UNESCO CHAIR/UNITWIN NETWORK PROGRESS REPORT FORM Title of the Chair/Network: Host Institution: Date of establishment of Chair/Network: New Media Forms of the Book www,unesco.org.uk/BedfordshireChair University of Bedfordshire Luton Campus, Luton January 2012 (mm, yyyy) Period of activity under report: (mm, yyyy - mm, yyyy) Report established by: (name, position) January 2012- October 2012 Professor Alexis Weedon e-mail: alexis.weedon@beds.ac.uk 1. Executive Summary: Major outcomes, results and impact of the Chair, including on national policies, in relation to its objectives as stated in Article 2 of the Chair Agreement (between the Institution and UNESCO) (Not exceeding 300 words) The establishment of the chair aims to promote research into how the book has successfully 'gone beyond' the codex. Its purpose is to promote knowledge exchange and collaboration to build upon national focused studies, and to research the effect of cultural exchange and trade in book adaptation, transmedia storytelling and new media forms of the book with partners globally. The research will investigate questions about how the book is being accessed via the internet and by mobile phones; how the book can retain its identity as a cultural object when it is adapted from its original and traditional form to delivery over ICTs; and the impact of different platforms for the book - from paper to mobile technology - which are of direct relevance to individual countries and cultures. This report covers three main areas namely a) the research and analysis of adaptation across media platforms which has been initiated in the nine months of the Chair b) the development of an augmented story for trial with different partners c) and future plans to provide a comparative international context to study the effect of new media technologies on the book trade. The project will build capacity by linking doctoral students’ research, and postdoctoral research fellows research projects to a group of leading academics. Through academic exchange, it will enable the project to network more widely and develop common resources. The studies will examine the significance of the electronic media as a cost-effective and geography-independent way of disseminating ideas and sharing resources between developed and developing countries, and how the book has retained an identity within these 2 cultures in an online environment. 2) Activities: Overview of activities undertaken by the Chair during the reporting period a) Education/Training/Research (key education programmes and training delivered and research undertaken by the Chair during the reporting period, target group and geographical coverage) i) Education (leading to certificate) University of Bedfordshire (UoB) MA Mass Communications: The Chair-holder contributes to the delivery of the MA degree programme and is unit leader for the Publishing Culture and Technology unit The Chair-holder has 4 doctoral supervisees and 1 masters by research with 1 successful PhD completion in 2012. ii) Training (short term) iii) Research The major work this year has been David Miller’s development of an augmented book directed by the chairholder. This has involved the writing of a transmedia storyline, and the development of the database which lies behind the storyworld containing the graphics, music, stills and animations to provide a parallel story. Researching the availability, pricing and compatibility of different makes of mobile phones, researching the most suitable operating system and open software to provide the optimal balance between affordances and accessibility across Europe, Asia, Far East and Africa was our starting point. The project will examine issues raised in creating and reading such books. The intention is for different versions of the AR books to be produced, used and tested in different cultural settings and international languages. The project investigates the user experience, accessibility, narrative problems, new types of aesthetics, and asks the question: how would you read an AR book? The chairholder was director of studies for Yang Li’s survey of Chinese peoples consumption of transmedia stories. The initial survey was carried out in March 2012. b) Conferences/Meetings (key conferences and meetings organized by the Chair or to which its Chairholder contributed) 3 Media Communication and Cultural Studies Association annual conference, January 2012 University of Bedfordshire, http://tinyurl.com/bt2hwcm Under the Mask: Gamer Conference 2012 http://tinyurl.com/cfopyqm Political Studies Association Media Section, Luton 2012 http://bedspsa.org.uk/ The chairholder was plenary convener HEA Embedding Research in teaching 12th June, Oxford Brookes Invited speaker: Progressing Book History and Publishing Studies" 28th October, Oxford Brookes The chairholder put together a panel to represent at the International Society for the history of Authorship Reading and Publishing, Dublin, session 5.5 http://sharp2012.org/wpcontent/uploads/2012/01/Programme-for-web-21.pdf New Media Forms of the Book. Chair: Alexis Weedon (University of Bedfordshire) David Moorhead (University of Bedfordshire) Contemporary adaptation – from script to film Claudio Pires Franco (University of Bedfordshire) Inside relations between publishers, broadcasters and the games industry in digital storytelling Souvik Mukherjee (Shiv Nadar University) Rewriting unwritten texts: After-action reports and videogames c) Interuniversity Exchanges/Partnerships (principal exchanges/partnerships between the Chair and other institution’s including UNESCO Chairs/UNITWIN Networks) The chairholder is Head of Journalism and Communications with managerial responsibility for the newsroom and radio facilities at University of Bedfordshire which hosted the AfricaUK Journalism Education Exchange 11-13 April an event organised by Prof Ivor Gaber for UNESCO UK and the Polytechnic of Namibia, funded by UNESCO's International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC), the Association for Journalism Education (AJE) and the University of Bedfordshire. Work with Jadavpur University, and Monash University over the trialing of the AR story is being planned. Communication University of China and Nanjing University will follow. d) Publications/Multimedia Materials (major publications and teaching/learning materials) 4 Please tick relevant fields of output and indicate volume of output: [tick] [no.] Books Books (edited) Books (chapters) Monographs Research Reports Journals edited Conference Proceedings Occasional Papers Teaching/Learning Materials Multimedia Materials (CD-Rom) Multimedia Materials (Video) Multimedia Materials (Other) Give details of major publications and materials including full citations. The project has been documented online http://augmentedwonder.blogspot.co.uk/ at conferences SHARP, July Dublin session 5.5 http://sharp2012.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Programme-forweb-21.pdf. Political Studies Association conference, Luton 2012 http://bedspsa.org.uk/ The chairholder co-edits the quarterly refereed journal Convergence: The Journal of research into new media technologies (Sage) e) Cooperation with UNESCO Headquarters, Field Offices The chairholder attended the UK National Commission for UNESCO experts Colloquium on Tuesday 13 March this year. f) Other (any other activities to report) 5 3. Future Plans and Development Prospects: Outline of action plan for the next biennium and short/medium and long-term development prospects. Please do not hesitate to refer to difficulties that the Chair has experienced (Not exceeding 300 words) We will now seek to publish and use in the classroom the AR book ‘Sherwood Rise’ with international educational testers. Then we will publish an edited book on new media forms of the book which will focus on the technological and cultural implications of the book’s adaptation to the particular media environment of different societies. It will include research the production and reception of book adaptations. In addition we will analyse the survey findings of cross-cultural consumption and transmedia storytelling and to see how we can develop this survey further. Longer term the project’s aims are 1. To contribute to aims of education for all by employing appropriate technologies to augment the physical book, improving access to knowledge and provide accessible, affordable and multiplatform resources 2. To support development by surveying and analysing trends in the use of mobile media and internet technologies as a cost-effective and geography-independent way of sharing book resources and provide knowledge transfer opportunities via industry links 3. To preserve the cultural heritage of national book cultures in new e-book developments Specific objectives a) select and verify case studies of great cultural significance providing evidence of book publication across multiple platforms b) provide an quantitative and qualitative analysis of users access to adaptations in different cultures c) develop models which will aid the understanding of the role of the book as a source text for other contemporary media industries and communicate them though knowledge transfer activities. d) apply insights from this analysis to practice-led research into electronic or digital forms of the book End of the Form