Antworten Review Level I – Spring Final In addition to what's in this review, please consult your book and/or yellow spiral for additional material as well as vocabulary you need to know for the final!!! What is the difference between formal and informal greetings and farewells? Give some examples. formal: for people older than you (stranger, boss, AP, etc.), Guten Tag, Auf Wiedersehen informal: for people you know (family, friends), Hallo, Tschüs How do you ask someone formally and informally what their name is? Wie heißt du? (inf.) Wie heißen Sie? (for.) How would you respond to those questions? Ich heiße.... (to both) How many different forms of questions have we learned? Give an example of each. two: with and without question word Wo wohnst du? - Answer with where you live. Wohnst du in Frankfurt? - Answer yes, or no with a complete sentence. Ja, ich wohne in Frankfurt. or Nein, ich wohne nicht in Frankfurt. Which question words have we learned and what is their translation? wer - who wohin - where to wo - where wann - when was - what warum - why wie -how welch - which woher - from where Which position is the conjugated verb in? Where is the subject in comparison? conjugated verb is in second position, subject is close (either before or right after it, remember the heart!) If you start your sentence with a sequencing word (first, then, etc.) what is your word order? after the sequencing word comes the verb (2nd position) followed by the subject Conjugate the verb “sein" = to be Think about the poem!!! Translate: Who is that? Wer ist das? That is….. Das ist .... Write down all the forms of the definite article you’ve learned so far (include the gender): Nominativ Akkusativ m. der den f. die die all translate n. das das to "the" plural die die The nominative case indicates the SUBJECT of a sentence and the accusative case indicates the DIRECT OBJECT of a sentence. How do you ask how old someone is? informal: singular Wie alt bist du? plural Wie alt seid ihr? rd 3 person singular (m) Wie alt ist er? 3rd person singular (f.) Wie alt ist sie? 3rd person plural Wie alt sind sie? formal Wie alt sind Sie? What would the answer be? informal: singular Ich bin ... Jahre alt. plural Wir sind... Jahre alt. 3rd person singular (m) Er ist .... Jahre alt. 3rd person singular (f.) Sie ist ... Jahre alt. 3rd person plural Sie sind .... Jahre alt. formal Ich bin .... Jahre alt. What is the capital of Germany? Berlin Switzerland? Bern Austria? Wien How many federal states does Germany have? How many of those federal states are city states? How many countries border Germany? Which one is the northernmost state? Which one is the largest state? Which is the longest river? Which river runs through Bayern and Baden-Wü.? What are the names of the city states? Which one is the smallest state (not a city state)? When do Germans celebrate Christmas? When does the Advent season start? How long is the Advent season? What is celebrated on December 6? What is the German word for Christmas? What’s the German word for New Year’s Eve? When does the Christmas season end? 16 3 9 Schleswig-Holstein Bayern Rhein Donau Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg Saarland 24. Dezember end of November/beginning Dec. four Sundays/weeks St. Nikolaus Heiligabend Silvester 6th January, Holy Three Kings' Day How are German houses furnished/built differently than American ones? no built in/walk-in closets, childrens' bedrooms generally bigger Conjugate the following verbs and write their English meaning: regular: kommen = to come machen = to make/to do malen = to paint kochen = to cook schreiben = to write joggen = to jog besuchen = to visit wohnen = to live bekommen = to get kaufen = to buy schwimmen = to swim hören = to hear/listen schauen = to look/ to watch gehen = to go trinken = to drink schmecken = to tast brauchen = to need glauben = to think/believe suchen = to look for/search drop e (segel) for the "ich"-form, rest regular segeln = to sail wandern = to hike basteln = to do arts and crafts sammeln = to collect stem ends in -d/-t/-n: add extra "e" for the du/er/sie/es/ihr-forms; rest regular finden = to find/to think zeichnen = to draw reiten = to ride (horse, NOT bus, car, etc.) stem ends in -s, -ss, -ß, -z: only add "t" for du-form heißen = to be called tanzen = to dance passen = to fit modal verbs: 1st and 3rd person singular the same! möchten = would like wollen = to want haben = drop "b" for 2nd and 3rd person singular (stem: "hab") stem vowel changing verbs: nehmen = to take ich nehme wir nehmen du nimmst ihr nehmt er/sie/es nimmt sie/Sie nehmen essen = to eat ich esse du isst er/sie/es isst wir essen ihr esst sie/Sie essen separable prefix verbs: prefix comes at end of sentence! anprobieren = to try on, probieren is regular anziehen = to put on/wear, ziehen is regular aussehen = to look like (this is also a stem vowel changing verb!) ich sehe aus wir sehen aus du siehst aus ihr seht aus er/sie/es sieht aus sie/Sie sehen aus => same as "to see" = sehen (done like aussehen without the "aus") How do you replace the following with a personal pronoun? Translate pronoun into English! Nominativ Akkusativ der + noun = er ihn die + noun = sie sie das + noun = es es die (pl) + noun= sie sie How can we be polite in German? Write down please/thank you/you're welcome forms you know. bitte Danke, Danke schön, Vielen Dank, bitte schön The ending of an indefinite article depends on the noun that follows. Would we change anything here? If yes, what? Nominative masc. ein__x__ + noun fem. ein__e__ + noun neut. ein__x__ + noun What is the plural indefinite article form? THERE ISN'T ONE!!! Akkusativ ein__en__ + noun ein__e__ + noun ein__x__ + noun If you ask for water in a German restaurant, what are you most likely to get? sparkling mineralwater What will most likely be missing from your beverage? ice, no free refills List all the possessive pronouns we have learned so far? 1st person singular = my (English) followed by... masc. mein fem. meine neut. mein pl. meine 2nd person singular = your (English) followed by... masc. dein fem. deine neut. dein pl. deine 3rd person singular = his (English) followed by... masc. sein fem. seine neut. sein pl. seine 3rd person singular = her (English) followed by... masc. ihr fem. ihre neut. ihr pl. ihre What happens to adjectives that precede a plural noun, like in "She has blue eyes."? What happens if you add more adjectives, like "She has big, blue eyes."? Translate these sentences into German and then write the rule. Sie hat blaue Augen. Sie hat große, blaue Augen. Add an "e" to the adjective ending (ALL of the adjectives preceding that noun!!) Which time format is used in Germany? 24 hour How is the German school system different than the American one? Kindergarten is daycare after elementary (1st-4th grade): off to one other school depending on ability: Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium open campus for high school/middle school must have Abitur (available only at Gymnasium) to go to college/university required by law to attend school until 18: since Hauptschule stops after 9th grade and Realschule after 10th, students do an apprenticeship as well as go to school (work 3 days a week, go to school 2 days a week) roughly 12-14 different subjects per school year (pre-determined by state, not many electives) How are grades done? What is the equivalent to the American grades? 1-6, one is best, 6 is worst, 4 needed to pass How is a plural noun formed in German compared to English? by adding: -e, -en -n, -s, -er What is the currency in Germany? Euro Say you like something in German using the verb "gefallen" (one for singular, one for plural). How is it literally translated? Das Kleid gefällt mir. The dress pleases me. Die Schuhe gefallen mir. The shoes please me. If you plan to go shopping in Germany, what do you have to keep in mind as far as opening hours are concerned? no store is open 24-hours, Sundays all stores are closed If you want to buy a blouse, a dress shirt, or some shoes in Germany, which size would you have to ask for? Sizes range from say 32-46. How do you say that you are doing well in German? Es geht mir gut. Telling time the informal way: on the hour, i.e. one o'clock sharp = Es ist ein Uhr. 1 minute to 29 minutes past the hour (except for 15!) = Es ist 10 nach drei. 15 minutes past the hour = Es ist Viertel nach fünf. 30 minutes past/before the hour, i.e. five thirty = Es ist halb zehn. (9.30) 31 minutes to 59 minutes past the hour (except 45!) = Es ist zwanzig vor acht. 45 minutes past the hour = Es ist Viertel vor elf. How do you express preference in German? Give an example! gern/gern haben Ich spiele gern Fußball. Ich habe Biologie sehr gern. How do you express favorites in German? Give a example! LieblingsMein Lieblingsbuch ist "Das Geheimnis des Tempelplaneten". How do you express a dislike in German? Give an example! nicht gern Physik habe ich nicht gern.