Reports on Following – Up the Implementation of Poverty Reduction Strategy Activities First: Data source Poverty is considered to be one of the multi – dimensions social phenomena closely related to the millennium development goals as poverty reduction is the first goal that all countries seek to attain. Accordingly, poverty reduction strategy aimed to eliminate poverty by distinct efforts exerted by Ministry of Planning through establishing a national committee headed by deputy Ministry of Planning and consists of representatives of the parliament, ministries , relevant entities and Kurdistan Region. Efforts of poverty reduction strategy represented in a financial allocation to the poorest governorates according to the findings of poverty measurement and analysis for 2007 and to the relevant ministries to implement the activities stated in the strategy document tabulated in 6 outcomes and 27 outputs. The committee presented two reports for 2011 and 2012 to follow up and assess the achievements attained in the frame of the implementation of the national strategy (2010 – 2014) and defined in details the challenges face the ministries, governorates and relevant entities that hinder the activity implementation. The first annual report demonstrated strategy implementation progress in 2011 with an indication to the basic information on supported entities, type of finance, duration of implementation and challenges. The second report demonstrated poverty reduction activities implemented in 2012 by the allocations of investment budget in addition to two poor- targeted projects , namely; develop vulnerable villages and slums ( develop one slum or more to raise living standard through providing services) and 2012 Iraq Poverty Map Survey (provide poverty map on which poverty pockets are geographically distributed which reduce waste of financial resources when implementing poor targeted projects. Poverty reduction activities of development plans amounted (93) distributed on 6 outcomes, most of these activities aim at improving the poor health status , education and decent housing as well as attaining higher income for the poor and reducing gender inequality. The report also demonstrated the priorities of poverty reduction in the governorates through poverty reduction strategy allocations of 2013 investment budget. Second: Methodology First annual report included implementation of strategy activities for 2011withen development plan of ministries and governorates according to decision of ministers council no. 409 for 2009 , whereas, implemented 100 activity overall governorates ,report data based on executive fact of activities by ministries ,governorates and Departments not linked to the Ministry, Report was released at 15/2/2012, preparing during two months from 15/2/2011. Second annual report included most important achievements until (31/12/2012), problems and challenges from data that has been collected from ministries and local governments covered by the strategic activities, depending on a questionnaire to follow –up work , focal points cooperation with the executive management of the Poverty Reduction Strategy to be accomplished. Report was released at 4/2012, preparing during three months from 31/12/2012 administration prepared a questionnaire to follow –up work and achievement ratios of activities , prepared within a cooperation with international bank experts ,and through meeting continuously with a members (head of follow –up and planning department or governor assistant ) from ministries and governorates for this purpose , and they are practiced on implementation of strategy activities inside and outside of Iraq . Data sources of report depending on the mechanism of Focal Points in ministries about implementation fact and Identify project activities related to the poor including questionnaire of implemented activity, so including Information about tabulations exchange and source of funding ,beginning and finishing date of implementation , planned and actual technical achievement ratios ,as well as financial achievement ratio and notices and implementation obstacles ,activities data was collected quarterly, Third: Terms &Concepts Informal settlements: the UN (UNSTAT, 2005) define informal settlements as „1. areas where groups of housing units have been constructed on land that the occupants have no legal claim to, or occupy illegally; 2. unplanned settlements and areas where housing is not in compliance with current planning and building regulations (unauthorized housing).“ Poverty Measure: poverty measure depending on three parts: (A) - digital indicator welfare (B)-poverty line (C)-Estimate of poverty range (size) Digital indicator of welfare: individual expenditures indicators about commodity and services as a measure of welfare .despite of the average of individual expenditures not covered all welfare sides, but useful to define the poorest families. The average of individual expenditures considered to calculation of indicator at actual units. Modified indicator to remove the differences in price because of geographic location and temporal dimension. Poverty line: The idea of the cost of basic needs method to develop the poverty line so that it is equal to the cost of consumer package sufficient to meet basic consumer needs, so the poverty line is equal to cover basic food needs plus covers non-food basic needs. Poverty level: measured in two main parts : (head count index )and (poverty gap index) Poverty size: the proportion of individuals who fall below the poverty line, the proportion of individuals who are unable to secure their basic food and non-food items. Despite the simplicity of this indicator, but it is insensitive to clarify the differences in the depth of poverty. The poverty gap: the index provides information useful to know how much is the level of household moves away from the poverty line. It is calculated by collecting cases the difference in the levels of the poor from the poverty line (the sum of the differences between individual expenditure for real poor united the poverty line) and divided by the total population, and uses the measurement of poverty gap to determine the resources needed to lift the poor to convert from below the poverty line to just above that level. Poverty Reduction Strategy: national document reflect the State's obligations to its citizens to achieve development and poverty reduction ,The government's program and framework to work with donor countries and organizations to continue economic reforms and financial, administrative and achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Logical framework: a way of thinking and logical analysis and appropriate methodology for the preparation and implementation of poverty reduction programs, because it depends a set of concepts can be used in the planning, design and evaluation. General Goal: The goal is long-term, which is accessed through the achievement of outcomes associated with it, and the overall objective of poverty reduction strategy in Iraq. Outcomes: the results achieved by the strategy, lead collectively to achieve the overall objective of the strategy. Each outcome of a multi-sectors nature and is achieved through a variety of sectors output in the light of certain assumptions. Has developed the following six strategic outcomes: (a higher income from work for the poor; improve the level of health, deployment and improve the education; environment better housing, effective social protection, less disparity between poor women and men) Outputs: short-term results, which requires implementation to achieve outcomes. And all the way out is located within a particular sector, and represents what is being supplied and outfitted goods and services or practices in the sector, the six outcomes included 27 outputs of strategy. Assumptions: describe the circumstance that should be achieved at the level of the director if the outcome to be achieved through the associated output falls outside the control of the implementers. Activities: are activities that must be performed within a specific period of time in order to achieve a particular output. And requires the implementation of activities to mobilize material and human resources, technology and knowledge in order to produce a specific output or contribute to these outputs, outputs of strategy included 87 activities. Indicators: measure the extent of implementation of the activity or output and to any extent to which the impact of any of them, strategy included indicators each outcome, output and Activity. Funding: The budget type that are used to implement the activity and be either investment budget or the development of regions, the current budget, budget revive the marshes, budget of poverty reduction strategy ... etc. Ratio of Technical completion planned: Achievement ratio of annual technical planned for the activity. The ratio of completion actual or technical realized: Achievement ratio of actual achievement. Urban: means areas within the municipal boundaries or within the limits of the mayoralty of Baghdad. Rural: means located within the areas outside municipal boundaries or outside the boundaries of the mayoralty of Baghdad. Fourth: The Calculation There are no methods for calculating Fifth: Classifications Items of Poverty Reduction Strategy Located within the overall objective, has a "poverty reduction in Iraq," was based on the strategic approach to the logical framework whereby identify six outcomes essential should be achieved to reach the general target, in order to achieve outcomes have been identified outputs for each outcome, which included all output a number of activities that should be implemented to ensure achieve. Have also been identified assumptions that represent the desired conditions offered to coincide with the implementation of any output in order to achieve the outcome that is located within it. And at each of the activities that are to be: Identify those responsible to the implementation of the activity (ministry, the head of hand, civil society organizations, and international organizations). Identify fund type who helps in the implementation of activity (within the general, operational or investment budget or grant international). The strategy included indicators for each outcome and some outputs, and performance indicators for each output and activity, commensurate with the requirements of the monitoring and evaluation processes, and facilitates the management of the implementation process by the authorities concerned. Six tables contain the main presentation of the components of the logical framework derived from the outcomes: Table (1): First outcome: Higher income for the poor First output Assumptions Factors are available to increase the productivity of agricultural work for the poor Poor used available factors effectively Activities Implementing partners and monitoring Second output Assumptions Parliament , Council of Ministers Reconsider agricultural ,Ministry of Agriculture , Water legislations and policies for the Resources - counterparts in the benefit of poor farmers. Kurdistan region , private sector Loans program for income-generating activities for the poor Controls to guarantee coverage for the poor loan program for the establishment of small-projects The poor benefit from the loan for income generating. program for increasing their incomes. Activities Implementing partners and monitoring Third output Assumptions Providing and maintain the infrastructure supporting the production and marketing. A training program for farmers on farming methods and modern irrigation. awareness campaigns for the poor to benefit from the program Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs government and private banks, civil Organize training programs for society organizations, local the poor who received loans to communities - counterparts in the help them in their use. Kurdistan region System to review the minimum wage according to changes in national poverty line The implementation of the The private sector is committed to inspection visits and monitors the application the minimum wage Activities application of the law. correctly Include flexible paragraphs of Implementing partners and monitoring Fourth output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring labor law to determining the minimum wage appropriate with the poverty line. The definition of workers who receive the minimum wage of their rights to raise wages for Parliament - the Ministry of Labor and compatibility with the poverty line. Social Affairs - unions and trade Diagnosis and operating unit in unions - counterparts in the Kurdistan the offices in all governorates region - civil society organizations workers can be reviewed at the lack of commitment by employers by law. Labor offices has been established to facilitate the access of the poor The offices Working in National labor's ability to compete the coordination with the private foreign labor sector to provide work. Activities The offices Working in Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs coordination with the training to provincial councils - counterparts in the rehabilitation job skills of the Kurdistan region - private sector poor. Fifth output Government supported the initiatives of civil society support for the poor Assumptions Civil society benefit from the government's support for the poor Sixth output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Participate in income-generating programs for the poor contributed by donors. Activities The Ministry of State for Civil Society The government is providing Affairs - Ministry of Planning, civil society facilities and grant allocations to organizations - counterparts in the organizations with programs for Kurdistan region the poor. Established evening craft centers and training programs in income-generating occupations especially for the poor Awareness-raising campaigns for Poor enrollment centers and training the poor enrollment centers and programs training programs. Activities Council of Ministers - the Ministry of Engage civil society Labor and Social Affairs - civil society organizations to open training organizations - counterparts in the centers for the poor. Kurdistan region Table (2): Second outcome: Improved level of health First output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Second output Primary health care services for the poor and easy to reach Training staffs of primary Provides the confidence of the community health care centers. primary health care services - Availability of qualified in primary health Construction of primary health care centers Activities care centers equipped. Ministry of Health - Ministry of Planning counterparts in the Kurdistan region Increase the number of mobile clinics to remote areas. Increase awareness of health in poor areas to control the risk factors for diseases transitional and non-transitional Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Third output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Fourth output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Fifth output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Sixth output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring The existence of the poor's willingness to change the beliefs - Post relevant ministries, civil society organizations, health departments in the provinces Activities Awareness campaigns means audio-visual and read and seminars Ministry of Health - Ministry of Health in the Kurdistan region - and the media A government program to deliver safe drinking water and sanitation services in poor areas The flow of resources allocated to projects Expansion projects for the - Contractors commitment to the delivery of drinking water to implementation of projects poor areas The Ministry of Planning and Development Activities Cooperation - Municipalities and Public Works - mayoralty of Baghdad - the Expand sanitation projects provincial councils - counterparts in the Kurdistan region promote coverage of the poor areas expanded program on immunization activities Strengthen surveillance of transition disease Stabilize the security situation Implementation of vaccine Activities campaigns Perpetuate campaigns Ministry of Health - Ministry of Health of the Supplies (vaccines, cold chain, Kurdistan region transport) Improved the nutritional status of the poor The continued get of the poor to PDS. Efficient distribution mechanism secures the arrival of feed material to the target groups Activities Re-inclusion of elementary school to school feeding. Ministry of Commerce - Ministry of Health counterparts in the Kurdistan region Program to strengthen reproductive health for the poor and under implementation Implementation of awarenessConvinced women in the slums of maternal raising campaigns on care services and child. reproductive health programs. - Poor communities’ response to family Training of medical and health planning programs. Activities staffs. The continued provision of Ministry of Health - Ministry of Health of the materials and supplies Kurdistan region standard. Table 3: Third Outcome: Publish and improve education of the poor First output Assumptions The enactment of compulsory basic education, especially in poor and rural areas Amendment of Article (34 / I) of the Constitution Effective cooperation by to extend compulsory education to middle stage households in rural areas and (third grade average). poor neighborhoods in the Activities Database configuration for the age group covered application of the law of by the compulsory education according to the compulsory education. geographical distribution and constantly updated, - The effective cooperation of and by focusing on rural and poor areas to facilitate local administration in monitoring the implementation of the Compulsory Education Law Implementing partners and monitoring Second output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Third output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Fourth output the follow-up of families covered. A partnership program with civil society organizations and relevant government ministries in the implementation of compulsory education. Activation of the relationship with the parentteacher according to legal and institutional formula designed to promote a culture of compulsory education. Reconsider of Educational Information Department to create awareness of the importance of commitment to compulsory education. Develop a system to monitor and follow-up of dropouts in the category of compulsory education according to the annual plan programs for the Ministry of Education (teachers field teams, be considered to reduce the chances of leakage standard for efficiency, etc.). Parliament - the Council of Ministers - Ministry of Education - Ministry of State for civil society - civil society the constitutional amendment to Article organizations - counterparts in compulsory education the Kurdistan region Priority to the establishment of primary and middle schools and secondary in the slums Create an information base for the distribution of educationally poor areas (both geographically and administratively) and according to the degree of deprivation of middle and secondary schools. Allocation of funding under the investment budget Support guaranteed by the by educational stages (of government spending Ministry of Planning and priority educational investment) with priority in the Development Cooperation of allocation of construction and rehabilitation of the priorities identified by the middle and junior high schools in the villages and Ministry of Education Activities slums and in accordance with appropriate limits of time Ministry of Education - local administrations - the provincial councils counterparts in the Kurdistan region Achieve adapt between desired size of building and number of covered education for geographical area (the absorptive capacities of schools). Develop a program with the support of local governments for the establishment and rehabilitation of a private middle and secondary school Network Protection Act was amended to link the registration of children of families covered by basic education The efficiency of the database, Database configuration at governorate, district and especially for children of sub district level, of children in the primary school families covered by social from poor families covered by a network of protection network protection. Reconsider the law of social protection network to Activities Council of Ministers ensure the registration of children of families Ministry of Education covered. Ministry of Labor and Social Preparation a mechanism for the exchange of Affairs - counterparts in the information between the Ministries of Education Kurdistan region and Labor and Social Affairs. Improved the efficiency of education in poor areas in urban and rural areas Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Fifth output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Sixth output Assumptions Providing electric power to rural and poor areas schools The Ministry of Education Ministry of Education in the Kurdistan region Activities Given priority in the distribution of related educational services efficiently Education (laboratories, teaching aids, etc.) for poor regions. Giving priority in the training of teachers in poor urban and rural areas. procedures taken to reduce the numbers of illiterates Enactment of mandatory literacy. Enrollment illiterate literacy centers Establishment of literacy centers. parliament - Ministry of Activities Education - civil society Awareness campaigns to join the literacy centers. organizations - counterparts in the Kurdistan region connect the curriculum of vocational education to the labor market, especially in the agricultural and rural sector Promotion of international reports and bulletins Clear diagnosis to the needs of Activities about linking vocational education to the needs of the labor market the labor market. Table 4: Fourth Outcome: Better housing for the poor First output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Second output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Third output Assumptions Expanded state projects for the construction concessional suitable housing units for the poor The implementation of projects for the construction of residential complexes for the poor low-cost specifications. Develop a system for identifying Residential units within prepared beneficiaries. of these projects benefit the poor Develop a system to receive the costs of housing unit’s concessional beneficiaries. Activities Develop programs to involve the poor in choosing the type of housing Council of Ministers - Ministry of Housing and Reconstruction - the Encouraging department’s endowments Ministry of Planning - private and social security funds and minors to sector participate in the financing of projects and Counterparts in the Kurdistan low-cost housing. region Program to encourage private sector participation in a low-cost housing Action encourages the participation of the The private sector is able to implement private sector to build housing units in these projects poor areas. Council of Ministers - Planning Housing and Reconstruction Activities mayoralty of Baghdad - and the Take action to provide the necessary Ministry of Municipalities - Ministry of infrastructure for these projects. Electricity - National Investment Commission - counterparts in the Kurdistan region - the private sector procedures have been implemented to ensure a suitable environment surrounding housing Paving projects and lighting roads leading Activities - To provide sustainability and ongoing to the slums. Implementing partners and monitoring maintenance by the authorities concerned. - The maintain of the poor on the surrounding environment. Ministry of Housing and Construction Electricity - Baghdad Secretariat Ministry of Transport - Ministry of Commerce - Ministry of Planning mayoralty of Baghdad - the Ministry of Youth and Sports - the provincial local - the Ministry of Municipalities counterparts in the Kurdistan region the private sector - civil society organizations Providing public transport services. Regulation of markets in slums Providing waste disposal services. The establishment of scientific and sports clubs and public parks. Awareness programs for the poor to preservation of the environment surrounding the housing. Providing maintenance services for the surrounding housing installations. Table 5: Fifth Outcome: Effective social protection for the poor First output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Second output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Third output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Procedures to ensure the proper application of the system of social protection network Action for the adoption of decentralization in the management of social protection network. Develop a data base for families covered and continuously updated. Develop a program to raise capacity for the rehabilitation of working on the application of The community aware of the aim of the network system. system of social protection network Strict control systems on the mechanisms of - The enactment of the social protection action and the implementation of the law by network the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Activities Expedite the smart card system procedures. Prompt information program designed for citizens to make them aware of their rights and conditions of inclusiveness and deterrent penalties in the case of overtaking on the network. Partnership with civil society organizations in Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs targeting the poor and evaluate network provincial councils - Finance - Ministry of system. State for community organizations Develop a mechanism to connect the counterparts in the Kurdistan region amount of the subsidy rate of inflation while international organizations providing inflation rates for commodities. use of the national poverty line adopted in identifying target groups subsidy Identify target groups using the national Update the national poverty line each year to poverty line take advantage of Census data for the year Activities 2010 population and household surveys and Ministry of Planning - Ministry of Planning other statistical sources Kurdistan Region Put out of action PDS to target the poor and most needy groups Provide a reliable data base to identify the transfer funds earned blocking the ration poor and most needy groups card to the social protection network Activities Ministry of Finance - Ministry of Labor Monitoring and evaluation system and Ministry of Commerce - regulators reform of PDS counterparts in Kurdistan region Table 6: Sixth Outcome: less disparity between poor women and men First output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Second output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Third output Assumptions Implementing partners and monitoring Expanded programs to address the factors causing low enrollment of girls in primary , intermediate and secondary schools Awareness seminars (at least one) before the start of the school year in poor areas to spread the culture and encourage enrollment Provide the necessary conditions for the to primary education compulsory and activation of the Compulsory Education universal education for girls. Law. Give priority to the establishment of schools - Poor families’ response to those for girls in primary and secondary slums. programs. Activities Activation of the monitoring system enrollment rates in primary and secondary schools and diagnosis of progress. Ministry of Education - local administrations - Ministry of Transport Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Providing logistical facilities (transport, etc.) to Civil society organizations facilitate the access of girls to school. counterparts in the Kurdistan region Specialized training programs for poor women to increase employment opportunities for them The participation of the private sector and civil society organizations in organizing training courses for women. - Enrollment of women at high rates to these programs. Implementation of training courses for poor women in rural areas Activities Cooperation with the private sector for urging to support vocational rehabilitation programs in the Iraqi rural. Continuous monitoring system to train and rehabilitate women Issued legislation to achieve social security for poor women The political will required for issuing The establishment of a social security fund for legislation workers in the unorganized sector. Establish an effective system for implementation of Social Security Act so as to ensure the rights of working women. Council of Ministers - the Ministry of Awareness programs for women in the Iraqi Activities Labor and Social Affairs - Civil society rural, to comply with the social security organizations - counterparts in the system Kurdistan region Development of programs for women to ensure and recognition their rights. Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs - the private sector - civil society organizations - counterparts in the Kurdistan region Sixth: - Data Availability Geographical range for publishing data: report in 2011 includes the conduct and completion rates of poverty reduction strategy activities, implemented by the ministries and governorates of its development plans and at governorates level for 2011. report in 2012 includes the completion rates of poverty reduction strategy activities, implemented by the ministries and governorates , funded by the strategy Sorted by outcomes of those activities.In addition summary of implementation of activities and projects for 2012 , implemented by the ministries and governorates of its development plans and at governorates level for 2012 Uncovered regions: report in 2011 excluding (Kirkuk, Salah Al-deen, Dohouk ) did not implemented activities related with achievement of strategy targets in the plan for 2011 . Periodic report: report of the implementation of strategic activities, issued annually, starting at 2011 Report format: is available as hard and digital copy (PDF) and (WORD)