Development & Performance Management Plan FULL-TIME FACULTY Faculty Member: Academic Program: Type: (Initial Plan or Annual Review) Associate Dean or Dean: (Insert the name of the person(s) performing the review) Appraisal Period: From: To: Teaching Expertise And Effectiveness Curriculum Design Designing/modifying program/course outcomes, elements, learning plans Developing effective and appropriate learning resources and activities for various learning modalities and environments; designing/modifying resources for students with accommodations, skills in universal design Appropriate and effective use of teaching environments for selected learning activities/tasks (on-line, classroom, lab, peer learning, etc.) Designing/modifying assessments and evaluations: formative and summative opportunities, pedagogically sound design that supports outcomes; timely, useful feedback opportunities Teaching Environment Effectiveness (Curriculum Delivery) Demonstrates clear organization; able to use a variety of teaching modes to meet different learning styles; effectively and skillfully uses materials and technologies (white board, slides, online discussions, etc. for selected learning activities/tasks; demonstrates awareness of and works effectively with class size/demographics in the delivery Demonstrates strong time management; clear communication; shows respect for students and the learning environment as a safe space; has excellent presentation skills; is able to adapt to changing circumstances and student inquiry; engages students fully Teaching skills development/accreditation (e.g. teaching-specific professional development coursework, workshops, conferences, accreditation, publication, presentation) CEDP: ☐ Phase One Completed Date Completed: _______________________ ☐ Phase Two Completed Date Completed: _______________________ ☐ Phase Three Completed Date Completed: _______________________ If not complete, please indicate the timeline plan for completion: _________________________________________________________________________ Employee Plans and Goals (To be completed for the initial plan): Employee Achievements (Annual self-assessment including examples): Revision: July 29, 2015 Mohawk College Full-Time Faculty Development & Performance Management Plan Key highlights and feedback from learning environment visit(s): (Associate Dean to Complete) Associate Dean Feedback (Annual assessment including examples): ☐ Developing ☐ Did Not Meet Expectations Subject Expertise And Effectiveness Demonstrates knowledge and skills in the designated professional field (currency, depth, breadth) as they relate to teaching areas. Undertakes lifelong learning through field-specific professional development (accreditation, coursework, publication, presentation, and work in the field). Assessment: ☐ Successful Employee Plans and Goals (To be completed for the initial plan): Employee Achievements (Annual self-assessment including examples): Associate Dean Feedback (Annual assessment including examples): Assessment: ☐ Successful ☐ Developing ☐ Did Not Meet Expectations Functions Which Contribute to College and Student Success Departmental, School, College, Student Responsibilities (e.g. meeting or committee attendance and contribution; mentoring others; participation in student success initiatives (orientation, advice, counselling, referrals); promoting a culture of support for the school (convocation, open house, tours etc.); involvement in student clubs, athletics, committees; etc. Employee Plans and Goals (To be completed for the initial plan): Employee Achievements (Annual self-assessment including examples): Associate Dean Feedback (Annual assessment including examples): Assessment: ☐ Successful ☐ Developing ☐ Did Not Meet Expectations 2 . Mohawk College Full-Time Faculty Development & Performance Management Plan PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOURS Aligns professional behaviours, attitudes, attendance and performance to the College’s needs and Code of Conduct expectations. Accepting personal accountability for actions and performance. Code of Conduct: To be signed by the faculty member during the initial plan development. I acknowledge I have read the Code of Conduct Signature:_______________________________ Assessment: ☐ Successful ☐ Developing Associate Dean Observations and Examples: ☐ Did Not Meet Expectations STRENGTHS AND AREAS OF DEVELOPMENT Major Strengths: (To be completed by the Faculty member, discussed and agreed with the Associate Dean) Areas identified for Development: How can the College support this development? Faculty Member’s Comments: Signature of faculty member and date: Associate Dean or Dean’s Comments: Signature of Associate Dean or Dean and date: Rating Definitions: Successful: Great contribution to the organization. Majority and / or all of the overall job responsibilities and D & PMP goals were successfully delivered. Overall performance is in line with or exceeded expectations. Developing: This rating is used for individuals developing the capabilities essential to be successful on the job. Some / many of the overall responsibilities and D & PMP goals were delivered. Overall performance indicates good progress towards the expectations at a satisfactory pace. Did Not Meet Expectations: Few/some of the overall responsibilities and D & PMP goals were delivered. Overall performance is below expectations and not at the level required. 3 . Mohawk College Full-Time Faculty Development & Performance Management Plan Summary of Assessments Teaching Expertise and Effectiveness: ☐ Successful ☐ Developing ☐ Did Not Meet Expectations Subject Expertise and Effectiveness: ☐ Successful ☐ Developing ☐ Did Not Meet Expectations Functions Which Contribute to College and Student Success: ☐ Successful ☐ Developing ☐ Did Not Meet Expectations Professional Behaviours: ☐ Successful ☐ Developing ☐ Did Not Meet Expectations 4 .