Clinical Veterinary Science Teachers Workshop Agenda

Veterinary Science Academy
2014 NAAE Region VI Conference
Clinical Veterinary Science Teachers Workshop Agenda
New Haven & Middletown, Connecticut
July 7-9, 2014
Floron (Buddy) C. Faries, Jr., DVM, MS
Professor and Extension Veterinarian
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Institute for Infectious Animal Diseases
Texas A&M University System
College Station, TX
July 7, 8, 9 (7:30-8:30 AM): “Overview of National Veterinary Science Certificate Career Program”
The “National Veterinary Science Certificate Career Program” for high school students is composed of a careeroriented curriculum and a job-trained apprenticeship. The presenter will provide professional development in
requirements of high school certificate programs for veterinary assistants; state certification programs for certified
veterinary assistants in clinical and non-clinical career tracks; and curriculum contents of student textbooks and
web-based educational materials. Classroom instruction techniques to aid in teaching of veterinary science subject
matter and career skills will be described.
July 7 (9:00-11:45 AM): “Lessons and Activities of the Clinical Veterinary Science Curriculum”
The presenter will provide professional development in subject matter through interactive discussions to aid
teachers in teaching of 4 clinical veterinary science lessons and activities.
“Causes of Infectious Diseases”
“The Battle Against Disease”
“Genetics & Disease”
“Drug Residue Avoidance Program”
July 8 (9:00-11:45 AM): “Lessons and Activities of the Clinical Veterinary Science Curriculum”
The presenter will provide professional development in subject matter through interactive discussions to aid
teachers in teaching of 4 clinical veterinary science lessons and activities.
“Rabies Control Program”
“Controlling Internal Parasites”
“Controlling External Parasites”
July 9 (9:00-11:00 AM): “Skills of the Clinical Veterinary Science Apprenticeship”
The presenter will provide professional development in clinical skills through a hands-on workshop to aid
teachers in teaching of 8 clinical veterinary science skills.
Assisting in Surgery
Preparing a Surgical Site of a Dog
Removing Sutures in a Dog
Preparing a Surgical Pack for Sterilization
Opening a Surgical Pack
Gowning & Gloving for Surgery
Assisting in the Laboratory
Using a Microscope
Assisting in Bandaging
Applying Bandage to Leg of a Horse
Removing Bandage From Leg of a Horse
July 9 (11:00 AM-1:00 PM): “Skills of the Clinical Veterinary Science Apprenticeship”
The presenter will provide professional development in clinical skills through a hands-on workshop to aid
teachers in teaching of 12 clinical veterinary science skills.
Assisting in Restraining & Handling Small Animals
Removing a Dog From a Cage
Restraining a Dog in Sternal Recumbency
Removing a Cat From a Cage
Restraining a Cat in Lateral Recumbency
Assisting in Restraining & Handling Large Animals
Tying a Bowline Knot on a Horse
Tying a Clove Hitch on a Horse Stanchion
Tying a Reefer’s Knot on a Horse Stanchion
Placing a Tail Tie on a Cow
Haltering a Cow
Using a Nose Tong in a Cow
Haltering a Horse
Using a Nose Twitch and Clamp in a Horse
Floron (Buddy) C. Faries, Jr., DVM, MS
Professor & Extension Veterinarian
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Institute for Infectious Animal Diseases
Texas A&M University System
College Station, TX
979-845-4353 (O)
979-255-2660 (C)