
 Premises – pipework investigation work is planned for Half Term.
The Fire Safety Management Plan (new format) will be discussed
at next R&P meeting.
 Curricular and Extra-Curricular – governors were advised of
various projects and events.
One governor requested clarification on class sizes, particularly with
regards to the maximum limit. It was advised that the maximum is 30
as the school’s planned admission number is 60. Parents do have a
right to appeal if they believe there are special circumstances but this
then creates the risk of a precedence, if upheld, and it will be difficult
to defend future appeals.
Chair’s Update
There was nothing to add.
Committee Reports:
Standards and Information
 Minutes of meeting 29 January 2015 were circulated to all
governors ahead of this meeting. A typing error was
noted, and aside from that no questions were raised.
The meeting had discussed the SDP update in detail and
also the Deputy Headteacher shared the Skills Curriculum
document she has created following the recent curriculum
changes. This document was circulated at the meeting
for Governors to view. All agreed the minutes were
an accurate reflection of the discussions and Matt
signed them as a true copy.
Resources and Premises
 Minutes of meeting 15 January 215 were circulated to all
governors ahead of this meeting. No questions were
raised. All agreed that they were a true and
accurate reflection of the meeting and they were
signed by Jon as a true copy.
 There was then a discussion about the Benchmarking
exercise that will take place at the next R&P meeting.
Some Governors expressed concern that this may be a
‘tick box’ exercise and will not have any real value. One
Governor has a contact who provides independent
benchmarking services to school and offered to ask her to
undertake this. After a further discussion it transpired the
school has already undertaken benchmarking through the
LEA and externally within the last 12 months. Governors
therefore decided that it is not necessary to commission a
further independent review at this juncture, although if
the benchmarking exercise highlights any major
discrepancies then this could be revisited at that time. It
was suggested that governors make a list of things they
wish to see benchmarked, so that the exercise can be
focussed to key areas.
 Premises – Jan advised that since the R&P meeting she
has discovered that the LA still has an allocation of funds
to make so there is still potential for some roof funds to
be made available in this financial year.
Nominated Governor Reports
 Special Needs – nothing to report.
 Children Looked After – nothing to report.
 GVSA – there is currently no link governor but an update is
included in the Head’s report.
 ICT – nothing to report.
 Safeguarding – a small number of vulnerable families continue to
be monitored. Safeguarding training is being arranged for all
governors in October. Governors have received an email from
the Clerk offering two available dates and were requested to
indicate their preference. Governors were advised at the S&I
meeting that changes to the Disclosure Policy have been
announced and these are being reviewed to enable the school’s
policy to be updated and the new procedures followed. The
implications of this were discussed and a further update will be
 H & S - Nothing to report.
SDP 2014/15
An email was sent ahead of the meeting to advise there is no further
update as this was covered at the S&I meeting.
Policies to be adopted
(a) Pay Policy – this was recommended by the R&P committee and
was circulated to all governors ahead of this meeting. It was
proposed by Jon and seconded by Jan and all were in
agreement to adopt the policy.
Governor Visits / Feedback
Doug attended ‘Forest School’ with Y4. He was interested in the
amount of preparation that had been required beforehand, and was
impressed with how enthusiastic all the children were and noted that
everybody enjoyed it.
There was a question about the Governors signing in system and it was
advised that as previously agreed, governors now sign into the school’s
visitor book (with visits recorded in the minutes). If governors want to
provide specific feedback this can be done via email to the
The next Governor Day is planned for 10 March but as this will now be
a parents evening day it would be preferable if the governors postpone
until the next Governor Day. If Governors would still like to come on
the morning of 10 March they are welcome but it would be helpful if
Governors to advise
school if they are
planning to visit on
the morning of 10
they advise school in advance.
Governors are invited to attend the ‘100 days in school’ party for the YR
Training Feedback / Plans
Safeguarding training has already been discussed.
Any other business:
(a) The time of the next R&P meeting on 5 March 2015 will
now be at 6pm instead of 4pm.
(b) SFVS training – it was recommended that one governor should
Date of Next Meeting:
The next FGB meeting will be on 19 March 2015 at 4pm
There was no further business to discuss and the meeting concluded at 7.15pm.
Governors to note
changed time for
R&P meeting