1|Grade Contracts CONTRACT FOR FINAL GRADE English 1301 Fall 2012 (Disclaimer: Subject to revision with notice on class website. The grading system, as stated in class, replaces that found on the original syllabus. I didn’t cover the other grading scale because I was preparing this one. Based on questions I receive, I will update the syllabus periodically and post the notification on the website.) This syllabus was made by modifying it from the syllabus of Professor L.R. Davis at Collin College in Texas. The original attribution reads as: “copied in part and adapted with the permission of the original author Peter Elbow, and my colleague Dr. Margaret Gonzales.” As for the philosophy behind Contract Grading, I couldn’t have said it better. I have modified my particular requirements for the grading system while keeping it grounded in the philosophy that makes CG beneficial to both professors and students. For additional information on succeeding in college, see “How to Make an A” file and powerpoint by Dr. Tom Mitchell of TAMIU (on website). To my students: One of the things that makes teaching and learning more difficult is conventional grading, which often leads students to think more about grades than about writing, critical thinking, or learning; to worry more about pleasing me or psyching me out than about figuring out what you really want to say or how you want to say it; to be reluctant to take risks with your writing; to focus on minor details rather than the bigger picture; and to value a grade more than learning. Instead of creating a classroom culture based around the all-encompassing grade, my aim is to try to create a culture of support: a culture where you and I function as allies rather than adversaries. For these reasons, I am using a type of assessment called “Contract Grading.” It is well researched, academically sound, and gives clear guidelines for what you will need to do to receive the grade you are choosing to achieve. I will give you plenty of feedback on much of your writing. During the semester, the feedback I give you will serve as a helpful tool and essential indicator for whether you are going in the right direction for the contract you have chosen. And, importantly, the feedback you will receive will not come exclusively from me. Instead, we will do what Real Writers do (because we are writing Real Writing), seeking feedback from several sources by using Smarthinking Online Tutoring (then revising), the Learning Center (then revising), and Peer Editing (then revising). My feedback will come in a variety of ways, depending on the contract you are following: Voice Comments in Turn It In, Individual Conferences in my office during my office hours, and written comments on your essays. Using this variety of feedback, you will revise your essays based on the grade you are working to achieve. The Question: Are you choosing to follow the Contract for an A, Contract for a B, Contract for a C, Contract for a D or Contract for an F? IMPORTANT: If, by the end of the semester, you have met the following conditions in terms of the effort you put into the class and the writing you do, then you will earn a grade of _____ 2|Grade Contracts (fill in the blank with the Contract Grade you are choosing to work toward). This gives you the opportunity to work on and develop your writing in steps, over the entire semester, so that rather than getting a grade that might average an F paper with A papers, you will earn a grade that reflects your progress as a Writer and Scholar. Here are the terms: EFFORT: Your success as a student and a scholar matters just as much as the work you produce for a class. Your presence in the classroom helps to create a critical learning environment for you and your peers. It is critical that you attend, don’t disrupt the class, and come prepared. (1) Attendance. Come to class routinely. That is, you will be far more successful by attending than not attending. And you will be far more likely to put the effort into the class that is necessary to fulfill your end of the contract by attending. Certainly, I have my part of the contract - - which includes real feedback and directing you to real feedback about your writing - as well as assigning revisions. Part of my contract includes being here and presenting ideas that will advance your writing skills if that is your goal. (2) Missing a Class. If you miss a class, you are responsible for finding out what assignments were given by getting in touch with your peers. This is the method: In Pasport Course Studio, go to the Individual Class (not Consolidated) and send an email to peers of your choice (or the whole class) and inquire as to what you missed. (Please uncheck my name.) (3) Class Preparation: Show up prepared for class (i.e. do the reading ahead of time and bring the book or print-out to class). (4) Late Essays. Notice that in the grading contracts, late essays will result in your being ineligible for the grade for which you contracted. Read, carefully, the terms of the contract which you are pursuing. This especially refers to the first date you submit your essay to Turn It In, the draft that I will leave Voice and Written comments on. As you are aware, I am putting real emphasis on timeliness (turning in work on time) and the willingness to revise. Your writing can be a work-in-progress, but it needs to be a fully developed draft by the time I see it, one that meets basic college essay guidelines as described. See below for specific policy, per grade you are working toward, on Late Essays. IMPORTANT: LATE ESSAYS. IF YOU ARE NOT AIMING FOR AN "A" IN THE CLASS, YOUR ESSAYS CAN BE SUBMITTED UP TO ONE WEEK LATE AFTER THE ORIGINAL DAY IT WAS DUE IN TURN IT IN. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE WHOLE SEMESTER TO SUBMIT LATE ESSAYS. ACCORDING TO LCC DEPT OF ENGLISH & READING POLICY: 1. ALL ESSAYS MUST BE WRITTEN TO PASS THE CLASS; 2. PLAGIARISM WILL RESULT IN A "0" ON THE FIRST OCCASION; SUBSEQUENT PLAGIARISM WILL RESULT IN FAILING THE CLASS. (SEE DEPARTMENT SYLLABUS.) 3|Grade Contracts "A" CONTRACT = NO LATE ESSAYS "B" CONTRACT = ONE LATE ESSAY "C" CONTRACT = TWO LATE ESSAYS "D" OR "F" CONTRACT = MORE THAN TWO LATE ESSAYS (5) Journal Writings, Reading Assignments, Quizzes, Tests, Blog Discussions and other assigned work. Complete the assignment as given and demonstrate that you’ve made an effort. What Can Be Made Up. Quizzes cannot be made up; tests and journal writings can be made up. 5 point quizzes will not be announced; more than 5 point quizzes will be announced IN ADVANCE ON FIRST PAGE OF CLASS WEBSITE - - SO CHECK DAILY. (6) Find Ways to Participate that are Genuine and Comfortable to You. Learning is a collaborative process. Engage in the discussion and share your writing. Ways to participate: InClass Talks, Journal Writings, In-class Pasport Chats, End-of-Week Letter Blog on website, etc. (7) Process. To achieve the grade you want (unless you are aiming for a lower grade), you must complete all drafts as assigned, and you must participate in Peer Review, Smarthinking, Learning Center when they are scheduled. Missing draft workshops or peer review means you have broken the contract. (8) Meet the length requirement for each assignment. 3 pages really is 3 full pages, not 2 and 2/3 of a page. 3 pages does not include the Works Cited page (when a WC page is necessary). (9) Revisions. When the assignment is to revise, don't just correct or touch up. Your revision needs to reshape or extend or complicate or substantially clarify your ideas. In your revision, you need to have shown that you have taken into account the comments of your Peer Reviewer, Smarthinking, Learning Center Tutor and/or your instructor. WRITING: These are the criteria that you need to be working toward all semester. (1) Meet the requirements of the assignment. Address the assignments carefully and follow any instructions I’ve given. (2) Complexity. For every essay, you must go beyond stating the obvious. Your essay should also strive to create an argument that focuses on answering the “so what?” question. In other words, why should your reader care about your opinion or argument? Then, you need to provide quality evidence and reasoning that supports your argument and make sure you address any opposing arguments. (We will talk about all of this in class.) 4|Grade Contracts (3) Have a working argument. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but every essay needs to have an argument in the form of a thesis statement/thesis idea that shows that you are doing your own thinking and that you are going somewhere with that line of thought. Don’t just repeat or summarize. (4) Organize. Your writing is intended for an audience. Your paper needs to be reasonably organized in a coherent and logical fashion. This doesn’t have to be perfect by the end of the semester, but if your essays seem to have little or no thoughtful structure, then that’s a problem. (5) Control grammar and language. It’s ok to sometimes have a confusing sentence or two; quite often, it means you’re trying to express a complex thought. But if much of your essay is confusing or incoherent due to a lack of control over the sentences, then the reader will not be able to understand you. (This is why we will revise.) (6) Copy editing. When the assignment is for the final draft, your paper must be copy edited-that is, free from most mistakes in spelling and grammar. It's fine to get help in copyediting. It’s also fine to have a few typos, but don’t have so many that it detracts from the quality of your writing. Tracking your Work I will score your work as follows. Think of these point assignments as necessary for tracking your progress in the course. You will receive points for each work on Turnitin.com based on the following Rubric: 0 pt—The assignment is unsuitable for the grade contract you have chosen. Assignments that are missing, poorly done and/or show no signs of effort will score a 0. If you receive a zero on an assignment, you may schedule an appointment to see me to address the situation within one week of the grade. (THE PRIORITY IS THAT YOU USE REVISE USING THE VOICE & WRITTEN COMMENTS I WILL LEAVE ON YOUR PAPER IN TURN IT IN, AND/OR THAT YOU USE SMARTHINKING OR LEARNING CENTER OR PEER EDITING, ETC. TO REVISE TO MAKE YOUR ESSAY A COLLEGE-LEVEL ESSAY PER STATE REQUIREMENTS AND DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. IF YOU NEED TO SEE ME TO DISCUSS YOUR PAPER, STOP BY DURING MY OFFICE HOURS; I WILL BE HAPPY TO CLARIFY MY COMMENTS.) 1 pt— The assignment is suitable for the grade contract you have chosen. Assignments that are turned in on time, follow the assignment directions and show real effort will be scored a 1. (FEEL FREE TO REVISE, BUT IT IS NOT NECESSARY.) The important part to remember about the scoring system is that it is designed to track your work in the class, not indicate what your grade in the course is at any moment in time. Do not refer to your scoring on Turnitin to give you an indication of what your grade is in the class. Let 5|Grade Contracts me repeat that for emphasis: the gradebook in Turnitin.com does NOT accurately reflect your grade in the course. Do not use it to gauge your progress or grade in the course. I will grade your performance over fifteen weeks at the end of the course as I have specified in this contract, but I see no reason to grade each and every piece you write. In many cases, I will be asking you to extend yourself and to do what you cannot do easily or with grace. It would make no sense for me to grade everything you do. I will give you a mid-term assessment of your progress in the course. Your midterm standing will be based on whether your performance in the class has been sufficient enough for you to be on track for the contract you have chosen. I will note the number of absences you’ve had and refer to the types of comments I’ve been making on your work to let you know how you’re doing. Knowing where you stand At midterm, I will give you a report about how you are doing on the contract system. I will use the English Department Grading standards to evaluate your work to let you know whether you’re on track. If you are not on track for the contract, I will be very clear about why that is the case. It will then be up to you to contact me about getting back on track. Grades lower than C I hope no one will aim for lower grades. The quickest way to slide to a D or F is to miss too many classes, forget to do the assignments, or fail to meet the requirements of the assignment and the contract you have chosen. And you can't turn all of your work in late or at the end of the semester. If you are missing classes and behind in work, you are breaking the rules of the contract you have chosen; therefore, it makes sense that your grade will differ from the one you were originally working toward. SAQ (Sometimes Asked Questions) 1. Can you tell me about yourself and your professional background? Professional: I have earned four degrees, three that are predominantly in Writing and English. I started my college education at the first possible opportunity in my life, and I - - probably like you - - have worked very hard in my life for everything I have, whether it be education or money or stability. In short, I’ve been working since I was fifteen-years-old - - when I began working in the fields in Michigan - - pruning grape vines. Later, I graduated to working in restaurants (excellent exercise, but slave labor), then secretarial work, then being a single parent, then, eventually, finding my way to college at thirty. I tell you this because for some reason students sometimes erroneously believe I’ve had it easy, that everything’s been given to me. That’s simply not true. I tried my very best in college because I was determined to get out of the rather intellectually impoverished community I lived in - - and I was desperate to provide 6|Grade Contracts food, clothing, and shelter for my children and myself. If I can do it, I believe you can, too. I had little help getting here, and so it is my hope that you have a support system (and cultivate a bigger support system) that will help you as you carefully navigate through college. It’s a lot of work, and so I genuinely encourage you to work hard to succeed - - and have the life you want. A. Associates of Arts (AA) in General Studies, but this is the degree where I discovered my interest in literature and writing, so I took extra English classes. (By the way, I found this to be the most difficult degree because I was learning how to become a college student.) B. Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English with a minor in Speech Communication C. Master of Arts (MA) in English D. Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Writing Personal: I am forty-seven years old, have two adult children ages twenty-three and twentyfive, and am quite-happily married to my husband, Tom, who, like myself, is an English professor and writer. I have traveled in the Middle East and Mexico and look forward to additional adventures with Tom and my children in the future. 2. Can I submit a paper from the past for this class? No. Whether you are taking Math or English or Science or History or Psychology, your professors need to see your current work to meet you at the place you are working from now - and take you to a NEW place that, with additional tools, will empower your writing (or skills in whatever subject you are taking). If you submit something from the past, it is not informed by the skills you have acquired since then. Your writing professors need to ascertain your writing skills NOW - - so they can help you learn as much SWE as you choose to learn. To ask the question, “Can I turn in an old essay for this class?” is to ask a Mathematics teacher if you can turn in an old Math assignment you did three years ago. This would be the result: No New Learning. 3. Do you like Laredo? Yes. Very much. It has been my home for seven years and will continue to be. I have a real investment in my students and colleagues, and I will continue to have this investment for the rest of my life. Indeed, I can no longer live without Laredo. (Or menudo.) 4. Are you a hard grader? I don’t know. Instead of looking at it from that perspective, I will tell you a story. I used to grade essays using the traditional A/B/C/D/F format, and I always felt uneasy about that. Yes, I am grading according to the same criteria as the rest of the department (we are trained to do that), but I wanted an opportunity to give students more chances to revise, so I wouldn’t HAVE to give a C, a D or an F to students who were genuinely willing to revise a non-college level essay submission so that it became a college-level essay. (There are definite characteristics for 7|Grade Contracts college-level essays, and some of them are in the Grading Contract, and some are being learned as we progress through the semester.) So: Contract Grading, as it has been explained in this contract, allows me to give students the opportunity to revise an essay that is definitely NOT college-level work INTO college-level work. This satisfies the requirements of the department, the state, the college, and my conscience. The short answer: I am a conscientious grader. 5. What if something goes wrong with Turn It In and I can’t get my paper in by the due date and time? For EVERY essay you write for this class I will walk you through submitting it to Turn It In ON THE DUE DATE, IN CLASS. That way, I can help you submit your paper and make sure it goes through. If you want to make sure your paper is submitted on time, have it ready to submit IN CLASS on the DUE DATE. If you submit it after class, you risk it being late and then being disqualified from the “A” Grading Contract. For those students who submit after class, up until 11:59 p.m. on the due date and on time, give yourself plenty of time to alleviate Turn It In issues, should they arise. THE ONLY WAY TO BE SURE YOUR PAPER IS SUBMITTED ON TIME, AND THAT YOU HAVE ON-SITE HELP TO GET IT SUBMITTED, IS TO SUBMIT IT ON THE DUE DATE IN CLASS - - WITH ME. 6. How is high school different than college? The answers to this question are well-worth-seeking and they will emerge over the entire semester. Briefly, college has a professional atmosphere, quite like a business environment, but students are expected to be able to make more of their own decisions, like having the ability to determine: 1. Whether they will do the work for the class (so they can pass the class); 2. How much time they will invest in a class, including whether they will attend class; 3. When they will use the restroom. There are benefits and risks in this freedom. For instance, if students view college as a free-for-all because there is more latitude in making decisions, they are more likely to fail. And no one will be begging a student to pass. It is up to the student. One key to college success is to determine whether you need to bond with people in order to succeed (study groups) or whether you do your best studying on your own (avoiding groups). Another key is knowing the syllabus. Professors expect students to read it, know it, and inform themselves as to the readings, due dates, etc. Comparing high school and college teaching, one thing is very clear: College professors don’t hold students’ hands. They expect you to be assertive in keeping up with the work by carefully reading and re-reading the syllabus and listening carefully in class. OTHER TIPS: To succeed in college is to accept that there is a lot of required reading. And the professional decorum expected in a college setting is identical to that expected in the business world. See website for more information on adjusting from high school to college or coming back to college as a non-traditional student. 7. Is there extra-credit for this class? No. There is no need for extra-credit for the class. You are given opportunities to revise (see the Grading Contract for the grade you are working toward). The key to get the grade you are 8|Grade Contracts working toward is to carefully read and re-read the Grading Contract for the grade you want. Then, systematically work toward those steps. If you follow the steps for the contract you chose, you will achieve the grade you want. THE KEY IS TO REVISE PER THE FEEDBACK YOU RECEIVE: MY FEEDBACK (VOICE AND WRITTEN IN TURN IT IN AND A CONFERENCE), PEER EDITING, SMARTHINKING, LEARNING CENTER). The key is to do College-Level Work per the Grading Contract and assignment directions. 8. How can I know how I am doing in the class? Download and print a “Self-Assessment to Determine How I am Doing in the Class” from the Grading Tab on Website, complete it, and make an appointment with me. By self-assessing and talking with me, and then examining the Grading Contract you chose, you will know exactly where you stand in the class. 9. Can I accept a personal phone call? My policy on cell phones is as follows: Put your phone on silent. If you MUST take a personal call, leave the class quietly. This should happen rarely. If it becomes an ongoing problem where people are coming and going to the point it’s distracting me, I will revise the cell phone policy, with notice. The main goal is to be able to concentrate in class, and if it becomes problematic because of cell phones or other issues, I’ll address it. 10. What do you prefer to be called? Students typically address me as Professor Cunningham or Mrs. Cunningham. My preference is Mrs. Cunningham. 11. Can I use profanity or be “mean” or blunt in an essay? Is it gratuitous or necessary? Have you considered audience? What are your goals? (These are all considerations in the rhetorical situation.) The answer is: does it add to the piece or detract? That is the only consideration in your writing. 12. If I am not planning to get an “A” in the class, how many essays can be late - - and how late? SEE GRADING CONTRACT: IF YOU ARE NOT AIMING FOR AN "A" IN THE CLASS, YOUR ESSAYS CAN BE SUBMITTED UP TO ONE WEEK LATE AFTER THE ORIGINAL DAY IT WAS DUE IN TURN IT IN. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE WHOLE SEMESTER TO SUBMIT LATE ESSAYS. ACCORDING TO LCC DEPT OF ENGLISH & READING POLICY: 1. ALL ESSAYS MUST BE WRITTEN TO PASS THE CLASS; 2. PLAGIARISM WILL RESULT IN A "0" ON THE FIRST OCCASION; SUBSEQUENT PLAGIARISM WILL RESULT IN FAILING THE CLASS. (SEE DEPARTMENT SYLLABUS.) "A" CONTRACT = NO LATE ESSAYS "B" CONTRACT = ONE LATE ESSAY 9|Grade Contracts "C" CONTRACT = TWO LATE ESSAYS "D" OR "F" CONTRACT = MORE THAN TWO LATE ESSAYS 10 | G r a d e C o n t r a c t s Contract for an A. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETED IN ORDER TO RECEIVE AN "A" IN THE COURSE. 1. FOUR COLLEGE LEVEL ESSAYS: They must be college-level work and follow the directions for the assignment. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? This means, for example, that if the requirements say 3 pages or 4 pages (etc.),they meet the exact page count. If they ask for a Works Cited page, you include one. If you have been asked to revise, either on your own or using Smarthinking or the Learning Center, you have revised the essay to make it college-level work. If it was supposed to be a Narration Essay, it was, and if it was supposed to be a Cause/Effect Essay, it was. You get the idea: you are carefully following the directions to the assignments. 2. COLLEGE LEVEL ESSAYS, BASIC REQUIREMENTS: Academic Font (Times New Roman, Courier, etc. - - it shouldn't be "curly" although "curly" can be used effectively in creative writing or sparingly when you are in a section where you are doing something creative, for instance, in a Narration Essay). 10-12 Point (the size); don't make your font 13 and up to take up space. MLA Format. (Again, all basic college level stuff.) 3. ALL DUE DATES FOR ESSAYS ARE MET: This is really important. All of your college-level essays must be turned in ON TIME in order to contract for an "A." (I DO NOT ACCEPT WORK BY EMAIL.) (IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT USING TURN IT IN, OR ENCOUNTERING TURN IT IN ISSUES ON THE DUE DATE, SUBMIT IN CLASS ON THE DUE DATE WITH MY STEP-BY-STEP GUIDANCE. I WILL WALK YOU THROUGH THE PROCESS.) 4. FINAL EXAM ESSAY: Follows the same directions for numbers one-three above. You've given it your best because you prepared. 5. LETTER REQUESTING LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION FROM ME: I will go over this in class. 6. REVISIONS OF ESSAYS: As we talk about your writing, and I point out the need for revision; as you use the Learning Center and Smarthinking and Peer Editing to get feedback, you MAKE REVISIONS to make the writing the best it can be. 7. QUIZZES/TESTS/MAKE-UP: 80% Average on Quizzes; What Can Be Made Up. Quizzes cannot be made up; tests and journal writings can be made up. 5 point quizzes will not be announced; more than 5 point quizzes will be announced IN ADVANCE ON FIRST PAGE OF CLASS WEBSITE - SO CHECK DAILY. 8. CONFERENCE. One informal conference with me, in my office, during my office hours. (Just stop by during my office hours and we'll talk about your writing.) 9. REVISION RESOURCES: Use Smarthinking once, Learning Center once, and Peer Editing once. 10. TECHNOLOGY: Enrolled in Turn It In and able to submit papers for feedback; enrolled in Smarthinking; enrolled in Pasport; and familiar with the website and its resources. 11. PLAGIARISM: NO Plagiarism, NONE! 12. JOURNAL: You are writing, regularly, in your journal. For instance, sometimes we will write in class over RSA videos (or other videos), or we'll look at photographs on the website under "Writing," or we'll write on a current issue that is happening either in Laredo, Nuevo Laredo - or anywhere. Feel free to write in your journal about anything you want. I will ask for specific assigned selections which you'll type or copy and turn in. 13. GRADING CONTRACT FILLED OUT AND SIGNED BY DEADLINE. 11 | G r a d e C o n t r a c t s Contract for a B. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETED IN ORDER TO RECEIVE A "B" IN THE COURSE. 1. FOUR COLLEGE LEVEL ESSAYS: They must be college-level work and follow the directions for the assignment. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? This means, for example, that if the requirements say 3 pages or 4 pages (etc.),they meet the exact page count. If they ask for a Works Cited page, you include one. If you have been asked to revise, either on your own or using Smarthinking or the Learning Center, you have revised the essay to make it college-level work. If it was supposed to be a Narration Essay, it was, and if it was supposed to be a Cause/Effect Essay, it was. You get the idea: you are carefully following the directions to the assignments. 2. COLLEGE LEVEL ESSAYS, BASIC REQUIREMENTS: Academic Font (Times New Roman, Courier, etc. - - it shouldn't be "curly" although "curly" can be used effectively in creative writing or sparingly when you are in a section where you are doing something creative, for instance, in a Narration Essay). 10-12 Point (the size); don't make your font 13 and up to take up space. MLA Format. (Again, all basic college level stuff.) 3. MOST DUE DATES FOR ESSAYS ARE MET: This is really important. All of your college-level essays must be turned in ON TIME in order to contract for an "A." If your essays are not turned in on time, you are contracting for a lower grade. (I DO NOT ACCEPT WORK BY EMAIL.) (IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT USING TURN IT IN, OR ENCOUNTERING TURN IT IN ISSUES ON THE DUE DATE, SUBMIT IN CLASS ON THE DUE DATE WITH MY STEP-BY-STEP GUIDANCE. I WILL WALK YOU THROUGH THE PROCESS.) 4. FINAL EXAM ESSAY: Follows the same directions for numbers one-three above. You've given it your best because you prepared. 5. LETTER REQUESTING LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION FROM ME: I will go over this in class. 6. REVISIONS OF ESSAYS: As we talk about your writing, and I point out the need for revision; as you use the Learning Center and Smarthinking and Peer Editing to get feedback, you MAKE REVISIONS to make the writing the best it can be. 7. QUIZZES/TESTS/MAKE-UP: 75% Average on Quizzes ; What Can Be Made Up. Quizzes cannot be made up; tests and journal writings can be made up. 5 point quizzes will not be announced; more than 5 point quizzes will be announced IN ADVANCE ON FIRST PAGE OF CLASS WEBSITE - SO CHECK DAILY. 8. CHOOSE TWO REVISION RESOURCES: Smarthinking, Learning Center, and Peer Editing. 9. TECHNOLOGY: Enrolled in Turn It In and able to submit papers for feedback; enrolled in Smarthinking; enrolled in Pasport; and familiar with the website and its resources. 10. PLAGIARISM: NO Plagiarism, NONE! 11. JOURNAL: You are writing, regularly, in your journal. For instance, sometimes we will write in class over RSA videos (or other videos), or we'll look at photographs on the website under "Writing," or we'll write on a current issue that is happening either in Laredo, Nuevo Laredo - or anywhere. Feel free to write in your journal about anything you want. I will ask for specific assigned selections which you'll type or copy and turn in. 12. GRADING CONTRACT FILLED OUT AND SIGNED BY DEADLINE. 12 | G r a d e C o n t r a c t s Contract for a C. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETED IN ORDER TO RECEIVE AN "C" IN THE COURSE. 1. FOUR ACCEPTABLE COLLEGE LEVEL ESSAYS: They must be college-level work and follow the directions for the assignment. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? This means, for example, that if the requirements say 3 pages or 4 pages (etc.),they meet the exact page count. If they ask for a Works Cited page, you include one. If you have been asked to revise, either on your own or using Smarthinking or the Learning Center, you have revised the essay to make it college-level work. If it was supposed to be a Narration Essay, it was, and if it was supposed to be a Cause/Effect Essay, it was. You get the idea: you are carefully following the directions to the assignments. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS AND AN "A" OR A "B" ESSAY? The essay needed more revision. 2. ACCEPTABLE COLLEGE LEVEL ESSAYS, BASIC REQUIREMENTS: Academic Font (Times New Roman, Courier, etc. - - it shouldn't be "curly" although "curly" can be used effectively in creative writing or sparingly when you are in a section where you are doing something creative, for instance, in a Narration Essay). 10-12 Point (the size); don't make your font 13 and up to take up space. MLA Format. (Again, all basic college level stuff.) ALTHOUGH YOUR ESSAY MAY NOT BE COMPLETELY REVISED, STILL, IT MET THE BASIC REQUIREMENTS LIKE FONT AND LENGTH OF ESSAY, MLA, ETC. 3. MOST DUE DATES FOR ESSAYS ARE MET: This is really important. All of your college-level essays must be turned in ON TIME in order to contract for an "A." If your essays are not turned in on time, you are contracting for a lower grade. (I DO NOT ACCEPT WORK BY EMAIL.) (IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT USING TURN IT IN, OR ENCOUNTERING TURN IT IN ISSUES ON THE DUE DATE, SUBMIT IN CLASS ON THE DUE DATE WITH MY STEP-BY-STEP GUIDANCE. I WILL WALK YOU THROUGH THE PROCESS.) 4. FINAL EXAM ESSAY: Follows the same directions for numbers one-three above. You've given it your best because you prepared. 5. LETTER REQUESTING LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION FROM ME: I will go over this in class. 6. REVISIONS OF ESSAYS: As we talk about your writing, and I point out the need for revision; as you use the Learning Center and Smarthinking and Peer Editing to get feedback, you MAKE SOME OF THE REVISIONS to make the writing the best it can be. 7. QUIZZES/TESTS/MAKE-UP: 70% Average on Quizzes; What Can Be Made Up. Quizzes cannot be made up; tests and journal writings can be made up. 5 point quizzes will not be announced; more than 5 point quizzes will be announced IN ADVANCE ON FIRST PAGE OF CLASS WEBSITE - SO CHECK DAILY. 8. CHOOSE ONE REVISION RESOURCE: Smarthinking, Learning Center, and Peer Editing. 9. TECHNOLOGY: Enrolled in Turn It In and able to submit papers for feedback; enrolled in Smarthinking; enrolled in Pasport; and familiar with this website and its resources. 10. PLAGIARISM: NO Plagiarism, NONE! 11. JOURNAL: You are writing, SEMI-regularly, in your journal. For instance, sometimes we will write in class over RSA videos (or other videos), or we'll look at photographs on the website under "Writing," or we'll write on a current issue that is happening either in Laredo, Nuevo 13 | G r a d e C o n t r a c t s Laredo - - or anywhere. Feel free to write in your journal about anything you want. I will ask for specific assigned selections which you'll type or copy and turn in. 12. GRADING CONTRACT FILLED OUT AND SIGNED BY DEADLINE. 14 | G r a d e C o n t r a c t s Contract for a D. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETED IN ORDER TO RECEIVE A "D" IN THE COURSE. 1. FOUR ESSAYS, BUT THEY ARE NOT COLLEGE-LEVEL: Just like the other grades, your essays must be college-level work and follow the directions for the assignment. If you are contracting for a "D," you are not planning on writing college-level work - - or although you planned to, you did not. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? This means, for example, that if the requirements say 3 pages or 4 pages (etc.),they meet the exact page count. If they ask for a Works Cited page, you include one. If you have been asked to revise, either on your own or using Smarthinking or the Learning Center, you have revised the essay to make it college-level work. If it was supposed to be a Narration Essay, it was, and if it was supposed to be a Cause/Effect Essay, it was. You get the idea: you are carefully following the directions to the assignments. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS AND AN "A" OR A "B" OR A "C" ESSAY? The essay needed WAY more revision. 2. UNACCEPTABLE BASIC REQUIREMENTS: Academic Font (Times New Roman, Courier, etc. - it shouldn't be "curly" although "curly" can be used effectively in creative writing or sparingly when you are in a section where you are doing something creative, for instance, in a Narration Essay). 10-12 Point (the size); don't make your font 13 and up to take up space. MLA Format. (Again, all basic college level stuff.) YOUR ESSAYS NEEDED WAY MORE REVISION AND BASIC COLLEGE-LEVEL REQUIREMENTS, LIKE FONT AND LENGTH OF ESSAY, MLA, ETC., WERE NOT FOLLOWED. 3. MOST DUE DATES FOR ESSAYS WERE NOT MET: This is really important. All of your collegelevel essays must be turned in ON TIME in order to contract for an "A." If your essays are not turned in on time, you are contracting for a lower grade. (I DO NOT ACCEPT WORK BY EMAIL.) (IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT USING TURN IT IN, OR ENCOUNTERING TURN IT IN ISSUES ON THE DUE DATE, SUBMIT IN CLASS ON THE DUE DATE WITH MY STEP-BY-STEP GUIDANCE. I WILL WALK YOU THROUGH THE PROCESS.) 4. FINAL EXAM ESSAY: Follows the same directions for numbers one-three above. You've given it your best because you prepared. 5. LETTER REQUESTING LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION FROM ME: I will go over this in class. 6. REVISIONS OF ESSAYS: As we talk about your writing, and I point out the need for revision; as you use the Learning Center and Smarthinking and Peer Editing to get feedback, you MAKE SOME OF THE REVISIONS to make the writing the best it can be. 7. QUIZZES/TESTS/MAKE-UP: 60% Average on Quizzes; What Can Be Made Up. Quizzes cannot be made up; tests and journal writings can be made up. 5 point quizzes will not be announced; more than 5 point quizzes will be announced IN ADVANCE ON FIRST PAGE OF CLASS WEBSITE - SO CHECK DAILY. 8. FAILED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF REVISION RESOURCES: Smarthinking, Learning Center, and Peer Editing. 9. TECHNOLOGY: Enrolled in Turn It In and able to submit papers for feedback; enrolled in Smarthinking; enrolled in Pasport; and familiar with this website and its resources. 10. PLAGIARISM: NO Plagiarism, NONE! 11. JOURNAL: You are NOT writing, regularly, in your journal. For instance, sometimes we will 15 | G r a d e C o n t r a c t s write in class over RSA videos (or other videos), or we'll look at photographs on the website under "Writing," or we'll write on a current issue that is happening either in Laredo, Nuevo Laredo - - or anywhere. Feel free to write in your journal about anything you want. I will ask for specific assigned selections which you'll type or copy and turn in. 12. GRADING CONTRACT FILLED OUT AND SIGNED BY DEADLINE. 16 | G r a d e C o n t r a c t s Contract for an F. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETED IN ORDER TO RECEIVE AN "F" IN THE COURSE. 1. FAILED TO COMPLETE FOUR COLLEGE-LEVEL ESSAYS: Just like the other grades, your essays must be college-level work and follow the directions for the assignment. If you are contracting for an "F," you are not planning on writing college-level work - - or although you planned to, you did not. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? This means, for example, that if the requirements say 3 pages or 4 pages (etc.),they meet the exact page count. If they ask for a Works Cited page, you include one. If you have been asked to revise, either on your own or using Smarthinking or the Learning Center, you have revised the essay to make it college-level work. If it was supposed to be a Narration Essay, it was, and if it was supposed to be a Cause/Effect Essay, it was. You get the idea: you are carefully following the directions to the assignments. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS AND AN "A" OR A "B" OR A "C" OR A "D" ESSAY? EVERYTHING! 2. UNACCEPTABLE BASIC REQUIREMENTS: Academic Font (Times New Roman, Courier, etc. - it shouldn't be "curly" although "curly" can be used effectively in creative writing or sparingly when you are in a section where you are doing something creative, for instance, in a Narration Essay). 10-12 Point (the size); don't make your font 13 and up to take up space. MLA Format. (Again, all basic college level stuff.) YOUR ESSAYS NEEDED WAY MORE REVISION AND BASIC COLLEGE-LEVEL REQUIREMENTS, LIKE FONT AND LENGTH OF ESSAY, MLA, ETC., WERE NOT FOLLOWED. 3. MOST DUE DATES FOR ESSAYS WERE NOT MET: This is really important. All of your collegelevel essays must be turned in ON TIME in order to contract for an "A." If your essays are not turned in on time, you are contracting for a lower grade. (I DO NOT ACCEPT WORK BY EMAIL.) (IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT USING TURN IT IN, OR ENCOUNTERING TURN IT IN ISSUES ON THE DUE DATE, SUBMIT IN CLASS ON THE DUE DATE WITH MY STEP-BY-STEP GUIDANCE. I WILL WALK YOU THROUGH THE PROCESS.) 4. FINAL EXAM ESSAY: Follows the same directions for numbers one-three above. You've given it your best because you prepared. 5. LETTER REQUESTING LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION FROM ME: I will go over this in class. 6. FAILED TO REVISE ESSAYS: As we talk about your writing, and I point out the need for revision; as you use the Learning Center and Smarthinking and Peer Editing to get feedback, you MAKE SOME OF THE REVISIONS to make the writing the best it can be. 7. QUIZZES/TESTS/MAKE-UP: <60% Average on Quizzes; What Can Be Made Up. Quizzes cannot be made up; tests and journal writings can be made up. 5 point quizzes will not be announced; more than 5 point quizzes will be announced IN ADVANCE ON FIRST PAGE OF CLASS WEBSITE - - SO CHECK DAILY. 8. FAILED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF REVISION RESOURCES: Smarthinking, Learning Center, and Peer Editing. 9. TECHNOLOGY: DIDN'T Enroll in Turn It In and submit papers for feedback; enroll in Smarthinking; enroll in Pasport; and NOT familiar with this website and its resources. 10. PLAGIARISM: SUBMITTING SOMEONE ELSE'S WORK AS YOUR OWN WILL CAUSE YOU TO FAIL THE COURSE. PER ENGLISH & READING DEPT GUIDELINES, FIRST OFFENSE: 0 ON 17 | G r a d e C o n t r a c t s ASSIGNMENT; SECOND "F" IN COURSE. 11. JOURNAL: You are NOT writing, regularly, in your journal. For instance, sometimes we will write in class over RSA videos (or other videos), or we'll look at photographs on the website under "Writing," or we'll write on a current issue that is happening either in Laredo, Nuevo Laredo - - or anywhere. Feel free to write in your journal about anything you want. I will ask for specific assigned selections which you'll type or copy and turn in. 12. GRADING CONTRACT FILLED OUT AND SIGNED BY DEADLINE. 18 | G r a d e C o n t r a c t s CONTRACT FOR GRADE AGREEMENT: Make sure you have read the entire contract (above) BEFORE choosing a Contract and signing. If, by the end of the semester, you have met the preceding conditions in terms of the effort you put into the class and the writing you do, then you will earn a grade of _________ (fill in the blank with the Contract Grade you are choosing to work toward). This gives you the opportunity to work on and develop your writing in steps, over the entire semester, so that rather than getting a grade that might average an F paper with A papers, you will earn a grade that reflects your progress as a Writer and Scholar. By signing below, I indicate that I have read and understood the course policies and contract requirements. I agree to abide by these policies and requirements. Signature: ___________________________________________ Print your name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________ Section number: ENGL 1301________________ ------MY SIGNATURE (I WILL SIGN HERE): ____________________________________________ DATE:________________________