Lesson Plans for Algebra 1 Week of 10/17/11 Monday 10/17 Tuesday 10/18 Wednesday 10/19 Thursday 10/20 Friday 10/21 SWDAT solve equations with variables on both sides. SWDAT solve consecutive integer word problems SWDAT solve consecutive integer word problems SWDAT solve word problems related to measures of central tendancy SWDAT solve equations with fractions and special cases. Simplify expressions Quiz 3-2 to 3-4 Word Problems (comparing quantities and geometry) Write let statements for next practice problems Consecutive Integer word problem Comparing Quantities word problem 3-5 Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides --Notes on process for solving equations with variables on both sides with practice. 3-5 Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides --consecutive integers, even and odd defined and how to represent --guided practice solving different types of consecutive integer word problems. 3-5 Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides --complete notes on solving consecutive integer word problems where quantities are compared. 3-5 Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides --notes on solving equations with fractions (how to clear fractions) with practice. No computer No computer No computer 3-5 Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides (measures of central tendency word problems) --Review of mean, median, mode, and range --Find mean, median, mode, and range of data set. --Word problems with averages No computer --HW results --solutions to practice problems --HW results --Quiz results --classwork --HW results --in-class practice --HW results --classwork 3-5 TM practice w.s. Consecutive integer word problem w.s. Complete consecutive integer word problem w.s. --HW results (HW collected and 4 problems graded) --solutions to practice problems Mean, median, mode, range word problem w.s. No computer HW Assessments Tech Integr. Activities Do Now Goal Mary Doherty 3-5 TM w.s. (page one only) SWDAT = Students will demonstrate the ability to…; TM = teacher-made; TR = Teacher Resources, OH = overhead; PP = PowerPoint, W.S. = worksheet, TB = textbook; SW = SchoolWires; CW = classwork, GSP = Geometer’s SketchPad, MQ = mini-quiz; M-L = McDougal-Littel; A-W = Addison Wesley, GL = Glencoe, HRW = Holt, Rinehart, Winston.