Application Form for YARE Membership Personal Details Title: First Name*: Last Name*: Telephone: Email*: Date of Birth*: Affiliation Institute*: City*: Country*: Supervisor/Head of group*: Email supervisor: * required fields YARE membership is free of charge. Please note that all personal data are collected for statistical and organizational reasons only. Personal data will be treated as confidential and will not be passed on to third parties. You hereby agree on receiving information about YARE via email. This agreement can be revoked at any time. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Date Signature Additional information In order to improve our program and events and for statistical reasons, we would like to ask you some additional questions about your scientific background, your research interests etc. Please double-klick on the fields, to activate them. 1. Sex Female Male Other 2. How old are you? <20 years 20-25 years 25-30 years >30 years 3. Where do you come from (nationality)? Germany Other, please specify (not mandatory): _____________________________________ 4. In which country do you work? Germany Other, please specify (not mandatory): _____________________________________ 5. What is your track of professional education? Natural science (biology, chemistry, pharmacy, physics, earth/space sciences…) Please specify: ______________________________________ Medicine Humanities Social Sciences 6. What is your current position? Student PhD student PhD postdoc MD (medical doctor, physician) Other, please specify: ______________________________________ 7. Where do you work? Industry Academic institution (i.e. university, university hospital) Non-academic hospital Scientific institution (i.e. foundation) Other, please specify: ______________________________________ 8. What is your general research area? Basic Clinical Translational 9. What is your field of research? Adrenal Bone Diabetes and Obesity Endocrine Malignancies Growth Hormone Metabolism Pituitary Reproduction Thyroid Other, please specify: ______________________________________ 10. How did you hear about the YARE? German Endocrine Society (DGE) website German Endocrine Society Conference European Society of Endocrinology Conference Bregenz Summer School Facebook Flyer Friends/ Colleagues Supervisor YARE website Other, please specify: ______________________________________ 11. How many annual YARE meetings have you already attended? 0 1 2 3 4 5 >5 Please send the filled document (as Word file) to In addition, please send a signed version as PDF-file/picture to The signed version can also be sent to: Alexander Fischer Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf Institut fuer Biochemie und Molekulare Zellbiologie (N30); 3. Stock Martinistrasse 52 20246 Hamburg, Germany