Novel fluorescence-based methods in immunology PhD student course, KI, 9th – 13th of February 2015 The course will introduce different state-of-the-art fluorescence-based techniques relevant to immunological research, including super-resolution microscopy, the development of which was awarded by this year’s Nobel prize in Chemistry! Confocal Super-resolution The techniques presented will address spatial and temporal dynamics at the cellular and molecular level. At the cellular level, techniques to study cell migration in vitro and in vivo. At the molecular level, measure diffusion and quantitate concentrations of molecules in live cells (FCS), the interaction between two molecules and conformational states (FRET), and finally localization of proteins down to single molecule level (super-resolution microscopy). At the end of the course, the students will be able to give an account of available state-of-the art fluorescence-based techniques to investigate different research questions within immunology. This includes an ability to compare and discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of the different techniques, and in which situations the use of each one of them is appropriate. The students should be able to relate these limitations and benefits to their own research project. They should also be able to formulate and ask relevant questions about the different techniques to experts of the respective techniques. Register before November 17th! Course page: The course also includes participation at the 2-day national symposium with the same name, February 9-10th at the Karolinska Institutet: For questions regarding the course, contact Sofia Johansson: