THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, LAWRENCE INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE COMMITTEE ANIMAL USE STATEMENT MODIFICATION This form should be used to request modifications to approved Animal Use Statements. If the proposed modification significantly alters the aims or methods of the originally approved work, the IACUC may request submission of a new protocol. Personnel changes should be made using the Animal Use Statement Personnel Modification Form. For assistance in completing this form, contact KU IACUC personnel ( or 864-8841), any KU IACUC member, or Animal Care Unit veterinarians (864-5587). Principal Investigator: Project Title: Animal Use Statement Number: 1. Describe the requested modification(s) to the Animal Use Statement. If additional animals are requested, please complete questions 5 and 6. Appendices are included at the end of this document. Complete all that apply to the modification being requested at this time. 2. Provide the rationale for requested modifications. Please provide a thorough response and indicate how the proposed modification impacts the overall goal of the work. 3. Animal Welfare Regulations require principal investigators to consider alternatives to painful/distressful procedures. A painful procedure is defined as any procedure that would be reasonably expected to cause more than slight or momentary pain and/or distress in a human to whom the same procedure is applied. Does the proposed modification have the potential to cause pain and distress? ☐ Yes ☐ No IF YES, AN ALTERNATIVE SEARCH IS REQUIRED Alternatives are generally regarded as those that incorporate some aspect of replacement, reduction, or refinement of animal use in pursuit of the minimization of animal pain and distress consistent with the goals of the research. The KU IACUC believes that the performance of a database search remains the most effective and efficient method for demonstrating compliance with the requirement to consider alternatives. A minimum of 2 databases must be searched. REVISED JUNE 2015 However, in some circumstances (as in highly specialized fields of study), conferences, colloquia, subject expert consultants, or other sources may provide relevant and up-to-date information regarding alternatives in addition to, a database search. In these cases, sufficient documentation, such as the consultant’s name and qualifications and date and content of the consult should be provided to demonstrate the expert’s knowledge of the availability of alternatives in the specific field of study. Database 1 Database 2 Name of Database searched * Date of search (must be within 6 months of protocol submission) Years covered by search Search strategy (must show how keywords were combined) Other sources consulted * For suggestions on performing appropriate database searches and for a list of acceptable databases visit: For each painful procedure, were alternatives identified? ☐ Yes If yes, please describe: ☐ No If alternatives were identified, will they be incorporated into your proposed work? ☐ Yes ☐ No If not, please explain? 4. Does the proposed modification involve use of hazardous materials? ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, an Animal Hazard Control Form must be completed. Contact the IACUC at to obtain the appropriate form. 5. Complete the table below for requests for additional animals. Species Number Originally Number of Approved Additional Animal Requested Source of Additional Animals 6. Provide an explanation for the request for additional animals. The number of animals should be justified scientifically and where applicable, statistically. 2 REVISED JUNE 2015 Signature Statement When submitting this document via email attachment, I certify that, a) I am the Principal Investigator and I am the one submitting the document. b) I would like for my email to serve as an electronic signature. c) The date of submission corresponds with the date identified in the email that includes the protocol as an attachment. Alternatively, a signed original document is being submitted to the IACUC for review. Signature and date follow. My electronic signature, or the one below, verifies: 1) the information contained herein is accurate, 2) a willingness to accept responsibility for compliance with all legal standards for animal use established under Federal and state laws and university policies, 3) protocol personnel have been appropriately trained prior to performing animal procedures. Signature of Principal Investigator or Instructor Date FOR IACUC USE ONLY KU AUS Number: Review Process: ☐ Full Committee ☐ Designated Member Review ☐ Review by IACUC Chair Pain/Distress Category: Approval Date: Biohazard: Chemical hazard: Radiation hazard: Inter-institutional Collaboration: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Guide or AWA Exception: Restraint: Food/Water Restriction: Survival Surgery: Multiple Major Survival Surgery: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Post-Approval Monitoring Review: APPENDICES Animal Procedures: Please check all that apply and complete the corresponding appendix. Nonapplicable appendices may be deleted. ☐ A. Antibody production 3 REVISED JUNE 2015 ☐ B. Substances collected from live animals including body fluids (blood, urine, etc.) and tissue (biopsy, tail snips, etc.) ☐ C. Substances administered to live animals (gavage, injections) ☐ D. Restraint of conscious animals with mechanical devices (for procedures other than routine care) ☐ E. Food or water deprivation ☐ F. Temperature, light, or other environmental manipulations ☐ G. Tumor models, disease models, or toxicity testing ☐ H. Behavioral studies ☐ I. Tissues, sera, or tumor lines of rodent origin or that have been previously passaged through rodents ☐ J. Creation or use of genetically modified animals ☐ K. Wildlife field studies ☐ L. Anesthesia, Sedation, or Analgesia ☐ M. Surgical Procedures ☐ N. Dietary manipulation ☐ O. Aquatic species ☐ P. Animal breeding ☐ Q. Hazardous agent use (biological, radioactive, or chemical) ☐ R. Other study procedures not described above ☐ S. Intramural and Extramural Funding Sources Appendix A: Antibody Production 1. Polyclonal antibody production a. Antigen/Adjuvants to be used: [ text box here ] If Freund’s Complete Adjuvant is to be used, concentration of mycobacterium [ text box here ] 4 REVISED JUNE 2015 b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Route of injection: [ text box here ] Location of injection(s): [ text box here ] Volume of injection per site: [ text box here ] Total number of injection sites: [ text box here ] Frequency and maximum number of boosts: [ text box here ] Interval between injection and booster: [ text box here ] Frequency of monitoring injection sites/who will monitor:[ text box here What will be done to minimize pain / distress: [ text box here ] Adverse effects/endpoints: [ text box here ] ] 2. Monoclonal antibody production Please provide scientific justification in the Animal Welfare Section of this proposal explaining why in vitro monoclonal antibody production methods cannot be used. a. Describe methodology: [ text box here ] b. Adjuvant used: ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, name of adjuvant: [ text box here ] Volume of adjuvant: [ text box here ] c. Number of cells to be injected into peritoneal cavity: [ text box here ] Volume of cells: [ text box here ] d. Will ascites be generated: ☐ Yes ☐ No e. Criteria/signs that will dictate ascites harvest: [ text box here ] f. Will animal be anesthetized before harvest: ☐ Yes ☐ No g. Total number of taps: [ text box here ] h. How will animals be monitored/cared for following taps: [ text box here i. What will be done to minimize pain / distress: [ text box here ] j. Person responsible for monitoring/harvesting ascites: [ text box here ] ] Appendix B: Substances collected from live animals including body fluids and tissue Substance Collected* Site of collection Method of collection Amount Collected Frequency of Collection(s) Use tab key to insert more lines as needed Appendix C: Substances administered (for anesthesia and immobilization, complete Appendix L) Substance Administered Route Dose Concentration Maximum Frequency volume/site Use tab key to insert more lines as needed 5 REVISED JUNE 2015 Investigators are expected to use pharmaceutical-grade drugs and compounds whenever available, even in terminal procedures. If non-pharmaceutical grade drugs/compounds must be used in live animals, list the drugs and/or compounds and how the drugs will be prepared and used. [ text box here ] From the following list, identify why pharmaceutical grade drugs are not acceptable. ☐ Not applicable, only pharmaceutical grade compounds will be used. ☐ No equivalent veterinary or human drug is available for experimental use. ☐ Although an equivalent veterinary or human drug is available for experimental use, the chemical-grade reagent is required to replicate methods from previous studies because results are directly compared to those of replicated studies. ☐ Although an equivalent veterinary or human drug is available, dilution or change in formulation is required. ☐ The available human or veterinary drug is not concentrated enough to meet experimental needs. ☐ The available human or veterinary drug does not meet the non-toxic vehicle requirements for the specified route of administration. ☐ The pharmaceutical grade drug is effectively unavailable. Appendix D: Restraint of conscious animals with mechanical devices (for procedures other than routine care.) a. Restraint device: [ text box here ] b. For what procedures: [ text box here ] c. Duration of restraint: (If greater than 30 minutes in a natural body position or greater than 10 minutes in an unnatural body position, justification must be provided) [ text box here] d. Frequency of observations during restraint/person responsible:[ text box here ] e. Frequency and total number of restraints: [ text box here ] f. Conditioning procedures: [ text box here ] g. Steps to assure comfort and well-being: [ text box here ] Appendix E: Food or water deprivation (excluding routine pre-surgical fasting) 1. Food Restriction a. Amount restricted: [ text box here ] b. Duration (hours for short term/weeks or months for long term):[ text box here c. Frequency of observations: [ d. Person responsible: [ text box here text box here e. Potential adverse events: [ ] text box here 6 REVISED JUNE 2015 ] ] ] 2. Water Restriction a. Amount restricted: [ text box here ] b. Duration (hours for short term/weeks or months for long term): [ text box here c. Frequency of observations: [ d. Person responsible: [ text box here text box here e. Potential adverse events: [ ] ] ] text box here ] Appendix F: Temperature, light, or other environmental manipulations a. Describe manipulation(s): [ text box here b. Duration: [ text box here ] c. Intensity: [ text box here ] d. Frequency: [ text box here e. Potential adverse events: [ ] ] text box here ] Appendix G: Tumor models, disease models, or toxicity testing a. b. c. d. e. Describe methodology: [ text box here ] Expected model and/or clinical/pathological manifestations: [ Frequency of observations: [ text box here ] Person responsible for oversight of animals: [ text box here Potential adverse events: [ text box here ] text box here ] ] Appendix H: Behavioral studies a. b. c. d. e. Describe animal methodology/test(s) to be used: [ text box here Intensity and duration of stimulus: [ text box here ] Frequency of tests: [ text box here ] Length of time in test apparatus: [ text box here ] Potential adverse events: [ text box here ] ] Appendix I: Tissues, sera, or tumor lines of rodent origin or that have been previously passaged through rodents a. b. c. d. Tissues must be free of rodent infectious agents. Evidence of testing is required. Source: [ text box here ] Species: [ text box here ] Tissue type: [ text box here ] Provide evidence of appropriate testing or certification (MAP, PCR, etc): [ text box here ] Appendix J: Creation or use of genetically modified animals 7 REVISED JUNE 2015 a. b. c. d. Describe approach or procedure to produce modification: [ text box here ] What gene(s) were intentionally modified: [ text box here ] If known, expected product over expressed / under expressed: [ text box here ] Describe any potentially debilitating phenotypes associated with this animal: [ text box here ] Appendix K: Wildlife Field Studies 1. List required permits Name and number: [ 2. Study Site(s) General Location: [ text box here text box here ] ] 3. Capture with mechanical devices a. Type/description of capture device/method: [ text box here ] b. Frequency of checking capture device: [ text box here ] c. Maximum time animal will be in capture device: [ text box here ] d. Methods to ensure well-being of animals in capture device: [ text box here e. Methods to avoid non-target species capture: [ text box here ] f. Expected injury and/or mortality rates: [ text box here ] g. Precautions used to minimize injury and/or mortality? [ text box here ] ] 4. Capture with chemical immobilization (Anesthetizing drugs are covered under Appendix L, this section covers the mechanics). a. Type of dart or device to administer drugs: [ text box here ] b. Method of dart propulsion: [ text box here ] c. Precautions used to minimize injury and/or mortality: [ text box here ] 5. Marking/Telemetry Procedures a. Describe marking procedures to be used: [ text box here ] b. If a telemetry package is to be attached, describe: 1. Weight of the total package [ text box here ] 2. Type of antenna (including length) [ text box here ] 3. Method of attachment (for surgical attachment, complete appendix N) [ text box here ] 4. Will marking/telemetry device be removed ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, explain how: [ text box here ] 6. Release of animals other than at capture site (for non-survival collection please see #7) a. Where will captured animals be released [ text box here ] b. If the animals are transported indicate the method of transportation. [ text box here ] 8 REVISED JUNE 2015 c. If the animals are to be housed, please check your preferred housing location. Animal housing space is assigned by the Attending Veterinarian. Every reasonable attempt will be made to accommodate investigator requests for preferred housing locations. ☐ Malott Hall Animal Facility ☐ Haworth Hall Animal Facility ☐ Higuchi Animal Facility ☐ Life Science Research Laboratory Animal Facility ☐ KU IACUC Approved Satellite Facility List bldg/room # [ text box here ] * ☐ Other [ text box here ] * Locations where animals are housed for greater than 12 hours must be approved by the KU IACUC. Information on establishing a satellite facility may be obtained from the KU-IACUC Office. Are there any special requirements for housing/husbandry? If yes, please indicate: ☐ Sterile Cages ☐ Wire Bottom Cages ☐ No Enrichment ☐ Social Isolation ☐ Other [ text box here ] ☐ Yes ☐ No Provide scientific justification below for maintaining animals on wire bottom cages, without environmental enrichment, or in social isolation. [text box here] d. If release is not the general location of capture, justify. [ text box here ] 7. Non-Survival Collection a. Describe procedure(s) to be used. [ text box here ] b. Describe precautions that will be taken to prevent non-target mortalities. [ text box here ] Appendix L: Anesthesia, Sedation, or Analgesia Adequate records describing anesthetic monitoring and recovery must be maintained and available. Animals must be monitored until awake and can maintain sternal recumbancy. Agent Concentration Pre-emptive analgesic Pre-anesthetic Anesthetic Post-procedural analgesics 9 REVISED JUNE 2015 Dose Volume Route Frequency (mg/kg) Agent Concentration Dose Volume Route Frequency (mg/kg) Paralytics (need to justify below in question h.) Other a. Reason for administering agent(s): [ text box here ] b. For which procedures: [ text box here ] c. Method of monitoring anesthetic depth, including paralyzing drugs: [ text box here ] d. Methods of physiologic support during anesthesia and recovery: [ text box here ] e. Frequency of recovery monitoring: [ text box here ] f. Specifically what will be monitored: [ text box here ] g. Describe any behavioral or husbandry manipulations that will be used to alleviate pain, distress, and/or discomfort. [ text box here ] h. If using paralytic drugs, scientific justification needed: [ text box here ] i. Potential adverse events: [ text box here ] Appendix M: Surgical Procedures All survival surgical procedures must be performed aseptically, regardless of species or location of surgery. Adequate records describing surgical procedures, anesthetic monitoring and postoperative care must be maintained and available. 1. Location (Room, Building) of surgery: [ text box here ] 2. Type of Surgery ☐ Nonsurvival surgery: (animals euthanized without regaining consciousness). ☐ Major survival surgery: (major surgery penetrates and exposes a body cavity or produces substantial impairment of physical or physiologic function). ☐ Minor survival surgery. ☐ Multiple major survival surgery? If yes, provide justification for multiple major survival surgical procedures: [text box here ] 3. Pre-op preparation of the animals: [ text box here a. Food restricted for [ text box here ] hours b. Water restricted for [ text box here ]hours 4. Sterile techniques will include (check all that apply): ☐ Sterile instruments ☐ Sterile gloves ☐ Cap and mask 10 REVISED JUNE 2015 ] ☐ Sterile gown ☐ Sterile operating area ☐ Removal of hair or feathers ☐ Skin preparation with a sterilant such as betadine ☐ Practices to maintain sterility of instruments during surgery 5. Describe the following surgical procedures: a. Skin incision size and location on the animal: [ text box here ] b. Describe surgery in detail (include size of implant if applicable): [ text box here ] c. Method of skin closure (include number of layers, type of wound closure, proposed suture type, size ranges, etc.): [ text box here ] i. Type: [ text box here ] ii. Suture size / wound clips: [ text box here ] iii. Pattern: [ text box here ] 6. Recovery from Surgical Manipulations a. Following recovery, what parameters will be monitored? [ text box here ] b. Person who will monitor the animals? [ text box here ] c. How frequently will animals be monitored? [ text box here ] d. How long post-operatively will animals be monitored: [ text box here ] Appendix N: Dietary manipulation a. Compound supplemented and amount: [ b. Compound deleted and amount: [ text box here text box here ] ] c. Duration (hours for short term/weeks or months for long term): [ text box here d. Frequency of observations: [ e. Person responsible: [ text box here text box here f. Potential adverse events: [ ] ] ] text box here ] Appendix O: Aquatics 1. Water quality monitoring a. How is the water quality established/determined prior to introduction of animals? [ text box here ] b. How is the water filtered to remove nitrogenous/animal waste compounds? [ text box here] c. How frequently and what parameters for the water quality are monitored? [ text box here] 2. Housing a. Briefly describe the system design and housing used (include type of water circulation, tank size etc). [ text box here ] 11 REVISED JUNE 2015 b. Provide the approximate housing density. [ text box here ] c. Provide how often and how the housing will be sanitized. [ text box here ] d. What type of environmental enrichment is being provided in the tank/housing? (PVC pipe, plants etc). If none is used, please justify. [ text box here ] Appendix P: Animal Breeding a. b. c. d. e. How many offspring do you anticipate generating over the 3 year life of this AUS? These numbers [ text box here ] Describe any known or potentially debilitating phenotypes associated with offspring. [text box here ] Describe any special husbandry requirements for offspring. [ text box here ] Will offspring be typed for the gene of interest? ☐ Yes ☐ No a. If yes, specify tissue collected and age of animal at collection. [ text box here ] Will offspring be transferred to another approved AUS? ☐ Yes ☐ No a. If yes, specify AUS# and investigator. [ text box here ] Appendix Q: Animal Hazard Control Form Principal investigators using hazardous materials in animals are responsible for informing all individuals handling animals, including ACU personnel, of the hazards involved and appropriate risk mitigation strategies. Please contact Environmental Health and Safety for assistance in completing this appendix. Principal Investigator: Campus Phone: Emergency Phone: Email: Secondary Contact: Campus Phone: Emergency Phone: Email: Hazardous Material: EHS Approval/Permit Number: Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ☐ Gown/lab coat ☐ Hair bonnet ☐ Eye protection ☐ Surgical mask ☐ Respirator ☐ Gloves ☐ Shoe covers ☐ Other, specify [ text box here] Excretion: Material/metabolites will be excreted in: ☐ No Excretion ☐ Urine ☐ Feces ☐ Other, specify [ text box here] How long will material be shed? [ text box here] Bedding/Waste Disposal ☐ Discard as regular waste ☐ Incineration by ACU ☐ Other, specify [ text box here] 12 REVISED JUNE 2015 ☐ Disposal through EHS Cage Decontamination: ☐ No decontamination required ☐ Autoclave prior to washing ☐ Decay required, specify number of days: ☐ Other, specify [ text box here] Animal Disposal ☐ Incineration by ACU ☐ Disposal through EHS ☐ Other, specify [ text box here] Precautions for Handling Live or Dead Animals: Additional Precautions to Protect Personnel, Adjacent Research, and Environment: Study Location: Animal Biosafety Level: Appendix R: Other Study Procedures Describe in detail all other study procedures performed on live animals not described in prior appendices. 1. Other Study Procedures a. Describe animal methodology/manipulation/test(s) to be performed:[ b. Duration: [ text box here ] c. Frequency of tests: [ text box here ] d. Potential adverse events: [ text box here ] text box here] Appendix S: Intramural and Extramural Funding Sources Complete the following table for each intramural and extramural funding source of the work described in this AUS. Principal Award or Investigator Proposal # Sponsored Project Title Funding Agency Funding Period A copy of the vertebrate animal section for each extramural grant listed should be pasted below. For multiple grants, please delineate each vertebrate animal section by grant number and title. 13 REVISED JUNE 2015