St. Tammany Parish Suicide Awareness Inaugural Golf

St. Tammany Parish Suicide Awareness
Inaugural Golf Tournament
Saturday, July 25, 2015  Oak Harbor Golf Club
4 Player Scramble
7:00 A.M. Registration Begins  8:30 A.M. Shotgun Start
$125 per Player
Registration Fee Includes:
Polo Style Golf Shirt ($55 value)
Green Fees, Cart and Range Balls
Refreshments During Play
Lunch, Dinner and Awards Presentation
Mulligans sold at registration
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Places
Closest to the Hole
Door Prizes
Sign up early by sending your registration and/or sponsorships to:
St. Tammany Suicide Awareness, PO Box 6017, Slidell, LA, 70469-6017
For additional information, Contact Trinity Graves (985) 726-7819 or
or Oak Harbor GC (985)646-0110
St. Tammany Parish Suicide Awareness
Inaugural Golf Tournament
Saturday, July 25, 2015  Oak Harbor Golf Club
Player/Team Registration Form
Individual Players Will Be Partnered on Course
Contact Person:______________________Company:____________________________
Address, City, State, Zip:___________________________________________________
Player 1 Name:________________________________________ Shirt Size: __________
Player 2 Name:________________________________________ Shirt Size: __________
Player 3 Name:________________________________________ Shirt Size: __________
Player 4 Name:________________________________________ Shirt Size: __________
Please make checks payable to Suicide Awareness and mail to:
Suicide Awareness, PO Box 6017, Slidell, LA 70469-6017
St. Tammany Parish Suicide Awareness
Inaugural Golf Tournament
Saturday, July 25, 2015  Oak Harbor Golf Club
2015 Sponsorship Agreement
Company Name: _________________________________________________________
Contact Name: ___________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________ State: ________ Zip: _____________________
Phone: __________________________ Email: _________________________________
Website: ________________________________________________________________
Sign me up for the following sponsorship(s):
[ ] $100 Hole Sponsorship
[ ] $250 Gold Sponsor (Includes 2 hole Sponsor Signs, 1 Beverage Cart Sign & 1 Golfer)
[ ] $500 Hole Tent Sponsor
[ ] $750 Platinum Sponsor (Includes 4 hole Sponsor Signs, 1 Beverage Cart Sign & 2 Golfers)
[ ] $1200 Diamond Sponsor (Includes 6 hole Sponsor Signs, 2 Beverage Cart Sign & 4 Golfers)
Check Enclosed: #_____________________ Cash Enclosed: $__________________
Please make checks payable to Suicide Awareness and mail to:
Suicide Awareness, PO Box 6017, Slidell, LA 70469-6017
This coming July, the St. Tammany Parish Deputies’ Association, in conjunction with St.
Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Office Reserve Division, will host a golf tournament to help
bring awareness to the increasing number of suicides which occur in St. Tammany Parish
each year.
In 2014, there were 46 suicides in our Parish which is an increase from 2013 when there
were 32 suicides. Since 2002, there have been over 435 suicides. That’s 435 families
whose lives have been devastated by an act that could have been prevented.
The purpose of this event is to help provide awareness to our citizens of the many
programs available for the prevention of suicide. Some of those programs include the
Volunteers of America (VOA) and the St. Tammany Outreach for the Prevention of
Suicide (S.T.O.P.S.). These programs offer services not only to educate the public about
the prevention of suicide, they also offer counseling to victims of attempted suicide as
well as to the families of those who have committed suicide.
Any contributions your organization could provide to help make this tournament possible
will be greatly appreciated.