Insert Trust logo Follow-up Care Plan Name Date of Birth Consultant Consultant Consultant NHS Number Hospital Number The above section is for demographic data and additional rows can be added if required Contact details of Clinical team Consultant: _________________________________ Keyworker: _________________________________ Telephone Number: __________________________ Email: _______________________________________ Fax: _______________________________________ The above section is editable for your centre. Holistic Needs Assessment performed ____________ Date ___________ The above section is to allow documentation of a holistic needs assessment. A number of different assessment tools are available which incorporate physical, psychological, educational, financial, social, emotional, sexual and employment issues. Psychosocial/school/occupation issues The above section is potentially a very important one for some patients, especially older patients. It is encouraged that the information here is as full as possible; this section may even require input from the unit social worker and others if deemed appropriate. Suggested triggers include: Education/Training – Transition/SEN Employment – Entry to work support Finance – On going benefits, reassessments, money management Peer Relationships/Social – Leisure, specialist youth schemes, youth support assessment Emotional/Mental Health – CAMHS referral, family relationships, support groups Systems that may be Affected Growth Method and frequency of surveillance. To be performed by: PTC / GP / other (delete as appropriate) The above bullet points allow documentation of the specific long term surveillance required, the frequency with which this will be performed and by whom. Delete this section if not required. Growth Hormone treatment Height Final height Other growth problems Yes / No Start date Finish date Date Date Centile Centile The above section outlines potential effects on growth and allows for entry of baseline information on growth if appropriate. The free text section following the table is for a more detailed explanation of the late effect if required. This section also allows for the documentation of any individual discussions with the patient which will be pertinent and relevant to them. Other Hormones Method and frequency of surveillance. To be performed by: PTC / GP / other (delete as appropriate) The above bullet points allow documentation of the specific long term surveillance required, the frequency with which this will be performed and by whom. Delete this section if not required . Hormone Recommended surveillance The above section outlines potential effects on other hormones and allows for entry of baseline information if appropriate. The free text section following the table is for a more detailed explanation of the late effect if required. This section also allows for the documentation of any individual discussions with the patient which will be pertinent and relevant to them Fertility Method and frequency of surveillance. To be performed by: PTC / GP / other (delete as appropriate) The above bullet points allow documentation of the specific long term surveillance required, the frequency with which this will be performed and by whom. Delete this section if not required . Menarche Regular periods Yes / No Yes / No Delete this section for male patients Date Date Semen storage Semen analysis result Yes / No Date Date Delete this section for female patients Offspring Offspring Offspring Date of birth Date of birth Date of birth Document all offspring in this section. It may be relevant to include all pregnancy outcomes. Referred for reproductive medicine advice _____________________ Date: _____________ Heart Method and frequency of surveillance. To be performed by: PTC / GP / other (delete as appropriate) The above bullet points allow documentation of the specific long term surveillance required, the frequency with which this will be performed and by whom. Delete this section if not required . End-of-treatment result Follow-up result Follow-up result Specify investigation performed (e.g. echo) Specify investigation performed (e.g. echo) Specify investigation performed (e.g. echo) Result Date Result Date Result Date The above section outlines potential effects on the heart and allows for entry of baseline information on cardiac function if appropriate. The free text section following the table is for a more detailed explanation of the late effect if required. This section also allows for the documentation of any individual discussions with the patient which will be pertinent and relevant to them. It is also an ideal opportunity to address lifestyle issues such as smoking, exercise, healthy eating, as well as the importance of cardiac follow up, regular blood pressure checks etc in the future, and issues such as cardiac surveillance during pregnancy for female patients. Lungs Method and frequency of surveillance. To be performed by: PTC / GP / other (delete as appropriate) The above bullet points allow documentation of the specific long term surveillance required, the frequency with which this will be performed and by whom. Delete this section if not required . End-of-treatment result Follow-up result Follow-up result Specify investigation performed (e.g. echo) Specify investigation performed (e.g. echo) Specify investigation performed (e.g. echo) Result Date Result Date Result Date The above section outlines potential effects on the lungs and allows for entry of baseline information from respiratory function tests if appropriate. The free text section following the table is for a more detailed explanation of the late effect if required. This section also allows for the documentation of any individual discussions with the patient which will be pertinent and relevant to them Kidneys Method and frequency of surveillance. To be performed by: PTC / GP / other (delete as appropriate) The above bullet points allow documentation of the specific long term surveillance required, the frequency with which this will be performed and by whom. Delete this section if not required . End-of-treatment GFR Follow-up GFR Follow-up GFR Kidney tubular dysfunction Risk of high blood pressure BP result Specify investigation performed (e.g. ) Specify investigation performed (e.g. ) Specify investigation performed (e.g. ) Result Date Result Date Result Date Result Date mmHg Date Yes / No The above section outlines potential effects on the kidney and allows for entry of baseline information on renal function if appropriate. The free text section following the table is for a more detailed explanation of the late effect if required. This section also allows for the documentation of any individual discussions with the patient which will be pertinent and relevant to them Other Organs / Tissues Organ at risk Detail Risk of Recurrence This box is to record the discussions with the patient with respect to the risk of recurrence and the on-going disease surveillance that will be required. If not relevant or appropriate please delete this section. Risk of Second Malignancy This box is to record the discussions with the patient with respect to the risk of second malignancies and the advice given to modify those risks and any screening recommended. Follow-up Plan Specify where, frequency, etc.. This box is to record the follow up arrangements including frequency of follow up, where it will be and with whom. It would also be appropriate to include likely long term follow up plans including telephone consultations, nurse-led follow up and supported self management. Summary of Surveillance required: Investigation ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ GENERAL Height and weight Pubertal status Blood pressure Urinanalysis BLOOD TESTS Full Blood Count Urea & Electrolytes (Kidney Function) Liver Function Test Lipid profile (Cholesterol etc.) Glucose Anterior Pituitary function tests Gonadotrophins (Sex Hormones) Thyroid Function GFR (Kidney Function) Other OTHER Chest X Ray DEXA Bone Scan Interval MRI scan CT Scan Echocardiogram (Heart Function) ECG (Heart Function) Start Date Frequency ___ Lung Function Tests ___ Audiometry (Hearing Test) ___ Other The above section gives each centre a chance to summarise the surveillance required, and gives the patient an idea of investigations that might be done. It can be amended to include areas to be asked about/explored when the patient attends clinic. Some investigations may only be done if there are specific problems and it is a relatively easy task to edit the above by adding a free text field for investigations, though not routine, may be required if there are symptoms. Follow-Up Care Plan completed by: Signature ___________________________________________ Date ______________ Print Name / Title _________________________________________________________ Discussed with patient _____________________________________ Date ______________