Feminism and Faith Seminar led by Dr Nicola Slee, Saturday 29th of March, 2014 Dr Nicola Slee, the well-known feminist theologian, is Guest Speaker at a Seminar in Leicester on Saturday 29th of March, 2014. The Seminar is titled: ‘Feminism and Faith’ and will be followed by a Short Feminist Liturgy. Third wave feminism is having a significant impact on society, challenging violence against women, the objectification of women and campaigning for equality of opportunity for women especially in the public sphere. A new younger generation of women and men are its advocates. One of its targets is institutional religion which is perceived to still be aligned with patriarchal values and practices. Feminist theology, responding to the changing scene, has grown and diversified exponentially since its flourishing in the early 1980s and has become a world-wide movement of many different forms and with many different faces. At the same time, the men's movement has made its own response to the gender critique of society and religion, and there is more talk of a crisis of masculinities within both church and society. Broader gender studies and queer theory add to the complexity of the issues, with more fluid understandings of gender and sexuality challenging traditional assumptions of gender identities, roles and relations. How do such shifting understandings of gender engage with Christian faith, and what are the implications for our theology and practice, including the ways in which we worship and pray? What resources can we draw upon within Christian tradition to help us think about gender in constructive and liberating ways? Dr Slee will discuss feminist theology’s response to third wave feminism in the first half of her talk and then in the second half discuss developments in feminist liturgy over the past few decades, examining some of the principles of feminist liturgy and considering how feminist perspectives can enrich as well as challenge mainstream liturgy in the churches (including a consideration of inclusive language, images of God, the importance of space and visual imagery. Venue: Barnabas Centre, St Pauls, Oadby Time: 10 till 1pm Dr Slee is Research Fellow at the Queens Foundation for Ecumenical & Theological Education, Birmingham. She has written extensively on Feminist Theology and her latest book is ‘Seeking the Risen Christa’. Dr Slee lectures internationally and is a regular speaker at the Greenbelt Christian Arts Festival.