Communication - Local Supervising Authority Midwifery Officers

Proficiency: Communication
Proficiency Outcome as a practising midwife: Practise‘ effectively: You assess need and deliver or advise on treatment or give help
(including preventative or rehabilitative care) without too much delay and to the best of your abilities, on the basis of the best evidence and best
practice. You communicate effectively, keeping clear and accurate records and sharing skills, knowledge and experience where appropriate.
You reflect and act on any feedback you receive to improve your practice (NMC 2015) (NMC 2015) The Code: Professional standards of
practice and behaviour for nurses and midwives, page 7.
Midwife at the point of registration - can perform the activity satisfactorily without supervision, assistance and/or guidance; with
acceptable speed and quality or work with understanding and appropriate application, identify the problem, relevant information and
uncertainties (Competent and able to account for their actions)
Refer to: Benner (1984) Assessment level 3 (Appendix 1 LSA Guidance for Clinical Mentors and Academic assessors supporting a midwife
undertaking an LSA practice programme 2013 Page 7)
This is linked to:
NMC (2015) The Code: Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses and midwives.
NMC (2009) Pre registration standards for midwifery education, Standard 17, p31
MNC (2011) The PREP handbook
NMC (2012) Midwives rules and standards, Rule 5; Scope of practice
NMC (2013) Raising concerns: Guidelines for nurses and midwives.
DoH (2012) Cummings J Bennett V Compassion in practice London or as appropriate for other countries
NB Competencies listed are to be modified or removed in light of the outcomes of the supervisory investigation.
Clinical Proficiency Assessment Criteria used is (Benner, P. (1984). From novice to expert, excellence and power in clinical nursing practice.
Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 307 pp.)
Feb 14
Evidence Verifier/ signature can be:
No Benchmark Statements
As a practising midwife you are
responsible for making the care of
women your first concern, treating them
as individuals and respecting their
dignity, in accordance with such
standards as the NMC may specify from
time to time. Therefore you must
demonstrate that you are familiar with:
Lead investigating Supervisor of Midwives, Academic Assessor,
Risk/Governance midwife or Sign off mentor
1.1 Documented discussion and structured questioning identifying and applying the
key points in these documents to the outcomes of the investigation.
1.2 Demonstrate insight in reflective essay.
NMC (2015) The Code:
Professional standards of practice
and behaviour for nurses and
The NMC Midwives rules and
standards (NMC 2012).
Verifier signature/designation :
Evidence of achievement
Feb 14
Evidence Verifier/ signature can be:
No Benchmark Statements
You must provide care that is delivered in
a warm, sensitive and compassionate
way which is demonstrated by care
provided with evidence of:
Kindness and empathy
Appropriate use of touch.
Listens to, observes and responds to
verbal and non-verbal cues
Verifier signature/designation :
Lead investigating Supervisor of Midwives, Academic Assessor,
Risk/Governance midwife or Sign off mentor
Undertake reflective discussions with women about their care experience
and review against existing local and national guidelines and, benchmarks,
and fed back your finding with recommendations for practice improvement.
In the latter part of the programme, critically review with their
supervisor/manager, letters of complement/complaint demonstrating
understanding of the issues which need to be taken forward.
Evidence of achievement
Feb 14
Evidence Verifier/ signature can be:
No Benchmark Statements
A midwife must demonstrate being
proactive and creative in enhancing
communication and act to reduce and
challenge barriers to effective
communication and understanding, by
use of:
Application of the 6C’s
Appropriate use of active listening
and questioning skills
Communicating effectively and
sensitively in a variety of settings
Being sensitive to use of language
Lead investigating Supervisor of Midwives, Academic Assessor,
Risk/Governance midwife or Sign off mentor
3.1 Assessment of clinical competence in an area relevant to the supervisory
investigation recommendations.
3.2 Attend appropriate study event in relation to effective
communication/assertiveness training.
3.4 Undertake a literature review on what contributes to or obstructs communication
and make recommendations for practice incorporating the principles of the 6
C’s or those appropriate to country of practice.
Verifier signature/designation :
Evidence of achievement
Feb 14
Evidence Verifier/ signature can be:
No Benchmark Statements
The midwife must always be able to
debate the issues pertaining to the
importance of collaboration with mothers
and their families in relation to:
Gaining consent
Declining consent
Birth and health choices/planning
Mental capacity
Emergency situations.
Verifier signature/designation :
Lead investigating Supervisor of Midwives, Academic Assessor,
Risk/Governance midwife or Sign off mentor
4.1 Assessment of clinical competence in an area relevant to the supervisory
investigation recommendations.
4.2 Documented discussion and structured questioning demonstrating an
empathetic approach to women and their families when planning and delivering
4.3 Critically appraise own practice and make an detailed action plan for necessary
learning points and planned review
Evidence of achievement
Feb 14
Evidence Verifier/ signature can be:
No Benchmark Statements
As a midwife you must always ensure
that consent is sought from the woman
prior to care being given and that the
rights of the woman are respected.
Review the principles of (NMC
2015) The Code: Professional
standards of practice and
behaviour for nurses and
 Apply these principles to:
themselves when working within
the legal framework
Verifier signature/designation :
Lead investigating Supervisor of Midwives, Academic Assessor,
Risk/Governance midwife or Sign off mentor
Document discussion and structured questioning illustrating how you
analyse the simple and complex factors that influence consent and the
effects on planning care.
Critically appraise own practice.
Evidence of achievement
Feb 14
Evidence Verifier/ signature can be:
No Benchmark Statements
A midwife must always be able to
undertake risk assessments, justify,
communicate and record actions taken.
Lead investigating Supervisor of Midwives, Academic Assessor,
Risk/Governance midwife or Sign off mentor
6.1 Assessment of clinical competence in an area relevant to the supervisory
investigation recommendations
6.2 Demonstrate insight in reflective essay.
6.3 Review 5 - 10 sets of their own care records demonstrating evidence of risk
assessment, care planning and justification of actions taken.
Evidence of achievement
Verifier signature/designation :
Feb 14
Evidence Verifier/ signature can be:
No Benchmark Statements
Lead investigating Supervisor of Midwives, Academic Assessor,
Risk/Governance midwife or Sign off mentor
As a midwife you must ensure that
women are given every opportunity to
give informed consent and respect the
contribution of women and their partners
in contributing to planning and managing
their care.
Discuss care planning and interactions by a supervisor of midwives(s) when
planning and facilitating women’s choice; where possible review care
records. Evaluate the impact of these interventions.
Verifier signature/designation :
Evidence of achievement
7.2 Demonstrate insight in reflective essay.
Feb 14
Evidence Verifier/ signature can be:
No Benchmark Statements
As a midwife you must demonstrate your
effectiveness in your their role within the
multi-disciplinary/multi agency team by:
Working as an active team member,
challenging the own practice and that
of others.
Value the contribution of other roles
and responsibilities and support
junior staff
Lead investigating Supervisor of Midwives, Academic Assessor,
Risk/Governance midwife or Sign off mentor
8.1 Assessment of clinical competence in an area relevant to the supervisory investigation
8.2 Organise a student forum and facilitate their analysis of care and professional roles and
Verifier signature/designation :
Evidence of achievement
If Evidence, for example a study day, or attendance at a particular activity has not yet happened by either the 150 or 300 hour review please enter NYF (Not Yet Facilitated).
At each of these reviews, if particular activities have not yet been facilitated , reassurance will be sought that, for example dates, times, venues, etc,, have been arranged to
ensure evidence is completed and in place for the final 450 hour end review. At the final 450 hour review, if level 3 is not achieved, reasons for the failure must be clearly
evidenced to justify the failure of the supervised practice programme.
Named mentor must meet the sign off mentor requirements (NMC (2008) Standards to support learning and assessment in practice)
The named supervisor can provide all the information in one document if appropriate.
You may use the same five sets of records if they provide all the evidence required
You are only expected to prepare one presentation for student midwives ensuring that all areas identified are covered
Feb 14