I. Publications - Forest Engineering, Resources & Management

A. Refereed Journal Articles
1. Alig R, G Latta, D Adams, B McCarl. 2010. Mitigating Greenhouse Gases: The
Importance of Land Base Interactions Among Forests, Agriculture, and Residential
Development in the Face of Changes in Bioenergy and Carbon Prices. Forest Policy and
Economics 12:67–75.
2. Baker JS, BA McCarl, BC Murray, SK Rose, RJ Alig, D Adams, G Latta, R Beach, and
A Daigneault. 2010. Net Farm Income and Land Use under a U.S. Greenhouse Gas Cap
and Trade. Policy Issues (P17) 7:1-5 ( http://www.aaea.org/publications/policy-issues/ )
3. Barnard, H., Graham, C. VanVerseveld, W., Brooks, J., Bond, B., and J.J. McDonnell
2010. Mechanistic assessment of hillslope transpiration controls of diel sub-surface flow:
a steady-state irrigation approach. Ecohydrology, 3(2): 133-142.
4. Black, B.A., D.C. Shaw, and J.K. Stone. 2010. Impacts of Swiss needle cast on overstory
Douglas-fir forests of western Oregon Coast Range. Forest Ecology and Management
259: 1673-1680.
5. Brooks, R., R. Barnard, R. Coulombe and J.J. McDonnell, 2010. Two water worlds
paradox: Trees and streams return different water pools to the hydrosphere. NatureGeoscience, 3: 100-104, doi: 10.1038/NGEO722.
6. Carey, S.K., D. Tetzlaff, J. Seibert, C. Soulsby, J. Buttle, H. Laudon, J.J. McDonnell, K.
McGuire, D. Caissie, J. Shanley, M. Kennedy, K. Devito and J. Pomeroy, 2010. Intercomparison of hydro-climatic regimes across northern catchments: synchronicity,
resistance and resilience. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7880.
7. Dinger, E. and Rose, R. 2010. Initial autumn-spring vegetation management regimes
improve moisture conditions and maximize third-year Douglas-fir seedling growth in a
Pacific Northwest plantation. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 40: 93-108.
8. Fenicia, F. S. Wrede, D. Kavetski, L. Pfister, H. Savenije and J.J. McDonnell, 2010.
Assessing the impact of mixing assumptions on streamwater mean residence time
estimation. Hydrological Processes, 24(12): 1730-1742.
9. Ghaffarian, M. R., K. Stampfer, and J. Sessions. 2010. Road Network Optimization using
heuristic and linear programming. Journal of Forest Science 56(3)137-145. Institute of
Agricultural Economic and Information, Czech Republic.
10. Goerndt, M.E., V.J. Monleon, and H. Temesgen. 2010. Relating forest attributes with
area- and tree-based LiDAR metrics for western Oregon. Western Journal of Applied
Forestry. 25: 105-111.
11. Govind, A., J.M. Chen, J.J. McDonnell, J. Kumari and O. Sonnentag, 2010. Effects of
lateral hydrological processes on photosynthesis and evapotranspiration in a boreal
ecosystem Echodydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.141.
12. Graham, C., J.J. McDonnell and R. Woods, 2010a. Hillslope threshold response to storm
rainfall: (1) A field based forensic approach. Journal of Hydrology, doi:
13. Graham, C. and J.J. McDonnell, 2010b. Hillslope threshold response to storm rainfall: (2)
A simple macroscale model. Journal of Hydrology, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.03.008.
14. Gu, W., M. Shang, S. Zhai, J. Lu, J. Frentress, J.J. McDonnell and C. Kendall, 2010. The
rainfall-runoff paradox from natural experimental catchments. Advances in Water
Science (in Chinese), 21(4): 478-488.
15. Im E, DM Adams, GS Latta. 2010. The Impacts of Changes in Federal Timber Harvest
on Forest Carbon Sequestration in Western Oregon. Canadian Journal of Forest Research
40: 1710-1723.
16. James, A., J.J. McDonnell and H.J. Tromp van Meerveld 2010. Gypsies in the palace:
experimentalist’s view on the use of 3-D physics-based simulation of hillslope
hydrological response. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7819
17. Konoshima, M., Albers, H.J., Montgomery, C.A., and Arthur J.A. 2010. Optimal Spatial
Patterns of Fuel Management and Timber Harvest with Fire Risk. Canadian Journal of
Forest Research 40(1): 95-108
18. Lam, T.Y. and D.A. Maguire. 2011. Thirteen-year height and diameter growth of
Douglas-fir seedlings under alternative regeneration cuts in the Pacific Northwest. West.
J. Appl. For. 26:57-63.
19. Latta, G., H. Temesgen, D.A. Adams, and T. Barrett. 2010. Analysis of potential impacts
of climate change on forests of the United States Pacific Northwest. Forest Ecology and
Management. 259: 720-729.
20. Li, R., P. Bettinger, K. Boston. 2010. Informed Development of Meta Heuristics for
Spatial Forest Planning Problems. The Open Operational Research Journal.4:1-11.
21. McDonnell, J., K. McGuire, P. Aggarwal, K. Beven, D. Biondi, G. Destouni, S. Dunn, A.
James, J. Kirchner, P. Kraft, S. Lyon, P. Maloszewski, B. Newman, L. Pfister, A.
Rinaldo, A. Rodhe, T. Sayama, J. Seibert, K. Solomon, C. Soulsby, M. Stewart, D.
Tetzlaff, C. Tobin, P. Troch, M. Weiler, A. Western, A. Wörman , S. Wrede. 2010. How
old is the water? Open questions in catchment transit time conceptualization, modelling
and analysis. Hydrological Processes, 24(12): 1745-1754.
22. McGuire, K. and J.J. McDonnell, 2010. Hydrological connectivity of hillslopes and
streams: Characteristic timescales and nonlinearities. Water Resources Research, Vol. 46,
W10543, doi:10.1029/2010WR009341
23. Marquardt, T, H. Temesgen and P. Anderson. 2010. Examination of the accuracy and
suitability of selected sampling methods to quantify selected stand attributes within
riparian zones. Forest Ecology and Management. 260:313-320.
24. Murphy, G.E., Acuna, M. and Dumbrell, I. 2010. Tree value and log product yield
determination in radiata pine plantations in Australia: comparisons of terrestrial laser
scanning with a forest inventory system and manual measurements. Canadian Journal of
Forest Research 40(11): 2223-2233.
25. Murphy, G.E., Lyons, J., O’Shea, M., Mullooly, G., Keane, E., Devlin, G. 2010.
Management tools for optimal allocation of wood fibre to conventional and bioenergy
markets in Ireland. European Journal of Forest Research 129(6):1057-1067.
26. Pattison J., K. Boston, M. Pyles. 2010. Development of a correlation model between a
20-kg Clegg hammer and Field CBR for measuring subgrade strength in forest roads in
western Oregon. International Journal of Forest Engineering.
27. Pfister, L., J.J. McDonnell, C. Hissler and L. Hoffmann, 2010. Ground-based thermal
imagery as a simple, practical tool for mapping saturated area connectivity and dynamics.
Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7840
28. Seibert, J. and J.J, McDonnell 2010. Change detection modeling to assess the effect of
forest harvesting and road construction on peak flow. Hydrological Sciences Journal,
55(3): 316-332.
29. Seibert, J., R. Woodsmith and J.J, McDonnell 2010. Effects of wildfire on catchment
runoff response: A modeling approach to change detection. Hydrology Research, doi:
10.2166/nh.2010.036, 41(5): 378-390.
30. Sessions, J., J. Wimer, F. Costales, and M. G. Wing. 2010. Engineering Considerations
in Road Assessment for Biomass Operations in Steep Terrain. Western J. of Applied
Forestry 25(3):144-153.
31. Shaw, D.C., G.M. Filip, A. Kanaskie, D.A. Maguire, and W.A. Littke. 2011. Managing
an epidemic of Swiss needle cast in the Douglas-fir region of Oregon: The role of the
Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative. J. For. 109:109-119.
32. Stewart, M., U. Morgenstern and J.J. Mc Donnell, 2010. On the truncation of stream
residence time: How the use of stable isotopes has skewed our concept of streamflow age
and origin. Hydrological Processes, 24(12): 1646-1659.
33. Surfleet CG, AE Skaugset, and JJ McDonnell. 2010. Uncertainty assessment of forest
road modeling with the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM). Can J
For Res 40: 1397–1409. doi:10.1139/X10-079.
34. Thompson, M., and J. Sessions. 2010. Exploring Environmental and Economic
Tradeoffs Associated with Aggregate Recycling from Decommissioned Forest Roads.
Environmental Modeling and Assessment. 14 pages, 2010. doi:10.1007/s10666-0109220-8.
35. Thompson, M.P., Sessions, J., Boston, K., Skaugset, A., and D. Tomberlin. 2010. Forest
Road Erosion Control using Multi-Objective Optimization. Journal of the American
Water Resources Association. 46(4):712-723.
36. Vance, E.D., D.A. Maguire, and R.S. Zalesny. 2010. Research strategies for increasing
productivity of intensively managed forest plantations. Journal of Forestry 108:183-192.
37. Weiskittel, A..R., D.A. Maguire, R.A. Monserud, and G.P. Johnson. 2010. A hybrid
model for intensively managed Douglas-fir plantations in the Pacific Northwest, USA.
European Journal of Forest Research 129:325-338.
38. White, E.M., R.J. Alig, and S.M. Stein. (2010). Socio-economic changes and forestland
development: Commonalities and distinctions between the eastern and western USA.
Journal of Forestry 108(7): 329 – 337.
39. Wing, M.G., A. Eklund, and J. Sessions. 2010. Applying LiDAR technology for tree
measurements in burned landscapes. International Journal of Wildland Fire 19:104-114.
40. Zegre NP, AE Skaugset, NA Som, JJ McDonnell, and LM Ganio. 2010. Improved
methods for detecting change using hydrology and statistical models in paired-catchment
studies. Water Resources Research, VOL. 46, W11544, doi:10.1029/2009WR008601
41. Zégre, N., A. E. Skaugset, N. A. Som, J. J. McDonnell, and L. M. Ganio, 2010, In lieu of
the paired catchment approach: Hydrologic model change detection at the catchment
scale, Water Resources Research., 46, W11544, doi:10.1029/2009WR008601.
B. Non-Refereed Research Reports
1. Fay, G., S. Colt, and E.M. White. (2010). Data survey and sampling procedures to
quantify recreation use on national forests in Alaska. Portland, OR: USDA FS Pacific
Northwest Research Station. PNW-GTR-808. 59 p.
2. Kim, J.S., and E.M. White (2010). Washington and Oregon’s socioeconomic landscape
and the impact on land-use referenda voting. In Land use planning ballot initiatives in the
Pacific Northwest. Portland, OR: USDA FS Pacific Northwest Research Station. PNWGTR-829. pp. 9 – 34.
3. Kline, J.D., and E.M. White—tech. coords. (2010). Land use planning ballot initiatives in
the Pacific Northwest. Portland, OR: USDA FS Pacific Northwest Research Station.
PNW-GTR-829. 55 p.
4. White, E.M., and D.J. Stynes. (2010). Updated spending profiles for national forest
recreation visitors by activity. Report for USDA FS and OSU Joint Venture Agreement
No. 10-JV-11261955-018. 40 p.
5. White, E.M. (2010). Woody biomass for bioenergy and biofuels in the United States—a
Briefing Paper. Portland, OR: USDA FS Pacific Northwest Research Station. PNWGTR-825. 45 p.
6. White, E.M., R.J. Alig, and R.G. Haight (2010). The forest sector in a climate changed
environment. In Economic modeling of effects of climate change on the forest sector and
mitigation options: a compendium of briefing papers. Portland, OR: USDA FS Pacific
Northwest Research Station. PNW-GTR-833. pp. 1 – 30.
7. White, E.M., and R.J. Alig (2010). Public and private forest ownership in the context of
carbon sequestration and bioenergy feedstock production—existing research and research
needs. In Economic modeling of effects of climate change on the forest sector and
mitigation options: a compendium of briefing papers. Portland, OR: USDA FS Pacific
Northwest Research Station. PNW-GTR-833. pp. 143 – 161.
8. White, E.M. and D.J. Stynes. (2010). Characterization of resident and non-resident
visitors to Alaska national forests. Report for USDA FS and OSU Joint Venture
Agreement No. 10-JV-11261955-018. 36 p.
9. White, E.M., D. Raper, and D.J. Blahna. (2010). Recreation patterns and characteristics
for the federal lands in the Southern Nevada Agency Partnership. Report for USDA FS
and OSU Joint Venture Agreement No. 10-JV-11261955-018. 44 p.
C. Books and Chapters
McDonnell, J.J. Foreword to D. Levia, D. Carlyle-Moses and T. Tanaka (eds.) Forest Hydrology
and Biogeochemistry: Synthesis of Past Research and Future Directions, Springer., pages i-ii.
Nelson, E., Montgomery, Conte, M., and Polasky, S. [forthcoming]. Timber and non-timber
forest products. Ch. 11 In: Kareiva, P., Daily, G., Ricketts, T., Tallis, H., and Polasky, S.
(eds.) Modeling natural capital, UK: Oxford University Press.
D. Non-Refereed Abstracts and Proceedings
Fitzgerald, S., P.W. Adams and G.M. Filip. 2010. Federal policy constraints and stand conditions
in dry western conifer forests: Some issues and examples from Oregon. The 3rd Symp. on
American Forest Policy, SAF National Convention, Oct. 2010, Albuquerque, NM.
E. Scholarly Journal Articles, Books and Book Chapters in Press or Review
1. Adams, D.M., R.J. Alig, G.S. Latta, and E.M. White. Regional impacts of a program for
forest carbon offset sales. Journal of Forestry. (In-Press)
2. Akay, A., J. Sessions, H. Serin, M. Pak, and N. Yenilmez. Applying Optimum Bucking
Method in Producing Taurus Fir (Abies cilicica) Logs in Mediterranean Region of
Turkey. Baltic Forestry. 16(2): (In-Press)
3. Andersen, H. E., J. Strunk, and H. Temesgen. Using airborne lidar as a sampling tool for
estimating forest biomass resources in the upper Tanana Valley of interior Alaska.
Western Journal of Applied Forestry. (In-Press)
4. Benda, L., D. Martin, K. Cummins, J.D. Bailey and C. James. Toward spatially explicit
riparian management. Watershed Management (In-Press)
5. Burt, T., N, Howden, F. Worrall and J.J. McDonnell. On the value of long-term, lowfrequency water quality sampling: avoiding throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Hydrological Processes. (In-Press)
6. Chimeli AB, Boyd RG, DM Adams. (forthcoming, 2011). International Timber Markets
and Tropical Deforestation: The Evidence from Prices. (Accepted, 2010) Applied
7. Chumua, D.J., P.D. Anderson, G.T. Howe, C.A. Harrington, J.E. Halofsky, D.L.
Peterson, D.C. Shaw, and B. St. Clair. In Press (accepted 2011). Forest Responses to
climate change in the northwestern United States: ecophysiological foundations for
adaptive management. Forest Ecology and Management. (In-Press)
8. Clark, J. and Murphy, G.E. (in press). Evaluation of hemispherical photography for
forestry biomass measurement in a Douglas-fir plantation. Canadian Journal of Forest
Research. (accepted late 2010)
9. Eskelson, B.N.I., L. Madison, J. Hagar, and H. Temesgen. Estimating riparian
understory vegetation cover with beta regression and copula models. Forest Science. (InPress)
10. Eskelson, B.N.I., P. D. Anderson, J. Hagar, and H. Temesgen. 2011. Geostatistical
approaches and optimization of sample patterns for microclimate variables in riparian
buffers of headwater streams Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 41: 974-985.
11. Garber, S., T.Y. Lam, and D.A. Maguire. 2011. Growth and mortality of residual
Douglas-fir after regeneration harvests under group selection and two-story silvicultural
systems. West. J. Appl. For. 26:64-70.
12. Goerndt, M. E., V. J. Monleon, and H. Temesgen. A comparison of small-area
estimation techniques to estimate selected stand attributes using LiDAR-derived auxiliary
variables. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. (In-Press)
13. Graham, C., W. van Verseveld, H. Barnard and J.J. McDonnell. Estimating the deep
seepage component of the hillslope and catchment water balance within a measurement
uncertainty framework. Hydrological Processes. (In-Press)
14. Hampton, H.M., S.E. Sesnie, J.D. Bailey, and G.B. Snider. Estimating regional wood
supply based on stakeholder consensus for forest restoration in northern Arizona. J.
Forestry. (In-Press)
15. Hopp, L., J.J. McDonnell and P. Condon. Measuring and modeling lateral subsurface
flow in a soil cover over waste rock in a humid temperate environment. Vadose Zone
Journal. (In-Press)
16. Jenerette, G.D, G. Barron-Gafford, A. Guswa, J.J. McDonnell and J Villegas.
Organization of complexity in water limited ecohydrology. Ecohydrology. (In-Press)
17. Kline, J.D., R.S. Rosenberger, and E.M. White. A national assessment of physical
activity on US national forests. Journal of Forestry. (In-Press)
18. Latta, G.S., D.M. Adams, R.J. Alig, and E.M. White. Simulated effects of mandatory
versus voluntary forest carbon offset markets in the United States. Journal of Forest
Economics. (accepted 2011)
19. Murphy, G.E., and Pilkerton, S.J. (in press). Seasonal impacts of bark loss on simulated
payloads, bark delivery and transport costs. Forest Products Journal (accepted March
20. Simwanda, M., M.G. Wing, and J. Sessions. In press. Evaluating Global Positioning
System accuracy for forest biomass transportation tracking within varying forest canopy.
Western Journal of Applied Forestry.
21. Skaugset AE, CG Surfleet, MM Meadows and J Amann. 2011. Evaluation of models that
predict erosion from forest roads. Journal of the Transportation Research Board (In
press). [This will be published as the Proceedings of the 10th International Low Volume
Roads Conference.]
22. Sjølie HK, GS Latta, DM Adams, B Solberg. Impacts of agent information assumptions
in forest sector modeling. (Accepted, for publication 2011) Journal of Forest Economics.
23. Surfleet, C., Skaugset, A. and J.J. McDonnell. Uncertainty assessment of forest road
modeling with the Distributive Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM). Canadian
Journal of Forest Research. (In-Press)
24. Temesgen, H., B. N.I. Eskelson, T. Maness, D. Adams, and H. Burkhart. Teaching in
Contemporary Forestry Resources Curricula: Applications to the Teaching of Forest
Measurements. Journal of Forestry. (In-Press)
25. Temesgen, H., V.J. Monleon, A. R. Weiskittel, and D.S. Wilson. Sampling strategies for
efficient estimation of tree foliage biomass. Forest Science. (In-Press)
26. Toman EM and AE Skaugset. 2011. Reducing sediment production from forest roads
during wet-weather hauling. Journal of the Transportation Research Board (In press).
[This will be published as the Proceedings of the 10th International Low Volume Roads
27. Wing, M.G. In press. Measurement differences resulting from analyzing natural resource
spatial databases referenced to multiple map coordinate systems. Mathematical and
Computational Forestry & Natural Resource Sciences.
28. Wing, M.G, and J. Frank. In press. An examination of five identical mapping-grade GPS
receivers in two forest settings. Western Journal of Applied Forestry.
29. Woolley, T., D.C. Shaw, L.M. Ganio, and S. Fitzgerald. In press (accepted 2011). A
review of logistic regression models used to predict post-fire tree mortality of western
North American conifers. International Journal of Wildland Fire. (In-Press)
30. Akay, A., M. G.Wing, and J. Sessions. 2010. Estimating Structural Properties of Riparian
Forests with GIS and Airborne LiDAR Data. Submitted to Turkish Journal of
Agriculture and Forestry.
31. Akay, A., M. G. Wing, and J. Sessions. 2010. Estimating Sediment Reduction Cost for
Forest Road Construction using a LiDAR-Derived High-Resolution DEM. Submitted to
Austrian J. of Forest Science
32. Belart, F. and Murphy, G.E. (in review). Evaluation of a prototype in-line NIR system
for Douglas-fir wood density estimation. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science.
(submitted January 2010)
33. Busby, G., Albers, H.J., and Montgomery, C.A. Wildfire risk management: spatial
interdependence and strategic interaction. Submitted following 2nd revision Land
34. Clark, J. and Murphy, G.E. (in review). Measurement of forest biomass using
hemispherical photography metrics for Douglas-fir and mixed conifer sites, with
comparisons to conventional allometric biomass measurements. Forest Science.
(submitted February 2010)
35. Clark, J. and Murphy, G.E. (in review). Biomass estimations for regularly spaced
ponderosa/lodegepole pine plots using hemispherical photography. Biomass and
Bioenergy. (submitted February 2010)
36. Dowding, B., and Murphy, G.E. (in review). Estimating spatial changes in acoustic
velocity in felled Douglas-fir stems. International Journal of Forest Engineering
(submitted September 2010).
37. Eskelson, B.N.I., Hagar, J.C., and H. Temesgen. Estimation of snag density and snag
quality attributes in western Washington and Oregon. Submitted to Forest Ecology and
38. Gabrielli, C. and J.J. McDonnell,. A safe, inexpensive, and portable high speed drill rig
and platform for bedrock groundwater studies in the headwaters. Hydrological
Processes, in review.
39. Goerndt, M.E., V.J. Monleon, and H. Temesgen. Small area estimation of county-level
forest attributes using ground data and remote sensed auxiliary information. Submitted to
Forest Science.
40. Hancock, G., K G Evans, J.J. McDonnell and L Hopp, Ecohydrological controls on soil
erosion a landscape evolution. Ecohydrology, in review.
41. Haxton, Z., H. Temesgen, and Marquardt. Evaluation of n-tree distance sampling for
inventory of headwater riparian forests of western Oregon. Submitted to Western Journal
of Applied Forestry.
42. Hopp, L. and J.J. McDonnell, Examining the role of throughfall patterns on subsurface
stormflow generation. Journal of Hydrology, in review.
43. Kiser, J. and H. Temesgen. Growth response of coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga
menziesii [Mirbel] Franco) following mechanical commercial thinning damage.
Submitted to Western Journal of Applied Forestry.
44. Lanni, C., J.J. McDonnell and R. Rigon. On the relative role of upslope and downslope
topography for describing water flowpath and storage dynamics: a theoretical analysis.
Hydrological Processes, in review
45. Latta, G., D. Shaw, D. Adams, and T. Woolley. In Revision. Mapping western Oregon
Douglas-fir foliage retention with a spatial autoregressive model. Forest Science.
46. Lyons, K., J. Sessions, and J. Wimer. 2010. Effect of undercut style and post hinge
behavior in tree felling. Submitted to Forest Science.
47. Murphy, G.E., and Acuna, M.A. (in review). Ranking of four contributions to error in
stand level log supply and value recovery estimation. Canadian Journal of Forest
Research (submitted December 2010).
48. Murphy, G.E., and Pilkerton, S.J. (in review). Seasonal impacts on bark loss by
mechanized processors in Oregon. International Journal of Forest Engineering
(submitted November 2010).
49. Murphy, G.E. and Ackerman, P. (withdrawn). New sensor technologies and analytical
tools for precision forest management. Southern Forests Journal (submitted July 2010)
50. Pilkerton and L. Kellogg. An Evaluation of Log Length on Timber Values in Thinning.
Submitted to the Forest Products Journal.
51. Pilkerton and Kellogg. Harvesting Economic Impacts from Wildlife Operating
Restrictions, Submitted to the Western Journal of Applied Forestry
52. Pilkerton, Kellogg, and Sessions. Optimal Bucking and Value Recovery from
Commercial Thinning Stands. Submitted to the International Journal of Forest
53. Sayama, T., J.J. McDonnell, A. Dhakal and K. Sullivan,. How much water can a
watershed store? Hydrological Processes, in review.
54. Simwanda, M., M. G. Wing, and J. Sessions. 2010. Monitoring GPS accuracy for vehicle
tracking under different canopy conditions. Submitted to Western J. of Applied Forestry.
55. Strong, N., D. Shaw, and P.T. Oester. In Review. Pest Scene Investigators: a peer
learning based effort to improve forest health in Oregon. Journal of Extension.
56. Surfleet CG and AE Skaugset. (submitted). The use of recession analysis to estimate the
effect of timber harvest on summer low flows in southern Oregon. Submitted to the
57. Temesgen, H., Strunk, J. and Andersen, H. E. Comparing strategies for estimating
aboveground biomass increment using successive remotely sensed and ground data in
Coastal Alaska Forests. Submitted to Forest Ecology and Management.
58. Van Verseveld, W., J.J. McDonnell, K. Lajtha, H. Barnard and C. Graham . A hillslope
sprinkling experiment to resolve the double paradox in hydrology and bio-geochemistry".
Hydrological Processes, in review.
F. Other Publications and Reports
10. Amishev, D., Dowding, B., and Murphy, G.E. 2010. Challenges from incorporating
acoustic technology on mechanical harvesters/processors for real-time wood stiffness
assessment. FORMEC 2010 Conference, Padova, Italy. July 2010.
11. Harrison, R.B., D.A. Maguire, and D. Page-Dumroese. 2011. Maintaining adequate
nutrient supply – Principles, decision-support tools, and best management practices. Pp.
33-42 in S.D. Angima and T.A. Terry (eds). Best management practices for maintaining
soil productivity in the Douglas-fir region. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. EM9023.
12. Chung, W., D. Dykstra, S. O’Brien, R. Abt, and J. Sessions. 2010. User’s Guide to
SNAP for ArcGIS. The University of Montana. 36 p.
13. Kellogg, L., J. Sessions, and J. Wimer. 2010. Operational Considerations in Thinning.
Western Forester 55(4):4-6.
14. Reeb, J. and D. Shaw. Extension Manual 9008. Common Insects and Diseases of Shore
Pine on the Oregon Coast. September 2010. 14 pages.
15. Shaw, D. and P. Oester. Forest Health Matters. A Pest Scene Investigators Resource.
MWM Gazette, Newsletter of the Master Woodland Manager Program.
16. Oester P., D. Shaw, and B. Parker. Pine Butterfly. Winter 2010. MWM Gazette,
Newsletter of the Master Woodland Manager Program.
17. Shaw D. and P Oester. 1,000 Cankers Disease of Walnut. Fall 2010. MWM Gazette,
Newsletter of the Master Woodland Manager Program.
18. P. Oester and D. Shaw. Pine engraver beetles in Oregon. Summer 2010. MWM Gazette,
Newsletter of the Master Woodland Manager Program.
19. D. Shaw and P. Oester. Swiss Needle Cast of Douglas-fir. Spring 2010.MWM Gazette,
Newsletter of the Master Woodland Manager Program.
20. David Shaw and Paul Oester. Climate Change Effects on Forest Insects and Pathogens.
Spring 2010.Northwest Woodlands Magazine (Oregon/Washington Small Woodland
Association Newsletter).
21. Paul Oester and David Shaw. Managing Mountain Pine Beetle to Prevent Catastrophic
Losses to our Lodgepole and Ponderosa Pine Forests. Pages 6-7. January/February 2010.
Western Forester (SAF Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Inland Empire Societies)
22. David Shaw, Travis Woolley, and Stephen Fitzgerald. The Canopy as Fuel. Pages 4-5.
Summer 2010. Volume 16, No. 3. What’s up? Newsletter of the International Canopy