University Graduate Council Meeting Minutes Richards Hall, VPAA Conference Room June 18, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. Council Members in Attendance Dr. Cheryl Smith (COEHP), Chair Dr. Kimberly Gill (COLS), Past Council Chair Dr. Andres Jauregui (DATCOB), Chair Elect Dr. John Ellisor (COLS), Secretary Dr. Ellen Roberts (Academic Affairs), Assoc. Provost for Grad. Ed. Dr. Radhouane Chouchane (Turner College) Dr. Margie Yates (COEHP) Dr. Tina Butcher (AA), Ex-Officio Member Ms. Kristin Williams, Ex-Officio Member Topics Item 1. Welcome, Lunch, and Approval of May Minutes. - May minutes approved by the council with the following corrections: (a) the names and details of faculty members approved or denied graduate faculty status to be deleted; (b) names of council members making motions and names of those giving the seconds to motions to be deleted. Item 2. Report from Associate Provost for Graduate Education. Graduate Assistantship Forms and Policies: Dr. Roberts recommended a change to the graduate assistant application form. She wants the council to add a doctoral fellow category in the section on types of graduate work. She also wants to add a category for special fellowships. This change is necessary to allow tuition waivers for students holding Woodrow Wilson Fellowships and the like. However, these students will not receive stipends from academic departments nor work for a department like regular graduate assistants. Also, these students will not count toward the number of grad assistants allowed each department, etc. The new category will allow the university to use grad assistant funds to match the money the university is to provide as its in-kind match for the fellowship. The new policy here will be sent out by e-mail for the grad council’s approval. 1 Graduate Council Bylaws: Dr. Roberts further noted that the By Laws say different things in two different versions of the laws. These sets of By Laws need to be revised to conform with each other. Thus Dr. Roberts set up a sub-committee to accomplish this task. The committee members are Dr. Smith, Dr. Gill and Dr. Roberts. Copies of proposed changes will be sent to members of the Council at least two weeks prior to the next meeting so that a vote can be taken at the meeting. Item 3. Old Business. The Graduate Council took up the business of reviewing applicants for graduate faculty status. The council approved ten applicants for full professor status; seven for associate status with one limited to supervision; four for provisional status with one limited to supervision; and one applicant denied grad faculty status. Item 4. New Business. Graduate Faculty Membership Qualifications: Dr. Yates discussed the need to revise the categories the council should consider in approving graduate faculty in order to make the selection process more fair and clear, but the council took no immediate action on this measure. Admissions Requirements for COEHP Programs: Dr. Yates also asked the council to approve changes to the admission requirements for the M.Ed in Accomplished Teaching, the MS in Exercise Science, the MAT in Secondary Education, and the MSN in Family Nurse Practitioner programs. The council approved all the requested changes except for the MS in Exercise Science program. The proposed changes to this program were sent back for possible revisions. For a more detailed explanation of all these changes, see the attached program proposals. Item 5. Announcements. - Dr. Roberts reminded the council of the Graduate Assistant Training Day on August 21. - Ms. Williams advised the council that there would be Monday tours of the campus for perspective graduate students and these students might want to schedule meetings with 2 faculty members. She also informed the council of the upcoming Graduate Discovery Day dates: Saturday, Nov. 14, 2015 and Sat. Feb. 20, 2016. - Dr. Smith set July 16 as the date for the next grad council meeting. - Dr. Smith adjourned the meeting at 1:55 p.m. 3