North Coast Beginning Teacher Program

North Coast Beginning Teacher Program
Facilitator Self-Assessment
Guiding the development of teachers can be challenging and rewarding. It requires someone with an appreciation and
understanding of the complexities of teaching; someone who utilizes reflection to continually improve his/her own practice; and
someone who believes in the potential of teachers to become reflective, insightful professional educators. The NCBTP Facilitator
Self-Assessment is designed as an ongoing, reflective tool to help each Facilitator determine his/her own effectiveness and to assist
in setting appropriate goals for ongoing growth. The Facilitator Self-Assessment will provide the NCBTP with information in
planning appropriate professional development opportunities to better assist Facilitators in their role with professional educators.
Facilitator Name: _____________________________
County: _____________________________
Underline standard elements that are areas of strength. Choose at least one element as an area for growth for each standard.
Standard 1: Facilitator is well prepared for each seminar and establishes a positive and supportive environment for learning.
1.1 Facilitator has room and materials set up prior to participants’ arrival with
music playing to set a positive tone and a relaxed, safe, and humor-filled
Areas of Strength:
1.2 Facilitator greets participants upon arrival and interacts with specific
participants who need follow-up assistance.
1.3 Facilitator establishes, over time, a trusting and supportive relationship with
participants, making an ongoing effort to anticipate participant needs and to
seek out opportunities for interaction within the seminar.
Areas for Growth:
1.4 Facilitator brainstorms strategies with other facilitators to ensure that activities
within the seminar are presented in a manner that ensures brain-friendly
thinking, seamless transitions, and conversations that are tailored to the needs of
the specific group.
1.5 Facilitator has a deep knowledge of his/her seminar segments, so that he/she can
listen while not facilitating and be ready to use participant questions and
comments as a segue into the next activity.
1.6 Facilitator moves around the room and engages with participants during seminar
activities, actively checking for participant understanding.
1.7 Facilitator can provide depth and clarification regarding NCBTP processes,
connecting these with real-time classroom content and issues.
Standard 2: Facilitator effectively uses presentation techniques, materials, and technologies within the seminars, which model
effective teaching strategies and is aware of presentation attributes such as voice modulation, body language, and position within
the room.
2.1 Facilitator uses slides to ensure learning is enhanced using questions and
directions that are succinct, sequential and clear.
Areas of Strength:
2.2 Body language and voice convey confidence with the materials.
2.3 Facilitator easily moves between seminar materials in a non-distracting way.
2.4 Facilitator moves around the room to add energy, to change focus and/or to
increase involvement of participants.
Areas for Growth:
2.5 Facilitator continually reads the room and adjusts activities as needed.
Standard 3: Facilitator uses Peer Coaching strategies and the Inquiry process to model and engage participants in the practice of
ongoing inquiry and reflection.
3.1 Facilitator actively and explicitly integrates Peer Coaching strategies such as
reflective conversations, active listening, paraphrasing, and clarifying questions.
Areas of Strength:
3.2 Facilitator guides participants in decision-making that supports ongoing,
individualized Inquiry-based professional growth.
3.3 Facilitator initiates conversations and poses complex questions that encourage
participants to explore new ideas and strategies within their individual teaching
Areas for Growth:
Standard 4: Facilitator plans time to meet with colleagues and discuss professional content related to NCBTP, staying current on
matters related to research and professional development.
4.1 Facilitator pre-reads all seminar materials and actively interacts during required
monthly facilitator meetings.
Areas of Strength:
4.2 During Facilitator meetings, Facilitator offers new ideas and perspectives and
poses questions that might assist other facilitators within upcoming seminars.
4.3 Facilitator communicates with partner before each seminar to discuss seminar
content, sharing ideas about how they might interactively model content ideas,
and discussing how each will make effective transitions and assist one other
within seminar segments.
Areas for Growth:
4.4 Facilitator stays current on a broad range of matters related to teaching and
professional development, bringing ideas to Facilitator meetings and effectively
integrating new knowledge into seminar activities.
Facilitator Proposed Action(s): Related to my identified area(s) of growth, actions that will deepen my facilitation and relationship building
skills and support participant understanding and growth within the NCBTP Inquiry process.
Successes and End-of-Year Reflections:
NCBTP Facilitator Self-Assessment, updated 6/14/13