Merit Worksheet Instructions

University of Texas at Dallas
FY14 Budget Development
Merit Worksheet Instructions
Do NOT add or delete lines or columns, or sort the data.
This is necessary for the
accurate update to the Payroll worksheet.
The Pool: The merit pool for FY14 is two percent (2%). A department’s pool is based on the payroll of
March 1, 2013. The information on the merit worksheet comes from the Payroll tab on each
department’s submitted workbook.
Eligibility: Please refer to the FY 2014 Human Resources Guidelines on Staff Positions and Salary
Opening the Workbook: For best workbook performance, macros should be disabled. If you do not
disable macros, you will see an error message when you open the workbook. Simply click on “End”, and
continue on.
The information on the merit worksheet comes directly from the Payroll tab on each department’s
previously submitted workbook. This merit tab is for merit and salary adjustments only. No other
changes may be made to position information at this time. If a position change has occurred and needs
to be updated in the merit workbook, please contact the budget office.
Column G: Those employees who have already been identified as Terminated, End Assignment, or New
on Payroll will be indicated by the row color. These employees are not eligible for merit. Others who
have not met the criteria stated in the HR policy will be marked as not eligible, as well. Employees who
are a direct report of executive management will be marked as N/A – Not Applicable; Direct Report. The
merit pool for these employees is not part of the department merit pool, but is included in the Vice
President’s pool. The merit information will be provided by the appropriate Vice President. If you are
aware of any other eligibility changes, use the drop down menu to select the reason. The row color
should change.
Column CT – Pay Plan. Pay Plan information has been completed by Budget and Resource Planning for
those affected employees. You may not make adjustments to the Pay Plan column.
Column CV – Merit. Merit can be added as a dollar amount, or as a formula to determine a specific
percent increase. Enter merit adjustments in this column. The remaining available pool balance will
update upon entry of merit information.
If an employee’s salary is split with another department, coordinate the awarding of merit. Total merit
should equal the increase from Department A plus the increase from Department B for the total FY14
annual rate at 100%. The cost distribution will be automatically calculated.
Column CZ – Total 2014 Salary Increase. This is an automatic updated column and includes adjustments
from all sources. Please DO NOT override.
Column DE, Row 1: This is the department merit pool.
Column DF, Row 1: This calculates the amount of the pool remaining to be distributed.
Other adjustments: Any FY14 salary increases for equity, promotion, and/or executive merit will
require a written justification submitted to the Provost or President by May 24, 2013. Do not enter this
request into the merit workbook at this time. Upon authorized approval, the budget office will enter all
approved adjustments into the workbook.
Submitting the Merit Workbooks. Workbooks must be completed no later than Friday, May 24, 2013.
Once all of the work on merit is complete, the worksheet must be reviewed by the appropriate dean,
director, or vice president. Save the final copy of your workbook in your department’s folder and add
the word FINAL to the end of the file name.
Example: P2_YourDepartment_FY14MERIT09May13 - FINAL
Send an email to indicating that your merit workbook is complete. Do NOT attach
the workbook to the email. The Budget Office will copy your workbook from your directory to the
appropriate drop box for either the Provost or Budget.
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact Barbara Manzi , Ext 6344 or Danielle Wilborn , Ext 2664.