Current Progress of Spot

Progress of Spot
Working with SeisDataContainer
The most major thing I did for my work here is having spot to work with SeisDataContainer. It
is still a work-in-progress and you can see the progress summary from my previous blog post.
The codes are found on GitHub. SeisDataContainer and Spot. Checkout dhsieh branch or the
commit code:
18a3cc5cd4c2d9c7e3ea9dc1819b868b2e7aed17 (Spot)
1d1503cc390e82328aaad2b2bf63eb8e3f18fdb8 (SeisDataContainer)
How to use SeisDataContainer with Spot
For now, people use the regular MATLAB array instead of SeisDataContainer:
x = [2 5 9 7].’;
% x is the data. It’s a regular MATLAB array.
model.u = {‘m’};
% metadata: unit
model.d = [10];
% metadata: delta
A = opDFT(4);
% Fourier Transform operator. The number 4 is there because there
are 4 entries in the data
res = A * x;
% Do Fourier Transform on the data
model.u = {‘1/m’}; % Modified metadata
model.d = …………. % we have to modify the metadata one-by-one
How we want to use the SeisDataContainer:
x = iCon.load(<path to where the SeisDataContainer is stored>)
x = iCon([2 5 9 7].’, ‘unit’, {‘m’}, ‘delta’,[10]) % or define it during runtime
A = opDFT;
% Fourier Transform operator (Dynamic)
res = A * x;
% Do Fourier Transform on both the data and metadata
Motivation of Using SeisDataContainer
Real world data consist of not only the data itself but also the metadata. For example, a
seismogram not only has the seismogram value, but also the units for the axis and the sampling
interval (delta).
When a linear operation, say Fourier Transform, is done on the data, the metadata need to be
changed. In this example, unit of time should change to frequency.
Unfortunately, changing metadata is currently done by hard-coding, which is considered a bad
programing practice.
Using SeisDataContainer allows a programmer to:
1. Put data and metadata into one SeisDataContainer object
 Much cleaner code
2. Let Spot decide how to handle metadata automatically
 Avoid human error
 Help detect error during operation
3. Use Dynamic Spot Operator
 Further simplify the code. Will be discussed in the Dynamic Operator section
Check out my PowerPoint presentation for more detail
Rule Class
The work on Rule class is an extension of work of SeisDataContainer. The purpose of a Rule
object is to be the storage of all the function handlers and apply the handlers to the respective
metadata fields in SeisDataContainer object.
Currently I have it completed on opDFT.
The Rule object is created at the moment the operator is created and the Rule object is stored
as a field of the operator.
Rule class usage
Here I use opDFT as example:
A = opDFT;
% create the operator. The rule object is created as A’s field.
C = iCon(randn(3,1), ‘unit’, {‘m’}, ‘delta’, [5]); % DataContainer
% the operation
How to set rules
There are two types of rule you can set:
1. Single Field Rule
This changes just one rule handler
% here I set delta will always be 3 after the operation
% here I set that delta will be element-wise inverse of the current delta.
A.metadataRule.setRule(‘delta’,3,’unit’, {‘s’});
% I can set more than one Single Field Rule at a time.
2. Full Header Rule
This takes care of the entire header
A.metadataRule.setRule(‘full’, the_function_handle(header,op,mode));
About the handler:
The handler could be one of the two:
1. Function handler
If the user decides to put function handle, make sure the function accept 3 input
arguments: header, op, mode.
2. A value
Users still have the ability to hard-code the resulting metadata. Simply put down
the value in the set rule function.
Dynamic Operator
Dynamic operators take the advantage of the use of SeisDataContainer to simplify the programing
process. Dynamic operators do not require size argument(s) in their constructor, so programmers
can focus on the mathematic. Here’s the comparison:
Regular spot operator for Fourier Transform:
x = [1 2 3 4];
% the data. 4 elements.
A = opDFT(4)
% Fourier Transform operator for 4 elements
% Fourier Transform operation
Dynamic spot operator for Fourier Transform:
x1 = [1 2 3 4];
x2 = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8];
A = opDFT;
% Dynamic operator
r1 = A * x1;
% The same operator can be used for different
r2 = A * x2;
% sizes of data.
Problem with Dynamic Operator
For some operators, some information (including the original implicit dimension) is lost on the
data after doing forward operation. Being highly dependent on the implicit size of
SeisDataContainer, dynamic operators sometimes are unable to initialize.
The current solution to this problem is to store the operation history on the data container.
During forward operation, the implicit size of the data is stored on the SeisDataContainer
object. When later the adjoint operation happens, the dynamic operator can retrieve the full
implicit size information from the history. If there’s no forward operation done on the data
before the adjoint operation, there would be no history for the dynamic operator, thus
operation could not proceed.
Check out the PowerPoint presentation for more detail
Julia version of Spot
We have been looking for free MATLAB alternatives due to the licensing cost. Julia Language
appears to be a good candidate and we have started to write Spot in Julia.
We haven’t implement much on Julia yet since we found that Julia is still a pre-mature language.
We had identified a problem in its garbage collection.
Checkout this discussion:
opKron improvement
There had been a change in opKron’s multiplication function for performance improvement on
larger, higher dimensional data, and subsequent fixes had been done these days. Studying how
opKron works will be important as it’s a widely used operator in this group; therefore, further
improvements might be required.