Teacher: School: Essential Question(s) Grade/Subject: K/ Science Week of: What regions have certain types of severe weather? Who helps us prepare for sever weather? How do they do this? NGSS Some kinds of severe weather are more likely than others in a given region. Weather scientists forecast severe weather so that the communities can prepare for and respond to these events. (K-ESS3-2) Lesson Objective Opening/ Do Now Description of Each Instructional Component I can Forecast severe weather by asking questions and using information giving accurate weather responses 70% of the time. Circle Time Youtube Video Grover Weather Monster https://www.yo utube.com/watc h?v=tmO9cjsj1z c 1.Mini- Lesson (I Do)Teacher introduces “Weather Forecaster” , “National Weather Service” and “Weather Around the World” by use of a Power point. (Slides 36-41; 51-59 and 65) http://www.trenton.k12.nj. us/files/_7PBup_/f2bf7f12 eca5e1f33745a49013852ec 4/Unit_6__Severe_Weather__Presentation_Slides.pdf SWBAT Ask questions to obtain information about the purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for, and respond to, severe weather. What was the weather forecast? Share one thing the meteorologist said you should do for the weather? The teacher will read over slides, thinking aloud, “What is a weather forecaster? How can I share information about the weather? “ Introducing key words weather, forecast, meteorologist, predict. Formative Assessments: Checks for Understanding 1. PowerPoint Questions (Slide 3233 and 62-63) 2. What would you do? Students will answer four questions in regards to weather forecasts. (Slides 59-60) Differentiation/ Modifications Closing/ Reflection/ Assessment Center Activities *Weather Forecaster Air Pressure- Students will use a bottle and water (at different temperatures) to observe air pressure. *Making a BarometerStudents will create their own barometer to observe air pressure *Share weather forecast, explaining storm, how it occurs and where it is going. Materials/ Resources Used Computer Youtube Severe Weather Powerpoint Journal Ice Cold/Warm Water Funnel *Discovery Center Lab-Set up various weather tools at the discovery center. Provide the students with a board to display weather symbols. Have the students Large Bowl Soft Plastic Bottle Bowl or coffee container Teacher will model how to ask scientific questions about severe weather such as; “What is the forecast for today? What can I do to prepare for the weather?, etc” Teacher will also model how to give a good weather forecast, ensuring that information about the storms, how it occurs and where it is going is described. 2.We Do- See formative assessment 1 3.Discovery Center Lab (You Do) Unit 6-Severe Weather Students will perform. Students will choose a storm and create a weather forecast where they will act as weather forecasters on the news explaining the storm of choice, how it occurs and where it is going. use the weather tools to record temperature, wind direction, etc. You might want to provide a microphone so they can report the weather to others. Special Education and or ELL*Pacing(provide ample time for discovery lab and forecast cration) *Simple Language *Create Vocabulary cards with vocab terms and pictures *Teacher can create a large font anchor chart for severe weathers using language including pictures and key terms *Deliver minilesson in small groups *Group students with partners to complete lab observations *Modify forecast task *Model journal entries *Allow oral Index card Large balloon 2 drinking straws responses for forecast or drawn responses Visual- Use pictures cards for forecast delivery ;Create vocabulary flashcard with words and pictures that depict each word Bodily KinestheticUse manipulatives and costumes for forecast center Musical- Listen to Youtube weather song) InterpersonalGroup students together with a partner to deliver a weather forecast encouraging students to ask questions that obtain information about weather IntrapersonalAllow student to independently complete lab and journal forecast.. Linguistic-Have students announce vocabulary terms as they deliver forecast. Logical- prompt students to explain their reason behind their severe weather condition forecast, how it occurs and where it is going.