Major Digitization Projects Questionnaire

Major Digitization Projects Questionnaire
Major Digitization Projects involve more than 50 items or may have more complicated digital rights and
technical issues. In addition, there may be collection issues. More importantly, these projects can command
additional staffing and equipment resources and must undergo a rigorous evaluation. The Project Manager must
complete the Major Digitization Projects Questionnaire before getting project approval.
1. Contact person and contact information
2. Name of the collection or project
3. General subject/content description
4. What strategic plan goal/objective does the digitization project address?
5. What is the purpose and benefit of this project?
6. Who is the target audience?
7. What are the sources to be used?
8. Is the project phased (i.e. initial development and staged updates)?
9. What are the budgetary and personnel needs? Is external funding available?
This narrative summary and project have been discussed with the appropriate AUL or Director
Project Manager
Major Digitization Projects Questionnaire
PART II - PROJECT MANAGER DIGITAL RIGHTS/OWNERSHIP. This part should be completed in consultation
with the Copyright and Licensing Librarian, who will sign off on this project.
1. Who owns the physical material?
2. If there is a deed of gift, does it address digital preservation and access?
3. Is the material clearly in the public domain?
4. If not, who holds copyright in the material? (e.g. Rutgers University, a single right holder, multiple right
holders, unknown)
5. Is there a license associated with the material? Do we have access to this license? If so, does it address digital
preservation and access?
6. Was the material created with grant funding and do we have access to the grant funding agreement?
7. Does the material contain personal data, student records, or other confidential information?
8. Do the materials include photographs, audio recordings, or audiovisual recordings that would require release
forms for use of a person’s image or voice? Do we have signed release forms?
9. Did the project involve consent forms from living individuals? Did the project involve IRB approval? Were
all the relevant consent forms and/or IRB approvals obtained? Do the consent forms allow for open access?
10. Are there any other legal documents associated with the material?
Digital rights - Copyright and Licensing Librarian signature
This major project does not have any rights questions.
Date: ___________________
This major project has minor digital rights issues and should be approved in 7-14 days
Date: ___________________
This major project has substantial rights questions and cannot be approved at this time
Date: ___________________
Major Digitization Projects Questionnaire
PART III - PROJECT MANAGER TECHNICAL ISSUES. This part should be completed in consultation with
the Repository Collection Librarian.
1. What is the format of materials (e.g. books, manuscripts, photographs, video and audio files, maps, data
2. Date range (e.g. publication or creation dates)
3. How many objects do you have?
4. If already digitized, please provide information about the digital format, scanning resolution, etc.
5. What is the digital format?
6. Has the file curation been reviewed?
7. Has the Metadata been reviewed?
8. Are there any search portal requirements or special web page, if warranted?
9. What are the staffing needs?
10. What is the cost estimate and funding source for initial and continuing work?
11. Are there any time constraints or deadlines (could be a firm date, or a date associated with an event such as
an exhibition or an anniversary celebration)?
12. Will the collection continue to grow? If yes, how much and for how long?
Technical Issues - Repository Collection Librarian signature
This major project does not have any technical issues
Date: ___________________
This major project has technical issues awaiting resolution
Date: ___________________
Major Digitization Projects Questionnaire
PART IV - PROJECT MANAGER COLLECTIONS ISSUES. This part should be completed in consultation
with the Associate University Librarian for Collection Development and Management.
1. Is the collection or individual item unique to Rutgers?
2. Was the material created in Rutgers?
3. Is the content under represented on the Internet?
4. Does the project involve collaboration among Rutgers units?
5. Does the project involve collaboration with people or institutions outside of Rutgers?
6. What is the lifetime of the usefulness of the content?
7. Who is the primary intended audience?
8. What impact would the project have on Rutgers teaching and research?
9. If the material was digitized, what impact would it have on New Jersey? (K-12 education, higher education,
state government, researchers, genealogists, etc.)
10. What national or international impact would the project have on the discipline(s)/field(s) that are the focus of
this proposal?
11. How will the collection be made available? (Open to all internet users? Restricted to local intranets?)
12. . What evidence is there that this type of digital resource would be used?
13. Is the material in fragile condition? If yes, please explain.
14. Does the material need physical preservation before digitization? If yes, how will it be preserved?
15. How will the use of the digital resource be assessed?
16. How will the project be publicized?
Major Digitization Projects Questionnaire
Collections Issues - Associate University Librarian for Collection Development and Management signature
This major project does not have any collections issues
Date: ___________________
This major project has collections issues awaiting resolution
Date: ___________________
Unit Director or AUL signature
I approve of this major project
Date: ___________________
I do not think we are ready to do this major project now
Date: ___________________