Website Plan VISUALS Colours - Black - White - Grey Banner - Carceral Cultures with images (will be provided) Photos - From field research (gray scale or colour?) REQUIREMENTS - Ability to add photos, embed audio and video thumbnails (to our YouTube channel) throughout the website Ability to add and modify text Ability to add and modify tabs and sub-tabs Ability to have English and French bilingual tabs / sub-tabs and content (no site mirroring) TABS HOME / ACCUEIL PROJECTS / PROJETS TEAM / ÉQUIPE PUBLICATIONS RESOURCES / RESSOURCES FUNDING / FINANCEMENT CONTACT US / CONTACTEZ-NOUS TWITTER, FACEBOOK AND YOUTUBE HOME / ACCUEIL 1 English and 1 French paragraph introducing the carceral cultures website - Representations of confinement, punishment and the experiences of prisoners (develop further) PROJECTS / PROJETS Penal History Museums Les musées de pénitenciers Paragraph introducing the project Horizontal sub-tab - Project description - Participate in the study o Invitation to penal tourism site staff and volunteers to register with the project website (see section above) and participate in the study o Invitation to regional tourism providers that work with penal history museums and other penal tourism sites o Invitation to the general public to share their experiences of penal history museums and other penal tourism sites (link to PUBLIC FORUM webpage) - Research Ethics o Letters of information (English / French in .pdf) o Ethical consent forms (English / French in .pdf) - Map (is it possible to add a still image of the Google map?) o Photograph for each site (solicited or taken by research team) o Brief description of each site (solicited or written by research team) o Audio-video of each site (solicited or taken by research team) o Contact information for each site (address, phone number and website) Problematizing Carceral Tours Remettre en question le tourisme carcéral Drop-down Menu (architecture like past conferences at Horizontal sub-tab - Project description TEAM / ÉQUIPE (modifiable text and ability to add photos) Co-investigators - Bio + expertise relevant to the project - List of related projects (that are featured on the site) - Link to faculty webpage - Contact information (institutional address, phone number and email) Research Assistants - Bios + research interests - List of related projects (that are featured on the site) - Links to webpages (if applicable) - Contact information (institutional addresses, phone numbers and emails) PUBLICATIONS Paragraph on media availability (modifiable text) Vertical sub-tab (title: Penal History Museums / Les musées de pénitenciers) - Presentations - Academic Works - Media Commentary Vertical sub-tab (title: Problematizing Carceral Tours / Remettre en question le tourisme carcéral) - Presentations - Academic Works - Media Commentary RESOURCES / RESSOURCES Paragraph introducing resources Vertical sub-tab (title: Penal History Museums / Les musées de pénitenciers) - Relevant Literature (links) - Projects and Campaigns We Follow (links) FUNDING / FINANCEMENT Paragraph acknowledging SSHRC and other funders Vertical sub-tab (Proactive Disclosure / Divulgation proactive) - Research - Dissemination - Other CONTACT US / CONTACTEZ-NOUS Co-investigators (institutional address, phone number and email)