Topic Leaflet- Greece For this third term Greece class will be studying the Stone Age and Iron Age as part of a history study. In the fourth term the children will be studying a science topic based on magnetism and magicians. English In this third term the children will be studying the story 'Stone Age Boy' which mixes fiction and non- fiction. Children will be writing their own time travelling story and will also cover different genres stemming from the story. These include poetry and newsletters. The children will have the opportunity to write a newspaper report, understanding the importance of headlines and emotive language. Maths This term the children will be studying three different maths topics including shape (2D and 3D), fractions (including plotting them on a number line) and multiplication and division. The children will be using their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Science This term the children will investigate rocks, properties, fossils, organic matter. The children will have the opportunity to grow crystals from salt solution and understand how and why crystals form. Computing In this term the children will be working on the theme ' We are presenters'. They will be designing and creating their own piece of film using movie maker to edit and present their final piece of work. Children will also engage in discussion surrounding e-safety to understand the rules for broadcasting footage respectfully and safely. History In history the children will try to imagine what it was like to live in the stone age. They will be able to do independent research, collect information and images about stone henge and understand how early man tried to understand the natural world. PSHE During our personal, social and health education time the children will be given the opportunity to talk about and consider personal non academic targets and to know that longer goals need to be broken down into smaller steps. P.E. Indoor P.E. will be dance linked to our learning of the Stone Age. Children will compose their own dance showing daily life in the Stone Age. They will explore how to combine different movements (turning, jumping, travelling, stillness and gesture.) Children will work independently, in pairs and in small groups to develop their own choreography. Outdoor P.E. is taught by a specialist P.E. teacher who will be teaching the children hockey. Music The children will be exploring beat, metre, rhythm and pitch this term. For the musical focus of pitch the children will explore the pentatonic scale and ways of notating pitch. The children will also focus of beat to help develop their understanding of beat, metre and rhythm. Art This term the children will be exploring cave painting with natural materials and the sculptures of Barbara Hepworth. They will appreciate the work of Barbara Hepworth and use their knowledge to inspire different techniques to use with natural materials. R.E. This subject is not linked to our history topic as the children will be investigating Peace - why should we give it a chance? The children will be able to take part in a class debate about peace & conflict in our world and understand that peace is an important dimension across many world religions.