Changes for 2015 Agricultural Assessed Values: All property classes are revalued every two years and 2015 is a revaluation year. In addition to the biennial revaluation for 2015 (required by Iowa Code), implementation of CSR2 soil ratings, crop vs. non- crop designations, and changes in the agricultural building factor adjustments have been made this year. Crawford County will show an overall agricultural assessment decrease of 4.3% (keep in mind this is not the taxable value which is determined after applying the *statewide rollback percentage). The new CSR2 soil ratings are calculated by Iowa State University and provided by the Natural Resource Conservation Service. The original CSR (Corn Suitability Rating) was figured using eleven criteria and the new CSR2 uses only seven. The factor dropping out of the formula that had the most impact on our area was a factor for weather. Crawford County’s average CSR per acre has increased from 48 to 68 using the new CSR2 calculations. The majority of the soil ratings went up while some did decrease. We are required to use the most current soil data for our assessments, which currently is CSR2. The Legislature through the Iowa Department of Revenue has ordered counties to implement a new way of describing agricultural land. The two categories of agricultural land are now crop or non-crop. Examples of non-crop land are permanent pasture, WRP acres, building sites, timber ground, or feed lots. Basically, non-tillable areas are considered to be non-crop. The non-crop soils will get a deduction if their CSR rating is above the base line CSR value of 34, which is 50% of the new average CSR for tillable land of 68. Therefore a 68 CSR soil in non-crop would be valued as 34 CSR's for assessment purposes. Crawford County had previously listed some of the land described as ditches/waterways with no CSR points assigned and timber/forest areas with a 10 CSR point rating. Depending on the soils in these areas landowners may receive a substantial increase due to the new formula. The conception of this new formula is to have uniformity state wide. An agricultural factor is given to the Assessor every two years by the Department of Revenue to be applied to agricultural buildings. This factor is calculated by dividing the 5 year productivity value per acre by the average 5 year market value per acre. This year’s factor for Crawford County is minus 68%. This is the reduction percentage and will result in agricultural buildings being lowered by approximately 32%. The agricultural building factor is applied to all agricultural classed buildings. For example, a new agricultural building with a cost new of $100,000 will have an assessed value of $32,000. In the previous two years (2013 & 2014) our agricultural building factor was minus 53%. When comparing your 2015 assessment rolls to your previous statements; make sure you compare assessed value to assessed value and not to taxable value. All of your new soil data will be available on the Assessor’s web site at If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 712-263-5307. Please keep in mind that this is your “assessed value.” In order to get to the “taxable value” you will need to apply the state issued rollback to the 2015 assessments which will not be issued until this fall. *The current rollbacks are as follows: AG Rollback 44.7021 RS Rollback 55.7335 CO Rollback 90 IN Rollback 90 2015 AGRICULTURAL FACTORS: Preliminary 3/2/15 Preliminary Preliminary 2015 5-Yr Avg 5-Yr Avg 5-Yr Avg Jurisdiction Productivity Market Ag Factor ADAIR 1,708.14 5,173.20 33.02% ADAMS ALLAMAKE E APPANOOS E AUDUBON BENTON BLACK HAWK BOONE BREMER BUCHANAN BUENA VISTA BUTLER CALHOUN CARROLL CASS CEDAR CERRO GORDO CHEROKEE CHICKASA W CLARKE 1,602.43 1,667.29 4,179.00 4,512.20 38.34% 36.95% Preliminary 2015 5-Yr Avg Jurisdiction JEFFERSO N JOHNSON JONES Preliminary 5-Yr Avg 5-Yr Avg Productivity Market Ag Factor 1,631.71 4,494.40 36.31% 1,952.57 2,352.43 7,375.80 6,213.00 26.47% 37.86% 659.71 2,871.20 22.98% KEOKUK 1,835.29 5,358.80 34.25% 2,015.57 2,581.43 2,477.29 7,166.00 7,488.20 8,390.00 28.13% 34.47% 29.53% KOSSUTH LEE LINN 2,590.43 1,445.57 2,362.57 8,028.00 5,442.20 7,582.60 32.27% 26.56% 31.16% 2,199.29 2,547.29 2,325.00 2,421.57 7,888.20 7,689.80 7,515.80 8,683.00 27.88% 33.13% 30.93% 27.89% LOUISA LUCAS LYON MADISON 2,175.71 762.43 3,086.43 1,228.57 6,453.00 3,013.80 8,441.20 5,687.40 33.72% 25.30% 36.56% 21.60% 2,269.00 2,122.86 2,285.14 2,167.14 2,675.43 2,141.00 7,431.20 8,404.00 7,924.40 6,384.00 7,124.20 7,529.00 30.53% 25.26% 28.84% 33.95% 37.55% 28.44% MAHASKA MARION MARSHALL MILLS MITCHELL MONONA 2,279.14 1,650.14 2,409.43 2,645.57 2,234.00 2,213.00 5,608.40 5,356.20 6,906.40 6,723.80 7,192.00 6,243.40 40.64% 30.81% 34.89% 39.35% 31.06% 35.45% 2,894.86 2,390.43 8,133.00 6,473.00 35.59% 36.93% 680.00 2,223.00 3,903.20 5,451.00 17.42% 40.78% 773.71 3,177.60 24.35% 2,210.14 6,769.20 32.65% CLAY CLAYTON CLINTON CRAWFOR D DALLAS DAVIS 2,576.29 1,906.29 2,629.00 2,358.71 8,077.40 5,965.40 6,069.40 7,266.80 31.90% 31.96% 43.32% 32.46% MONROE MONTGOM ERY MUSCATIN E OBRIEN OSCEOLA PAGE PALO ALTO 2,887.43 2,718.00 2,048.43 2,475.43 9,612.00 8,539.40 5,010.80 7,801.40 30.04% 31.83% 40.88% 31.73% 1,978.43 817.00 7,444.60 3,840.40 26.58% 21.27% 2,475.71 2,527.71 8,651.00 8,224.20 28.62% 30.74% DECATUR DELAWARE 684.71 2,557.43 2,726.60 7,395.60 25.11% 34.58% 1,571.14 2,588.57 7,046.20 7,329.20 22.30% 35.32% DES MOINES DICKINSON DUBUQUE EMMET FAYETTE FLOYD FRANKLIN FREMONT GREENE GRUNDY GUTHRIE 2,050.43 6,115.80 33.53% 2,311.71 6,244.20 37.02% 2,298.29 2,203.00 2,374.86 2,276.00 2,264.29 2,454.00 2,421.71 2,154.29 2,729.14 1,496.29 7,604.80 6,816.60 7,910.60 6,834.80 7,255.40 7,505.20 6,022.00 7,358.20 8,306.20 6,498.20 30.22% 32.32% 30.02% 33.30% 31.21% 32.70% 40.21% 29.28% 32.86% 23.03% 936.14 2,322.71 2,302.71 2,545.00 2,863.43 2,123.00 2,129.71 1,355.00 1,160.43 1,043.57 3,417.40 8,432.60 9,147.00 7,311.00 9,458.60 8,150.60 6,997.40 3,842.00 4,122.20 4,093.40 27.39% 27.54% 25.17% 34.81% 30.27% 26.05% 30.44% 35.27% 28.15% 25.49% HAMILTON HANCOCK HARDIN 2,224.00 2,395.71 2,364.14 8,461.00 7,587.60 7,637.80 26.29% 31.57% 30.95% 1,579.14 1,322.57 1,938.14 4,496.20 5,608.60 6,963.80 35.12% 23.58% 27.83% HARRISON HENRY HOWARD 2,299.14 1,651.86 2,212.29 6,835.40 5,658.60 5,824.00 33.64% 29.19% 37.99% 785.00 2,098.00 2,272.86 2,889.80 8,212.00 7,113.40 27.16% 25.55% 31.95% HUMBOLDT 2,356.57 8,189.80 28.77% 2,383.71 5,809.80 41.03% IDA 2,625.14 7,827.40 33.54% 2,352.29 6,348.60 37.05% IOWA JACKSON JASPER 1,997.43 1,937.43 1,979.43 6,229.20 5,635.20 6,411.40 32.07% 34.38% 30.87% PLYMOUTH POCAHON TAS POLK POTTAWAT TAMIE POWESHIE K RINGGOLD SAC SCOTT SHELBY SIOUX STORY TAMA TAYLOR UNION VAN BUREN WAPELLO WARREN WASHINGT ON WAYNE WEBSTER WINNEBAG O WINNESHI EK WOODBUR Y WORTH WRIGHT STATE 2,300.57 2,456.43 2,153.14 7,096.80 8,413.80 6,631.00 32.42% 29.20% 32.47%