September 24, 2012

Sept. 24, 2012
I. Call To Order.
President Tynita White called the regular Graduate Student Senate Meeting of Monday, Sept. 24,
2012 to order at 7:15 p.m.
II. Roll Call.
Molly Yanity, Vice President of Communications, called the roll.
ROLL CALL: Executives Present:
Commissioners Present:
Tynita White, President
Lance Poston, LGBT Affairs
Ed Gaither, VP of Legislative Affairs
Lacey Rogers, co-Women’s Affairs
Molly Yanity, VP for Finance
Proxy, International
Leah Ward, Black Affairs
Executives Absent:
Ashley Furrow, VP of Communication
Commissioners Absent:
Awele Nwajei, co-Women’s Affairs
Tatiana Puscasu, Grad Student Life
Senators Present:
Katie Mitchell, Arts & Science
Ben Weiner, Engineering
Rudy Nasir, Ctr for International Studies
David Foster, Education
Chet Miller, Fine Arts
Shawn Cuevas, Osteopathic Medicince
Jessica Furgerson, Communication
Senators Absent:
Lauren Mente, Health Sciences
*Press (1 – Jillian Bloemer)
III. Approval of previous meeting’s minutes
Motion to approve Furgerson; Seconded by Lance. Approved unanimously.
IV. Special Resolution
To name Ed Gaither the VP for Legislative Affairs & Committees after election winner
Isaac Abram is not enrolled. Gaither was selected by White. Resolution 1213-04. A
Resolution Adopting New Executive Member of GSS. Motion to approve Yanity;
Seconded by Cuevas. Approved unanimously.
V. Student speak out.
Furgerson – Relaying a student concern about the lack of course offerings after the Q2S
switch. Possible solution: Graduate catalog update.
Travel grants – going to Gmail (third party) and FOUR DAYS to pay off fees/the month
we don’t get paid. (Furgerson) dept head can ask a deferrementadjust that date so that it
wasn’t due until after pay day.
PhD applications, seminar (Cindy Anderson)
Angelique Gibson wonders about the lack of a dental plan in the student insurance.
VI. Presentations
STAND – The Student Anti-Genocide Coalition offers a presentation on the ills of using
conflict materials mined from the Congo.
VII. Officers reports
President White. Since there is no dental plan in the student insurance, we are
again offering an affordable option through the Athens Dental Depot.
Vice President Gaither. Progressing forward with Office of Housing regarding
the demolition of Wolfe Street Apartments. Asking questions about the residence
housing master housing plan to get graduate housing back on campus in the
next decade. No grad students were asked in survey. Bromley – is it permanent,
decent enough?
Vice President Yanity. Current budget stands at $3,279.00
Reporting for Vice President Furrow. GRADFEST UPDATE (Send your
constituents to the GSS Office during office hours to get wristbands) The dates
for the next GradFests:
Saturday, Oct. 6 – GradFest Kickoff 2012 – 8 p.m. Public side of Jackie
O’s. Drink special to those wearing wristbands = $2 well drinks and FREE
Saturday, Nov. 3 – Theme to be determined – 8 p.m. Brew side of Jackie
O’s. Drink special to those wearing wristbands = $2 domestic beers
Saturday, Dec. 1 – Karaoke – 8 p.m. on Public side of Jackie O’s. Drink
special to those wearing wristbands = $2 house drafts
Commissioner Ward, Black Affairs. Working with undergrad senate to put
together a skillset workshop and reading group on career readiness.
Commissioner Rai (proxy), International Affairs. No report
Commissioner Poston, LGBT Affairs. October is Gay History Month and OU is
bringing in gay historian Marc Stein for an Oct. 23 speaking engagement. It will
be at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 23 and is titled “Reimaging Gay & Lesbian Activism.”
The LGBT Center Director job posting will be on the university’s HR web site and
the committee will begin accepting applications Nov. 1 with a new hire hoping to
be in place by Spring semester.
Commissioner Rogers, Women’s Affairs. Women’s Center director Susanna
Dietzel needs volunteers for the Oct. 17 “Healthy Bodies” Colloquium. See Dr.
Dietzel at Baker 403 if you are interested.
The Women’s Center is also hosting its Mentorship Program kickoff event on
Nov. 8. Check in with Rogers or Dietzel for mentoring opportunities.
VIII. Old business.
IX. New business.
Scripps Journalism rep Amanda Weed. Summer tuition waivers from the
Graduate College are up in the air. Please ask your department heads and/or
deans if this would affect your constituents. At the next meeting, we will discuss
these waivers and what GSS’s next course of action will be.
X. Resolutions.
Resolution 1213-03. A Resolution Adopting New Members to the Graduate
Student Senate. Cuevas moves to waive reading; Gaither seconds. Miller
moves to adopt resolution; Yanity seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
Resolution 1213-05. A Resolution Calling for the One-Time Donation of
Funding for GradFest. Gaither moves to waive reading; Cuevas seconds.
Gaither moves to adopt resolution; Gerasimenko seconds. Motion passes
Resolution 1213-06. A Resolution Encouraging Ohio University to Take
More Substantial Measures Against Conflict Minerals. Yanity moves to waive
reading; Nasir seconds. Cuevas moves to adopt resolution; Gaither seconds.
Motion passes unanimously.
XI. Announcements.
Chet Miller: First School of Theater mainstage production of the year, “Mr.
Marmelaide” on Thurs (9/26), Fri (9/27), Sat (9/28) and Wed (10/3) 7:30 in Baker
Theater in Kantner Hall. Free for Ohio Students.
Angelique Gibson: At 7:30 p.m. Saturday (9/28) first-year grad students shows in
the Film Department will be played at the Athena Cinema.
Jessica Furgerson: Need to do a fundraiser? Consider Buffalo Wild Wings
Mondays and Wednesdays. They’ll donate 10% of proceeds with fliers.
Lance Poston. Association of History Graduate Students is opening a call for
papers for its annual history conference, which will be held Feb 16. Contact
Lance for more information (843) 610-0612.
Molly Yanity. Interested in alternative media/alternative public spheres? Check
out RACE RIOT! TOUR: Making Zines by People of Color Easy to Find,
Distribute & Share. 4-6 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 27 in Morton 226.
XII. Adjournment. President White moves to adjourn at 8:07 p.m.; Furgerson seconds. Meeting