Landslide Disaster Risk Management

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Project Document
Project Title:
Landslide Disaster Risk Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina
UNDAF Outcome(s):
Outcome 3: By 2019, there is effective management of war remnants and
strengthened prevention and responsiveness for man-made and natural
Expected Output(s):
(Those that will result
from the project and
extracted from the CPD)
Output 2: Legal and policy frameworks in place supporting implementation of
disaster and climate risk management measures
Responsible Party:
Key project partners:
UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
FBiH Solidarity Fund; FBiH Ministry of Spatial Planning; FBiH Geological
Institute; RS Geological Institute; local and cantonal governments
Summary narrative:
Responding to the longer-term country needs related to disaster risk alleviation the project aims to strengthen
capacities of local governments in Bosnia and Herzegovina for landslide risk mitigation, thus contribute to safety
of the population and infrastructure in target areas, as well as to sustainability of development investments.
Specifically, the intervention will provide support to 9 landslide- and flood-affected local governments to
remediate and stabilise landslides through specific risk-reduction investments, as well as strengthen their
landslide management and monitoring capacities.
Project Period: 12 months (15 months for
Government financial contributions)
Total budget: USD 4,140,000
Allocated resources:
 Japanese government: USD 2,940,000
Key Result Area (Strategic Plan): Resilience
Start date: March 2015
End Date: March 2016
 Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina: USD
Unfunded budget:
In-kind Contributions:
SECTION I: PROJECT PROPOSAL ........................................................................................................................ 4
PART I: SITUATION ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................... 4
Wider country context ........................................................................................................................... 4
The 2014 natural disaster ..................................................................................................................... 4
Landslides: sector-specific situation analysis ....................................................................................... 5
Critical landslide-affected geographical areas in the country ............................................................... 6
UNDP recovery and disaster risk reduction assistance ........................................................................ 6
PART II: STRATEGY ............................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1. Project rationale and relevance to the country needs ................................................................................ 7
2.2. Target groups ............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.3. Project overview ......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4. Project approach ....................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5. Risk analysis and mitigation measures .................................................................................................... 12
PART III: MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS ................................................................................................... 12
PART IV: BUDGET AND FUNDING ................................................................................................................... 13
PART V: MONITORING AND EVALUATION ..................................................................................................... 13
PART VI: LEGAL CONTEXT............................................................................................................................... 13
SECTION II: RESULTS AND RESOURCES FRAMEWORK ................................................................................. 15
SECTION III: ANNUAL WORK PLAN ..................................................................................................................... 17
ANNEXES ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
Country Programme Document
European Union
(Entity of) the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
International Labour Organisation
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
(Entity of) Republika Srpska
Stabilisation and Association Agreement
Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations’ Development Assistance Framework
United States Agency for International Development
Wider country context
In recent years, Bosnia and Herzegovina experienced significant progress in restoring peace and stability, as well
as in moving from post-war recovery to becoming a potential candidate to the European Union (EU). Since 1995,
the country has managed to alleviate the problem of internally displaced persons, rebuild a vast amount of
infrastructure devastated by war and restore peace, security and the freedom of movement throughout its
territory. In July 2008, the EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement
(SAA), which creates a far-reaching contractual relationship between both sides entailing mutual rights and
obligations. The country has fulfilled all the requirements for visa liberalization and is gradually moving towards
meeting NATO and EU pre-accession requirements.
Nonetheless, considerable challenges still confront the country. The complex constitutional structure stemming
from the Dayton Peace Agreement is highly cumbersome. The country of 3.8 million people has 13 constitutions
(state, two entities, one autonomous district and 10 cantons), 14 legal systems and more than 140 ministries.
This governance structure has led to political deadlock, low investment and socio-economic inequalities, and high
levels of corruption. Slow legislative processes resulting from political stalemate further hamper progress. As was
manifested in the February 2014 wide-spread citizens’ protests, public trust in government is declining sharply.
After nearly 10 years of relatively stable economic growth, the country’s economic performance has deteriorated
markedly, partly because of the global economic crisis, but also because of the generally slow pace of transition
reforms. The unemployment rate, according to the ILO, stood at 27.5 per cent in 2014, while official government
figures placed it at 43.7 per cent. Following relatively robust average annual real GDP growth of +4.8 percent in
2000-2008, the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina experienced a recession in 2009 (-2.7 per cent) and 2012 (1.2 per cent) in the wake of the global financial crisis. In 2014, GDP growth is forecast to slow to about +0.7 per
cent. The informal economy remains quite large.
The 2014 natural disaster
The natural disaster that struck Bosnia and Herzegovina in May 2014 affected a quarter of its territory and
approximately one million people, representing some 27% of the country’s population of 3.8 million. Over 50%
of local governments were in some form affected by the floods and landslides with damages recorded to housing
stock, infrastructure, public institutions, the local economy and agriculture. The Recovery Needs Assessment1
conducted by national authorities with the support of the EU, the United Nations and the World Bank estimates
the destruction impact of the floods in terms of damages in the amount of approximately $1.67 billion, while the
economic losses exceed $1.04 billion.
More than 43,000 homes have been damaged or flooded, including close to 2,000 destroyed houses mainly due
to landslides, leading to evacuation of more than 40,000 persons. 46 local governments suffered severe damage
and destruction, where urban, industrial and rural areas were completely flooded. Consequently, houses,
infrastructure, schools, hospitals, private facilities, farms and crops were wiped out, causing deterioration of
public services, local economy and agriculture activities.
Local businesses suffered extreme devastation of equipment and stock with more than 16,400 jobs temporarily
or permanently lost. The agriculture sector has witnessed extreme devastation of more than 70,000 hectares of
arable and planted land with 25,000 households suffering substantial reductions in income. Effects on productive
capacity vary, with a large impact particularly in the enterprise and agriculture sector, affecting livelihoods and
future food supply. Many crops have been completely destroyed and livestock has been greatly affected, thus
threatening the livelihood of farmers in the short and medium term.
Mines and UXOs, which due to floods and landslides have migrated, contaminate more than 70 per cent of the
flood-affected zone (800 km2), while mine-awareness signs have been washed away.
Landslides: sector-specific situation analysis
Geological structure of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina is characterized by heterogeneous geological structure and by the
presence of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks dating from the Palaeozoic to Quaternary ages, which
causes complex terrain stability. The Earth's crust of Bosnia and Herzegovina composed of sedimentary, igneous
and metamorphic rocks underwent various geo-tectonic transformations, which inflicted tectonic damages on
these formations, causing the differentiation of three prominent geo-tectonic belts: interior, central and outer
layers of the Dinarides. These areas form the zones with highest risk of landslides (the Central, Northern, Western
and Eastern parts of the country), which represent approximately two-thirds of the country territory.
Landslides are a continuous and well know hazard for Bosnia and Herzegovina, and represent a complex and
ever-increasing problem for authorities at all levels, as well as for affected communities. The Risk Assessment for
Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted by the Council of Ministers in 2012 registers more than 1,800 active landslides
in the country. Landslides are typically activated due to temporary development of significant ground water
pressures along the slip planes, with actual mass displacement sometimes initiated within minutes or hours of
activation. Such conditions are likely to occur following significant rainstorms and snowmelt. None of the major
landslide areas that threaten villages are equipped with monitoring and warning instrumentation, so their
populations are vulnerable to landslide hazards.
The 1992-1995 war in the country caused massive migration of people, linked with illegal construction of houses
in sloping living areas, or alongside riverbeds. This is one of the main reasons for activation of landslides.
Furthermore, lack of spatial planning documentation based on geological analysis leads to unsustainable
territorial development and infrastructure investments, which in the long-term also causes landslide hazards.
Large scale deforestation along with faulty management practices have led to high vulnerability to landslides in
many regions of the country. Human activities relating to expansion on unsafe locations, unscientific mining,
haphazard construction of roads, dams and river training works ignoring natural features also contributed to
increased intensity of landslides.
Sudden snowmelt and intensive and considerable precipitation over a brief period of time are certainly of major
importance for the occurrence and intensity of landslide activity. Such is the case, for example, in Tuzla Canton,
where numerous landslides were activated each time there was more than 70 l/m2 rainfall within 24 hours since
At present, many local governments do not have maps of landslide-affected areas, while the need to create
comprehensive landslide cadastres and systemically monitor landslide activity remains.
Institutional set-up
The institutional set-up related to landslide management in Bosnia and Herzegovina is as follows: there are two
relevant entity-based institutions – i.e. the Geological Institute of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
(FBiH), which is an independent directorate of the FBiH Government, and the Geological Institute of Republika
Srpska (RS) under the RS Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining. Both of these institutions started the
development of entity landslides cadastres; however, significant improvement of their capacity is necessary. At
the cantonal level within the FBiH there are also sector-related responsible institutions, as well as relevant
structures within local governments. Pursuant to the relevant legal framework at entity level, both cantonal and
local governments in the country have to prepare landslide cadastres and adopt regulative frameworks to govern
landslide hazard management. Local governments tend to have most accurate and detailed information related
to landslides on their territories. Institutional, technical and financial capacities for landslide management, risk
mitigation and cadastre vary greatly across local governments.
Legal and policy framework
This area is regulated by a set of Laws in both entities, such as the Law on Geological Research of the RS and the
Law on Geological Research of the FBIH; the entity Laws on Spatial Planning and Construction, the entity Laws on
Environmental Protection, the entity Laws on Mining, etc.
With regard to landslide hazard and risk assessment, Bosnia and Herzegovina does not have a unified study
identifying areas with potential significant landslide risks. Furthermore, although there appears to be a close
correlation between heavy rainfall, flood events and landslide occurrence, risk assessments related to these
events are conducted separately. In order to make a step forward in this area, UNDP is currently conducting
Floods and Landslides Housing Risk Assessment that will integrate Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment and
Preliminary Landslide Risk Assessment for Bosnia and Herzegovina, identifying and prioritizing areas that may be
subject to both hazards. The Assessment will also integrate the recorded and projected climate changes and will
take the new historic maximum water levels recorded in 2014 as the basis for the risks analysis.
The absence of coordinated national policy and approach to mitigating the detrimental effects of landslides
resulted in a reduced ability of governments at all levels to apply adequate policy risk mitigation measures.
Critical landslide-affected geographical areas in the country
The areas within Bosnia and Herzegovina highly prone to landslide hazards are:
Tuzla Canton: all 13 constituent local governments face landslide-related challenges, while there are more
than 6,000 registered landslides within the canton. The City of Tuzla and the wider region are the most vulnerable
area in the country in terms of landslide activity and hazard.
Zenica-Doboj Canton is also highly landslide-prone, with more than 4,000 active landslides in the local
governments of Zenica, Maglaj, Žepče and Kakanj.
Other landslide-prone areas include Canton Sarajevo, Una-Sana Canton, Municipality of Goražde, the area
between the villages of Rašljani and Zovik in Brčko District, the area from Eastern Herzegovina to Novi Grad, and
the Municipalities of Lopare, Zvornik and Doboj.
Moreover, recently landslide activity in January 2015 had a fatal outcome.
UNDP recovery and disaster risk reduction assistance
The UN/UNDP, together with other international organizations and in close cooperation with governments at
state, entity, cantonal and local levels – is taking an important role in the post-flood recovery efforts in the most
affected localities.
After the first, life-saving and humanitarian phase, which took place during and immediately after the floods, in
June 2014 the UNDP initiated the design of an early recovery intervention, which aims to help normalization and
stabilization of basic public services, support rehabilitation of homes, mitigate post-crisis hazards and restore
UNDP managed to support authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina in mobilizing, coordinating and effectively
delivering financial resources for recovery. In partnership with the EU and other bilateral counterparts, a financial
package of USD 75 million (primary financial contribution by the EU) has been fund-raised and consolidated in
an integrated recovery intervention for 2014-2015. Through this intervention, more than 4,000 homes, 125
public institutions (municipal buildings, schools, kindergartens, healthcare centres), 100 bridges and roads, 20
water and sanitation systems will be rehabilitated, and more than 3,000 jobs will be retained or created.
In addition, UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been progressively engaged in disaster risk reduction (DRR)
activities since 2004, utilizing its global knowledge and expertise. During the period 2004 - 2005, UNDP
implemented the Emergency Assistance to Flood Affected Areas Project, aiming to alleviate damages inflicted by
natural disasters. Later on, in 2007, it launched and effectively realized the Capacity Building for National Disaster
Risk Reduction Project, which supported the adoption of Law on Protection and Rescue of People and Material
Goods In Case of Natural and Other Disasters in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the establishment of the National
Headquarters (Coordination Body) for risk management. In 2009 UNDP, through the Global Risk Identification
Programme, and together with relevant entity institutions, initiated an intervention aiming to strengthen
institutional capacity for assessing disaster risks. This work culminated in the completion of the National Risk
Assessment in 2012. UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina currently implements 6 projects that address DRR
challenges, aiming at reduction of disaster risks through strengthening and promoting DRR related systems,
policies and capacities at all levels of government, as well as concrete flood- and landslide protection and risk
mitigation measures.
2.1. Project rationale and relevance to the country needs
The most frequent natural hazards in the country are floods, drought and heat waves, earthquakes, wild fires,
and landslides. Given that Bosnia and Herzegovina is mine-contaminated country, floods and landslides bring
additional treat by causing the movement of mines which can bring mines into areas that known to be mine-free
According to the findings of the Recovery Needs Assessment, the May 2014 floods activated more than 3,000
landslides throughout the country, causing destruction of more than 2,000 houses yet to be reconstructed and
disrupting livelihoods. Approximately 150 landslides affected directly major roads/transportation systems,
disrupting economic activities, the delivery of humanitarian aid and cutting off a number of communities.
Furthermore, 51 reported landslides in suspected mine areas are believed to have led to the movement of
minefields. There are still app. 1,400 habitable homes located close to landslides that are under constant threat
of being activated. Therefore, landslides are a threat not only to human safety, but also to numerous settlements
and infrastructure, farms and fields, roads and water supply, cultural and sport sites and public services. In that
light, the assessment highlights the need for urgent measures to stabilise slopes and reduce landslide risks.
The project is highly relevant to the existing country needs and more particularly – to the immediate priorities
related to landslide remediation and risk mitigation measures in affected localities. Such efforts will be followed,
in the longer-term, by comprehensive and systemic efforts related to introduction of early warning systems,
landslide assessments, institutional capacity development and investments in physical infrastructure.
Moreover, the project has been designed based on the priority needs expressed by local governments and
relevant entity institutions.
There is currently limited country experience in dealing with natural disasters in an adequate and comprehensive
manner. UNDP has established a history of assisting in environmental management activities, and developing
natural disaster management and mitigation programmes. It has the ability to focus not only on the physical, but
also the institutional, economic, and social aspects of disaster mitigation. UNDP can leverage additional resources
from international and domestic institutions and is well placed to effectively coordinate this intervention with
other relevant stakeholders and donors in the country.
2.2. Target groups
The main target groups that will directly or indirectly benefit from the project outputs are:
- Local governments and their communities;
- Households affected by the landslides;
- Relevant entity and state institutions.
2.3. Project overview
Project goal, outputs and duration
The overall project goal is to increase resilience of selected local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina for
landslide risk mitigation, thus contribute to safety of the population and infrastructure in target areas, as well
as to sustainability of development and recovery investments.
Specifically, the intervention will provide support to 9 landslide- and flood- affected local governments to
remediate and stabilise 10 high-risk landslides through specific risk-reduction investments, as well as strengthen
their landslide management and monitoring capacities. In relation to that, the project has two outputs: i)
landslide risk in selected local governments is reduced through technical and engineering measures; and ii)
institutional capacities of selected local governments for landslide management are strengthened.
Output 1: Landslide risk in selected local governments is reduced through technical and engineering measures
Under this output, the project will support remediation and risk mitigation measures for 10 priority landslide
sites identified by partner local governments. In this process, the project will consider existing local spatial
documentation, municipal cadastre and construction permits. Technical and engineering works will be preceded
by the development of environmental impact assessments for all selected sites, to inform appropriate mitigation
measures. The project will work directly with the selected 9 local governments, which were affected by the recent
floods and have high risk landslide sites on their territories, affecting large number of population, disrupting
access to services, mobility and hampering livelihoods.
The selected local governments are as follows: Doboj (RS), Goražde (FBiH), Maglaj (FBiH), Srebrenik (FBiH), Tuzla
(FBiH), Vogošča (FBiH), Zenica (FBiH), Zvornik (RS) and Žepče (FBiH).
Landslides’ remediation will be done based on geological investigation, detailed project design and technical
documentation, led by local governments and quality assured by the UNDP through revision of the
documentation. Relevant partner entity institutions will also be consulted and engaged in the design,
implementation and monitoring of all activities. The identification and choice of the most appropriate technical
solution for landslide risk mitigation will be based on review and analysis of various aspects, including depth of
the landslide, shape of sliding area and its sliding line, availability of mechanical equipment for construction and
maintenance works, type of the earth, etc. Types of actions may include:
- Construction of drainage system to release infiltrated underground water from the sliding area and
decrease land-sliding; regulation of the water streams, watershed management;
- Forestation;
- Prevention measures on the wider landslide area and reinforcement of housing or other constructions,
as needed;
- Construction of supporting structures and fortifications in solid ground (supstratum); these actions may
be conducted in sequencing phases, as relevant;
- Placement of simple warning signs.
The water from the drainage system released from remediated landslides will be transported to public sewers or
rivers, as appropriate.
This output will ensure remediation of 10 landslide-hazardous sites, thus directly positively affecting life of more
than 4,400 people in more than 1,200 housing units on landslide territories, alleviating human safety threats,
contributing to restoration of livelihoods and securing development investments.
Output 2: Institutional capacities of selected local governments for landslide management are strengthened
The project will support partner local governments to strengthen their landslide management capacity through
tailored technical assistance and training. Specifically, the project will support preliminary review of the landslide
cadastre status within target localities and identify critical gaps and recommendations to local administrations.
Technical advice and on-the-job assistance will be offered to relevant local government staff (Spatial Planning
Departments) to implement the recommendations provided by the review missions. In parallel, as relevant, the
project will support update and advancement of management tools for landslide cadastres, thus ensure
adequate information necessary for longer-term landslide management and risk mitigation. Importantly, the
project will offer technical assistance to local counterparts to conduct landslide monitoring and thus be aware of
the situation and potential landslide-related hazards on the territory of the local government. Simple electronic
tools for landslide monitoring and management will be introduced (GIS, monitoring software, etc.). The assistance in this
area will be complemented by the design of simple landslide monitoring guidelines for local governments, based
on existing internationally recognised methodologies. For that purpose, IT experts will be recruited, so as to assist
local governments in the update of cadastre process. All knowledge products under this output will be shared
with the entity Associations of Municipalities and Cities for further dissemination.
In addition, a specialised 6-day training programme and practical manual will be developed on “Landslide
Management and Risk Mitigation” and delivered to representatives of participating local governments in the
course of the project implementation. An international expert will be recruited to design the comprehensive
training programme (unique expertise of Japan might be utilised with this regard). A National expert will also be
recruited to contribute to the training programme and practical manual development. To sustain and expand the
knowledge in this area, the training programme will be handed over to the Training System for Local
Governments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, so it can be delivered to additional local governments country-wide.
In addition, the project will support the development of first of its kind comprehensive analysis of the existing
legal, institutional and policy framework related to landslide management in Bosnia and Herzegovina, so as assess
the gaps and provide sound recommendations for structural improvements. Particular focus will be placed on
identifying deficiencies and gaps at the local government level and providing adequate recommendations to
address them.
The project`s duration is 1 year (12 months), with possible extension activities related to the financial
contribution of the FBiH Government.
Geographical coverage, outreach and beneficiaries
As previously mentioned, the project will work directly with 9 local governments in flood- and landslide affected
areas. Through its activities, the project will have indirect outreach to more than 488,000 citizens in target
Direct project beneficiaries will be:
9 local governments (Doboj (RS), Goražde (FBiH), Maglaj (FBiH), Srebrenik (FBiH), Tuzla (FBiH), Vogošča
(FBiH), Zenica (FBiH), Zvornik (RS) and Žepče (FBiH):
27 representatives from relevant municipal departments who will be direct counterparts in project
implementation and will benefit from training and technical assistance;
4,400 people in more than 1,200 housing units on landslide territories;
at least 10 representative from higher government level partner institutions (entity and state) who will be
engaged in project implementation.
2.4. Project approach
Methodological approach
In order to maximise project effect, close complementarity and territorial synergies will be established with both
UNDP-implemented recovery and resilience interventions – including those supporting disaster risk reduction,
as well as with initiatives of other stakeholders. The project will consider the findings and of the Floods and
Landslides Housing Risk Assessment, which will highlight the main hazard hotspots in the country and offer
concrete mitigation recommendations. Moreover, UNDP will seek possibilities to further support affected
localities which receive assistance in terms of house reconstruction, as well as livelihoods support. All activities
implemented under the project will be in line with the Flood Action Plan for Bosnia and Herzegovina currently in
adoption procedure.
From cost-effectiveness viewpoint return on investment is high having in mind high investment costs for reallocation of people from territories affected by landslides, as well as re-investing in new housing units and
As crosscutting principles, the project will apply the concepts of “build back better” and “build back together”
within each locality, working jointly with local governments, local public institutions and communities to design
and implement recovery activities rapidly but inclusively.
Particular attention will be placed on environmental sustainability of project work, ensured through the
environmental impact assessments.
Gender equality principle will also be applied throughout project implementation, with particular relevance to
gender-sensitive analyses, equal participation of men and women in project activities and equal access to
improved living conditions in affected territories.
At present, UNDP implements interventions in almost 90 per cent of local governments country-wide. To respond
adequately to the complexity of local needs, UNDP undertook a regional approach to delivery of its multi-facetted
assistance via establishment of 5 regional field offices - respectively in Banja Luka, Bihać, Mostar, Srebrenica and
Sarajevo (Annex I). This existing organizational infrastructure will be instrumental for the project implementation,
where field offices/engineers will serve as extended hands to support and monitor project implementation in
target localities.
Partnership is also envisaged as horizontal project approach. Engagement, commitment and partnership will not
only be important for successful implementation of the project, but also a pre-condition for sustainability of its
Ownership and sustainability
By building on existing successful interaction with government institutions at all levels, the project will work
closely with relevant partners at entity and local government levels and seek for their active engagement in the
project implementation.
Considering that majority of the landslide-affected localities are in the FBiH, the FBiH Solidarity Fund and the
FBiH Ministry for Spatial Planning have declared their willingness to co-finance project implementation by USD
1,200,000. Negotiations for co-financing by relevant counterparts in the RS are on-going. In order to reinforce
ownership and sustainability of investments, the project will seek mandatory financial contribution by beneficiary
local governments, while partnership responsibilities will be defined via Memoranda of Understanding, including
with regard to maintenance and management of the investments in landslide mediation enabled through the
In addition, the training programmes and methodological products designed under the project will be sustained
as standardised training packages via the Training System for Local Governments, as well as disseminated via the
Associations of Municipalities and Cites.
Visibility, media-presence and public information sharing of project activities and achievements will be ensured
on a regular basis by the UNDP Communication Unit through: i) press events related to formal ceremonies or
highlight project results in the field, where representation of the Japanese cooperation office will be sought ii)
website posts; ii) social media posts; iv) display boards on investment site stating the contribution of the
Government of Japan to the project results; v) promotional and information materials; vi) photo and video stories
(“before” and “after” the work of the project) supported by the Government of Japan.
Information and press-statements will be in line with the Communication and visual identity requirements of the
Government of Japan as the primary donor of the project. The visual identity of the Government of Japan will be
visibly displayed on all locations, events and materials.
2.5. Risk analysis and mitigation measures
The following risks for the project implementation and mitigation measures were identified:
Type of risks
Lack of sufficient number of quality service
providers to allow for delivery of
re/construction works/services.
Floods and heavy rainfall re-occur in spring
Winter conditions delay re/construction
Heavy mines and UXOs contamination at
selected sites
Mitigation measures
Credible service providers will be made
aware of upcoming tender processes
to encourage interest.
Discuss with counterparts contingency
measures, ideally based on disaster
preparedness plans at the local level
Plan carefully delivery of works, as per
seasonal conditions
Careful mine surveillance and
cooperation with relevant mine action
adjustment of project activities
Project organisational set-up
The project will be executed under the Direct Implementation Modality. The management arrangements will
conform to the stipulations in the new Results Management Guide. UNDP will take overall responsibility of the
project implementation.
The Project Organisation Structure is the following:
The Project Board is a group of representatives of institutions whose competence are relevant for the
implementation of specific project activities, one representative of the Donor, representatives of partner local
governments and UNDP (chairing the Project Board). The Project Board is responsible for making (by consensus)
management decisions for the project and guidance to the Project Manager, including recommendation for
approval of project plans and revisions. The Project Board considers reports on the implementation of the project
and directs its course. The Project Board will meet quarterly, or as necessary when raised by the Project Manager.
Project Assurance will be performed by the UN Recovery Team.
Project management and project team
The Project Manager has the authority to run the project on a day-to-day basis on behalf of UNDP. The Project
Manager will have the responsibility to ensure that the project produces the required results as defined in this
document. S/he will be responsible for day-to-day management and will ensure that the project produces the
results specified, to the required corporate standards and within the constraints of time and cost. The project
will also employ one Project Associate, 2 civil engineers and 1 geologist. In addition, considering the extensive
work at the local level, the project team will be supported by/located in the relevant UNDP Regional offices.
Partnerships and relations with donor
UNDP will coordinate closely with the Embassy of Japan in Bosnia and Herzegovina through regular contacts,
meetings and joint field visits.
UNDP will submit a written request to the Government of Japan for prior approval in case (1) the extension of
the project is required, and/or (2) the re-deployment of funds between approved project budget components is
required, if more than 20% increase or decrease is expected.
For any fund balances at the end of the project, UNDP will consult with the Government of Japan on its use.
The interest income should be treated in accordance with the Japan-UNDP agreement on Arrangement for the
Interest Income derived from Japan-UNDP Partnership Fund.
The total project budget amounts to USD 4,140,000 (detailed project is enclosed as Annex II to this project
document). The project budget comprises the costs for project activities and the costs of the resources that are
assigned to those, as well as fixed costs that are associated with the activities. The contribution from the
Government of Japan amounts to USD 2,940,000, while the contribution from the FBiH Government amounts to
USD 1,200,000.
The General Management Service costs for the contribution by the Government of Japan amounts to USD
217,778, while for the FBiH Government - USD 57,142.86 (8 % of the financial contribution provided by the
Government of Japan).
The main tools for organising the project monitoring system encompass a series of main documents, providing
baseline and target quantitative and qualitative indicators, more particularly:
- The Results and Resources Framework (as described within Section II of this project document);
- The Annual Work Plan (AWP) (as described within Section III of this project document).
Technical monitoring and supervision of implementation of project activities will be conducted regularly by the
project team. Substantive monitoring of the project realisation against the outcome and output indicators set
within the Results and Resources Framework will be conducted regularly by the Project Manager.
The project will adopt the following reporting modalities:
- Interim Narrative Report submitted to the Project Board;
- Final Narrative Report submitted to the Government of Japan and to the Project Board;
Final Financial Report submitted to the Government of Japan and to the Project Board.
This project document shall be the instrument referred to as such in Article 1 of the Standard Basic Assistance
Agreement between the Government of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the United Nations Development Programme,
signed by the parties on 7 December 1995. The host country implementing agency shall, for the purpose of the
Standard Basic Assistance Agreement, refer to the government co-operating agency described in that
The following types of revisions may be made to this project document with the signature of the UNDP Resident
Representative only, provided s/he is assured that the other signatories of the project document have no
objections to the proposed changes:
(a) Revisions in, or addition of, any of the annexes of the project document;
(b) Revisions which do not involve significant changes in the immediate objectives, outputs, or activities of a
project, but are caused by the rearrangement of inputs already agreed to or by cost increases due to inflation;
(c) Mandatory annual revisions which re-phase the delivery of agreed project inputs or increased expert or other
costs due to inflation or take into account agency expenditure flexibility.
Output 1: Landslide risk in selected local governments is reduced
through technical and engineering measures
Baseline: 3,000 landslides activated during the May 2014 floods in
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Activity 1.1. Mitigation measures for 10
active landslide sides
Indicator: Number and m2 of risk-mitigated landslides in target local
governments by the end of March 2016;
Target: At least 10 landslides covering at least 600,000 m2 are
remediated within partner local governments.
Contractors services/companies
Contractual services/individuals
Contractors services/individuals
Software/electronic tools
Contractors services/companies
Design and printing
Baseline: 12,500 people were affected by the landslides activated
during the May 2014 floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Indicator: Number of people and households with restored safe living
conditions and livelihoods in target landslide areas by the end of
March 2016;
Target: At least 4,400 people and 1,200 housing units.
Baseline: No local governments put
implementation measures in place (2014).
risk mitigation
Indicator: Number of disaster-prone local communities with land risk
mitigation implementation measures in place.
Target: 9 local governments put land risk mitigation implementation
measures in place by the end of March 2016.
Output 2: Institutional capacities of selected local governments for
landslide management are strengthened
Baseline: No practical tools or guidelines on landslide monitoring for
local government staff as per international standards exist.
Indicator: number of practical manuals/guidelines on landslide
monitoring as per international standards designed and disseminated
to local governments in the country;
Activity 2.1. Upgrade of landslide
cadastres and landslide management
Target: At least 1 standard practical manual disseminated to all local
Baseline: insufficient institutional capacities for local governments on
landslide risk mitigation and management.
Indicator: Number of local government staff received practical
technical and training assistance in the subject matter;
Activity 2.2. Landslide management and
risk mitigation training
Target: At least 27 local government staff from target local
Baseline: No comprehensive analysis of the existing legal,
institutional and policy framework related to landslide management
in Bosnia and Herzegovina exist.
Indicator: Number of conducted comprehensive analysis of the
existing legal, institutional and policy framework related to landslide
management in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Activity 2.3. Conduct of Landslide
Institutional and Policy Analysis for
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Target: 1 Landslide Institutional and Policy Analysis for Bosnia and
Herzegovina is conducted.
Management costs (USD)
And baseline, indicators including
annual targets
Output 1: Landslide hazard in
selected local governments is
reduced through technical and
engineering measures
List activity results and associated
Activity 1.1. Mitigation measures for
10 active landslide sides
Activity 2.1. Upgrade of landslide
cadastres and landslide management
Output 2: Institutional capacities of
selected local governments for
landslide management are
Programmable sub-total
GMS 8%
Grand Total
Activity 2.2. Landslide management
and risk mitigation training
Activity 2.3. Conduct of Landslide
Institutional and Policy Analysis for
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Budget description
Amount USD
of Japan
of Japan
of Japan
Design and printing
of Japan
Annex I: Location and outreach of UNDP Regional Offices
Annex II: Project budget