ALGEBRA 2 COURSE INFORMATION Instructor: Sandra Miller School #: 940-369-1075 E-mail: Conference period: A2 Tutorials: Tuesday 4:15-5pm/Thursday 8-8:45am (D108) Every day (Math Center in the library) 8-8:45am and 4:15-5:00pm Welcome! My goal is for you to be successful in Algebra 2! What is your goal for this class? Course description Algebra 2 develops such advanced algebra topics as linear and quadratic functions and systems, complex numbers, exponential and logarithmic functions, and rational and irrational algebraic functions. Students will learn the real-life value of algebra as a problem-solving tool. Expectations of student learning (TEKS): are available online at Textbook: McDougal Littell Algebra 2. The textbook may be left at home as we have a class set in the room. Supplies needed every day: Spiral notebook, notebook paper, pencils/erasers (all work must be done in pencil), RED pen, highlighter, and workbook. A calculator is recommended for home use. Calculators will be available for student use during class, but may not be checked out or taken home. The TI-84 Plus and/or a Scientific Calculator will be the calculator used in class. A graphing calculator is available online at (this is a link on my website as well). Additional supplies: I need Kleenex, paper towels, and AAA batteries for use in the classroom. If you are able to bring any of these, it would be much appreciated. Tutorials: Students are required to bring their notes over the topic(s) they need help with to tutorials. You will not be allowed entry without notes and attempted assignment. If you are retaking or making up quizzes or tests you should have notes plus any or all homework relating to the assessment including test reviews. Absent work policy: As stated in the district code, a student is allowed the number of days absent plus one to get all work missed completed. The agenda for what you missed will be on the calendar in my room. Any work that was due on the day you were absent must be turned in the day you return. According to district policy…if a test is scheduled on the day you return from being absent and no new material was covered while you were absent, you will take the test. Tardies If you are late to class, you will enter quietly and take your seat. If you have a note, hand it to me first. Unexcused tardies will be recorded every time. I will not excuse you if you do not have a note from the office or another teacher so don’t try to convince me. The following are the school directed consequences for unexcused tardies: 1st: Warning 2nd: Teacher assigned detention 3rd and more: Disciplinary Referral to the AP - All-School Detentions given by administrators will be held on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 4:15-5:15. Grading policy: Minor Assessments: Major Assessments: 30% 70% (a progress report is sent after 3 weeks of each grading period) Definition of Major and Minor Assessments Major Assessments Chapter Tests Unit Tests Conceptual Tests Projects designated as significant in nature used to summarize unit concepts or emulating real world problems. Teaching tools designed to evaluate understanding opposed to developing understanding. Minor Assessments Quizzes Teaching tools designed to develop understanding opposed to evaluating understanding. Formative Assessments Formative assessments will not be included in grade calculations but may be prerequisites to summative assessments. Homework Class work Daily work Tools designed to practice and introduce topics. Consequences for not doing work and other discipline issues: 1st Offense (Student misses due date) Teacher makes parent contact (may be via phone or email) and arranges mandatory tutorials for student. This action should be documented in e-School. 2nd Offense (Student misses deadline) Teacher refers student to administration for disciplinary action. Administration will contact parent and assign an after school detention in which the student will produce the missing work. (Three days of lunch detention may be substituted in cases when after school detention is not accessible due to transportation issues.) Administration will also warn student that subsequent failure to produce work will result in loss of parking privileges and dismissal period. 3rd Offense (Student misses another deadline) Student loses parking privileges for 1 week and is assigned ½ day of Saturday School in order to complete the missing work. 4th Offense (Student misses another deadline) Student loses parking privileges for 1 month and is assigned 1 full day of Saturday School in order to complete the missing work. 5th Offense (Student misses another deadline) Student loses parking privileges for the semester and loses dismissal period if applicable. 6th Offense (Student misses another deadline) Student will be referred to Mr. Terronez Reassessment Criteria Students will have the opportunity to re-assess Major and Minor Summative Assessments (excluding semester and final exams). The goal of assessment is to measure learning. If the assessment evidence suggests adequate learning did not occur then additional and/or alternate learning devices will be required as a prerequisite for a new assessment opportunity. Additional tutoring may be required. Additional practice may be required. As a general guideline the reassessment must be completed within one week of the primary assessment. This guideline may be extended by the teacher to accommodate individual circumstances. Reassessment is worth full credit. If the primary assessment is skipped or missed it will be interpreted as evidence that adequate learning did not occur. The alternate and/or additional learning devices will be required for the secondary reassessment. A third opportunity will not be allowed. An assessment may be reassessed once. Reassessments are worth full credit. Non-academic behaviors may be required before an assessment is administered but will not be used as a numeric grading tool. These include, but are not limited to the following: Late Homework Class Participation Tardiness All things not directly involved in developing understanding of a topic Missing Homework Material Requirements Classroom Procedures All things not directly involved in evaluating understanding of a topic -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Retake policy: This is a Math Department policy…Students will have the option to retake major and minor assessments (excluding semester and final exams). ALL work that has been covered and assigned must be turned in prior to taking the original test/quiz in order to have the option to retake. Tutoring is strongly suggested before retaking. Retakes will be allowed within the week following return of the original. Specific times for the retakes will be posted on my board. Homework 1. Homework is for YOUR practice of the new material. 2. You will be quizzed regularly over most assignments so I can assess your understanding of the material. Quizzes are short and you will be limited on time since we will be moving on with new material. You may use your notes and assignment to help you, but remember you must finish in the allotted time. If you don't know how to do it, you won't finish and will have to retake it to better your grade. 3. If you fail to prepare for the quizzes by not doing your homework then you are responsible for the grade you receive. IN ORDER TO RETAKE A QUIZ OR TEST, ALL HOMEWORK (covering that material) MUST BE COMPLETED. I will not allow any retakes whatsoever without completed homework on the material being quizzed/tested. Classroom guidelines: Proper classroom behavior is expected at all times. Respect for personal and public property, along with respect for each other, will be practiced. School regulations as stated in the handbook are to be observed in this class. You must be in your seat and ready to begin when the 5 minute passing period is up. Be Respectful, Be Prepared, Be Responsible! Cell phones: Cell phones must be silenced and put away during class. Website: My website has a schedule of my day, a little information about myself, the above information, some links, and a calendar of what we will be doing. Specific assignments will be posted after the assignment has been made. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to a great year!