Investment Opportunities Hydropower Projects of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1. Nila-Da-Khatta HPP, District Mansehra The Project Nila-da-Khatta is the left tributary of Kunhar River and situated at a distance of 25 km from village Paras and 30 km upstream of Balakot town which is accessible directly from Kaghan road. It has a design discharge of 1.37 cumecs with a gross head of 220m and an installed capacity of 2.47 MW. The project involves a Concrete Weir, Sand trap, Headrace Tunnel, Surge shaft, Penstock, Powerhouse, Tailrace Canal and Housing Area. Accessibility The project power house site is easily accessible from Balakot-Kaghan road whereas, the weir intake site is accessible through existing Jeep able track. Location Farid Abad Kaghan Name of River Nila Da Katha Design Discharge 1.37 m3 / s Gross Head 220 m Design Capacity 2.47 MW Mean Annual Energy 12.04 GWh/ a Nil (ROR) Length of Power Channel 3.25 Km Estimated Cost 4.28 M. US$ Cost per kW 1733 US$/ kW Reservoir Status of Project Pre-Feasibility Study Completed 2. Bhimbal Khatta HPP, District Mansehra The Project Bhimbal Khatta is right tributary of Kunhar River about 8 km downstream of Naran town. The proposed intake is located a distance of about 3-4 km in the Bhimbal valley from main road. The proposed power house will be located on the right bank of Kunhar River. Natural slope in the valley varies between 30 to 70 degrees. It has a design discharge of 4.23 cumecs with a gross head of 223 m and an installed capacity of 7.86 MW. Gradient of the river bed is about 10%. The mountains are covered with thick vegetation. The project involves a Concrete Weir, Sand trap, Headrace Tunnel, Surge shaft, Penstock, Powerhouse, Tailrace Canal and Housing Area. Accessibility Access is possible by main Balakot-Kaghan road. However Bridge will be required to cross the Kunhar River and about 0.5 km road to be constructed to reach power house site. For weir intake about 3 km road and a bridge to cross Bhimbal Nullah need to be constructed. Location Bhimbal Kaghan Name of River Bhimbal Katha Design Discharge 4.23 m3 / s Gross Head 223 m Design Capacity 7.86 MW Mean Annual Energy 38.88 GWh/ a Nil (ROR) Length of Power Channel 2.37 Km Estimated Cost 21.72 M. US$ Cost per kW 2763 US$/ kW Reservoir Status of Project Pre-Feasibility Study Completed 3. Saiful Maluk HPP, District Mansehra The Project The Saiful Maluk Katha is left tributary of Kunhar River. The Saiful Maluk originates form the most famous Saiful Maluk Lake. Saiful Maluk Katha is located at village Naran approximately 85 km north of Balakot town. The mountains are covered with thick vegetation. The site is remaining covered with snow during winter. The project has a design discharge of 1.93 cumecs with a gross head of 457 m and an installed capacity of 7.43 MW. The project involves a Concrete Weir, Sand trap, Headrace Tunnel, Surge shaft, Penstock, Powerhouse, Tailrace Canal and Housing Area. Accessibility Weir intake site is accessible by jeep able road from Naran. About 0.5 km road from existing jeep able road need to be constructed to reach power house site. Location Naran District Mansehra Name of River Saiful Maluk Katha Design Discharge 1.93 m3 / s Gross Head 457 m Design Capacity 7.43 MW Mean Annual Energy 35.63 GWh/ a Reservoir Nil (ROR) Length of Power Channel 3.6 Km Estimated Cost 27.26 M. US$ Cost per kW 3669 US$/ kW Status of Project Pre-Feasibility Study Completed 4. Balkani HPP, District Shangla The Project The project is located near village Balkani and Damori. Weir is proposed approximately 300 m downstream of village Balkani whereas Power house is planned at about 500m upstream village Damori. Head race canal runs on the right bank of Khan Khwar. The project has a design discharge of 5.20 cumecs with a gross head of 122.51 m and an installed capacity of 5.17 MW. The project involves a Concrete Weir, Sand trap, Headrace Channel, Forebay, Spillway, Penstock, Powerhouse, Tailrace Canal and Housing Area. Accessibility Main access to weir and power house site is accessible by Karora-Balakani road. Short truck-able road and a Bridge on Khan Khwar would be required. Location Damori District Shangla Name of River Design Discharge Balkani Khwar 5.20 m3 / s 122.51 m Design Capacity 5.17 MW Mean Annual Energy 14.03 GWh/ a Nil (ROR) Length of Power Channel 2.70 Km Estimated Cost 6.25 M. US$ Cost per kW 1209 US$/ kW Gross Head Reservoir Status of Project Pre-Feasibility Study Completed 5. Chowkel Khwar HPP, District Swat The Project The project is located at Mankial, a village at the mouth of Chowkel khwar to Swat River. At Mankial, a timber bridge strengthened by steel wire ropes crosses Swat River and connects the village to main road. The project has a design discharge of 7.30 cumecs with a gross head of 195 m and an installed capacity of 12 MW. The project involves a Concrete Weir, Sand trap, Headrace Tunnel, Surge Shaft, Penstock, Powerhouse, Tailrace Canal and Housing Area. Accessbility Both intake and power house are accessible by Jeepable road. Location Chokel Swat Name of River Chokel Khwar Design Discharge 7.30 m3 / s Gross Head 195 m Design Capacity 12 MW 47.64 GWh/ a Nil (ROR) Length of Power Channel 2.06 Km Estimated Cost 19.01 M. US$ Cost per kW 1584 US$/ kW Mean Annual Energy Reservoir Status of Project Pre-Feasibility Study Completed 6. Kedam Khwar HPP, District Swat The Project Kedam Khwar is the right tributary of Swat River. Kedam is a village 7 km north of Behrain town. The long and narrow valley reaches an elevation of 4500 m. The intake weir is located near village Pul Bela. The project has a gross head of 660 m and with minimum discharge of 3.13 cumecs and having a power potential of 17.14 MW. The project involves a Concrete Weir, Sand trap, Headrace Tunnel, Surge Shaft, Penstock, Powerhouse, Tailrace Canal and Housing Area. Accessibility Intake is not accessible and therefore new road of about 4 km need to be constructed. Location Kedam, District Swat Name of River Kedam Khwar Design Discharge 3.13 m3 / s Gross Head 660 m Design Capacity 17.14 MW Mean Annual Energy 67.4 GWh/ a Nil (ROR) Length of Power Channel 2.45 Km Estimated Cost 20.02 M. US$ Cost per kW 1168 US$/ kW Reservoir Status of Project Pre-Feasibility Study Completed 7. Gandigar HPP, District Dir The Project The Gande gar scheme is located on Ushiri River, a tributary Dir valley. The Ushiri River joins Panjkora River at village Darora. The scheme is identified on the Gande Gar irrigation water channel starting from village Almas at a distance of about 14 km from main Timergara-Dir road. Gande Gar irrigation scheme is irrigation an area of about 3000 acres of land. The valley is green covered with vegetation and tree, and at the higher elevation natural forest covers the mountains. Ushiri Valley is densely populated and has a highly developed infrastructure concerning housing traffic, irrigation, and agriculture. The project has a gross head of 175 m and with design discharge of 2.25 cumecs and having a power potential of 3.21 MW. The project involves a Concrete Weir, Sand trap, Remodelling of existing canal & allied structures, Forebay, Spillway, Penstock, Powerhouse, Tailrace Canal and Housing Area. Accessibility Both intake and power house site are accessible by metalled road. Location Almas Dir Upper Usheri Khwar Name of River Design Discharge 2.25 m3 / s Gross Head 175 m Design Capacity 3.21 MW Mean Annual Energy 21.24 GWh/ a Reservoir Nil (ROR) Length of Power Channel 14 Km Estimated Cost 5.1 M. US$ 1588 US$/ kW Cost per kW Status of Project Pre-Feasibility Study Completed 8. Ayun Gol HPP, District Chitral The Project The Ayun scheme is proposed to be developed on Ayun Gol (River) in District Chitral near village Ayun about 35 km short of Chitral town. The Ayun Gol is the right tributary of Chitral River. The project has a gross head of 270 m and with design discharge of 7 cumecs and having a power potential of 15.71 MW. The project involves a Concrete Weir, Sand trap, Headrace Tunnel, Surge Shaft, Penstock, Powerhouse, Tailrace Canal and Housing Area. Accessibility Both intake and power house site are accessible by metalled road. Location Ayun District Chitral Name of River Design Discharge Ayun Gol 7 m3 / s 270 m Design Capacity 15.17 MW Mean Annual Energy 83.06 GWh/ a Reservoir Nil (ROR) Length of Power Channel 5.4 Km Estimated Cost 30.2 M. US$ Cost per kW 1991 US$/ kW Gross Head Status of Project Pre-Feasibility Study Completed 9. Barum Gol HPP, District Chitral The Project The Barum Gol is the right tributary of Mastuj River. The valley is 26 km long and joins the Mastuj River at an elevation of 1800. The steepest part of the river is near the lower end of the valley. The project has a gross head of 507 m and with design discharge of 6 cumecs and having a power potential of 24.93 MW. The project involves a Concrete Weir, Sand trap, Headrace Tunnel, Surge Shaft, Penstock, Powerhouse, Tailrace Canal and Housing Area. Accessibility The intake is accessible by jeep able road up to Barum village. From Barum Village, access road needs to be constructed up to 300 m length to arrive at the intake site. Similarly, for power house site, access road needs to be constructed from existing vehicular bridge on Mastuj River. The proposed length of road will be about 1 Km. Location Ayun District Chitral Ayun Gol Name of River Design Discharge 6.0 m3 / s Gross Head 507 m Design Capacity 24.93 MW Mean Annual Energy 137.7 GWh/ a Reservoir Nil (ROR) Length of Power Channel 4.4 Km Estimated Cost 39.25 M. US$ Cost per kW 1574 US$/ kW Status of Project Pre-Feasibility Study Completed 10. Mastuj River HPP, District Chitral The Project The Mastuj scheme is located on the main Mastuj River, the main tributary of Chitral River. The Power channel will pass through agricultural land and cross the two Gols i.e. Main Gol, Awi Gol and some small nullahs. The power channel runs parallel to Mastuj River in the densely cultivated land of the Awi lusht. The forebay and power house will be located on the left bank of Mastuj River near village Karee Golgh where a terrace of about 150 x 50 meter land is available. Accessibility Both intake and power house are accessible by metalled road which runs along Mastuj River. Location Avi Booni Chitral Mastuj River Name of River Design Discharge 38.0 m3 / s Gross Head 60.0 m Design Capacity 18.21 MW Mean Annual Energy 108.40 GWh/ a Nil (ROR) Length of Power Channel 5.75 Km Estimated Cost 17.63 M. US$ 968 US$/ kW Reservoir Cost per kW Status of Project Pre-Feasibility Study Completed Briefs of Three Projects through PPP Sharmai Hydropower Project, District Dir (Upper) The project is located on main Panjkora River and the Dam site is located near village Sharmai, while Power house is located near Darora Town at the confluence of Panjkora with Ushiri River. The scheme has been identified by PHYDO, with the technical assistance of GTZ, with in the studies for Dir Kohistan region during Preparation of the master plan for hydropower development in Northern Area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Location Sharmai Distt; Dir Upper Name of River Design Discharge Panjkora 88 M 3/s 193.6 m Design Capacity 150 MW Mean Annual Energy 680 GW h/a Length of power tunnel 7.803 Km Total Estimated 370.6 Million US$ Cost per kW 2470.8 US $ / kW Proposed tariff for sale 10.33 US Cent Unit Cost 8.61 US Cent Revenue per annum 70.31 Million US $ EIRR 16.8% - FIRR 14.7% - Net Head Status of Project Feasibility Study completed Shogo-Sin Hydropower Project, Chitral The Project is located on Lutho River, a tributary of Chitral River. The weir site of the project is located near Shoghora village, while powerhouse is located near Kuran Lash near Shali village. The scheme has been identified by PHYDO, with the technical assistance of GTZ within the studies for Chitral region during preparation of master plan for hydropower development in Northern Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The feasibility Study has been completed by PPIB Islamabad with financial assistance of ADB. Location Shogo-Sin, District Chitral Name of River Luthkho Design Discharge 65 M 3/s Gross Head 247 m Design Capacity 132 MW No & Type of Turbine 3 Nos, Pelton Mean Annual Energy 585 GWh Reservoir RoR NIL Length of Power Tunnel 7.59 km Pressure Shaft 212 M Tailrace 30 M Estimated 322.33 Million US $ Cost Per kW 2442 US $ / kW Shushgai- Zhendoli Hydropower District Chitral The project is located on Turkho River the tributary of chitral River. The weir site of the project is located near village Shushgai, while powerhouse is located near Zhendoli village. The scheme has been identified by PHYDO, with the technical assistance of GTZ, within the studies for Chitral region during preparation of master plan for hydropower development in Northern Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The feasibility study has been completed PPIB Islamabad with financial assistance of ADB. Location Shushgai-Zhendoli, District Chitral Name of River Turkho Design Discharge 28 m 3/s Gross Head 615 m Design Capacity 144 MW No & Type of Turbine 3 Nos, Pelton Mean annual Energy 611.83 Gw h/a Reservoir (RoR) NIL Length of Power Tunnel 8.5 km Pressure Shaft 573 m Tailrace Tunnel 480 m Estimated Cost 339.05 Million US $ Cost Per kW 2354.60 US $ / kW Salient Features of Provincial Power Policy 2006 PROVINCIAL HYDEL POWER POLICY 2006 Salient Features PHYDO will provide one window facility and technical help to the private investors in setting up hydropower projects in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Implementation of projects through solicited and unsolicited proposals. Simple procedure for projects up to 5 MW. Reduced fee structure as compared to Federal Power Policy 2002. Site will be leased on the basis of highest bid on the base lease price of Rs. 1000/kW/annum through competitive bidding. The agreed lease price will be escalated @ 25% after every 10 years of lease period. Concession period will be 50 years. Lease could be transferred to another buyer of the project with prior approval from PHYDO upon payment of prescribed fee. To develop the raw sites, where feasibility studies are not available, unsolicited proposals would also be welcomed. Incentives in the Policy Project sites, with estimated power potential of more than 5 MW, will be offered for lease through International Competitive Bidding (ICB), on the basis of available power potential at site of the proposed project. The baseline lease price for the purpose of ICB is fixed as Rs. 1000/- per kW per annum. The site will be awarded on the basis of highest bid received above the baseline lease price. The approval lease price will be escalated @ 25% after every 10 years of the lease period. For solicited sites, the power potential determined in the feasibility report will be considered for estimated the total lease money payable per annum to PHYDO. However, for the raw sites the annual payable lease amount will be adjusted later-on in accordance with the firm capacity in terms of available power potential of the site determine in the feasibility report duly approved by the PHYDO. The agree lease price shall be payable to PHYDO at the commissioning of the plant and every year thereafter. Lease of site could be transferred to another buyer of the project plant with prior approval of PHYDO upon payment of lease transfer fee equivalent to lease money for the period of six months of the subject site. PHYDO will provide one window facility and technical help to private investors in setting up hydropower projects in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. To develop the raw sites, where feasibility studies are not available, unsolicited proposals would be welcomed. Hydrological risk will be born by power purchaser (DISCo’s or any other party). No provincial taxes will be levied on the sponsors of power plants based on hydel and other renewable sources. No Water Use Charges will be levied.