ENDNOTE Obtain EndNote for personal computer/laptop Navigate

Navigate to the EndNote subject guide http://libguides.library.usyd.edu.au/endnote
OR use this alternative link:
Download and install EndNote X3 according to the instructions
1. Create an EndNote library
 Open EndNote
 TIP: The first time you open EndNote, you may be asked whether you want to integrate
with EndNote Web – select Do not integrate with EndNote Web at this time and click
 A screen appears with 3 options: Learn about EndNote; Create a new library; Open an
existing library
2. Choose an output style
3. Adding manual references
 From the toolbar select References – New Reference
 The template defaults to a Journal Article reference. Use the Reference Type drop down
menu at the top of the screen to change the selection (e.g. Book, Web Page)
 Use the fields displayed to enter the information required
 Enter Author as Surname (comma) initial (full stop) – if there is more than one Author,
enter the name of additional authors on a new line. If the author is an organisation enter a
comma after the name (e.g. World Health Organisation,)
 Use capitalisation as recommended by the bibliographic style you are using
 Once finished entering information, select File – Save.
 Select File - Close Reference to return to your library
 Your reference will be previewed in the panel at the bottom of the screen. Use the drop
down menu at the top left of the screen to change the bibliographic output style
ACTIVITY 1: Manually enter the following two references
TIP: Make sure you change the reference type!
1. Ilieva-Makulec K, Gryziak G (2009) Response of soil nematodes to climate-induced melting
of Antarctic glaciers. Polish Journal of Ecology 57: 811-816.
2. Hansen B (1991) New York City epidemics and history for the public. In: Harden VA, Risse
GB, editors. AIDS and the historian. Bethesda: National Institutes of Health. pp. 21-28.
Direct export references from a Web of Knowledge database
Minimize your EndNote library
Open an internet browser window.
Navigate to the Databases and Electronic Resources, then Web of Knowledge http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/databases/dbtitlew.html
Search the database on your topic of interest
ACTIVITY 2: Search your database on a topic, e.g.
Tasmanian devil*
University Library
NSW 2006 Australia
ABN 15 211 513 464
Scroll down to the Output Records box.
Step 1: Select the record you want to export
Step 2: Choose what information you want exported
Step 3: Save to Endnote, Refman, Procite button and click Save.
The reference/s will be automatically imported into your Endnote library or you’ll be
prompted to select an Endnote library to import into.
The imported records displayed in the main window
To see all the references in your library select All References from the left hand Groups
TIP: Double check the imported citation for any anomalies (eg title in capitals). Fix
any anomalies manually.
Use Full Text function
Select the references that you wish to search the full text for
Click on the Find Full Text button
TIP: Use this function while you are on campus to get greater full text coverage
Insert citations into Word as in-text citations and bibliographies (Cite while you
write - CWYW)
Minimize your EndNote library
Open Word
Make sure the Style in the Word document matches the style that you want
Type some text in your document
Click on the EndNote tab X3 at the top of the page
Toggle back to your EndNote library and select (highlight) a reference/s
Go back to your word document.
To enter a reference click on Insert Citation and Insert Selected Citation(s)
Edit your citations
To change the appearance of an in-text citation (e.g. to remove the author name, or to
add page numbers), click the in-text citation with your mouse to highlight it. Select Edit
Citation from the EndNote toolbar and select from the available options as required.
Converting citations and Bibliography
Click on Convert Citations and Bibliography drop down box, and select Convert to plain
TIP: Don’t convert your citations and bibliography until you’re ready to submit,
because you can’t undo it!
For further Information
University of Sydney EndNote guide: http://libguides.library.usyd.edu.au/endnote
Faculty liaison librarians at the University of Sydney library
Faculty Liaison Librarian http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/contacts/subjectcontacts.html
Email contact: http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/contacts/askemail.html
Created: 8/02/10 by Crystal Choi | | Last Updated: 9/02/2016 by Sarah Graham.