Teaching Leaders Facilitator Application Pack Page 1 of 15 Contents Section 1: Our Vision, Mission, Organisation and Values Page 3 Section 2: The Facilitator Role 2.1 Role Overview 4 2.2 Person Specification 4 2.3 Facilitator Commitments 5 2.4 Our Commitments to Facilitators 6 2.5 Remuneration 6 Section 3: The Assessment Centre 8 Section 4: Induction and Development 9 Appendices Appendix One: Regional Facilitator Recruitment Timelines 10 Appendix Two: Teaching Leaders Facilitator Application Instructions & Form 11 Appendix Three: Facilitator Expense Policy 15 Page 2 of 15 Section 1: Our Vision, Mission and Values Our Vision Teaching Leaders’ vision is of a better society: one where life chances are not predetermined by social class, nor shackled by educational disadvantage. In the belief that children’s success at school can be driven not by social background but by the quality and kind of education they receive, we want to strengthen the capacity of those who lead teaching and learning closest to the frontline of schools in challenging contexts: middle leaders. Our Mission To address educational disadvantage by growing a movement of outstanding middle leaders in schools in challenging contexts. Our Organisation Teaching Leaders is an innovative non-profit organisation that was developed in partnership with four of the UK’s most forward thinking organisations: Absolute Return for Kids (ARK), the National College, Teach First and Future Leaders. We realise our mission by delivering specific training and development experiences: the TL Primary programme, the Secondary Fellows Programme, Teaching Leaders Primary and Secondary Teams Bespoke and NPQML Programmes TL Primary Programme: an innovative, bespoke national middle leadership development programme. The staggered programme model focuses investment on those with the highest potential whilst ensuring a greater number of middle leaders can be supported to make an impact on school improvement as well as contributing to their own personal development. In year one, the programme supports groups of middle leaders (first year participants are TL Primary Associates, and second year participants TL Primary Fellows) from eligible Primary schools, developing their skills, building a national movement and local network, and focusing their impact on school priorities. Towards the end of that first year, an assessment process will assess the participants, selecting approximately 40% with highest potential to go through to year two. Around a further 10% of new second year participants will join direct at that point. The second year of the TL Primary programme will be more intensive, with a focus on individual development across or outside of school to build system leadership capacity. The 2014 programme will be delivered to 180 Primary Associates. Secondary Fellows Programme: a selective, national programme for high potential middle leaders, designed to help transform student results and make a deep impact on whole departments and year groups in schools in challenging contexts. The Fellows Programme was launched in 2008 with an inaugural cohort of 30 and has grown to work with over 500 Fellows across more than 240 secondary schools. In 2013 the organisation secured an additional 2-year funding from the National College to continue to expand the programme in all regions of England and take on another two cohorts beginning in 2014. The number of Fellows will be growing substantially year on year, with a target intake of 420 middle leaders in 2014. Teams Bespoke Programme: a non-selective programme, tailored to the needs of a school/alliance, designed to help middle leaders build the foundations of leadership and make an Page 3 of 15 incremental impact on reducing within school variation across departments/year groups in schools in challenging contexts. Teams NPQML Programme: a non-selective, National College accredited programme for groups of middle leaders in a school/alliance, designed to build the foundations of leadership and make an incremental impact on reducing within school variation across departments/year groups in schools in challenging contexts. The Teams Programme is active in over 30 schools nationally, and as of 2013 schools are able to choose our licence package, which gives participants the chance to work towards a professional qualification (NPQML) and allows senior leaders access to Teaching Leaders facilitation training and the opportunity to co-facilitate sessions in their school or alliance. Our Values Innovative; Optimistic; Collaborative; Uncompromising; Personal More information can be found at www.teachingleaders.org.uk. Section 2: The Facilitator Role 2.1 Role Overview Teaching Leaders is recruiting outstanding facilitators to grow our facilitator pool and deliver leadership development training across our programmes. The role of the facilitator is to support our mission of addressing educational disadvantage and closing the achievement gap by delivering dynamic sessions to middle leaders working in schools in challenging contexts, utilising materials and content provided by Teaching Leaders. Outstanding facilitation that challenges participants to openly reflect on their practice, learn new skills and concepts and develop themselves and their teams is essential to achieving our mission by developing exceptional middle leaders. Teaching Leaders operates a co-facilitation model across our Teams Programme and the majority of our Associate and Fellows Programme sessions. All newly appointed Teams Programme facilitators, and facilitators invited to deliver Fellows/Associate Evening Seminars, will be asked to co-facilitate with a current Lead Facilitator during their first round of delivery. Additionally, on our Fellows Programme there is an opportunity to solo-facilitate JPD (Joint Development Practice) groups, which are delivered to small groups of middle leaders. 2.2 Person Specification Professional Experience Senior Leadership Team experience or Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) or Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) status (either Primary or Secondary) or Senior Leadership Team experience in a large organisation if not from education sector. Facilitated school/organisation-wide CPD or consultancy experience Essential Essential Page 4 of 15 delivering training on leadership programmes Knowledge & Skills The ability to employ a variety of facilitation techniques and to adapt approach in accordance to the needs of the group and individual participants An understanding of the pressurised and challenging environments in which our participants work A proven track record of delivering a broad range of leadership programmes to diverse audiences Knowledge of a range of leadership theories Ability to design leaderships programmes/session content Excellent working knowledge and experience of working in a subject area Proven track record of delivering impact within schools Well organised, with good IT skills, and ability to meet deadlines Essential Essential Desirable Desirable Desirable Desirable Desirable Essential Values & Attributes An interest in, and passion for, developing middle leaders A desire to develop as a facilitator and professional, and a willingness to receive and act on developmental feedback Cultural fit – facilitators should be aligned with our mission and values, and be flexible and comfortable being a part of a growing, dynamic organisation Credibility with participants, their schools and host organisations Essential Essential An ability to act as an ambassador for Teaching Leaders, demonstrating a commitment to, and passion for, the programme when representing our organisation Essential Essential Essential 2.3 Facilitator Commitments Deliver training according to the dates, times and materials provided by Teaching Leaders Prepare thoroughly for each session and clarify any ambiguities with the regional team Provide feedback on programme and session improvements Speak to your co-facilitator in advance of the session to discuss the materials and plan the session Keep the Teaching Leaders regional team informed of any issue which will impact the successful delivery of the programme Attend required induction and development events Provide developmental feedback to your co-facilitator after each session Let us know your areas of expertise Pass on any updates, new policies, initiatives, state of the art interventions in education and facilitation which we can share with the whole facilitator pool Receive and act on developmental feedback from the Teaching Leaders team as well as from co-facilitators Page 5 of 15 Participate in Teaching Leaders’ quality assurance process Act as an advocate for Teaching Leaders, supporting our work to improve outcomes for children in schools in challenging contexts 2.4 Our Commitments to Facilitators Due to the nature of our programmes and the varied facilitation skill, knowledge and expertise required, we are developing a pool of facilitators to draw upon, but cannot guarantee a specific or set amount of work to successful candidates. We allocate sessions and programmes to our facilitators according to geography, experience, specialism and performance. We can, however, commit to the following: High quality session materials including facilitation notes, PowerPoint slides, handouts and appropriate resources to run sessions A co-facilitator who has been inducted by Teaching Leaders Ongoing support via a dedicated Teaching Leaders contact Ongoing professional development through induction and development events Providing developmental feedback through using a bespoke Facilitator Competency Framework and quality assurance process 2.5 Remuneration i. Standard facilitation rates Alumni facilitator* Half day session Full day session £100-125 £200 (first 2 Alumni sessions are unpaid) Facilitator £200 £400 *Alumni Facilitators are those who have graduated from the Teaching Leaders Programme For three-hour sessions delivered within your immediate region or hub, facilitators are remunerated for half a day of work. For three-hour sessions delivered outside of your immediate region or hub, facilitators are remunerated a full day of work. Regional Heads of Training will advise on what constitutes inner and outer regional facilitation. Basic preparation for the session including time spent on preparation with the cofacilitator and content familiarisation tele-conferences is assumed to be included in the fees outlined above Page 6 of 15 ii. Specialist session rates Where facilitators are booked for their specialist knowledge or expertise, rates may be agreed on a case-by-case basis. Special responsibility payments will remain the same as outlined below. iii. Special Responsibility Payments Facilitators may be asked to take on special responsibilities. Teaching Leaders offer supplementary payment for these responsibilities: Facilitating with new* facilitator Working with school-supplied facilitator (Teams-NPQML only) Solo facilitation where dual is normal Teams programme Lead facilitator Quality Assurance Assessor* £50 £50 £50 £50 £100 *NB New facilitators are Alumni with under a year facilitating and less than 5 sessions delivered with Teaching Leaders or a facilitator’s first session *NB Training will be provided for all new Quality Assurance Assessors iv. Progression between pay bands Alumni to Facilitator category Progression from Alumni to Facilitator pay can take place after an Alumnus has facilitated approximately six sessions and/or been a TL facilitator for two years. Any change will be dependent on a successful QA review, which will normally take place in the fifth session an Alumnus facilitates. Remuneration for session delivery When facilitators are offered a piece of work for a programme, the regional location of the session and if the session will be at the half or full day rate will be made clear Basic preparation for the session and travel time is included in this fee Travel expenses will be reimbursed in line with the Facilitator Expense Policy (see Appendix Three) Remuneration for materials development This is agreed upfront with the facilitator and commissioned on a case by case basis Remuneration for induction and training Facilitators are required to attend, but are not paid for attending induction or training/development events, however, their travel will be reimbursed Page 7 of 15 Section 3: The Assessment Centre We believe that Assessment Centres provide an objective method for selecting candidates and ensuring that they have the appropriate skills, values, and personal attributes to work with our participants and organisation. We will review all applications received by the deadline and those who are shortlisted will be invited to participate in the final stage of the application process: an Assessment Centre. Please be aware that we do not have capacity to give feedback at the application stage due to the large volume of applications we receive. The Assessment Centre will consist of 3 activities: 1. 35 minute Facilitation Activity Candidates will be given a set of facilitation notes and contextual information about their audience in advance of the Assessment Centre. Candidates are expected to deliver the 35 minute section of session using the notes provided. The purpose of this activity is to observe how candidates facilitate, and specifically their style, approach and knowledge. 2. 20 minute Reflective Form During this activity candidates will be given the opportunity to reflect in writing on the Facilitation Activity, analysing their performance and learning from the Assessment Centre, while also highlighting strengths and development areas. This form is part of the assessment process. 3. 35 minute Interview & Feedback Activity During this activity candidates will be taken through an interview and given feedback compiled by assessors about their Facilitation Activity. The purpose of this activity is to learn more about candidates’ values, experience facilitating/empowering others to be successful, and to assess how candidates respond to feedback. Page 8 of 15 Section 4: Induction and Development All successfully appointed facilitators will be required to attend induction and development events. Please note that successfully appointed facilitators will not be offered work until they have completed an induction day. 1. Induction During induction, facilitators will learn about Teaching Leaders programmes, meet other facilitators and staff and learn about our facilitation model. 2. Development Events Development events will focus on topics, theories and facilitation techniques relevant to the facilitators attending. These events will provide facilitators with additional opportunities to learn new theories and techniques, develop their practice and network with other Teaching Leaders facilitators. 3. Ongoing development as part of the Teaching Leaders quality assurance process. Page 9 of 15 Appendix One: Regional Facilitator Recruitment Timelines 11 May – Deadline for applications. 22 and 29 May – Successful applicants will be invited to one of two Assessment Centres*. 19 June – Successful candidates will be required to attend a Teaching Leaders Induction morning (10am – 1pm) before being offered work. *Please note that Teaching Leaders are unable to reimburse travel costs to the Assessment Centre. Region: South Email: Graeme.Jackson@teachingleaders.org.uk Tel: 0203 116 6383 Page 10 of 15 Appendix Two: Teaching Leaders Facilitator Application Form Instructions Applicants To apply for the role, email the following to louise.ishani@teachingleaders.org.uk A completed Application Form a short CV—maximum 1 double-sided page Contact details of a referee—specifically someone who has observed you facilitate (we will only contact your referee if your application is successful) Please note that all the information provided will be used in the strictest confidence. Any additional information or documentation submitted by applicants, but not requested in the Application Form, will not be reviewed or taken into consideration when short-listing. Teaching Leaders Facilitator Application Form Can you commit to the required Assessment Centre dates in Appendix One if you application is successful? Yes No Can you commit to all requirements of the role as specified in Section 2? Yes No Note: if you cannot tick ‘Yes’ to both boxes above at the application stage, we will not be able to take your application further. I would like to receive the Teaching Leaders newsletter Yes No Name Telephone Numbers (landline and mobile please) Email Page 11 of 15 Address Please list below the school (or schools) where you have held senior leadership team positions Are you currently employed by an organisation, school or other business? If so, which one? Which region(s) are you applying for? London South East North Midlands What other programmes or organisations do you work with (if applicable)? What will your work commitments be from September 2015 through to July 2016? How many days per term would you be able to commit to Teaching Leaders, if successful? 1. Why Teaching Leaders? (300 words max) 2. How would you define facilitation? (300 words max) 3. Please provide details of your experience of facilitating outside of your school/inset setting, including how many years of experience you have in this role. (250 words max) 4. What motivates you to develop adults (200 words max)? 5. What is your understanding of the demands of facilitating training with middle leaders working in schools in challenging contexts in the current educational climate, and how would these inform the way you deliver sessions? (450 words max) 6. What facilitation specialisms or expertise can you offer? MBTI accredited practitioner Ofsted inspector Page 12 of 15 Specialist in: Leadership development Literacy Numeracy Data management SEND Gifted and Talented EAL Teaching and learning Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) Subject Specialist: (please list subject) Any others? Please list: 7. List any leadership programmes, including leadership theories, you have delivered in the last three years (if applicable). (200 words max) 8. What do you see as your current areas for development as a potential Teaching Leaders facilitator, and how are you/will you address these? (300 words max) 9. Describe a training session you facilitated recently. Include the activities participants engaged in, the session outcomes and learning for you. (550 words max) 10. Is there anything else at this stage that you think is essential for Teaching Leaders to know about you, your facilitation, skills and practice? (250 words max) Page 13 of 15 Page 14 of 15 Page 15 of 15