Only fill out this form if you are a non-licensed candidate. Your name: Date: Chicago Teacher Residency High School Math Transcript Analysis Form * Important: Please save this form to your computer and then open and fill out the downloaded form. This Transcript Analysis Form is a form we view to see whether you have taken enough coursework to teach High School Math. We must receive this form for your application to be considered complete. To complete this form, you must first acquire your college / university transcript(s). Next, open the Transcript Analysis Form Guide. Finally, use those documents to fill out all of the fields below to the best of your ability. Note: “SH” = Semester Hour. Pass / Fail courses may not be used to fill out this form. Calculus (6 Semester Hours) Courses in this area include Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Differential Equations, and Business Calculus. Course Number MATH 101 MATH 201 Course Name Calculus I Multivariable Calculus Grade B A- SHs 3 3 Only fill out this form if you are a non-licensed candidate. Your name: Date: Must have 32 semester hours of Mathematics including 12 semester hours of upper level coursework. Calculus (6 Semester Hours) Courses in this area include Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Differential Equations, and Business Calculus. Course Number Course Name Grade SHs Geometry (6 Semester Hours, Including 3 SHs of Upper Level) Courses in this area should contain the study of axiom and postulate-based deductive systems, Euclidean geometry transformations, non-Euclidean geometry transformations, tessellations, polyhedral and other related topics. Courses such as projective, affine and topology fit here. Three semester hours of an analytic geometry or trigonometry can be placed here. The remaining three semester hours of geometry must be upper (300/400/graduate) level. Course Number Course Name Grade SHs Abstract/Modern Algebra (3 Semester Hours) Courses within this area should contain work dealing with groups, rings, integral domains and fields, introduction to integers, real and complex numbers, and the ring polynomials over the real numbers. The course should also contain some work dealing with quotient rings, isomorphisms and homorphomisms. Courses with such titles as group theory, ring theory and field theory will fit in this area. Course Number Course Name Grade SHs Discrete Mathematics (3 Semester Hours) Coursework within this area will involve the elements of graph theory, recurrence relations, finite difference approaches, linear programming and combinatorics. Coursework can also contain discrete structures and the application of algorithms. Courses with titles such as finite math, symbolic logic, data structures and discrete structures would also fit in this area. Course Number Course Name 2 Grade SHs Only fill out this form if you are a non-licensed candidate. Your name: Date: History of Math (3 Semester Hours) Coursework in this area provides a survey of the historical development of mathematics from early time to the present with a focus on problem solving. Mathematical problems representative of significant contributions in numeration, algebra, geometry, combinatorics, and number theory are emphasized. Biographies of mathematicians focus on the type of problems solved and the methods of solutions employed through the historical context. Course Number Course Name Grade SHs Linear Algebra (3 Semester Hours) The content of the course should include matrices and their operations, solutions of systems and equations, vector spaces, linear transformation, eigenvalues and eigenvectors and applications of linear algebra. A course in matrix algebra or matrix theory will fit in this area. Course Number Course Name Grade SHs Math Electives (2 Semester Hours) Coursework in this area could vary greatly. Courses with titles such as applied math, differential equations, history of math, numerical analysis, computer science (must be math-based), multivariable calculus, modeling, math functions, complex structures and math structures will fit in this area. Course Number Course Name Grade SHs Probability & Statistics (3 Semester Hours) Coursework in this area should contain the treatment of topics such as counting, permutations, combinations, sample spaces, relative frequency probability, random variables, confidence intervals, inferential statistics, distributions and correlation. A statistics in other areas (business, economics, etc.) may be placed here. Course Number Course Name 3 Grade SHs Only fill out this form if you are a non-licensed candidate. Your name: Date: Number Theory (3 Semester Hours) Coursework in this area should look at some classical problems concerning the integers, including the solution of Diophantine equations; the distribution of prime numbers; the theory of congruences; quadratic reciprocity; and the theory of continued fractions. Course Number Course Name Grade SHs Check one: I believe I have met all of the academic coursework requirements above. I believe I have the following missing coursework: Missing Coursework SHs Residents may enter the Chicago Teacher Residency program with up to 6 semester hours of missing coursework. This coursework must be completed before the end of the residency training year. If you are missing more than 6 hours of missing coursework, then you must make up the coursework before the training year starts. Reference the Missing Coursework Guide on our website for more information. Upload this Transcript Analysis Form to your MyAUSL Application. You can also submit via: E-mail: | Mail: P.O. Box 34990, Chicago, IL 60634 Fax: 773-283-0903 4