Text07-CreatingClassMethods - Fort Thomas Independent Schools

Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Chapter VII Topics
The Math Class Revisited
Modular Programming and Creating Simple Methods
Graphics Programs with Multiple Methods
Creating a Big Graphics Program Step-By-Step
Void Methods with a Single Parameter
Void Methods with Multiple Parameters
Return Methods with a Single Parameter
Return Methods with Multiple Parameters
7.10 Introduction to Program Design
7.11 Creating Methods with Other Methods
7.12 Making a Utility Library Class
7.13 Summary
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
7.1 Introduction
Chapter IV introduced a few Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. In
particular, emphasis was placed on using class methods. You learned that an
object is capable of containing both data, often called attributes, and action
modules that can process data, called methods. The lion's share of the Chapter IV
revolved around using methods of existing classes. Later you also learned the
difference between calling class methods with the class identifier and object
methods with the object identifier. Class methods are normally utility methods
that do not access changing data fields. The Math class is a good example of a
class where data will not change. There are many methods in the Math class, but
only two data fields, PI and E, which do not change. Methods of the Math class
are class methods and must be accessed using the Math class identifier. If you
want to access the value of PI, you need to use Math.PI in your program. If you
want to compute the square root of 100, you need Math.sqrt(100) in your
It is a different story when you have the need to use methods with different sets of
data. In this case, a new and separate object needs to be constructed for every
variable. Most classes require variables for many different data storage situations.
In the last chapter you saw the Bank class. That is a good example of a class,
which requires multiple objects, one for each customer of the Bank class.
Here is an example of using the Bank class:
Bank tom = new Bank();
The point that is being made here is that if you want to call an object method, an
object must be created, and you need to use the name of the object in order to call
the method.
In the statement int num; int is the data type and num is the variable. Likewise
in the statement Bank tom; Bank is the data type and tom is the variable. There
is a very important distinction between simple data types (or primitive data types)
like int, double, and char, and complex data types like Bank and Random.
A simple/primitive data type can store only one single value. This means an int
can only store one integer. A double can only store one real number. A char can
only store one character. On the other hand, a class is a complex data type. An
object is a complex variable that can store multiple pieces of information (class
attributes) as well as several methods (class actions).
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
As you saw examples of class methods and object methods, you also learned that
methods can have one or more parameters or arguments. Parameters provide
information to methods for processing. Additionally, methods fall into two major
categories, which are return methods and void methods. Return methods return
some requested value, like the tom.getChecking(); statement, which returns the
checking account balance of the object tom. Void methods do not return any
values. That is why they are called void methods… because their return date type
is void. Void methods frequently alter object data, like the statement:
tom.checkingDeposite(1000.0); which adds $1000.00 to the checking account
balance of the tom object.
Now and then we have students ask, “Mr. Schram, are object methods void or
return methods?” What you need to realize is that the whole class method vs.
object method thing has nothing to do with the whole void method vs. return
method thing. Let us spell it out plainly:
A method can be BOTH a void method and a class method.
A method can be BOTH a void method and an object method.
A method can be BOTH a return method and a class method.
A method can be BOTH a return method and an object method.
So there are void class methods, void object methods, return class methods, and
return object methods.
In this chapter you will learn how to create and write your own class methods and
in the next chapter you will learn how to write your own object methods. You
have already seen that there is a difference in using or calling class methods and
object methods. There is also a difference in writing class methods and object
As your programs start to increase in size, it becomes important to consider some
proper program design concepts. This chapter will introduce program design with
the use of classes. It is not possible to create large, reliable programs without
being very conscious of program design.
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
7.2 The Math Class Revisited
The Math class was used in the last chapter because students have familiarity
with the methods of the Math class. Program Java0701.java, in Figure 7.1, calls
the majority of the Math methods in one program. This will review how to call
class methods and it will also introduce various Math methods that were not
shown in the earlier chapter. It is possible that some of these math functions are
not familiar to you. You will learn about them in Algebra II and Pre-Calculus.
Additional Math Methods (not previously shown in Chapter 4)
returns the log base 10 of p
returns the natural log (base e) of p
returns the antilog of the p or ep
returns the trigonometric sine of p
returns the trigonometric cosine of p
returns the trigonometric tangent of p
returns the trigonometric arcsine of p
returns the trigonometric arccosine of p
returns the trigonometric arctangent of p
returns the number of degrees in p radians
returns the number of radians in p degrees
Figure 7.1
// Java0701.java
// This program reviews using class methods and demonstrates the
// available <Math> class methods and data fields.
public class Java0701
public static void main (String args[])
double halfPI = Math.PI / 2;
double quarterPI = Math.PI / 4;
System.out.println("The value of E is
System.out.println("The value of PI is
System.out.println("The absolute value of (-25) is
System.out.println("The square root of (1024) is
System.out.println("(5.00001) rounded up is
System.out.println("(5.99999) rounded down is
" + Math.E);
" + Math.PI);
" + Math.abs(-25));
" + Math.sqrt(1024));
" + Math.ceil(5.00001));
" + Math.floor(5.99999));
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
System.out.println("(5.50001) rounded normally is
System.out.println("(5.49999) rounded normally is
System.out.println("The log base 10 of (100) is
System.out.println("The natural log of (100) is
System.out.println("The antilog of (4.605170185988092) is
System.out.println("With (1000,999) the greater number is
System.out.println("With (1000,999) the lesser number is
System.out.println("4 to the 3rd power is
System.out.println("3 to the 4th power is
System.out.println("The sine of (PI/2) is
System.out.println("The cosine of (PI) is
System.out.println("The tangent of (PI/4) is
System.out.println("The arcsine of (1) is
System.out.println("The arccosine of (-1) is
System.out.println("The arctangent of (1) is
System.out.println("(PI) radians equals
System.out.println("(180) degrees equals
System.out.println("A random real number between 0 & 1 is
System.out.println("Another random real# between 0 & 1 is
" + Math.round(5.50001));
" + Math.round(5.49999));
" + Math.log10(100));
" + Math.log(100));
" + Math.exp(4.605170185988092));
" + Math.max(1000,999));
" + Math.min(1000,999));
" + Math.pow(4,3));
" + Math.pow(3,4));
" + Math.sin(halfPI));
" + Math.cos(Math.PI));
" + Math.tan(quarterPI));
" + Math.asin(1));
" + Math.acos(-1));
" + Math.atan(1));
" + Math.toDegrees(Math.PI) + " degrees");
" + Math.toRadians(180) + " radians");
" + Math.random());
" + Math.random());
Figure 7.1 Continued
The value of E is
The value of PI is
The absolute value of (-25) is
The square root of (1024) is
(5.00001) rounded up is
(5.99999) rounded down is
(5.50001) rounded normally is
(5.49999) rounded normally is
The log base 10 of (100) is
The natural log of (100) is
The antilog of (4.605170185988092) is
With (1000,999) the greater number is
With (1000,999) the lesser number is
4 to the 3rd power is
3 to the 4th power is
The sine of (PI/2) is
The cosine of (PI) is
The tangent of (PI/4) is
The arcsine of (1) is
The arccosine of (-1) is
The arctangent of (1) is
(PI) radians equals
(180) degrees equals
A random real number between 0 & 1 is
Another random real# between 0 & 1 is
180.0 degrees
3.141592653589793 radians
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
7.3 Modular Programming and
Creating Simple Methods
Near the end of this chapter you will see an example of a very poorly written
program, which is then slowly improved with many stages of program design.
The title of this chapter is User Created Methods, but the creation of special
modules, called methods, is motivated by program design. In other words, this
chapter will introduce many introductory program design features.
One important program design feature is modular programming. It is possible to
write a program with hundreds and even thousands of lines of program code that
are all shoved into a single main or paint method. Such a program may work
correctly, but making any fixes or changes to the program will be very difficult.
Imagine the following program. Your program draws a very beautiful horse.
This horse requires around 5000 program statements. Now suppose that you have
a gorgeous horse, but the tail is wrong. Fixing the tail problem is difficult with
many program statements bunched together. On the other hand, if you had
created many small modules for each part of the horse, making changes is simple.
If any group of related statements is placed in its own module, called a method in
Java, then you have taken an important step in designing your program.
Another terrific benefit is that methods have a name or identifier. Perhaps the tail
requires fifty lines of programming. Place each one of those statements into one
module and call the module drawTail. Any future programming that needs to fix
or improve the tail is now simpler. Look for the method called drawTail and you
can get started without tedious searching through program statements. This
business of combining common statements into their own modules is called
Modular Programming with the philosophy: One task, one module.
Modular Programming
Modular programming is the process of placing statements
that achieve a common purpose into its own module.
An old programming saying says it well
One Task, One Module
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Using modular programming will start with a very simple program that displays a
mailing address. There is nothing complicated about this program and there is
nothing that demonstrates how to create methods. Program Java0702.java, in
Figure 7.2, shows a program that displays a mailing address and will be used to
introduce the process of creating Java subroutines or methods. This program has
only one method, which is the main method that you have used since the first
Java program. You certainly have used classes and methods since Unit-2, but all
those methods already exist in Java. Now you will learn to create your very own
classes and methods.
Figure 7.1
// Java0702.java
// This program displays a simple mailing address.
// It will be used to demonstrate how to divide program sections of
// the main method into multiple user-created methods.
public class Java0702
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Kathy Smith");
System.out.println("7003 Orleans Court");
System.out.println("Kensington, Md. 20795");
Kathy Smith
7003 Orleans Court
Kensington, Md. 20795
When you look at this program do take a closer look at the main method. It starts
with a heading that includes the method name main. Then there is a set of braces
that contain the program statements of the method. The entire method, heading
and method body together are inside another container called a class. In this case
that is the Java0701 class. Notice that the class also has a heading with a name
and then a set of braces. With that information we can move on and create our
own methods. Please realize that whether a class or method is already provided
by Java or you create the class and method, the process is identical.
Up to this point, every program you have worked with has had exactly one
method. If it was an application, it was the main method. If it was an applet, it
was the paint method. Consider the name of the “main” method. If you have a
main or primary method, would that not imply the existence of other secondary
methods? The answer is “yes” as the next several programs will demonstrate.
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Program Java0703.java, in Figure 7.3, creates the exact same mailing address as
the previous program. This time there are three other methods in the program
besides the main method. The previous address program statements have been
placed in three methods, called fullName, street and cityStateZip. Each of these
new methods is user-created. Please observe that each method has a heading that
follows the same format as the main method.
The heading starts with public static void followed by the method name
fullName, etc. Once again there is a set of braces { } which contain the method
body of program statements. When you execute a program with multiple
methods, where does it start? It starts with the main method. This is why it is
called the main method in the first place. The main method is now used to call
each one of the new methods in sequence. Make sure that you do not add a semicolon at the end of the method heading. Yes, you are told that every program
statement ends with a semi-colon, but a method heading, class heading or loop
heading is not a program statement and thus does not get a semi-colon.
When you look inside the main method you will see the three method calls.
Now, you have called methods before, and you have always used the class-dotmethod format when doing so. For example, how do you call the sqrt method
from the Math class? You use Math.sqrt. You use the class identifier (name of
the class), followed by a period, followed by the method identifier (name of the
Calling methods that you have created yourself is no different from calling other
methods. In this program, the name of the class is Java0703. The names of the
methods I want to call are fullName, street, and cityStateZip. So to call these
methods, I need to use the same class-dot-method format. The result is
Java0703.fullname(), Java0703.street(), and Java0703.cityStateZip().
Sometimes students will ask why it is necessary to break up such a small program
into different methods. It does not seem to be necessary. After all, the first
program worked just fine with only the main method. Now, I could include
examples of professional software, which absolutely would not work without
methods; however, such code is thousands of lines long and more than a bit
complex. Please realize the process of breaking a program up into different
methods is the same whether each method has 1 program statement or 1000
program statements. Simplistic examples are often used to help the understanding
of a concept – not to show examples of real world programs which would
overwhelm students in a first year computer science course.
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Figure 7.3
// Java0703.java
// This program introduces user-created class methods.
// The three program statements of the Java0703.java program
// are now divided into three user-created methods.
// Each method is called with the class-dot-method format.
public class Java0703
public static void main(String[] args)
public static void fullName()
System.out.println("Kathy Smith");
public static void street()
System.out.println("7003 Orleans Court");
public static void cityStateZip()
System.out.println("Kensington, Md. 20795");
User-Created Method Format
A user-defined method requires:
 A heading, which includes the method name
 A set of { } braces to contain the method body statements
 A body of program statements inside the { } braces
public static void example()
System.out.println("This is an example of a");
System.out.println("user-defined method");
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Program Java0704.java, in Figure 7.4, does exactly the same thing as the
previous program. It has the same exact methods. There is one important
difference – how the methods are called. If you look at the main method, we are
calling the methods without first specifying the name of the class. How does this
work? I mean we cannot find the square root of a number with just sqrt. We
need Math.sqrt. It is always necessary to first specify the name of the class, and
then specify the name of the method… or is it?
Think of mailing a letter. If you live in the United States, and you send a letter to
someone else in the United States, do you need to include “U.S.A.” in the
address? No, you do not because you are already in the United States. What if
you did include “U.S.A.” in the address? Would that be a problem? No, it is just
extra information. This is essentially what is happening with this program, and
the previous one.
In program Java0703.java, we can call the fullName, street, and cityStateZip
methods without using the name of the class because all of these methods are in
the same class as the main method. So this is the one exception to the class-dotmethod rule. If both the method you are calling, and the method you are calling
from (usually the main method) are in the same class, you do not need to use the
name of the class. You still can if you really want to – like in program
Java0703.java – but it is not necessary.
Figure 7.4
// Java0704.java
// This program example displays the same output as the previous program.
// This time the methods are called without using the name of the class.
// Omitting the class identifier is possible because all the methods are
// in the same class, <Java0704>.
public class Java0704
public static void main(String[] args)
public static void fullName()
System.out.println("Kathy Smith");
public static void street()
System.out.println("7003 Orleans Court");
public static void cityStateZip()
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
System.out.println("Kensington, Md. 20795");
The previous two programs placed each of the new methods inside the same class
as the main method. Program Java0705.java, in Figure 7.5, creates a userdefined Address class and places the three new methods inside the second class.
Figure 7.5
// Java0705.java
// This program demonstrates how to use a second class separate
// from the main program class.
// This program will not compile, because the <fullName>, <street>
// and <cityStateZip> methods are no longer contained in the <Java0704> class.
public class Java0705
public static void main(String args[])
class Address
public static void fullName()
System.out.println("Kathy Smith");
public static void street()
System.out.println("7003 Orleans Court");
public static void cityStateZip()
System.out.println("Kensington, Md. 20795");
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
A class is considered a toolkit and methods are considered tools. A well-designed
program creates separate classes to contain a common set of methods designed for
a similar purpose. In the case of Java0705.java all three of the methods are
involved with the display of a mailing address. It makes sense to place these three
methods inside a common class, called Address.
It is all very nice, but Figure 7.6 shows that the Java compiler is not happy and
generates three errors at compile time. Each of the errors indicates that Java
cannot find the three new methods. The previous program had no difficulty, but
then the new methods were in the same container as the main method. A
program statement in one class cannot call a method in another class using only
the method name.
Figure 7.6
Think again about the “mail” analogy that I used earlier. What if you were on
vacation in Rome and you were mailing a letter to a friend in the United States?
In that case you must include U.S.A. in the address.
It is a good idea and it is considered good program design, to place common
purpose methods inside their own class container. You just need to make sure
that you include the class name with the method name when such methods are
used. Program Java0706.java, in Figure 7.7, has the exact same Address class,
but this time you will see in the main method that each method call starts with the
class name Address. We are again using the proper class-dot-method format.
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Figure 7.7
// Java0706.java
// This program cures the problem of the previous program.
// It is possible to declare multiple classes in one program,
// but you must use the class-dot-method format to call
// any of the <Address> class methods.
public class Java0706
public static void main(String args[])
class Address
public static void fullName()
System.out.println("Kathy Smith");
public static void street()
System.out.println("7003 Orleans Court");
public static void cityStateZip()
System.out.println("Kensington, Md. 20795");
Kathy Smith
7003 Orleans Court
Kensington, Md. 20795
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Using the Class Identifier
The name of the class is called the class identifier.
Using the class identifier is optional if you are calling a method
that is in the same class.
Using the class identifier is required if you are calling a method
that is in a different class.
The past couple programs have something new that you have not seen before.
They each contain more than one class. Declaring a second class in a Java file is
not a problem. The syntax of a second class is almost identical to the primary
class with one important distinction. A second and third class, placed in the same
file, should not be declared public. Only the primary class, the one with the same
name as the file, is public. This brings up one of the first rules you learned in
Java programming. Here it is again, just in case you forgot:
File Names and Class Names
The external file name of your program must be identical to the
public class name inside your program, minus the java
extension. For example:
If you use public class Howdy in your program then you must
save the program with file name Howdy.java
Have you ever wondered why Java has this rule? The reason is finally
demonstrated in the next program. Program Java0707.java, in Figure 7.8, starts
off the same way as the previous program… but there is no Address class. Surely
such a program cannot possibly compile. Go ahead and try. Amazingly, it does
compile and has the exact same output as the previous program.
Figure 7.8
// Java0707.java
// In this program, the <Address> class is in the file Address.java
// If the compiler does not find a class it needs in this file,
// if will look for it in a .java file with the same name.
// This is the whole reason why the name of the file must match the
// name of the public class.
// NOTE: This class contains the <main> method.
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That makes this the "Driving Class" of the program.
That means this is the file that needs to be compiled and executed.
public class Java0707
public static void main(String args[])
Kathy Smith
7003 Orleans Court
Kensington, Md. 20795
So how is this possible? How can this program execute the statement
Address.fullName(); when there is no fullName method in the program. There
is no Address class at all! Well, technically, there is… you just are just looking
in the wrong place. We have mentioned that it is good programming practice to
break up a program into different methods and to group like methods in the same
class. The next step in good program design is to put each class in its own file.
This is what was done in this program. The Address class was placed in the file
Address.java as shown in Figure 7.9. Note that Address is now declared as a
public class. This is because it is in its own file.
Figure 7.9
// Address.java
// This is the <Address> class used by Java0707.java
// NOTE: Now that <Address> is in its own file, it must be declared <public>.
// ALSO: This file can be compiled, but since it has not <main> method, it cannot be
public class Address
public static void fullName()
System.out.println("Kathy Smith");
public static void street()
System.out.println("7003 Orleans Court");
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
public static void cityStateZip()
System.out.println("Kensington, Md. 20795");
OK, fine, but when the Java compiler encountered the statement
Address.fullName(); how did it know to look for the Address class in the file
Address.java? It knew because that file has the same name as the class. This is
the whole reason that rule exists.
NOTE: While it is proper programming style to put each class in its own file,
most program examples in this textbook will continue to put all classes in the
same file for simplicity.
7.4 Graphics Programs with Multiple Methods
All of the examples that we have seen so far have been text programs, but what
about graphics programs? Program Java0708.java, in Figure 7.10, is a graphics
program that draws a house. If you were to compare this program to the very first
program in this chapter you would find few similarities. One is a text application;
the other is a graphics applet. Their outputs are certainly different. They are
similar in one very important way. Both programs have all of the program
statements in a single method. Program Java0702.java has all of the program
statements in the main method, and program Java0708.java has all of the
program statements in the paint method. Both programs use poor program
Figure 7.10
// Java0708.java
// This program draws a house by placing all the necessary
// program statements inside the <paint> method.
// This is an example of poor program design.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Java0708 extends Applet
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public void paint(Graphics g)
Figure 7.10 Continued
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
You may still not appreciate what the point is here. Imagine that you do not like
the appearance of the chimney. Where in the paint method do you go to make
the changes? It is not really that easy to see.
I hope you understand that the house displayed in Figure 7.10 can easily be made
far more complex with thousands of program statements. Just imagine if the
house includes actual bricks, bushes, plants in the windows, a number on the
doors, Christmas lights, and kids playing in the yard. In no time a project as the
one described requires more than 1000 program statements. Placing all those
statements in one single paint method is very poor program design. Making any
changes becomes very tedious. Even with this relatively small program could you
tell just by the program statements that they will draw a house?
Sometimes when students work on a program that contains too many lines in one
module, they argue that they know the purpose of each program statement. This
is quite true when the program writing is fresh in your mind. It is a different story
when time goes by. We wrote an Academic Decathlon program of about 12,000
lines about twenty years ago. We were in a hurry to meet a deadline. The
program lacked proper modular program design and comments were pretty much
non-existent. In the heat of writing the program day after day, we stayed on top
of everything. Then we received a wake-up call one year later. It was a program
for Academic Decathlon data processing and there were major changes. Altering
the poorly-designed program a year later was a nightmare. Accept it. The rules
of “Proper Programming Design” are important.
Imagine you need to write a major research paper for English class. Do you begin
by typing the final copy? Hopefully not. Most English teachers will require you
to first turn in an outline. It is similar with a program. If I want to draw a house, I
would start by asking myself “What is needed to draw a house?” I would then
answer myself, “A house has a door, roof, chimney, windows and (since this will
be a 2-story house) a couple floors.
Now look at program Java0709.java, in Figure 7.11. You will see that the house
program is now divided up into 5 different methods: drawFloors, drawRoof,
drawDoor, drawWindows and drawChimney. Look closely at the paint
method. Doesn’t it look like an outline? This is what a paint method or a main
method is supposed to look like in a well-designed program. Note that all of these
methods have the same Graphics g in their heading as the paint method. If you
look at the method calls in the paint method, you will see that they pass the
Graphics object g as a parameter.
NOTE: User-Defined parameters will be discussed in great detail later in the chapter.
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Figure 7.11
// Java0709.java
// This program organizes all the program statements
// of the previous program into six separate methods.
// This is better program design. It is now easier to debug and alter the program.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Java0709 extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
public static void drawFloors(Graphics g)
public static void drawRoof(Graphics g)
public static void drawDoor(Graphics g)
public static void drawWindows(Graphics g)
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
public static void drawChimney(Graphics g)
Consider the chimney question that was asked with the previous program. If this
program’s chimney had issues you would go to the drawChimney method to fix
it. If you did not like the windows, you would go to drawWindows. Having
methods with self-commenting names makes debugging and enhancing your
programs much easier.
If we are going to continue the pattern of the previous section, then after we break
the program up into different methods, we should group the like methods in their
own class. We now have 5 methods that are all used to draw a house. Program
Java0710.java, in Figure 7.12, takes these 5 methods and places them all inside a
House class. Take note that calling these five methods must now be preceded by
using the House identifier.
Figure 7.12
// Java0710.java
// This program places the five methods from the previous program
// into their own <House> class, which is even better program design.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Java0710 extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
class House
public static void drawFloors(Graphics g)
public static void drawRoof(Graphics g)
public static void drawDoor(Graphics g)
public static void drawWindows(Graphics g)
public static void drawChimney(Graphics g)
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
What happens if you are drawing more than a house? What if the house has a tree
in the front yard? Program Java0711.java, in Figure 7.13, adds a Tree class to
this program. This is a rather simple tree with a brown rectangle for a trunk and a
green circle for the leaves, but it should demonstrate how multiple classes can be
used in a program. Note that in the paint method there are calls to
Tree.drawTrunk(g); and Tree.drawLeaves(g); both indicating that these are
methods of the Tree class.
Figure 7.13
// Java0711.java
// This program shows that a program can consist of multiple classes,
// each of which containing multiple methods.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Java0711 extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
class House
// same as the previous program
class Tree
public static void drawTrunk(Graphics g)
g.setColor(new Color(150,100,15));
// brown
public static void drawLeaves(Graphics g)
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Figure 7.12 Continued
Suppose we want to add a simple background to this program. Program
Java0712.java, in Figure 7.14, adds the Background class with drawSky and
drawGrass methods. When you run the program, you will no longer see the
house and tree. The House and Tree methods are still in the program and
technically they were drawn. You do not see them because the background was
drawn on top of them. This happened because the background was drawn after
the house and the tree. This is a common mistake made by students who
sometimes argue that their program should work because the Background class is
before the House and Tree classes in the program. What must be understood is
that the order of the classes is completely irrelevant. The only thing that matters
is the order of the method calls in the main or paint methods. If you look at the
paint method, you will see that drawSky (which draws a big dark blue rectangle
covering the top half of the screen) and drawGrass (which draws a big dark
green rectangle covering the lower half of the screen) are called last.
Figure 7.14
// Java0712.java
// This program adds a <Background> class to draw the "sky" and "grass".
// When you run the program, all you see is the background.
// This is because the background was drawn after, and therefore on top of
// everything else.
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Java0712 extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
class Background
public static void drawSky(Graphics g)
g.setColor(new Color(128,128,255)); // light blue
public static void drawGrass(Graphics g)
g.setColor(new Color(0,128,0));
// dark green
class House
// same as the previous program
class Tree
// same as the previous program
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Figure 7.13 Continued
Program Java0713.java, in Figure 7.15, fixes the problem of the previous
program by calling the 2 Background methods first before anything else is
drawn. The house and the tree are drawn next, and therefore on top of the
background. While the tree looks fine, there is one remaining problem with the
house. It is transparent. You can see both the sky and the grass through the
house. This is because unlike the tree, the house is not solid.
Figure 7.15
// Java0713.java
// This program fixes the issue of the previous program by drawing the background first.
// The house does not look right because we can see the background through it.
// Unlike the tree, the house is not solid.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Java0713 extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
// Background, House and Tree classes are the same as the previous program
Figure 7.14 Continued
Program Java0714.java, in Figure 7.16, changes the methods of the House class
so they draw solid shapes. Now the drawing appears as it was intended.
Figure 7.16
// Java0714.java
// This program changes the methods of the <House> class so they draw solid shapes.
// Now the drawing appears as it was intended.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
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public class Java0714 extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
class Background
// same as the previous program
class House
public static void drawFloors(Graphics g)
g.setColor(new Color(231,198,154)); // light tan
public static void drawRoof(Graphics g)
Polygon roof = new Polygon();
public static void drawDoor(Graphics g)
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
public static void drawWindows(Graphics g)
public static void drawChimney(Graphics g)
Polygon chimney = new Polygon();
class Tree
// same as the previous program
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Figure 7.16 Continued
If you look at the Programs07 folder, shown in Figure 7.17, it may look like
program Java0715.java is missing. It is actually inside the Java0715 subfolder.
Figure 7.17
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
The contents of this subfolder are shown in Figure 7.18.
Figure 7.18
Program Java0715.java, shown in Figure 7.19, has been split into different files –
one for each class. These are shown in Figures 7.20, 7.21 and 7.22. A good way
to organize a program made up of different files is to put all of the necessary files
in the same folder.
Figure 7.19
// Java0715.java
// This program has each class in its own file.
// It also demonstrates the good organizational practice of
// putting all files for a particular program in the same folder.
// NOTE: This class contains the <paint> method.
That makes this the "Driving Class" of the program.
That means this is the file that needs to be compiled.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Java0715 extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Figure 7.20
// House.java
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
class House
public static void drawFloors(Graphics g)
g.setColor(new Color(231,198,154)); // light tan
public static void drawRoof(Graphics g)
Polygon roof = new Polygon();
public static void drawDoor(Graphics g)
public static void drawWindows(Graphics g)
public static void drawChimney(Graphics g)
Polygon chimney = new Polygon();
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Figure 7.21
Figure 7.22
// Background.java
// Tree.java
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
class Background
public static void drawSky(Graphics g)
g.setColor(new Color(128,128,255));
// light blue
class Tree
public static void drawTrunk(Graphics g)
g.setColor(new Color(150,100,15));
// brown
public static void drawGrass(Graphics g)
g.setColor(new Color(0,128,0));
// dark green
public static void drawLeaves(Graphics g)
Some Program Design Notes
Programs should not be written by placing all the program
statements in the main or paint methods.
Program statements that perform a specific purpose
should be placed inside their own modules.
These modules are called methods in Java.
Object Oriented Design continues by placing methods of a
common nature into a separate class.
When a program has multiple classes, it is very common to
put each class in its own file – one whose name matches
the name of the class.
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7.5 Creating a Big Graphics Program
There is a step-by-step process which is used to create programs. It actually
works for any program, not just graphics programs. This process will be
demonstrated in the next 5 examples. You are STRONGLY advised to use this
approach when you create any big program from scratch.
Step 1 – Create the paint method.
If you were writing a research paper, your teacher would probably require you to
first create an outline. We mentioned earlier that in a well-designed program, the
main or paint method looks like an outline. So this is a good place to start.
Program Java0716.java, shown in Figure 7.23, starts by creating the paint
method for a program to draw a house. It should be understood that this first step
will not compile. The paint method is trying to call methods drawFloors,
drawRoof, drawDoor, drawWindows, and drawChimney -- none of which
Figure 7.23
// Java0716.java
// Beginning a Big Graphics Program
// Step 1 – Create the <paint> method.
// This first step will not compile because the program
// is attempting to call methods which do not exist.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Java0716 extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Figure 7.24 Continued
Step 2 – Create Stubs.
A stub is a method with a proper heading, but nothing in between the braces { }.
Stubs allow a program to compile without actually writing out all of the methods.
Program Java0717.java, shown in Figure 7.24 demonstrates that with stubs in
place the program can compile, but it has no output. This is because all of the
methods are still empty.
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Figure 7.24
// Java0717.java
// Beginning a Big Graphics Program
// Step 2 – Create Stubs.
// Stubs are methods with nothing between the braces { }.
// With the stubs in place, the program can compile.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Java0717 extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
public static void drawFloors(Graphics g)
public static void drawRoof(Graphics g)
public static void drawDoor(Graphics g)
public static void drawWindows(Graphics g)
public static void drawChimney(Graphics g)
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Figure 7.24 Continued
Step 3 – Write the first method and make sure it works.
Now that the stubs are in place, you need to pick one of the methods and actually
write it. Program Java0718.java, shown in Figure 7.25 demonstrates this by
implementing drawDoors. To implement a method means to write the method
body which refers to the program statements between the braces { }. Remember
to compile and execute to make sure this method works before going on to the
next method.
Figure 7.25
// Java0718.java
// Beginning a Big Graphics Program
// Step 3 – Write the first method and make sure it works.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Java0718 extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
public static void drawFloors(Graphics g)
public static void drawRoof(Graphics g)
public static void drawDoor(Graphics g)
public static void drawWindows(Graphics g)
public static void drawChimney(Graphics g)
Figure 7.24 Continued
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Step 4 – Write the next method and make sure it works.
With the first method good to go we now move on to the next method. Program
Java0719.java, shown in Figure 7.26 demonstrates this by implementing
Figure 7.26
// Java0719.java
// Beginning a Big Graphics Program
// Step 4 – Write the next method and make sure it works.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Java0719 extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
public static void drawFloors(Graphics g)
public static void drawRoof(Graphics g)
public static void drawDoor(Graphics g)
public static void drawWindows(Graphics g)
public static void drawChimney(Graphics g)
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Figure 7.26 Continued
Step 5 – Repeat step 4 until the entire program is done.
After a couple methods are done, you just keep repeating the same process by
implementing one at a time and testing it before you go on to the next method.
Program Java0720.java, shown in Figure 7.27 demonstrates the finished program
after the rest of the methods are implemented.
Figure 7.27
// Java0720.java
// Beginning a Big Graphics Program
// Step 5 – Repeat step 4 until the entire program is done.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Java0720 extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
public static void drawFloors(Graphics g)
public static void drawRoof(Graphics g)
public static void drawDoor(Graphics g)
public static void drawWindows(Graphics g)
public static void drawChimney(Graphics g)
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Figure 7.27 Continued
7.6 Void Methods with a Single Parameter
You have seen many program statements that call a wide variety of different
methods. The majority of those methods use parameters or arguments to perform
a desired computation. You do know that some methods do not require
parameters, but most methods require some type of information for processing.
In some cases, methods are overloaded. This means they can be used in different
situations with different types of parameters or a different number of parameters.
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Methods Calls With and Without Parameters
Parameter method examples:
double result1 = Math.sqrt(100);
double result2 = Math.pow(2,5);
g.setColor(new Color(150,100,15));
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
Non-Parameter method examples:
String name = input.nextLine();
int age = input.nextInt( );
double gpa = input.nextDouble();
Address.fullName( );
Address.street( );
Address.cityStateZip( );
Overloaded method examples:
System.out.println(“Hello World”);
System.out.println( );
Why is it that so many methods require parameters? This is very natural because
methods perform some type of task. In most cases the task requires the
processing of some type of information. A parameter passes this information to a
method. If you look back at the past several graphics programs you will see that
they also required the use of parameters – specifically the Graphics object g.
This parameter needed to be passed to all methods that generated graphics output.
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Program Java0721.java, in Figure 7.28, is a small program with a small
parameter method. When the displayParameter method is called, the parameter
value of 100 is passed to the method, which displays this value. This is probably
not very practical, but it does show how to call a method with a parameter. It also
shows the method heading where the parameter is declared.
The key difference between creating parameter methods and non-parameter
methods is the parameter declaration. All method declarations have an identifier
followed by parentheses. If no information is required for the method, the
parentheses stay empty. If information is required then the method heading lists
one or more parameters inside the parentheses. Make sure that you include the
data type of each parameter.
Figure 7.28
// Java0721.java
// This program sends a value to a parameter method and then
// displays the value of the parameter.
public class Java0721
public static void main(String args[])
public static void displayParameter(int number)
System.out.println("The parameter value is " + number);
The parameter value is 100
Before moving on we need to get used to some parameter vocabulary. There are
two kinds of parameters, which work together to pass information to a method.
The calling parameter is officially called the actual parameter and the receiving
parameter in the method heading is officially called the formal parameter. A
copy of the information is passed from the actual parameter to the formal
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Actual Parameters and Formal Parameters
The 2 places we find parameters are in the method call
and the method heading:
Method Call Example
Method Heading Example
public static void displayParameter (int number)
Parameters in the method call are called actual parameters.
Example: 100
Parameters in the method heading are called formal parameters.
Example: number
The Football Analogy
In American football, the
quarterback passes the ball to the
receiver. When working with
parameters the same thing
essentially happens. The actual
parameter is the quarterback.
The formal parameter is the
receiver. The data that is being
passed from the actual parameter
to the formal parameter is the
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
The formal parameters (the ones in the method heading) indicate the data types
that must be passed by the actual parameters (the ones in the method call). The
previous program example used a constant integer to pass the information. There
are many ways to pass information and program Java0722.java, in Figure 7.29,
shows that the actual parameter can take five different formats. It is possible to
use a constant only, a variable only, an expression with constants only, an
expression with a variable and a constant and a method call that returns the
appropriate value.
Figure 7.29
// Java0722.java
// This program demonstrates that the calling parameter can be:
// a constant, like 13 or Math.PI, a variable, like x,
// an expression with constants and/or variables, like 20 + 30 and x + 5,
// and a call to a method, which returns a value, like Math.sqrt(100).
public class Java0722
public static void main(String args[])
double x = 100.0;
displayParameter(20 + 30);
displayParameter(x + 5);
public static void displayParameter(double number)
System.out.println("The parameter value is " + number);
The parameter value is 13.0
The parameter value is 100.0
The parameter value is 50.0
The parameter value is 105.0
The parameter value is 3.141592653589793
The parameter value is 15.0
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Actual Parameters Formats
Actual parameters can be
 constants
(13) or (Math.PI)
 variables
 expressions with constants only
(20 + 30)
 expressions with variables & constants
(x + 5)
 return method calls
7.7 Void Methods with Multiple Parameters
You just saw that calling parameters can take on many different formats, but what
about quantity? Are methods limited to a single parameter? Now you are new to
creating your own methods, but you have used many method calls like
g.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2); The drawLine method has four parameters. Using
more than one parameter is certainly common in Java and it is not very difficult,
but there are special considerations. Program Java0723.java, in Figure 7.30, uses
a method that computes and displays the area of a rectangle.
Note that the showArea method is called twice with the same value, but the
second time the order of the calling parameters is reversed. The output is
identical and may give the impression that parameter sequence is not an issue.
The program is misleading; it is not an issue in this particular example, but as you
will see, parameter sequence is very important.
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Figure 7.30
// Java0723.java
// This program demonstrates passing two parameters to a method.
// The <showArea> method is called twice. In this case reversing
// the sequence of the parameters is not a problem.
public class Java0723
public static void main(String args[])
int length = 100;
int width = 50;
showArea(length, width);
showArea(width, length);
public static void showArea(int L, int W)
int area = L * W;
System.out.println("The rectangle area is " + area);
The rectangle area is 5000
The rectangle area is 5000
The reason program Java0723.java has no problem with sequence is due to the
fact that the method operation is multiplication. You should know from Algebra
that P x Q equals Q x P. Mathematical operations do not all have the same
properties. How about subtraction? Can you say that P – Q = Q – P?
This very question is answered by program Java0724.java, in Figure 7.31. Once
again there is a user-defined method that displays the result of a mathematical
operation, but this time it computes the difference. Method showDifference
computes a - b and in this case the sequence of the calling parameters is very
significant. The two outputs are now very different.
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Figure 7.31
// Java0724.java
// This program demonstrates that parameter sequence matters.
// In this example method <showDifference> will display different
// results when the calling parameters are reversed.
public class Java0724
public static void main(String args[])
int num1 = 100;
int num2 = 50;
public static void showDifference(int a, int b )
int difference = a – b;
System.out.println("The difference is " + difference);
The difference is 50
The difference is -50
Actual Parameter Sequence Matters
The first actual parameter passes information to the first
formal parameter.
The second actual parameter passes information to the
second formal parameter.
Parameters placed out of sequence may result in compile
errors or logic errors.
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Parameters are tricky critters and students make a bunch of mistakes with
parameters when they are first introduced. Program Java0725.java, in Figure
7.32, demonstrates two common errors. Both errors will result in compile errors.
In line 1 two actual parameters, num1 and num2, have data types inside the
parentheses of the method call. This will not work. In line 2 there are two formal
parameters, which appear to be declared as int. This also does not compile. Each
formal parameter requires its own data type.
Figure 7.32
// Java0725.java
// This program demonstrates 2 common mistakes made by students.
// The "Line 1" error is caused by defining variables in the method call.
// The "Line 2" error is caused by not giving the 2nd formal parameter a data type.
public class Java0725
public static void main(String args[])
showDifference(int num1, int num2);
// Line 1
public static void showDifference(int a, b)
// Line 2
int difference = a - b;
System.out.println("The difference is " + difference);
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Common Parameter Mistakes
qwerty(int num1, int num2);
int num1 = 100;
int num2 = 200;
public static void qwerty(int a, b);
public static void qwerty(int a, int b)
You have seen several programs using methods with multiple parameters. In each
case the multiple parameters were all the same data type. This is not a
requirement. Program Java0726.java, in Figure 7.33, demonstrates a multi-type
method using three different parameter data types. The program worked because
the data type of each actual parameter matches its corresponding formal
parameter. You will notice a second method call that is commented out. The
same parameters are in the second call, but they are on the wrong order. If the
comment symbols were removed, the program would try to pass an int to a
String, a double to an int, and a String to a double. This simply would not
Figure 7.33
// Java0726.java
// This program demonstrates that multiple parameters may be
// different data types. Parameter sequence is very important.
public class Java0726
public static void main(String args[])
// 3 different data types in a method call
// same parameters, but in the wrong order
public static void multiTypeDemo(String studentName, int studentAge, double studentGPA)
System.out.println("\nThis method has 3 parameters with three different types");
System.out.println("Name: " + studentName);
" + studentAge);
" + studentGPA);
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Output with the comment in place…
This method has 3 parameters with three different types
Name: Hans
Age: 30
GPA: 3.575
Output with the comment removed…
You can expect to use parameters in all your future programs. We have helped
hundreds of students in Pascal, C++ and Java with their program writing
problems. Mistakes that arise from incorrect parameter use certainly are at the top
of the list for programs that do not compile.
This section will finish with a track analogy. Look at the diagrams carefully and
you will find that they illustrate the correct way to use parameters. Parameters
will simplify your life. Your programs will be better designed. Your programs
will be much shorter by using the same method for multiple situations. At the
same time, your programs can give you headaches if parameters are not used
correctly. Remember that actual parameters and formal parameters must match
in 3 different ways: quantity, type and sequence.
The Track Relay Analogy
Let us summarize this parameter business, with a real life analogy that may help
some students. The analogies that follow explain some of the parameter rules in a
totally different manner. Imagine that you are at a track meet and you are
watching a relay race. In this relay race the starters run 100 meters and then pass
a baton to the next runner in their team.
In the first relay race example, the race official checks the track and announces
that the race is not ready. A look at Race-1 shows there are four starters ready in
their lanes, but only three runners at the 100 meter baton passing mark. A runner
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
from the Netherlands (NL) is missing. If the four starting runners represent actual
parameters and the three runners at the 100 meter mark represent formal
parameters we have a situation where the quantity of actual parameters do not
Race-2 presents another situation with a different problem. This time the number
of runners is correct. There are four starters and there are also four runners at the
100 meter mark ready to receive a baton. However two runners at the 100 meter
mark are standing in the wrong lanes. The track official announces that the race
cannot start unless the runners change lanes and are ready to receive the batons
from their own countrymen. This represents a situation where the sequence of
actual parameters and formal parameters do not match.
Race3 is not a problem situation. This race demonstrates an analogy to help
explain the naming of parameters. In Race3, runner John starts for the United
States (US) and passes to Greg. George starts for Great Britain (GB) and passes
to Thomas. Gerard starts for France (FR) and passes to Louis. Finally, Hans
starts for the Netherlands and passes to another guy named Hans.
US (John)
GB (George)
FR (Gerald)
NL (Hans)
US (Greg)
GB (Thomas)
FR (Louis)
NL (Hans)
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
The point of this analogy is that the names do not matter. What matters is that
there are the same number of runners at the passing mark as there are in the
starting blocks. It also matters that everybody stays in their lanes and that the
runners receiving batons are on the same team as the starters.
Note: The batons are not passed based on the names of the runners.
They are passed based on the lanes they run in.
Important Rules About Using Methods With Parameters #1
The number of parameters in the method call must match the
number of parameters in the method heading.
The corresponding parameters in the method call must be the
same type as the parameters in the method heading.
The sequence of the parameters in the method call must match
the sequence of the parameters in the method heading.
The identifiers of the parameters in the method call may be the
same as or different from the identifiers of the parameters in the
method heading.
If you understand the definitions of actual parameters and formal parameters, it
should make sense that the second set of rules below says the exact same thing as
the first set above. The second set is just a little less wordy.
Important Rules About Using Methods With Parameters #2
The number of actual parameters must match the number of
formal parameters.
The corresponding actual parameters must be the same type
as the formal parameters.
The sequence of the actual parameters must match the
sequence of the formal parameters.
The identifiers of the actual parameters may be the same as or
different from the identifiers of the formal parameters.
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
7.8 Return Methods with a Single Parameter
Every user-defined method you have seen thus far in this chapter started with the
Java keywords public static void followed by the method names. Methods with
the word void in the method heading are called void methods. The naming might
be logical, but what exactly does it mean. The meaning of void methods makes
more sense when you look at return methods.
Program Java0727.java, in Figure 7.34, shows the user-created method
getNextNumber¸ which does not use the keyword void in the method heading.
At the place where you normally see void there is now the data type int. You will
also see that the last statement in the method body is a return statement. The last
program statement in a return method must always be a return statement. So far
this seems logical. Void method have void in their heading and return methods
end with a return statement. The purpose of a return method is to return a value
to the calling method statement. This value has a data type. The data type of the
returning value is declared in the method heading. If the method does not return a
value, the return data type is not applicable and becomes void.
Figure 7.34
// Java0727.java
// This program introduces a return method with one parameter.
// Method <getNextNumber> returns the next integer value of its parameter.
public class Java0727
public static void main(String args[])
for (int k = 1; k <= 10; k++)
int rnd = (int)(Math.random() * 90) + 10; // [10..99]
System.out.println("Random number : " + rnd);
System.out.println("Next number
: " + getNextNumber(rnd));
public static int getNextNumber(int n)
return n;
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Figure 7.34 Continued
Random number:
Next number :
Random number:
Next number :
Random number:
Next number :
Random number:
Next number :
Random number:
Next number :
Random number:
Next number :
Random number:
Next number :
Random number:
Next number :
Random number:
Next number :
Random number:
Next number :
Program Java0728.java, in Figure 7.35, shows a practical example of a return
method. In this case the user-created method, checkPIN, returns the boolean
value true or false depending upon the correct entry of a PIN (Personal
Identification Number) that is needed to use a debit or credit card at an ATM
(Automatic Teller Machine). The parameter value passed is the PIN number.
This number is compared to 1234 and if the number matches, true is returned and
false otherwise. This method is also a good example of the using the boolean
data type. The boolean type only has two values, but these two values can be
very practical.
Figure 7.35
// Java0728.java
// This example returns a <boolean> value, which is used
// frequently to check for correct user keyboard input.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Java0728
public static void main(String args[])
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
boolean okPIN = false;
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
System.out.print("Enter your four-digit PIN ===>> ");
int pin = input.nextInt();
okPIN = checkPIN(pin);
while (!okPIN);
System.out.println("Select your bank transaction:");
public static boolean checkPIN(int pin)
boolean temp = (pin == 1234);
return temp;
Figure 7.35 Continued
Enter your four-digit PIN
===>> 4600
Enter your four-digit PIN
===>> 6623
Enter your four-digit PIN
===>> 1234
Select your bank transaction:
7.9 Return Methods with Multiple Parameters
Return methods, like void methods can have multiple parameters. Program
Java0729.java, in Figure 7.36, serves double duty. First, the program shows an
example of a return method with two parameters. The method takes two
parameters and returns the sum of the parameter values. Second, the program
compares the similarities and differences of void methods with return methods by
using both types of methods in the same program.
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Figure 7.36
// Java0729.java
// This program demonstrates the difference between a
// void <add1> method and a return <add2> method.
// There are two differences:
// Void and return methods are declared differently.
// Void and return methods are also called differently.
public class Java0729
public static void main(String args[])
int nbr1 = 1000;
int nbr2 = 100;
System.out.println(nbr1 + " + " + nbr2 + " = " + add2(nbr1,nbr2));
public static void add1(int n1, int n2)
int sum = n1 + n2;
System.out.println(n1 + " + " + n2 + " = " + sum);
public static int add2(int n1, int n2)
int sum = n1 + n2;
return sum;
1000 + 100 = 1100
1000 + 100 = 1100
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Void Methods and Return Methods
Void Method Example
public static void add1(int n1, int n2)
int sum = n1 + n2;
System.out.println(n1 + " + " + n2 + " = " + sum);
Void methods do not return a value and use the void keyword
in the method heading.
Return Method Example
public static int add2(int n1, int n2)
int sum = n1 + n2;
return sum;
Return methods do return a value. The data type of the
returned value is declared in the method heading.
Additionally, the last statement in a return method must be a
return statement.
Program Java0730.java, in Figure 7.37, shows a four-function calculator. There
are four user-defined return methods for add¸ subtract, multiply and divide
operations. Each method is very similar and uses the same two parameters for a
binary operation.
It is very important to understand that return methods are called in a program
statement that uses the return value. Void method calls stand by themselves.
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Figure 7.37
// Java0730.java
// This program demonstrates how to create a four-function <Calculator> class with return methods.
public class Java0730
public static void main(String args[])
int nbr1 = 1000;
int nbr2 = 100;
System.out.println(nbr1 + " + " + nbr2 + " = " + Calculator.add(nbr1,nbr2));
System.out.println(nbr1 + " - " + nbr2 + " = " + Calculator.subtract(nbr1,nbr2));
System.out.println(nbr1 + " * " + nbr2 + " = " + Calculator.multiply(nbr1,nbr2));
System.out.println(nbr1 + " / " + nbr2 + " = " + Calculator.divide(nbr1,nbr2));
class Calculator
public static int add(int n1, int n2)
return n1 + n2;
public static int subtract(int n1, int n2)
return n1 - n2;
public static int multiply(int n1, int n2)
return n1 * n2;
public static int divide(int n1, int n2)
return n1 / n2;
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
We have seen that void methods and return methods are called differently. Void
method calls are like a complete sentence. They can exist on their own. Return
methods are like a subordinate clause. They are incomplete and need to be part of
something else. This is because a return method returns a value and you need to
do something with it. You can print it, or store it or compare it to another value.
This is all demonstrated in program Java0731.java, shown in Figure 7.38. In this
case add is called with an output display using println, with an assignment
statement and finally with a boolean condition in a selection statement. In each
example you will note the value returned by the add method is used in the
program statement.
Figure 7.38
// Java0731.java
// This program reviews different ways to call a return method.
public class Java0731
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Sum: " + add(200,300));
int sum = add(400,500);
System.out.println("Sum: " + sum);
int checking = 600;
int savings = 700;
if (add(checking,savings) <= 0)
System.out.println("You are broke!");
System.out.println("Let's go shopping!");
public static int add(int n1, int n2)
int sum = n1 + n2;
return sum;
Sum: 500
Sum: 900
Let's go shopping!
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
7.10 Introduction to Program Design
You are about to study seven stages of a case study. Case studies help to explain
computer science concepts by presenting a sequence of programs. Nobody writes
a complete program in one simple step. Furthermore, many programmers make
mistakes along the way of creating a complete and reliable program. A case study
can also be an excellent tool in program development. Stages in the case study
may intentionally be quite wrong, but they reflect a natural development process.
In other words, it is hardly sufficient to teach computer science by simply
showing a few Java keywords with some program examples to use the keywords.
You also need to learn how to develop your own programs.
The case study that follows will demonstrate the development of a payroll
program. It is the intention of the case study to present the first set of information
on program design. Program design is not an easy topic to teach or learn. There
is quite a subjective side to program design. The Java compiler cares little about
program design.
On the other hand if you need to enhance your program six months later, you will
greatly appreciate if you followed some fundamental rules of design. Likewise if
you leave the job and somebody else takes over from a program that you started,
the new programmer will appreciate if your program is developed in a manner
that makes debugging and enhancement manageable.
Program design does have some chicken and egg problems. The computer
science community is concerned that students learn computer science and will
form bad programming habits if design is not taught immediately. At the same
time program design, makes little sense unless you have some fundamental
knowledge of computer science.
Not everybody agrees on the best approach to this design dilemma. At this stage
you have now learned a sufficient amount of computer science to start
investigating issues. The program design treatment in this chapter is not
complete; it is a start. As you learn additional computer science concepts, the
design concern will return at regular intervals.
Payroll Case Study, Stage #1
Stage #1 is a very bad example of program design. I have never seen a student or
anybody else program in this manner. The only reason why this stage is
presented is to make a point. Students frequently complain about the need to use
proper indentations or proper comments. Look at program Jav0732.java, in
Figure 7.39. This program actually compiles and executes correctly. All the
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
source code runs together, there are no meaningful identifiers and no comments.
This type of program is impossible to debug or enhance if it were a large program.
Figure 7.39
// Java0732.java
// Payroll Case Study #1
// The first stage of the Payroll program has correct syntax and logic.
// However, there is no concern about any type of proper program design,
// even to the degree that there is no program indentation.
// This program is totally unreadable.
import java.text.*;import java.util.Scanner;public class Java0732{ public static void main
(String args[]){String a;double b,c,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;int d;DecimalFormat m=new
DecimalFormat("$0.00");Scanner n = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println(
"\nPAYROLL CASE STUDY #1\n");System.out.print("Enter Name
===>> "); a =
n.nextLine();System.out.print("Enter Hours Worked ===>> "); b = n.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Hourly Rate ===>> ");c = n.nextDouble();System.out.print(
System.out.print("Enter Dependents ===>> ");d = n.nextInt(); if (b > 40) { e = b - 40; k
= 40 * c; j = e * c *1.5;} else{k=b*c;j=0;}g=k+j;switch (d) {case 0:f=29.5;break;case
1:f=24.9;break;case 2:f=18.7;break;case 3:f=15.5;break;case 4:f=12.6;break;case
5:f=10.0;break;default:f= 7.5;}i=g*f/100;h=g-i;System.out.println("\n");
" + a); System.out.println("Hourly rate: "+ m.format(c));
System.out.println( "Hours worked: " +b);System.out.println("Dependents: " + d);
System.out.println("Tax rate: " + f + "%"); System.out.println("Regular pay: " +
m.format(k));System.out.println("Overtime pay: " + m.format(j));System.out.println(
"Gross pay: "+m.format(g));System.out.println( "Deductions:
"+m.format(i));System.out.println("Net pay:
Hours Worked
Hourly Rate
Hourly rate:
Hours worked:
Tax rate:
Regular pay:
Overtime pay:
Gross pay:
Net pay:
Tom Jones
Tom Jones
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Payroll Case Study, Stage #2
Program Java0733.java, in figure 7.40, makes a small improvement. Every
program statement is written on a separate line. Block structure also uses
indentation to indicate which statement will be executed. At the same time
program statements within the same block are indented the same amount. This
stage is a long way from a well-designed program. Variables like a, b, c, d, etc.
may be fine in Algebra, but they make no sense in a computer program. Does a
mean the gross pay or the net pay? Is b the number of hours worked or the
number of dependents? The program output that follows is identical to the first
stage. Future stages will not include program outputs.
Figure 7.40
// Java0733.java
// Payroll Case Study #2
// The second stage does use indentation, but it is still very poor program design.
// All the program logic is contained in the <main> method and there are no program
// comments anywhere, nor are the identifiers self-commenting.
import java.text.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Java0733
public static void main (String args[])
String a;
double b,c,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;
int d;
DecimalFormat m = new DecimalFormat("$0.00");
Scanner n = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("\nPAYROLL CASE STUDY #2\n");
System.out.print("Enter Name
===>> ");
a = n.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter Hours Worked ===>> ");
b = n.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Hourly Rate ===>> ");
c = n.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Dependents ===>> ");
d = n.nextInt();
if (b > 40)
e = b - 40;
k = 40 * c;
j = e * c * 1.5;
k = b * c;
j = 0;
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
g = k + j;
switch (d)
case 0 : f = 29.5; break;
case 1 : f = 24.9; break;
case 2 : f = 18.7; break;
case 3 : f = 15.5; break;
case 4 : f = 12.6; break;
case 5 : f = 10.0; break;
default: f = 7.5;
i = g * f / 100;
h = g - i;
System.out.println("Hourly rate:
System.out.println("Hours worked:
System.out.println("Tax rate:
System.out.println("Regular pay:
System.out.println("Overtime pay:
System.out.println("Gross pay:
System.out.println("Net pay:
" + a);
" + m.format(c));
" + b);
" + d);
" + f + "%");
" + m.format(k));
" + m.format(j));
" + m.format(g));
" + m.format(i));
" + m.format(h));
Figure 7.39 Continued
Hours Worked
Hourly Rate
Hourly rate:
Hours worked:
Tax rate:
Regular pay:
Overtime pay:
Gross pay:
Net pay:
Tom Jones
Tom Jones
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Payroll Case Study, Stage #3
Stage #3 makes a large step forward to improving the program. The single-letter,
meaningless identifiers of the previous stages, are now replaced with very
readable self-commenting identifiers. Programs should have useful comments at
strategic locations in the program, but the first step in commenting is to select
good identifiers. With self-commenting identifiers, like Java0734.java, in Figure
7.41, you know anywhere in the program what the purpose of a variable should
be. Identifiers like hoursWorked, grossPay and netPay provide an immediate
clarification for the variable.
Figure 7.41
// Java0734.java
// Payroll Case Study #3
// Stage 3 improves program readability by using meaningful identifiers.
import java.text.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Java0734
public static void main (String args[])
String employeeName;
double hoursWorked;
double hourlyRate;
int numDependents;
double overtimeHours;
double regularPay;
double overtimePay;
double taxRate;
double grossPay;
double taxDeductions;
double netPay;
DecimalFormat money = new DecimalFormat("$0.00");
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("\nPAYROLL CASE STUDY #3\n");
System.out.print("Enter Name
===>> ");
employeeName = input.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter Hours Worked ===>> ");
hoursWorked = input.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Hourly Rate ===>> ");
hourlyRate = input.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Dependents ===>> ");
numDependents = input.nextInt();
if (hoursWorked > 40)
overtimeHours = hoursWorked - 40;
regularPay = 40 * hourlyRate;
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
overtimePay = overtimeHours * hourlyRate * 1.5;
regularPay = hoursWorked * hourlyRate;
overtimePay = 0;
grossPay = regularPay + overtimePay;
switch (numDependents)
case 0 : taxRate = 29.5; break;
case 1 : taxRate = 24.9; break;
case 2 : taxRate = 18.7; break;
case 3 : taxRate = 15.5; break;
case 4 : taxRate = 12.6; break;
case 5 : taxRate = 10.0; break;
default: taxRate = 7.5;
taxDeductions = grossPay * taxRate / 100;
netPay = grossPay - taxDeductions;
System.out.println("Hourly rate:
System.out.println("Hours worked:
System.out.println("Tax rate:
System.out.println("Regular pay:
System.out.println("Overtime pay:
System.out.println("Gross pay:
System.out.println("Net pay:
" + employeeName);
" + money.format(hourlyRate));
" + hoursWorked);
" + numDependents);
" + taxRate + "%");
" + money.format(regularPay));
" + money.format(overtimePay));
" + money.format(grossPay));
" + money.format(taxDeductions));
" + money.format(netPay));
Payroll Case Study, Stage #4
Program Java0735.java, in Figure 7.42, provides two improvements. Stage #4
adds comments and also separates the program into segments to help identify the
purpose of a program segment. About ten years ago there was a student who
made a beautiful horse for her graphics project. Everything looked great on the
horse except for the tail. The tail was totally wrong and not attached anywhere on
the horse. She asked for help and much to my surprise this student could not tell
me the segment of her program responsible for drawing the tail. She had added
program statement after program statement in one continuous, giant block of
code. Debugging or enhancing such a program becomes a nightmare.
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Figure 7.42
// Java0735.java
// Payroll Case Study #4
// Stage 4 separates the program statements in the main method with spaces and comments
// to help identify the purpose for each segment. This helps program debugging and updating.
// Note that this program does not prevents erroneous input.
import java.text.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
// used for text output with <DecimalFormat> class.
// used for text/number input with the <Scanner> class.
public class Java0735
public static void main (String args[])
// Program variables
String employeeName; // employee name used on payroll check
double hoursWorked;
// hours worked per week
double hourlyRate;
// employee wage paid per hour
int numDependents; // number of dependats declared for tax rate purposes
double overtimeHours; // number of hours worked over 40
double regularPay;
// pay earned for up to 40 hours worked
double overtimePay;
// pay earned for hours worked above 40 per week
double taxRate;
// tax rate, based on declared dependents,
// used for deduction computation
double grossPay;
// total pay earned before deductions
double taxDeductions; // total tax deductions
double netPay;
// total take-home pay, which is printed on the check
// Program objects
DecimalFormat money = new DecimalFormat("$0.00");
// money is used to display values in monetary format.
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
// input is used to enter the employee data.
// Program input
System.out.println("\nPAYROLL CASE STUDY #4\n");
System.out.print("Enter Name
===>> ");
employeeName = input.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter Hours Worked ===>> ");
hoursWorked = input.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Hourly Rate ===>> ");
hourlyRate = input.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Dependents ===>> ");
numDependents = input.nextInt();
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
// Program computation
if (hoursWorked > 40) // qualifies for overtime pay
overtimeHours = hoursWorked - 40;
regularPay = 40 * hourlyRate;
overtimePay = overtimeHours * hourlyRate * 1.5;
// does not qualify for overtime pay
regularPay = hoursWorked * hourlyRate;
overtimePay = 0;
grossPay = regularPay + overtimePay;
// compute total pay earned before any deductions
switch (numDependents)
case 0 : taxRate = 29.5; break;
case 1 : taxRate = 24.9; break;
case 2 : taxRate = 18.7; break;
case 3 : taxRate = 15.5; break;
case 4 : taxRate = 12.6; break;
case 5 : taxRate = 10.0; break;
default: taxRate = 7.5;
taxDeductions = grossPay * taxRate / 100;
// compute proper tax deductions based on the number of declared dependents
netPay = grossPay - taxDeductions;
// compute actual take-home-pay, which is printed on the paycheck
// Output display, which simulates the printing of a payroll check
" + employeeName);
System.out.println("Hourly rate:
" + money.format(hourlyRate));
System.out.println("Hours worked: " + hoursWorked);
System.out.println("Dependents: " + numDependents);
System.out.println("Tax rate:
" + taxRate + "%");
System.out.println("Regular pay: " + money.format(regularPay));
System.out.println("Overtime pay: " + money.format(overtimePay));
System.out.println("Gross pay:
" + money.format(grossPay));
System.out.println("Deductions: " + money.format(taxDeductions));
System.out.println("Net pay:
" + money.format(netPay));
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Payroll Case Study, Stage #5
The first four stages steadily improved from horrible, unreadable chaos, to a
program that is readable and organized. Yet none of them satisfy the fundamental
design principles of Object Oriented Programming. The main method of a
program is not meant to contain detailed code. Program Java0736.java, in Figure
7.43, shows the 5th stage. You will observe that the program is divided up into
five segments, each of which becomes a method. While the design and
organization of the program is much improved there is one major issue. The
program does not compile. The issue is not that we broke the program into
different methods… at least not directly. The program has 49 compile errors
because the variables are not dealt with properly. Right now we have all of the
variables defined in the main method, which is what we have always done. Now
that we have multiple methods we need to understand the difference between
local variables and class variables. Local variables are defined inside a particular
method. Only that method will have access to these variables. They simply do
not exist outside of the method. Since all of our variables are defined inside the
main method, they are local to the main method and do not exist anywhere else.
Figure 7.43
// Java0736.java
// Payroll Case Study #5
// Stage #5 is more in the spirit of modular programming.
// The program is now divided into five separate methods, which
// are called in sequence by the main method.
// There is one major problem which causes many errors.
// All of the variables are defined locally in the <main> method.
// The other methods do not have access to them.
import java.text.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Java0736
public static void main (String args[])
String employeeName;
double hoursWorked;
double hourlyRate;
int numDependents;
double overtimeHours;
double regularPay;
double overtimePay;
double taxRate;
double grossPay;
double taxDeductions;
double netPay;
DecimalFormat money = new DecimalFormat("$0.00");
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
System.out.println("\nPAYROLL CASE STUDY #5\n");
public static void enterData()
System.out.print("Enter Name
===>> ");
employeeName = input.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter Hours Worked ===>> ");
hoursWorked = input.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Hourly Rate ===>> ");
hourlyRate = input.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Dependents ===>> ");
numDependents = input.nextInt();
public static void computeGrosspay()
if (hoursWorked > 40)
overtimeHours = hoursWorked - 40;
regularPay = 40 * hourlyRate;
overtimePay = overtimeHours * hourlyRate * 1.5;
regularPay = hoursWorked * hourlyRate;
overtimePay = 0;
grossPay = regularPay + overtimePay;
public static void computeDeductions()
switch (numDependents)
case 0 : taxRate = 29.5; break;
case 1 : taxRate = 24.9; break;
case 2 : taxRate = 18.7; break;
case 3 : taxRate = 15.5; break;
case 4 : taxRate = 12.6; break;
case 5 : taxRate = 10.0; break;
default: taxRate = 7.5;
taxDeductions = grossPay * taxRate / 100;
public static void computeNetpay()
netPay = grossPay - taxDeductions;
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
public static void printCheck()
System.out.println("Hourly rate:
System.out.println("Hours worked:
System.out.println("Tax rate:
System.out.println("Regular pay:
System.out.println("Overtime pay:
System.out.println("Gross pay:
System.out.println("Net pay:
" + employeeName);
" + money.format(hourlyRate));
" + hoursWorked);
" + numDependents);
" + taxRate + "%");
" + money.format(regularPay));
" + money.format(overtimePay));
" + money.format(grossPay));
" + money.format(taxDeductions));
" + money.format(netPay));
Figure 7.43 Continued
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Payroll Case Study, Stage #6
To fix the problem from Stage 5, the variables have to be removed from the main
method. Where do we put them? If we put them in any method, they will be
local to that method and no other method will have access. The answer is not to
put them in any method. Local variables are not appropriate in this situation.
What we need are class variables. Class variables are not defined in any method,
but they are defined within the class – usually at the top of the class before the
first method. Class variables can be accessed by ALL methods of that class.
Program Java0737.java, in Figure 7.44, used class variables and now it compiles.
Figure 7.44
// Java0737.java
// Payroll Case Study #6
// Stage #6 fixes the problem from Stage 5 by using class variables.
// NOTE: The <input> and <money> objects are defined locally in the
<enterData> and <printCheck> methods respectively because
both objects are only accessed by their one respective method.
import java.text.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Java0737
static String
static double
static double
static int
static double
static double
static double
static double
static double
static double
static double
public static void main (String args[])
System.out.println("\nPAYROLL CASE STUDY #6\n");
public static void enterData()
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter Name
===>> ");
employeeName = input.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter Hours Worked ===>> ");
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
hoursWorked = input.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Hourly Rate ===>> ");
hourlyRate = input.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Dependents ===>> ");
numDependents = input.nextInt();
public static void computeGrosspay()
if (hoursWorked > 40)
overtimeHours = hoursWorked - 40;
regularPay = 40 * hourlyRate;
overtimePay = overtimeHours * hourlyRate * 1.5;
regularPay = hoursWorked * hourlyRate;
overtimePay = 0;
grossPay = regularPay + overtimePay;
public static void computeDeductions()
switch (numDependents)
case 0 : taxRate = 29.5; break;
case 1 : taxRate = 24.9; break;
case 2 : taxRate = 18.7; break;
case 3 : taxRate = 15.5; break;
case 4 : taxRate = 12.6; break;
case 5 : taxRate = 10.0; break;
default: taxRate = 7.5;
taxDeductions = grossPay * taxRate / 100;
public static void computeNetpay() { netPay = grossPay - taxDeductions;
public static void printCheck()
DecimalFormat money = new DecimalFormat("$0.00");
" + employeeName);
System.out.println("Hourly rate: " + money.format(hourlyRate));
System.out.println("Hours worked " + hoursWorked);
System.out.println("Dependents: " + numDependents);
System.out.println("Tax rate:
" + taxRate + "%");
System.out.println("Regular pay: " + money.format(regularPay));
System.out.println("Overtime pay: " + money.format(overtimePay));
System.out.println("Gross pay:
" + money.format(grossPay));
System.out.println("Deductions: " + money.format(taxDeductions));
System.out.println("Net pay:
" + money.format(netPay));
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
If you look closely, you will notice that not every variable in this class is a class
variable. The input and money objects are defined as local variables in methods
enterData and printCheck respectively. This is also part of proper program
design. The input object is only used by method enterData, therefore it is
defined locally inside enterData. The money object is only used by method
printCheck, therefore it is defined locally inside printCheck. The other variables
are all used in multiple methods; therefore they are defined as class variables.
Payroll Case Study, Stage #7
In the second-to-last stage of this case study you will see a small, but important
change. The driving class of a program, the one that contains the main method or
the paint method, should not be stuffed full of methods.
You have seen earlier that it is desirable to create a toolkit, called a class, filled
with common tools, called methods. With that idea in mind the final stage
presents a Payroll class, which contains all the methods involved with the payroll
processing. Program Java0738.java, in Figure 7.45, shows that the Java0738
class now only contains the main which runs or drives the program by making
several calls to methods of the Payroll class.
NOTE: Another word for a Class Variable is an attribute. netPay is an attribute
of the Payroll class just like PI is an attribute of the Math class.
Figure 7.45
// Java0738.java
// Payroll Case Study #7
// In Stage #7 the <main> method is part of the "driving" class, which is the class
// responsible for the program execution sequence. The <main> method now contains
// method calls to objects of the <Payroll> class.
import java.text.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Java0738
public static void main (String args[])
System.out.println("\nPAYROLL CASE STUDY #7\n");
class Payroll
static String
static double
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
static double
static int
static double
static double
static double
static double
static double
static double
static double
public static void enterData()
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter Name
===>> ");
employeeName = input.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter Hours Worked ===>> ");
hoursWorked = input.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Hourly Rate ===>> ");
hourlyRate = input.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Dependents ===>> ");
numDependents = input.nextInt();
public static void computeGrosspay()
if (hoursWorked > 40)
overtimeHours = hoursWorked - 40;
regularPay = 40 * hourlyRate;
overtimePay = overtimeHours * hourlyRate * 1.5;
regularPay = hoursWorked * hourlyRate;
overtimePay = 0;
grossPay = regularPay + overtimePay;
public static void computeDeductions()
switch (numDependents)
case 0 : taxRate = 29.5; break;
case 1 : taxRate = 24.9; break;
case 2 : taxRate = 18.7; break;
case 3 : taxRate = 15.5; break;
case 4 : taxRate = 12.6; break;
case 5 : taxRate = 10.0; break;
default: taxRate = 7.5;
taxDeductions = grossPay * taxRate / 100;
public static void computeNetpay() { netPay = grossPay - taxDeductions; }
public static void printCheck()
DecimalFormat money = new DecimalFormat("$0.00");
" + employeeName);
System.out.println("Hourly rate:
" + money.format(hourlyRate));
System.out.println("Hours worked: " + hoursWorked);
" + numDependents);
System.out.println("Tax rate:
" + taxRate + "%");
System.out.println("Regular pay:
" + money.format(regularPay));
System.out.println("Overtime pay: " + money.format(overtimePay));
System.out.println("Gross pay:
" + money.format(grossPay));
" + money.format(taxDeductions));
System.out.println("Net pay:
" + money.format(netPay));
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Payroll Case Study, Stage #8
In the final stage of this case study the program is broken up into different files.
This is in accordance with one of the principals of proper programming design
which states that every class should be placed in its own file. Both files can be
found in the Java0739 folder. Figure 7.46 shows program Java0739.java which
contains the driving class for the program. Figure 7.47 shows the Payroll.java
file which contains the Payroll class. This is in accordance with another rule
which states that the name of the file must match the name of the public class.
Figure 7.46
// Java0739.java
// Payroll Case Study #8
// In Stage #8 the driving class and the <Payroll> class are each placed in separate files.
public class Java0739
public static void main (String args[])
System.out.println("\nPAYROLL CASE STUDY #8\n");
Figure 7.47
// Payroll.java
import java.text.*;
public class Payroll
static String
static double
static double
static int
static double
static double
static double
static double
static double
static double
static double
public static void enterData()
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter Name
===>> ");
employeeName = input.nextLine();
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
System.out.print("Enter Hours Worked ===>> ");
hoursWorked = input.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Hourly Rate ===>> ");
hourlyRate = input.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Dependents ===>> ");
numDependents = input.nextInt();
public static void computeGrosspay()
if (hoursWorked > 40)
overtimeHours = hoursWorked - 40;
regularPay = 40 * hourlyRate;
overtimePay = overtimeHours * hourlyRate * 1.5;
regularPay = hoursWorked * hourlyRate;
overtimePay = 0;
grossPay = regularPay + overtimePay;
public static void computeDeductions()
switch (numDependents)
case 0 : taxRate = 29.5; break;
case 1 : taxRate = 24.9; break;
case 2 : taxRate = 18.7; break;
case 3 : taxRate = 15.5; break;
case 4 : taxRate = 12.6; break;
case 5 : taxRate = 10.0; break;
default: taxRate = 7.5;
taxDeductions = grossPay * taxRate / 100;
public static void computeNetpay()
{ netPay = grossPay - taxDeductions; }
public static void printCheck()
DecimalFormat money = new DecimalFormat("$0.00");
" + employeeName);
System.out.println("Hourly rate: " + money.format(hourlyRate));
System.out.println("Hours worked: " + hoursWorked);
System.out.println("Dependents: " + numDependents);
System.out.println("Tax rate:
" + taxRate + "%");
System.out.println("Regular pay: " + money.format(regularPay));
System.out.println("Overtime pay: " + money.format(overtimePay));
System.out.println("Gross pay:
" + money.format(grossPay));
System.out.println("Deductions: " + money.format(taxDeductions));
System.out.println("Net pay:
" + money.format(netPay));
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Local Variables and Class Variables
Variables that are declared inside a method or block are called
local variables. Local variables are only accessible inside the
method or block that they are defined in.
Variables that are declared inside a class, but outside any
method, are class variables. Class variables are accessible by
any method of the class.
Class variables are also called attributes.
If a variable is only used by one method, it should be declared
inside that method as a local variable.
If a variable is used by 2 or more methods of a class, it should
be declared as a class variable.
Program Design Notes
This was the first introduction to program design. Additional
design features will be introduced as you learn more ObjectOriented Programming. At this stage you can already consider
the following:
• Programs should use self-commenting identifiers.
• Control structures and block structures need to use a
consistent indentation style.
• Specific tasks should be placed in modules called methods.
• Similar methods accessing the same data should be placed
in a class.
• The main method should be used for program sequence,
not large numbers of program statements.
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7.11 Creating Methods with Other Methods
The last section in this chapter will look at creating some user-defined methods
and then using the newly created methods for more complex methods. The first
program starts with a modest little method that displays a single brown picket.
The picket method in Java0740.java, shown in Figure 7.48, has only two
program statements. It is small, but the program will steadily grow to an
interesting graphics display with many user-defined methods.
Figure 7.48
// Java0740.java
// This program demonstrates a <picket> method that will be used
// to display a fence.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Java0740 extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
// 2 Cross Beams
g.setColor(new Color(210,180,140)); // tan
// 25 Pickets
g.setColor(new Color(150,100,15)); // brown
for (int x = 2; x < 1000; x+=40)
public static void picket(Graphics g, int x)
Polygon picket = new Polygon();
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Figure 7.48 Continued
The next program example, Java0741.java, in Figure 7.49, displays the same
picket fence. This time you will see an example of a user-defined method using
another user-defined method. You will see a new fence method, which uses the
previously created picket method. This follows the philosophy of not reinventing
the wheel.
Figure 7.49
// Java0741.java
// This program uses the <picket> method to create the <fence> method.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Java0741 extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
public static void picket(Graphics g, int x)
Polygon picket = new Polygon();
public static void fence(Graphics g)
// 2 Cross Beams
g.setColor(new Color(210,180,140)); // tan
// 25 Pickets
g.setColor(new Color(150,100,15)); // brown
for (int x = 2; x < 1000; x+=40)
7.12 Making a Utility Library Class
As you program more and more, you will notice that certain tasks seem to show
up again and again in several programs. Some example would include getting a
random number in a specified range and setting a color for the entire background
or selecting a random color. Rather than write these methods again and again,
you could create your own utility class and store several useful methods.
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
Figure 7.50 shows the file Utility.java. This file contains 3 methods: random,
setBackground and setRandomColor. Look closely at the setRandomColor
method. There are a couple things you should notice. First, this is another
example of one method calling another. The setRandomColor method calls the
random method (3 times actually). Second, when the random method is called,
it is not done with Utility.random(0,255). Remember, the class name is not
needed here because both methods are in the same class.
Figure 7.50
// Utility.java
// This file contains useful methods that can be used by several different programs.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Utility
public static int random(int min, int max)
int range = max - min + 1;
int randomNumber = (int)(Math.random() * range) + min;
return randomNumber;
public static void setBackground(Graphics g, Color c)
public static void setRandomColor(Graphics g)
int red
= random(0,255);
int green = random(0,255);
int blue = random(0,255);
g.setColor(new Color(red, green, blue));
While this is a very small file, it is something that can grow over time as your
knowledge grows.
NOTE: Utility libraries do NOT have to be named Utility. You can have several
different utility classes with different name.
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You may have noticed that the previous 2 programs started by making the entire
applet black. The black background is intentional. We are looking at a picket
fence at night. There are a couple things missing from our night sky, namely the
moon and some stars. Program Java0742.java, in Figure 7.51, fixes this with a
new nightSky method which starts by making the bakcground black and then
calls both the moon and randomStar methods. As before, the fence method calls
the picket method. You will note that methods of the Utility class are called as
well in certain key locations.
Figure 7.51
// Java0742.java
// This program combines many user-defined methods to create a graphics image.
// Some of the methods calls are for methods in the <Utility.java> file
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Java0742 extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
public static void randomStar(Graphics g)
int x = Utility.random(0,996);
int y = Utility.random(0,296);
public static void nightSky(Graphics g)
// 100 random stars
for (int j = 1; j <= 100; j++)
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
public static void moon(Graphics g)
public static void picket(Graphics g, int x)
Polygon picket = new Polygon();
public static void fence(Graphics g)
// 2 Cross Beams
g.setColor(new Color(210,180,140)); // tan
// 25 Pickets
g.setColor(new Color(150,100,15)); // brown
for (int x = 2; x < 1000; x+=40)
Exposure Java 2014 for teaching AP®CS Edition
Figure 7.51 Continued
There is no end to this process. Java and other program languages allow a
contiuous use of user-defined subroutines to organzie and simplify program
writing. There also is a sense of reliability, because a class can be created by
itself and placed in a program with a tester or runner class to make sure that the
user-defined class and user-defined methods work correctly. A team of
programmers can work together and each take responbility for creating tools that
then turn around and become practical program library of subroutines that can
create very complex programs.
Video games are classic examples of specialized routines that are created to
control game objects in many different situations. If you consider that modern
sophisticated video games are frequerntly more than 500,000 lines of program
code, you can then realize the need for program organization and efficiency.
Chapter VII
Creating Class Methods
7.13 Summary
This chapter focused on writing class methods. Methods can be members in
classes and they can also be members inside an object. The distinction between
creating class methods and object methods will be cleared up when creating
object methods is demonstrated in the next chapter.
Class methods are called by using the class identifier followed by a period and the
method identifier. This is called class-dot-method notation. This type of syntax
is necessary because the class contains multiple members. It requires two
identifiers to first identify the class and then identify the method within the class.
A popular, Java-provided class is the Math class. This class provides a variety of
useful math functions, such as square root, absolute value, truncate, logarithmic
and trigonometric functions.
Java allows programmers to declare their own classes and methods. It is possible
to add methods to the existing main class of the program. It is also possible to
declare a second class or multiple classes outside the main class. And even place
them in other files.
If a statement calls a member method of the same class, the class identifier is
optional. Anytime that a method is called from a class declared outside the
calling statement’s class, the class identifier must be provided.
Methods can be declared with or without parameters. In either case a set of
parentheses follows the method identifier. In the method declaration parameters
need to be declared in the same manner as any other variable declaration, except
that each parameter must have its own data type.
The parameters in the method call must match the parameters in the method
declaration in quantity, type and sequence. Parameters in a method call can be
literal constants, variables or expressions.
This chapter introduced the important concept of program design. Program
design was demonstrated by using a case study that started with a very poorly
written program and improved with small incremental stages.
Finally it was shown that once a method is created, it can be used to create other
methods as well and frequently used methods can also be placed in special utility
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