Planning Inspectorate Robert Cook Kite Wing Temple Quay House 2 The Square Temple Quay Bristol BS1 6PN Inspectorate Reference: APP/M2325/A/13/2192188, APP/M2325/A/13/2196027 Dear Mr Cook, I am writing as local resident to object to the above planning proposals by Bloor Homes and Gladman Developments Both of these proposals are situated on the Environment Agencies defined flood plain for the Dow Brook and one of its tributaries (Wrongway Brook) and pose a serious flood risk to both these sites and more importantly would exacerbate the current flooding problems experienced by the low lying areas of the existing Town adjacent to this flood plain. I have additional and major concerns regarding the sustainability of these developments outside of the current settlement boundaries of Kirkham. My fundamental objections are: Sustainability These proposed developments are remote and considerably divorced from the settlement of Kirkham. There is a very definite boundary to the settlement in the form of the A585 (Wesham bypass). There is no viable access to these sites either by public transport, cycling and walking; There is nothing in these proposals that would provide any access to local services and facilities for local people, no community facilities, shops, cultural or leisure pursuits; There is nothing contained within these proposals that will provide any increased employment opportunities for local people. The only pedestrian access from these sites to all local facilities, schools and services would be via the St. Georges residential estate or the Kirkham Grammar School (KGS) rugby pitches (these separate the proposed development sites from the current settlement boundary) and across School property, this would be unlikely to be permitted by Lancashire County Council on pupil safety grounds. The nearest State Primary School (The Willows RC Primary) is over 20 minutes walk away across the busy A585 bypass, whilst the nearest State Secondary School Carr Hill, is 1.5 miles (30 minutes walk) via the busy A583 Kirkham Bypass or the longer and safer route through the town. There being no viable and safe cycling access to and from these sites, most parents will opt to drive their children to school and to access all services and facilities, increasing pressure on these already considerably congested areas adjacent to these schools and impacting on local residents. Highways & Travel The A583 is a busy 50mph main road (itself a bypass) with a poor record of accidents. There are no pavement to the north side of this road where the development is proposed and none on the A585 Wesham Bypass. There are no bus stops in this area (previous requests for stops have been declined on the basis of safety). Whilst we are aware that any development would undoubtedly have to provide amendments to the road infrastructure to accommodate turning traffic and pedestrians, we have serious concerns over the volume of traffic and potential for pedestrians crossing the busy road, especially only a few hundred yards from a major roundabout junction. It would be logical to infer that the majority of travel will have to be vehicular to reach services and amenities. Pedestrian travel to amenities in Kirkham would involve a walk of over 1 mile (over 20 minutes) and involve crossing of the busy A585 bypass. The amount of novel engineering solutions in the plans to facilitate safe pedestrian access to Kirkham only serves to demonstrate how far removed from the settlement this development would be while still imposing its demands on Kirkham’s existing infrastructure. The mixed nature of this development and the inclusion of affordable housing infer that some of those families may have limited access to vehicles and would be forced to rely on a well delivered public transport solution in addition to safe pedestrian and cycling facilities. Flooding The A583 adjacent to the proposed development frequently floods both of these proposals are situated on the Environment Agencies defined flood plain for Kirkham. Protection of Agricultural Land Local Plan Policy EP22 seeks to prevent development that would involve permanent loss of agricultural land graded 1, 2 and 3a. The land included in these plans is substantially classified as 3a. Infrastructure and Services I object to this development on the basis that it does not provide sustainable development and will not positively contribute to the community of Kirkham due to its remote nature in relation to the town and its amenities. Local schools would be put under considerable pressure limiting the available places. Two small health centres within the town are already oversubscribed and there are currently no NHS dentists available in Kirkham. These applications should also be considered jointly as an additional, we believe to be un-sustainable development of in excess of 320 dwellings, the combined impact of which will only exacerbate the issues raised above. I am not against development in Kirkham, the right kind of sustainable development within the current settlement boundaries utilising the brown field sites currently available would be welcomed. I request to be actively recognised and involved in the appeal process and look forward to acknowledgment of this letter in due course. Yours sincerely Address (including Post Code): Email address: