BIOL 584 Section 001 Advanced Ecological Techniques/Ecological Techniques Tentative Syllabus, Spring 2012 Instructor: Dr. Susan Romano Course Time/Location: Arranged Course Description/Purpose: BIOL 584. “This course provides instruction on the applications of techniques and analytical methods to the evaluation and restoration of terrestrial and aquatic communities, including data analysis specific to those techniques. Includes field experience.” (WIU Graduate Catalog). Course Objectives: To provide experiential learning of ecological field collection techniques and technologies. Recommended book: Field and Laboratory Methods for General Ecology, 4th Edition, by Brower, Zar, and von Ende. ISBN: 9780697243584 Contact Information: E-mail: Cell Phone: 309-333-1568 Macomb Office: 283 Waggoner Hall Quad Cities Office: Room 251, QC 60th Street Office Hours: Monday, 9:30-11:30 am Macomb, Waggoner Rm 347 Tuesday, 9:30-11:30 am Macomb, Waggoner Rm 347 Wednesday, 3:00-4:00 pm Moline, 60th Street Graduate Center, Rm 251 or email at to arrange an appointment Possible additional costs: Students are asked to carpool to field sites away from Nahant Marsh. Attendance: You must attend class. Only one make-up assignment will be accepted for illness, documented death in the family, or a pre-arranged absence with permission of the instructor. The make-up assignment will be a 5 page paper on the type of sampling discussed on the day of absence. See instructor for details. Academic Misconduct. If you cheat on an exam or lab, you will receive a grade of zero (0) for that exam or lab and could receive an F in the course. You are to do your own work on lab assignments as well as the final project. The Official University Policy Manual webpage covers University policies related to student academic integrity, the course syllabus, grade appeals, oral English proficiency, student absences, and students participating in university-sanctioned activities. Student Rights and Responsibilities Website: Academic Integrity Policy Website: Students With Disabilities. In accordance with University policy and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor’s attention, as he/she is not legally permitted to inquire about such particular needs of students. Students who may require special assistance in emergency evacuations (i.e. fire, tornado, etc.) should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow in such an emergency. Contact Disability Support Services at 298-2512 for additional services. Grading Scale (Graduate) Grading Scale (Undergraduate) 92% - 100% A 84% - 91.99% B 76% - 83.99% C 68% - 75.99% D 67.99% and below F 99.0% - 100%+ 91% - 98.99% A 90% - 90.99% A89% - 89.99% B+ 81% - 88.99% B 80% - 80.99% B79% - 79.99% C+ 71% - 78.99% C 70% - 70.99% C69% - 69.99% D+ 61% - 68.99% D 60% - 60.99% DBelow 60% F A+ Course Requirements and Grading Lab Reports Exam Term Paper 30% 40% 30% Lab Report Format Text format: Typed, double spaced, submitted electronically by WesternOnline as an email attachment. All lab reports are due electronically by WesternOnline email by 9 am, the Saturday following the lab. All late assignments, including term papers, will result in a automatic 10% grade reduction for the assignment. Include: Your name, lab location and date, lab topic and a detailed description of the laboratory technique and materials used in your own words. Write in third person as if you are writing a publication for a peer-reviewed journal (Do not use “I”). A title page, a minimum of 2 full pages for your lab report, plus another page for referencing, are required. Include at least one example of how this sampling technique was used in a published peer-reviewed ecological journal article (use WIU Library online database). Provide the author name(s), year published, article title, and name of journal, journal volume number, and pages where the article is found as part of your reference page, but also cite within the text. Citation format IS NOT APA or MLA, but according to the Biology Department Thesis Guide located at pages 20-25. We have great libraries and librarians at WIU who can help you use online databases and find peer reviewed articles. I am also here to help you, so please do not hesitate to ask for help. Term Paper Format and Topic Text format: Times New Roman, 12 point, 5 pages, double spaced, 1 inch margins (watch for default margins). Citation format: DO NOT USE MLA OR APA!!! Follow the guidelines for in-text citations and Literature Cited at the following link: p. 20-25. Wikipedia references and websites ARE NOT acceptable, and points will be lost if you use them. Government technical reports found on the web are acceptable. You need at least 5 peer-reviewed references. You must write in third person. Topic: Select a field sampling technique and write a paper 1) Describe the technique 2) Provide at least 3 examples of hypotheses using this technique found in peer-reviewed literature (with references) 3) Explain how a) the data were analyzed, b) how results are interpreted, and c) the types of conclusions drawn in peer-reviewed research.