Web Development|Embedded System Hosting|Training|Consultant iFarm: Development of Web-Based System of Cultivation and Cost Management for Agriculture Precision agriculture is aimed at optimizing farming management and it requires records of agricultural work. Farmers conventionally write records on paper but it is difficult and tedious to check past agricultural-work data and control the cost of agricultural products. A system of cultivation and cost management, iFarm, is proposed, which was developed to support efficient farming management. The system consists of smartphone applications, Web browsers and a cloud server. Farmers on farmland can easily refer to work plans, enter field data into the cloud system, and share them with head office in real time by using smartphones. Farmers at head office can analyze data in the cloud system with a Web browser and estimate farming costs and form work plans based on their analyses. Published in:Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), 2014 Eighth International Conference on Date of Conference:2-4 July 2014 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=6915585&newsearch=true &queryText=agriculture%20web%20based Web based service to monitor automatic irrigation system for the agriculture field using sensors The paper describes the automatic irrigation system using the Arduino microcontroller with grove moisture sensor and water flow sensor. The communication will be established using the Zigbee protocol and the control will be sent based on the moisture level of the soil using Arduino microcontroller. The two xbee radios's used in the network will be treated as master and slave in combination with the Arduino microcontroller. Here when a particular moisture level is reached, depending on the value of the moisture level water flow will be allowed in the pipe and the flow range, water pressure will be updated along with the time in a database and also displayed in the web portal. The owner of the agricultural field can anytime check the moisture level and the motor status. The motor's functionality status will also be a sent to the farmer's mobile using GSM. Published in:Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2014 International Conference on Date of Conference: 9-11 Jan. 2014 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=6838569&newsearch=true&queryText=ag riculture%20web%20based Address: C-22 eSankalp IT Solution, New Cotton Market, Near Shegaon Naka, Amravati - 444601 Mob. - +918600873002 Email : info@esankalp.com Url : www.esankalp.com Web Development|Embedded System Hosting|Training|Consultant Design of ontology based ubiquitous web for agriculture — A farmer helping system Agriculture census information is a leading source of a country's development. Such information is used by many who provide services to farmers and rural communities. The human interaction system provides a move from entity and object centric processing to relationship and event centric processing. The computer is interacted efficiently with the human for giving the solution to their problems. The integrated system gives the ability to extract, represent and reason about a variety of relationship as well as providing integral support. The proposed system is called farmer helping system which integrates relevant web services like soil information, plant disease information, and plant information and also contains pesticides and fungicides information. This farmer helping system gives the appropriate solution for farmers. The farmer helping system analyses the message from the user, contacts appropriate resources, and return actionable information, while requiring minimal involvement or technology consciousness from the user. The semantically annotated data is used for integration, search, analysis, discovery, question answering and situational awareness for making the user system efficient. This system can help for agricultural development planning and formulate of agricultural policies. Date of Conference:22-24 Feb. 2012 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=6179214&newsearch=true&queryText=ag riculture%20web%20based Agro advisory system for cotton crop In the agricultural domain, the main challenge is to present the new information and research to the farmers so that they can leverage the power of ICT to improve their agricultural practices and thereby the production. Huge amount of agriculture related data like weather data, soil health records, cropping pattern, location specific crop disease and pest are collected from different sources like services, remote satellites, and network of sensors. An agro advisory system presented in this paper helps to bridge the gap between farmers and the agriculture domain experts and developed for the cotton farmers in Gujarat region of India. The system consists of three basic components; Cotton Ontology, Web Services, and Mobile Application Development. The cotton ontology maintains domain knowledge required for answering farmer queries. The ontology contains information regarding crop, soil, cultivation process, disease, pest, and other relevant information. Protégé ontology development tool is used to develop this ontology. Appropriate Web services were built which help interactions with different data sources. The RESTful Web services are programmed in Java using the JAX-RS/Jersey API and the Eclipse EE IDE. The services are developed and deployed on a cloud based application server provided by Heroku. The Web services are invoked from the mobile device and in turn they connect to various data sources like Open Weather API, SQL database and the Ontologies. The farmers can use this application based on very simple android mobile interfaces. The prototype is developed using Java, Android SDK - v14 and Eclipse IDE.Date of Conference:6-10 Jan. 2015 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7098701&newsearch=true&queryText=agricultu re%20web%20based Address: C-22 eSankalp IT Solution, New Cotton Market, Near Shegaon Naka, Amravati - 444601 Mob. - +918600873002 Email : info@esankalp.com Url : www.esankalp.com Web Development|Embedded System Hosting|Training|Consultant Developing intellectual patterns in online business to customer interaction with dynamic recommender system Recommender systems are altering from novelties used by a small number of online sites, to grave business tools that are reshaping the world of E-commerce. Numerous sites are already using it to help their customers for finding good products to purchase. In this paper it presents an explanation of how recommender systems help E-commerce sites to increase sales, and analyze business patterns to developer. Based on the system business developer is helpful to build the product according to the customer likes. It create patterns using recommender systems, including the interfaces they present to customers, the technologies used to create the recommendations, and the inputs they need from customers. It concludes with ideas for new applications with recommender systems for business to customer interaction. Published in:Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES), 2014 International Conference on Date of Conference:27-28 Feb. 2014 Smart metering: A GSM approach in Ghana The essence of using prepayment meters, in the management of power is to help improve on cash flow, reduce credit and arrears collection costs, avoid deposits and monthly bills as well as reconnect charges, and many more. These benefits have not been fully explored due to the nature of many prepayment meter implementations where each customer has to disconnect his prepayment card and send to the vender before billing and other services can be implemented. With the spread of internet use and hence, web based application, there is the need to focus on how prepayment meters and utility meters can be aided to stay online. This paper presents the design and implementation of a GSM Based Smart Meter system design project. Embedded functionalities of PICs and GSM module was used to design a meter which is capable of reading and storing electrical power consumptions and sends the readings and various statuses to a central database server periodically or in real time for billing and report generation purposes. Various requests and updates are also sent to the meter from the server. Web based applications such as Web Client; Monitoring and Control applications were developed to present both the consumers and the power companies with the ability to interact with the meter remotely. The GSM Based Smart metering system will provide the power companies and the consumers the full benefit of the Prepayment Metering Systems as well as an enhancement of the Post-payment Metering Systems in Ghana. Published in:Adaptive Science & Technology (ICAST), 2012 IEEE 4th International Conference on Date of Conference:25-27 Oct. 2012 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=6381085&queryText=online% 20billing%20system&newsearch=true Address: C-22 eSankalp IT Solution, New Cotton Market, Near Shegaon Naka, Amravati - 444601 Mob. - +918600873002 Email : info@esankalp.com Url : www.esankalp.com Web Development|Embedded System Hosting|Training|Consultant Address: C-22 eSankalp IT Solution, New Cotton Market, Near Shegaon Naka, Amravati - 444601 Mob. - +918600873002 Email : info@esankalp.com Url : www.esankalp.com