CURING FIBROMYALGIA—blog 07.01.12 by Sue McIntosh, MD

by Sue McIntosh, MD
I am a retired pediatric hematologist/oncologist and have suffered from
fibromyalgia (FM)—mild since childhood, severe the last 30 years. I practiced
integrative medicine for a decade before retiring disabled in my 50s. Since then
I’ve been resting, gardening, learning and continuing to try alternative methods for
both FM and concurrent two-gene osteoarthritis.
Here is a list of methods I have found particularly useful:
1. Advanced orthogonal chiropractic: This chiropractic specialty involves
only the first (C1, or the “atlas”) and second (C2, or the “axis”) cervical
vertebrae and uses ultrasound rather than manual methods to manipulate
C1. It is a life-altering treatment, the elusive “magic bullet”! A clinical
and radiologic evaluation determines the relationship of the atlas to the
foramen magnum, the large hole in the under-back of the skull where the
lower brain tapers to form the spinal cord. The brainstem north of the
foramen regulates breathing, heart rate and other automatic physiology.
Nerves to all the body emerge south of the foramen. The tunnel formed
by the foramen and C1 also contains the vertebral arteries outside the
dura mater and cerebrospinal fluid bathing the neurologic structures
inside the dura. X-rays are used to determine mal-alignment of C1 and
the angles of tilt and twist. Data are then fed into a computerized
machine that determines the direction of one sound-generated wave. A
specially designed table positions the patient perfectly for the sound wave
to hit the one corrective spot on C1 that adjusts the vertebra back into
normal alignment with one audible click. Learn more at, or by googling
“advanced orthogonal chiropractic” on The result
for me was instant and life-changing—my left face flushed as the
vertebral artery was decompressed (probably from a birth injury); my
body felt askew (I always had poor posture and “listed” to one side); my
back and buttock muscles did not hurt from the hard table; my vision
without glasses was so good I looked around for the 5-minute rest period
with no eye fatigue, and my neuro-optic “midline shift syndrome” was
gone! My post-treatment x-ray showed perfect alignment. I was driven
home with a soft cervical collar for a few hours, then rested, hydrated,
took a high-quality vitamin-supplement and enjoyed my new self with
graduated physical activity and frequent brief clinical exams. In the
months since, I have had no pre-storm ionic pain episodes, minimal
trigger-point pain, no undue muscle pain, stamina appropriate for an old
woman my age, improved tinnitus and hearing in a partially deaf left ear,
minimal light and sound hypersensitivity, better memory and improved
pain tolerance, happiness and social skills! This technique has also cured
multiple sclerosis, deafness, loss of smell, chronic headache,
neurodegenerative diseases, disc pain, rheumatoid arthritis and peripheral
neuropathy and has helped relieve many other physical problems. CSF
and blood flow to the spinal cord might cause many diseases thought to
be antibody-related or inflammatory!
2. Spiritual healing: God is love, and we are spiritual beings on physical
journeys. Meditation, awareness, gratitude and love are cornerstones of a
spiritual life. Most of us are familiar with mind-body illness and healing,
and some understand the tremendous value of body awareness,
communication and cellular memory. Many masters now walking the
earth teach us about the meeting of science and spirit, helping us to
change perspectives and construct more flexible beliefs. Everything is
energy, including our thoughts, and the butterfly effect of mental imagery
is phenomenal. The placebo effect has risen from 10 percent 50 years
ago to well over 50 percent now. We can even modify our DNA. This is
how we create our reality. Becoming cosmic citizens means benevolent
extraterrestrials/angels/God are only a thought away and are available to
help us evolve. Epigenetics is convincing many scientists that thought
and environmental factors can indeed change our DNA, which translates
to curing disease and reversing aging. I was gifted with a team of ETs,
including a tall gray, a mantis person, a cat-person and several lightbodies. They have fitted me with many different templates and send
sparkles and colored light frequencies to my body via my aura. The body
and other physicalities are created by blueprints in our etheric auras, so
any meaningful physical change begins there. Many guides help me,
including my parents and friends who have passed over, Ptah, Kryon,
Nameless and other messengers of God/Love. Learning to live
intuitively rather than mentally, moment by moment, has meant the end
of stress and worry and the continuation of beauty and abundance.
3. Food and water: Life is about re-learning, and I have re-re-learned that
certified (or equivalent), real organic, non-genetically modified food and
filtered clean non-fluoridated water is the only way to properly nourish
the physical temple. Gluten sensitivity was the primary cause of the
extreme fatigue and heaviness of my FM. The amount and prevalence of
brain-rotting, sugar-overloading additives to commercial and restaurant
food is unbelievably prevalent, horrible and addictive. Eating gluten and
lactose-free, high-protein and low-carb has become a way of life.
Obesity simply melts away, and I have lost 75 pounds so far. Feeling
better enables me to move and exercise more, and I have emerged from
my bed-cocoon to walk, hike, garden and socialize more comfortably
than ever.
4. Mood elevators: Depression is a hallmark of FM, whether reactive or
primary. Antidepressants—pharmaceuticals, natural supplements,
exercise—are often necessary and may be a permanent aspect of our
health regimen. I have been unable to wean myself from fluoxetine and
am resigned and grateful that “whatever works” may come from the drug
5. GI: Constipation is often a chronic component of FM and of growing
older. It can also be a congenital facet of mild cutis laxa variants—weak
collagen producing floppy musculoskeletal and internal structures.
Intestinal manifestations are esophageal dystonia (trouble swallowing
pills except with food), gastric reflux or heartburn, slowed intestinal
transit time, constipation and twisting of kidney, spleen or ovaries. An
adequate colon regimen of probiotics, fiber, laxatives or homeopathic
remedies is often needed permanently. Gastro-esophageal reflux or hiatal
hernia may be severe and occasionally require surgery.
6. Hormones: Cycles of estrogens and progestins that characterize
women’s hormonal health are difficult problems for younger women with
FM and sometimes require regulation. Working, parenting and eldercare
with FM are exhausting. Menopause is a great relief. Hypothyroidism
becomes more common with age. The child abuse reported by one-third
of women with FM has its own psycho-emotional-physical ramifications
which can be life-threatening.
7. Energy boosters: Coffee, dark chocolate and energy drinks are readily
available and crucial to many who have responsibilities for others.
Thyroid replacement helps. Movement disciplines (qi gong, tai chi,
yoga, etc.) and electromagnetic techniques (“rife machines” or are also helpful.
8. Alcohol and nicotine avoidance: Alcoholism and tobacco use are
common debilitating and potentially lethal habits or addictions. Beer
contains gluten. Alcohol in general worsens the muscle pain and
lassitude of FM. Stop drinking. Stop smoking. Go to Alcoholics
Anonymous if necessary. Find new social circles.
9. Acupuncture: Thin Japanese needles for acupuncture are more tolerable
than Chinese needles. I used acupuncture specifically to replace
pharmaceuticals prior to surgery. Acupuncture alone could have been
used in place of medications on a chronic basis, but I found the needle
placement more uncomfortable over time, so chose to use it sparingly.
Based on stimulating the ancient oriental meridian/energy lines and
intersections of the physical body, acupuncture alone has a prominent
place in any therapeutic management of many different diseases and
problems. It is extremely effective for pain relief, addictions, improved
circulation and digestion, immune stimulation and overall health.
10. Movement disciplines: After major abdominal surgery I learned ki/qi
gong, a Korean and Chinese movement discipline well suited to the
handicapped. I remembered reading that a small hospice clinic in China
taught all the patients qi gong with an astounding 95% healthy discharge
rate. That may be one reason falun gong followers in China have been
persecuted and executed for many years—it works! My ki gong teacher
took me through a psychotic episode (probably brought on by narcotics
and medication confusion on my part). Like yoga, tai chi and other
peaceful movement disciplines, ki gong continues to be an effective lifetool for me.
11.Allopathic medications and supplements: At diagnosis at age 46 my
internist treated me with nortryptiline, a tricyclic antidepressant. Not
happy with the associated weight gain, I changed to a combination with
fluoxetine a few years later. I also take the NSAIDS naproxen at
maximal doses twice a day for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving
effects. During my professional career I had long, stressful but happy
workdays and many worknights, and these pharmaceuticals worked well
and allowed me ten more years as an allopathic physician. During that
time I was a full-time member of the medical staff of a nearby Ivy
medical center for 10 years, later moving to private practice. I can’t say
enough about the wonderful energies and capabilities of my colleagues
and staff in both locations. My illness provided abundant blessings—
time to read, listen to tapes and attend short local seminars. I learned
conspiracy is fact, not theory. Having practiced and taught integrative
medicine, I was totally free to investigate, experience and teach the
techniques, potions and supplements that helped me the most:
glucosamine, chondroitin, high-dose vitamin C, acetaminophen, reiki,
12.Vitamin D replenishment: Alternative health, always thought very
“unscientific” by allopathic/western medicine, is full of anecdotes and
educational material about vitamin D, especially for those of us living
north or south of 40 degrees latitude where sunlight is more sparse and
vitamin D deficiency is rampant. I began taking arctic fish oil with
vitamin D, 15,000 units/day ( and experienced
less pain and more stamina. My OH-D3 levels are in the upper-normal
range. Regardless of scare tactics used by mainstream media, high doses
of vitamin D (HDVD) are not harmful. In fact, HDVD is said to be
equivalent to chemotherapy for breast and prostate cancer and is said to
produce spontaneous remission of other diseases as well. Parenthetically,
high-dose vitamin C pioneered by Linus Pauling in the 1950s won him a
Nobel prize; he then created “orthomolecular medicine,” showed that
HDVC can cure osteoarthritis (while causing gas and diarrhea, useful for
constipated fibromyalgics!) as well as serious viral infections, and was
declared a quack by the medical establishment. Both verses of this same
song are examples of the power of BigPharma over physicians and
professional organizations in the last 100 years.
13.Micro-colloidal silver: MCS ( or “nanosilver”
is another thorn in the side of corporate medicine, agriculture and
pharmaceuticals. Unlike common colloidal silver suspensions, which can
cause gray skin and kidney trouble with prolonged use, MCS is a much
smaller colloidal (bubble containing silver) suspension which allows the
silver to penetrate into joints and the central nervous system. This form
of silver can be made with a home generator, stored in brown bottles, and
used for first aid, mild wound infections (including MRSA) and candida
topically, some internal infections, oral health and nail fungus. MCS is a
powerful broad-spectrum preventative and treatment for mild-moderate
bacterial, fungal and some viral infections. The FDA, controlled by
corporations like all other national and global organizations—including
the World Health Organization—has tried to prevent common folk
having access to MCS and many other supplements, vitamins and natural
treatments, unless they are manufactured by BigPharma. I drank 4-6
oz/day of MCS for 4 years when Dr. Garth Nicolson found positive PCR
tests for Mycoplasma incognitus and Lyme disease in at least 50% of
blood or CSF samples from persons with gulf war syndrome,
fibromyalgia and other chronic fatigue syndromes. Had the mycoplasma
been placed in the new recombinant hepatitis B vaccine as it might have
been placed in the anthrax vaccine given to all but French soldiers going
to Iraq in 1991? After all, there is very good evidence that the HIV virus
was placed in hepatitis vaccines in field trials treating gay men in the
U.S.A. There are several important investigative reports (Strecker, Boyd,
Horowitz) strongly suggesting HIV was bioengineered, maybe like every
new “emerging” disease we’ve been introduced to in my lifetime. I live
40 miles from Plum Island, a level 4 tick and mosquito secret biowarfare
lab. I knew people in a nearby ivy league medical university who
originally discovered Lyme disease and have seen them shred gentle
educated physicians ( who knew Lyme indeed
can become chronic or cross the placenta.
14. Ionic, electric and magnetic tools: Royal Raymond Rife, Nicola Tesla
and Wilhelm Reich were American geniuses of the 1930s. Tesla
invented alternating current, the fluorescent lightbulb, an “earthquake
machine” precursor to HAARP, zero-point energy from the vacuum and
wireless communication. Rife developed the electric function generator
and discovered many different frequencies to treat first bacteria and fungi
in petri dishes and later a variety of illnesses in people and animals. In
fact his cure rates were so high BigPharma burned his lab and suppressed
the information, which was kept alive and expanded in China and Russia
for the next 50 years. This effective technology is currently used by
chiropractors and physical therapists and is sold in many forms over the
internet. I use it for general pain, strained muscles and dissolving eye
floaters. Reich harnessed the “ethers,” which he called “orgone” (and we
call “empty space”) to cure patients with cancer and other life-threatening
illnesses in a special room or “iron lung” device. He too was driven out
of the U.S. The void is anything but empty—it is filled with basic energy
units that alter their own shapes back and forth to emit energy: nanoversions of little benign atomic energy plants with no radioactive mess.
That is why the void has multiple potentialities and can be used for
electric power, healing, etc.
15. Psycho-emotional practices: These include therapy, analysis, supportive
personal relationships, wholesome sexuality. I was brought to the brink
and saved many times in Freudian psychoanalysis, a process more
painful than medical training. My analyst was a wizard then and a good
friend now. In my 40s I (finally) admitted and explored my
homosexuality, and my social life exploded. My wife and I were one of
the first couples on the east coast to be married legally. She is my soulmate and my best friend and has helped me through many difficulties.
16. Open mind, open heart: An open mind leads to worlds of new
experience and new beliefs. Open heart creates and receives love
moment by moment. Try living in the flow--magic happens!