
APPENDIX S1 – Database characteristics
The Information System of Iberian and Macaronesian Vegetation (SIVIM) accounts for ca. 2 180
618 floristic records and 130 066 phytosociological relevés from 1970 to 2011 organized following
a 10 km UTM grid.
Biogeographical regions
SIVIM covers the three bioclimatic regions in mainland Spain: Alpine, Atlantic and Mediterranean.
The Alpine region is restricted to the Pyrenees mountain range with altitudes up to 3404 m above
sea level. The urban development in the region is restricted to the lowest part of the valleys with
intense agricultural areas and grasslands for grazing surrounding them (Mottet et al., 2006).
Grasslands in the higher altitudes are also used for grazing as common pastures. The Atlantic region
is located in the Northern area of Spain and it is characterized by a humid and mild climate. The
relief is very uneven with steep slopes and narrow valleys. The landscape type is rather patchy with
small-scale agricultural systems and urban areas mostly concentrated in the lower parts of the
slopes. In the upper part, grasslands are used as pastures and are well integrated with natural
vegetation. Recently these areas are being replaced by conifer and eucalyptus (Atauri et al., 2004).
Finally, the Mediterranean region is characterized by intense agricultural areas on the large valleys
and coastal areas while the urban development is concentrated towards the coast. The interior of the
region is a large plateau of ~600 m above sea level with mostly extensive dryland agriculture and
sparsely populated (except Madrid metropolitan area).
Phytosociological data
Phytosociological databases have been widely used in plant ecology including studies about nonnative species (Chytrỳ et al., 2005; Pino et al., 2005; Chytrý et al., 2008b; Vilà et al., 2007; Chytrý
et al., 2008a). These databases are based on relevés (plots hereafter) gathered by expert botanists
where all plant species are identified (Dengler et al., 2008). The characterization of species as nonnative is done a posteriori using a list of all non-native species known to the Iberian Peninsula
(Appendix B). The list was constructed based on expert knowledge and information from vegetation
Flora and Atlas (Castroviejo et al., 1986; Sanz-Elorza et al., 2004). Three major aspects could affect
the quality of phytosociological data: plot size, location accuracy and sampling method.
Plot size: mean size of plots with available information (33032 plots) was significantly different
among habitats (F=21.47, p<0.001). Aquatic habitats had the smallest plots and woodlands the
biggest plots (Fig. AC.1). Nevertheless, mean plot size within habitats followed the standards used
in pytotosociological data in Europe (Chytrý & Otýpková, 2003; Vilà et al., 2007). Therefore, we
assume similar plot size within each habitat type making reliable the comparisons in the level of
invasion among habitats and in the habitat-dependent associations.
Location accuracy of all plots was assured restricting the precision to the 10 km UTM grid. Plots
without location at that level were excluded from the analyses.
Sampling method: sampling method in phytosociological data follows a preferential method where
botanists target specific vegetation types or areas. Regarding vegetation types at the local scale, it is
assumed that botanist would target natural vegetation consistently avoiding invaded areas.
However, a recent study by Michalcová et al., (2011) shows comparable or even higher values
estimators of non-native metrics in preferential sampling versus stratified-random methods in
woodland habitats. Considering sampling bias at large scale, a higher density of SIVIM plots was
located in mountain and coastal areas compared to plateau and large valleys (Fig. 1). This pattern
was consistent across habitat types. Only agriculture habitat had a more homogeneous distribution
across whole Spain. We also performed a survey gap analyses using multivariate environmental
similarity surface index (MESS) (Elith et al., 2010; Catford et al., 2011) for each 10 Km UTM grid.
MESS quantifies the similarity between the environmental conditions (i.e. variables used in the
models) in mainland Spain with the conditions represented in all plots of the database. Positive
MESS values indicate that the full range of conditions are included in the data with higher values
indicating areas that are better represented by data (maximum value = 100). Negative values
indicate conditions not included in the data where the models are extrapolating (Elith et al., 2010).
For the SIVIM data MESS values ranged from -1 to 100 (mean: 52.1 sd: 28.4) indicating a very
good coverage of the environmental conditions in Spain. Considering climate, extrapolation areas
were restricted to a very limited location in North western Spain with very high precipitation rates.
For human influence variables extrapolation areas were located in several grids in Madrid area
(completely urban cover and maximum distance to coast) and in the central part of the Guadalquivir
river basin in Southern Spain (extremely high agriculture cover).
In summary, the systematic approach used by phytosociologists enhances the possibilities of using
SIVIM to test interesting ecological questions such as in the growing field of invasion Ecology.
Despite its mentioned limitations, the large size of the database and consistent patterns found
suggest a good reliability of the results drawn from the analyses and configures SIVIM up to now as
the best current database about vegetation in Spain.
Considering the long time frame of the database (1970 to 2011), it is possible that invasive species
abundance could increase with time. However we did not find any important association between
invasion and time of collection across all dataset (GLMs - Presence: R2=0.024, Abundance
R2=0.06, Richness R2=0.02). Thus, it is very unlikely that including time of collection in the models
will change the results.
On the other hand, as we are interested in the degree of invasion at habitat and region levels, time
could affect our findings if through time there is bias in the sampling across different habitats,
regions or geographical areas. Thus, we performed three different preliminary analyses to detect
potential bias:
Are there plots geographically stratified through time? We found little spatial structure of the data
in relation to time of collection (trend surface GLMs explaining time of publication: R2=0.05 for all
data, R2<0.13 for most habitat types and R2<0.49 for coastal and saline habitats). The spatial
structure of the latter habitats is evident and not related to sampling bias.
Are habitats sampled in a similar intensity through time? Most habitats had the maximum of
sampling intensity in the 90s with lower intensity in both earlier and later years (quadratic GLMs
relating number of plots and time of collection: R2 >0.16 for most habitat types). Only coastal
habitats showed similar sampling intensity through time (R2=0.12 for coastal habitats).
Are regions sampled in a similar intensity through time? All bioclimatic regions had the maximum
of sampling intensity in the 90s (quadratic GLMs relating number of plots and time of collection:
R2 >0.24).
Fig. S1.1: Mean plot size across habitats in the Information System of Iberian and Macaronesian
Vegetation (SIVIM)
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