Jump Start Student Scheduling Guidelines

Jump Start Student
Scheduling Guidelines
What is Jump Start?
The Jump Start program is unique! It allows students to start early developing academic skills necessary
to be prepared for their collegiate course load of classes. Jump Start students begin working on
preparing for both of their developmental MATH 004 and ENGL 004 courses in July before the start of
their first semester by working through online course prep modules and working with a Peer Mentor.
Jump Start students begin their fall semester a few days before all of the traditional students by
participating in an Early Entrance Experience where they acquire PSU 008s course credit.
During the fall semester, Jump Start students take specific courses together and meet regularly with the
Academic Support Center Learning Specialist to stay on track academically. Jump Start students are atrisk students and without the intervention of the Jump Start program have a higher risk of not being
successful and persisting with their college pursuits.
What are the REQUIRED courses Jump Start students must take?
Fall Semester
MATH 004/MATH 021 (special considerations)
ENGL 004
PSU 008s (as part of the Early Entrance Experience)
BB H 148s
Spring Semester
MATH 021 (or appropriate GQ for major or repeat MATH 004)
ENGL 015 (or repeat ENGL 004)
What are the suggested courses Jump Start student be given?
Jump Start students are entering into the university as developmental education students therefore
strong consideration should be given regarding enrolling these students into courses with where high
levels of reading comprehension, critical thinking, and independent learning are needed for success. The
Jump Start staff have developed a list of suggestions for advisers to follow when assisting a Jump Start
student enroll in their Fall and Spring semester classes. Suggesting a student take a course not on the
suggested list WILL BE putting the student at academic risk. If a course is not shown on the list, please
confer with a Jump Start staff person for approval. Please follow the flow chart given on the reverse side.
What else is important to know about Jump Start students?
 Jump Start students are required to meet with the ASC Learning Specialist at least 10 times
throughout their first year; six times in the fall and four in the spring.
 Each Jump Start student has a Peer Mentor assigned to them they meet with regularly.
 The Jump Start Program started in 2008 on the PSMA campus. Jump Starts students continually
have higher GPA’s and retention rates than students eligible for the program but choose not to
attend. Fall 2013 data shows Jump Start student average GPAs at 2.63, compared to 1.75 for
those who chose not to participate.
 Want to know even more? Visit the Jump Start Website:
Fall Semester Scheduling Requirements (1st Semester)
MATH 004
ENGL 004
3 Credits
3 Credits
BBH 148s &
PSU 008s
3 Credits
Suggested Courses
Select 2
(one from two different
SOC 001 (GS)
SOC 005 (GS)
CRIM J 012 (GS)
HDFS 129 (GS)
MUSIC 005 (GA)
MUSIC 007 (GA)
MUSIC 009 (GA)
ANTH 021 (GN)
BI SC 004 (GN)
CAS 100 (GWS)
CN ED 100
Spring Semester Scheduling Requirements (2nd Semester)
MATH 021
ENGL 015
or appropriate
GQ for major
or repeat
MATH 004
or repeat
ENGL 004
Suggested Courses
*Any course not shown,
student/adviser should
contact Jump Start staff
for approval.
Jump Start Staff Contacts
Marla Minnich,
Student Advocacy Specialist
Ext. 6024
Roxy Stuby,
Learning Specialist
Ext 6118
*If courses are scheduled
which are not represented
on the Suggested Courses
list, the student may be in
academic risk.
SOC 001 (GS)
SOC 005 (GS)
CRIM J 100 (GS)
HDFS 129 (GS)
MUSIC 005 (GA)
MUSIC 007 (GA)
MUSIC 009 (GA)
ANTH 021 (GN)
BI SC 004 (GN)
CAS 100 (GWS)
CN ED 100
PSYCH 100 (GS)
HDFS 229 (GS)
THEAT 102 (GA)
BI SC 001(GN)
BI SC 003 (GN)
BIOL 129 (GN)(ETM)