SCIENCE 2014-2015 KS4 BTEC course Medium term overview Module Title: Module Length: Edexcel BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award (Principles of Applied Science) Unit 1 Edexcel exam board 30 guided learning hours Overall aims of the scheme: Delivers KS4 POS for science covering key scientific principles Unit 1 (Principles of Applied Science) of 4 constitutes 25% of the year 10 course and will be examined externally. All other mandatory units (2-4) are also designed to be 30 GLH each Learning aim A: Explore cells, organs and genes Learning aim B: Explore the roles of the nervous and endocrine systems in homeostasis and communication Learning aim C: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table Learning aim D: Substances and Chemical Reactions Learning aim E: Explain the importance of energy stores, energy transfers and energy transformations Learning aim F: Explore the properties and applications of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum Inclusion: gifted and talented, SEN, EAL SEN: 1. key word definitions; 2. Differentiated work sheets 3. Support through verbal interaction 4. Working towards level 2 but can evidence level 1 work Core activities: Biology A2 1. Teachers guide learners to compile a common definition for a cell. 2. Teachers construct true/false statements about cells and ask learners to explain why they are true/false. 3. Teachers use photomicrographs to allow learners to draw and describe eukaryotic cell components. A1 1. Learners are able to explore a range of cells. 2. Learners can use microscopes to construct annotated diagrams to show the structure and function of plant and animal cells. A3 1. Teachers show microscope slides of component parts of the circulatory system. 2. Learners can construct a model of the circulatory system. 3. Teachers show microscope slides of plant organs. 4. Teachers explain historic ideas about the internal structure of the human body and how they have changed and developed over time. A4 Learners can do a card sort activity, where they sort cell organelles, cells, tissues, organs and systems into size order A5 Learners can match organelles with functions. A6 1. Teachers show crime scene investigators clips. 2. Teachers lead a class discussion to recap genes. 3. Learners present information about structure and function of genes and DNA 1 By CHu Syllabus References: ICT Links: a) Developing skills in Independent research b) Developing skills in specific research criteria c) Understanding what plagiarism is d) Developing skills in referencing research resources- web sites correctly Literacy and Learning: Learning through talk: Discussions on inheritance Small/large group activities – practical investigations- developing team work Use of roles within groups Discussion on advantages/disadvantage of being G&T: 1. Differentiated skill sheets 2. Work towards merit/distinction grades 3. Take the lead in practical activities EAL: 1. Use of visual aids- PP slides, images, practical work 2. Emphasis on key words use and meanings 3. Availability of a dictionary 4. Use of Google translate PP: 1. Regular assessment of student progress 2. Encouragement in class activities LAC: 1. Use of Collins support w/s as appropriate Boys underachievement: 1. Encourage full interaction in activities 2. Identify roles in group work 3. Peer supporting activities Assessment for Learning Opportunities: 1. Students have targets which they know and understand 2. Students know regularly at what level they are working in relation to these targets 3. Students know how they can improve their working at level so as to achieve their targets 4. The students have access to level/grade descriptors, e.g. in their books or on A7 1. Learners identify the characteristic inherited by children from their parents. 2. Teachers lead an inheritance survey, e.g. tongue rolling 6. Learners are able to predict outcomes of genetic crosses. 7. Teachers use beads/button as models of alleles and genetic crosses. A8 Learners could make a model of DNA. A11 1. Learners can watch a video of Mendelian Inheritance. 2. Learners could construct a family pedigree tree using a key. 3. Learners could use Punnet squares to practice genotype and phenotype of offspring. A9 1. Teachers use beads/button as models of alleles and genetic crosses. 2. Learners should practice using Punnet squares for a range of examples. 3. Teachers lead a class discussion to identify variation across the class. A10 Learners use Pedigree analysis using homozygous and heterozygous individuals A10 Learners calculate ratios for a range of examples A12 1. Learners, with help from the teacher, can dissect DNA models to mimic mutation. 2. Learners can watch video clips on recessive and dominant characteristics. A13 Learners investigate the mechanism by which mutation can happen. B.1 Learners can watch clips of wildlife programmes (e.g. Frozen Planet) and discuss outcomes of extremes of temperature for organisms (e.g. penguins). B.2 1. Learners can make a model of the nervous system and show electrical/chemical transmission of impulses. 2. Learners can match up organs with the variables which they 2 By CHu able to make predictions of inheritance based on pedigree analysis Learning from text: Use of books- index/ glossary/ contents Use of researched material developing skills in writing work into own words Use of information to facilitate discussions, and relate learning to other work Learning through writing: 1. Written evidence showing understanding of key scientific terms 2. Writing laboratory reports following investigation 3. Writing a report to a government official (audience and purpose) looking at extreme temperature change causes 4. Key word definitions 5. Written explanation of the process of mutation. Looking at the different properties of some metals and non-metals in the periodic table Numeracy Links: Practical activity looking at variation in student characteristics – use of tally chart, graphs (lined and bar) statistical analysis of results Probability analysis of inheritance use of ratios Cross-Curricular Links: Geography: looking at different areas within the country, then different countries on variation of species where the species come from, their habitat. classroom walls, and they understand them, and there is reference to them within lessons 5. There are exemplars of good work available of different types which we can show to students and which, in particular, illustrate level/grade requirements 6. Schemes of work/lesson plans all make specific reference to AFL 7. Learning objectives are differentiated and levelled/graded 8. Lesson observations show that each teacher is in “AFL mode”, i.e. always discussing their work with students and helping them see how they can improve in terms of level/grade descriptors and achieving targets. 9. There is evidence that teachers have the skill of asking the students the type of questions, both individually and to the whole class, that enables them to understand how they can progress, and where relevant lead them to see how they can move on to achieve higher levels/grades. 10. There is evidence that both peer and self assessment relating to the learning objectives are occurring in lessons as appropriate 11. There is the evidence of AFL comments in the marking of students’ work. 12. AFL is also being used to adjust schemes of work, lesson plans and overall teaching in the light of analysis of the ascertained responses of students Student Leadership Opportunities: . Group work roles- manager/ leader during practical activities Organising a small group for a presentation to the class on control. 3. Teachers use an analogy model for endocrine system (e.g. Central heating, water cycle, electrical circuits, and circulatory system). Discuss relative strengths and weaknesses of a range of models. B.3 1. Teachers demonstrate a range of reflex actions. 2. Learners can use sentence starters to compile sentences about the reflex arc. B.4 1. Learners can order sentences about the reflex arc. 2. Learners can watch clips of quadriplegia (e.g. Christopher Reeve) and discuss impact of part of the nervous response not working. B.5 Learners can watch video clips of people being scared or shocked. Discuss why the response it protective. B.6 Teachers lead a discussion to compare and contrast nervous and hormonal responses (could also be a card sort/diamond 9) B.7 Learners build models of the regulation of glucose. B.8 1. Teachers compile a group reason for a body temperature of 37OC. 2. Learners construct hot and cold spider diagrams. Chemistry C.1 Learners compile a list of particles found in an atom. C2 Learners to show protons equal the number of electrons. C.3 Learners explore the differences in the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in the first 5 elements. Comment on similarities such as the number of C.4 Learners explore the sizes of particles and nucleus in relation to the size of the atoms. C.5 1. Teachers show the periodic table of elements and the metals and non-metals. 2. Learners play happy atomic families card game C.6 Teacher compile a list of definitions of atomic number, 3 By CHu Changing temperatures in different ecosystems Art/Design looking at sketches and drawing different species. Scale diagrams, Making a model of the circulatory system Drama role play e.g. looking at inherited characteristics and environmental differences and similarities within families- such as temperament, habits History looking at species that are extinct- what factors may have caused this. Looking at examples of how different species have changed over timeevolution. The differences between the historical and modern periodic table PE Looking at the reflex arc and it use within the body. Circulatory system and the effects on the body from exercise WrL / Enterprise: Extension/Enrichment Opportunities: Synthesising learning, at higher graded work. Applying models used in science atomic mass number and relative atomic mass C.7 Teachers construct True/false statements about atoms and elements, which learners are then asked to answer by holding up white boards. C.5 Teachers compile a list of definitions of isotopes and relative atomic masses using carbon as an example. C9/C10 Teachers explain relative atomic mass and its connection with isotopes as well as demonstrating relative atomic mass calculations. C11Teachers set an Isotope research activity which could result in a presentation at the end. C.8 1. Teachers explain the difference between historical and modern periodic tables. 2. Teachers show some transition metals. 3. Learners are able to construct a periodic table poster based on information given. C12 1. Teachers lead a discussion to come up with a definition of rules for filling up electron shells. 2. Learners are able to draw electron configurations of first 20 elements C13 Teachers explain the link between electronic configurations and the periodic table. D1 Teachers compile definitions of elements, compounds and mixtures. D2/3 Learners can complete a card sort activity: Elements, mixtures and compounds. D4 Learners are able to match up key words with their definitions. D5 Teachers compile a list of definitions of acids, bases, alkalis and neutralisation reactions. D6 Learners carry out a practical to determine the difference between litmus paper and pH indicator papers. D7 Teacher carry out a neutralisation reaction in a burette to show colour changes when adding universal indicator. D13 1. Learners explore the differences between acids and compile 4 By CHu SMSC a list of some of the most common ones. 2. Acid rain poster activity. D11 1. Teachers compile a list of simple acid/base reactions with balanced chemical equations. 2. Learners carry out an experiment using red cabbage as a home-made indicator (could also use litmus paper, and Universal Indicator). D8 1. Teachers explain that we can test the purity of gold using acid/metal reactions. 2. Learners predict the outcome of a reaction of metals with acids. D10 1. Learners carry out an experiment where they are able to react acids with metals. 2. Teachers demonstrate the test for hydrogen. Learners can then carry out the test using their reactions of metals with acids. D9 1. Teachers introduce practical applications of neutralisations reactions for farmers. 2. Learners carry out a practical on the reactions of acids with carbonates. D13 1. Teachers compile a list of simple word equations for acids reacting with carbonates. 2. Learners practice identifying correctly balanced chemical equations. D14 Teachers demonstrate the test for carbon dioxide (learners could also do this for themselves). D13 Teachers explain useful acids in the human body that can become harmful D12 1. Learners investigate how to neutralise harmful acids. 2. Applications of neutralisation reactions activity. 3. Hazards in the chemistry laboratory – learners can compile a 5 By CHu list of the hazards involved with using some of the chemicals from this module. Physics E.1; E.2 1. Circus of activities showing forms and stores of energy, and transfers of energy for learners to demonstrate. ( 2. Learners can research the uses of each form of energy and produce a presentation. 3. – interactive animation of forms of energy. E.3 1. activity/quiz about energy transfers Learners watch a series of demonstrations showing mechanical and electrical energy transfers. They then write descriptions of energy transfers for each. Teacher could also set up a circle of energy transfer experiments, e.g. a light bulb, hair straighteners, etc. 2.Conduction: demonstration 3.Radiation: – whole class experiment 4. Convection: – demonstration. 5. – whole class experiment. 6. Animations showing these concepts, followed by whole class discussion. 7. 8. t_heattransfer/lsps07_int_heattransfer.swf 6 By CHu Learners to make flash cards showing how convection, conduction and radiation happens E.4; E.5 1. Teachers demonstrate how to calculate the power rating of a kettle. 2. Pupils calculate the power rating of a variety of kettles by using the specific heat capacity of water and measuring the time taken to heat 500ml of water. 3. Actual power rating can then be given to estimate total energy supplied, and efficiency can be calculated by using the useful energy as calculated in step 1. Energy transfer diagrams can be drawn showing the energy changes that have taken place. E.6 1.Learners make a poster showing the sources, and methods of storage, of renewable energy 2. – energy top trumps starter (pair activity). 3. Learners work in groups with different roles (e.g. local council, nuclear power lobbying group) to debate the best energy source to utilise in a town. Learners present their research to the class in a debate. 2. ence/energy/renewable.swf – renewable vs. non-renewable activity and quiz. F.1; F.2 1. Demonstration: Ruben's tube with signal generator to show adjustment of frequency, wavelength and amplitude. 2. e/waves.swf – animation showing wave speed calculations. 3. Learners use mini-whiteboards to identify frequency, amplitude and wavelength, and give answers to wave equation questions. F.3 – EM 7 By CHu spectrum song. F.4 Demonstration: stations set up in circus around room, for all parts of EM spectrum (e.g. microwave, UV lamp with watermarked paper); pupils record the type, and uses, of EM wave at each station. F.5 1. Learners produce a poster showing the EM spectrum, labelling qualitatively the order of frequency/wavelength. They should include the uses of each type of wave. 2. ure/electromagneticspectrum.swf Animation showing features and uses of EM radiation. 4. Learners use digital camcorders to record an 'employer safety announcement' describing the harmful effects of prolonged exposure to different types of electromagnetic radiation. 8 By CHu Week 1 2 Learning Objectives Tasks Differentiation A.2 Describe the function of the components of cells listed in the Unit Content. A.1Describe the structure, function and adaptations of a range of the animal and plant cells listed in the Unit Content. Pair and share work Literacy link key word definitions Students to discuss the components and differences between animal and plant cells. Students to write down three key points on their mini white boards Individual work, literacy link; to key words of organelles of the cells Show video of cells students to draw and annotate diagrams of animal and plant cells in Individual work; ICT link researching independently correctly referencing Students to research what a eukaryotic cell is then identify some examples of different cells: Criteria states: motor and sensory neurones; red and white blood cells; egg and sperm cells; root hair cell; xylem and phloem cells; and guard cells. Refer to notes below for student guidance Students to write notes in own words two points for each cell including functions Small group work; practical Recall bio some pre-prepared slides of cells and draw and label organelles identified. Encourage student accuracy of diagrams SEN /Lower students: provided with extra support in form of visual aids, ‘help sheets’, intervention in practical- give mind map to aid Average students/boys: Provided with some advice; verbal questioning to reinforced learning of key word concepts Above/ higher Students: To independently complete extension work Individual work (can discuss with partner before task) Extended piece of writing: Developing literacy skills apply learning to evaluate an investigation considering validity and reliability, to explain how cells evolved to adapt to changes over time for plant and animal organisms to survive (NB) Refer to key words for the lessons encourage students to use the key words to explain and apply knowledge for answers A.2 Describe the function of the components of cells listed in the Unit Content. A.1Describe the structure, function and adaptations of a range of the animal and plant cells listed in the Unit Content. Pair and share work Literacy link key word definitions Students to discuss the components and differences between animal and plant cells. Students to write down three key points on their mini white boards Individual work, literacy link; to key words of organelles of the cells Show video of cells students to draw and annotate diagrams of animal and plant cells in Individual work; ICT link researching independently correctly referencing Students to research what a eukaryotic cell is then identify 9 By CHu SEN/Lower students: provided with extra support verbally and close practical support; extra w/s guidance. Pa questions, exam examples Average students/boys: Provided with some advice during practical, role of leader, presenting results to class Pa and Me questions exam examples Above/ higher Students: To independently complete activity and role as manager in practical, peer support; Pa, Me and Di questions exam examples 3 4 A.3 Describe how cells, tissues and organs work together to form the circulatory system A.4 Describe the functions of the plant organs listed in the Unit Content. A.5 Describe how the loss of water vapour from leaves drives transpiration. A.3 Describe how cells, tissues and organs work together to form the circulatory system some examples of different cells: Criteria states: motor and sensory neurones; red and white blood cells; egg and sperm cells; root hair cell; xylem and phloem cells; and guard cells. Refer to notes below for student guidance Students to write notes in own words two points for each cell including functions Small group work; practical Recall bio some pre-prepared slides of cells and draw and label organelles identified. Encourage student accuracy of diagrams SEN/Lower students: Students to attempt short bullet points of key words relevant to the task then write short sentences Average students/boys: To complete writing task as an essay style with audience and purpose Above/ higher Students: Individual work extension work Developing literacy skills interpret data using creative thought to provide evidence for testing further ideas on how the transpiration can be explained due to the loss of water vapour from plant leaves. Pair and share work Go through how cells tissues organs systems are built up- students to discuss in pairs and complete a flow diagram including examples of each section Individual work; ICT link researching independently correctly referencing Students to research the organs involved in the cardiovascular system, complete an annotated diagram. Students to choose two organs from the system and explain using their research the cells involved and how they are specialised to perform their function within the system Refer to the key words on plant organs. Show power point slide on the leaf. Pair and share work Developing research skills with book references: Students to use the available book resources to research the functions of the plant organs, roots xylem phloem and leaf. To draw and annotate a diagram showing the above. Using power point slide 1 or 2 explain what the transpiration process is Individual work; Literacy skills extended writing Students to write a paragraph explaining how and why Graph work SEN/Lower students: Students provided with an exemplar to give visual support Average student /Boys: Complete graph independently refer to peers for support if required 10 By CHu Above/ higher Students: Complete graph then use the data produced to: Explain how transpiration rate can vary and why, students to add this learning to their extended writing piece SEN/Lower students: provided with extra support verbally with visual aid, peer support with research, complete a cartoon of two slides, with an exemplar A.4 Describe the functions of the plant organs listed in the Unit Content. A.5 Describe how the loss of water vapor from leaves drives transpiration. transpiration occurs Explain using the power point slides how transpiration rate can vary and why, students to add this learning to their extended writing piece Group work: investigation:-Investigating transpiration loss in upper and lower leaf areas Explain practical, using work sheet students to complete investigation. Students to keep RAG cards out in front of them with appropriate colour to show their progress/understanding/ students to alter this as appropriate. Numeracy skills developing graph work Students to then complete results and graph. Conclusion in exam based questions and differentiated questions. 5 A.6 DNA is a double helix containing a sequence of complementary base pairs. A.7 Chromosomes, in the nucleus, are made up of DNA and sections of DNA represent genes which give instructions for individual characteristics Pair and share work Explain DNA, double helix concepts. Using power point slides DNA facts students to write their own notes ICT skill link In pair’s students to research and write notes on what DNA is and complete a base sequence, diagram. Reference resources In same pair/small groups students using the cartoon worksheets to choose characteristics Individual work Students to research the link between the function of the nucleus and chromosomes and design a newspaper page to present the information. 11 By CHu available Average students/ boys: Provided with some advice, complete a cartoon of 4-5 slides Above/ higher Students: To independently complete activity, complete the cartoon of 5-8 slides For students that may have completed the above work. To use creative thought providing evidence for testing scientifically how the DNA base paired sequence by constructing a model- what could they use to show this? (preparation for next lesson) SEN/Lower students: provided with support verbally to describe the above bullet points. Example of complete model of the practical available Average students /boys: Provided with some advice to explain the above, complete one paragraph Above/ higher Students: To independently complete activity synthesise learning demonstrating an understanding of the role of chromosomes and the nucleus completing two paragraphs using the key terminology 6 7 A.6 DNA is a double helix containing a sequence of complementary base pairs. A.7 Chromosomes, in the nucleus, are made up of DNA and sections of DNA represent genes which give instructions for individual characteristics Students to extend their previous lessons task on the newspaper article to explain the difference between environmental and inherited characteristics in terms of genes. Students need to explain the difference between the two and give examplespair and share discussion to exchange ideas Refer to key words encourage students to use them in context Small group work Complete a practical activity using provided template construct a DNA example double helix and label the proteins A.8 Alleles are different forms of the same gene that give rise to heterozygous and homozygous genotypes. A.11 Determination of genotypes and phenotypes of offspring from genetic diagrams and pedigree analysis. Pair and share work Describe/explain how alleles are different forms of the same gene producing heterozygous and homozygous genotypes describe/explain monohybrid inheritance using Punnett squares and genetic diagrams Group discussion then individual work: Show power point slides students to consider the different scenarios discuss ideas in small groups then complete activity in books individually Explain to students how to construct a pedigree analysis with heterozygous and homozygous individual’s genotypes. Using notes below to help. Random questioning on answer to task. Student presentation Choose couples of students to show their examples of pedigree analysis on the board. Pair and share work then individual: developing literacy and ICT skills Extended writing EXTENSION task This work links with previous lessons learning as well Students to research and interpret data and using creative thought to provide evidence using research of DNA molecule Genetic mutation characteristic changes, and benefits and harmful effects to organisms. Can refer back to the power point ‘mutations; Introduce students to two main inherited conditionspower point slide for visual learning support Power point slide 2 ‘Huntington’s Disease’ Power point slide 3 ‘Cystic Fibrosis’ Power point slide 4 ‘Inherited disorders questions’ Students to research and write down a paragraph to explain Pair and share work then individual: developing literacy and ICT skills Extended writing EXTENSION task This work links with previous lessons learning as well Students to research and interpret data and using creative thought to provide evidence using research A.9 Use a Punnet square to illustrate monohybrid inheritance. A.10 Analyse the pedigree of a range of homozygous and heterozygous individuals. 8 A.8 Alleles are different forms of the same gene that give rise to heterozygous and homozygous genotypes. A.11 Determination of genotypes and phenotypes of offspring from genetic diagrams and pedigree 12 By CHu SEN/Lower students outline what alleles are and monohybrid inheritance using a Punnett square some with support Average students/ boys to explain with examples of how alleles are different forms of the same gene and explain monohybrid inheritance using Punnett squares and genetic diagrams Above/ higher Students: can apply the learning to real life examples using the genotypes and independently use Punnett squares and genetic diagrams analysis. A.9 Use a Punnet square to illustrate monohybrid inheritance. A.10 Analyse the pedigree of a range of homozygous and heterozygous individuals. 9 A.8 Alleles are different forms of the same gene that give rise to heterozygous and homozygous genotypes. A.11 Determination of genotypes and phenotypes of offspring from genetic diagrams and pedigree analysis. A.9 Use a Punnet square to illustrate monohybrid inheritance. A.10 Analyse the pedigree of a range of homozygous and heterozygous individuals. what the inherited conditions Cystic Fibrosis and Huntington’s Chorea research and work Sheets as evidence of DNA molecule Genetic mutation characteristic changes, and benefits and harmful effects to organisms. Can refer back to the power point ‘mutations; explain examples of genotype and phenotype determination of offspring using genetic diagrams and pedigree analysis.Complete research Students to plan in pairs an extended piece of writing to show all their learning from this and previous lessons. Once they have planned can write up their work in a flowing well sequenced piece of independent work. Emphasis on good use of punctuation, and make clear spelling words correctly is expected by using resources available. Introduce students to two main inherited conditionspower point slide for visual learning support Power point slide 2 ‘Huntington’s Disease’ Power point slide 3 ‘Cystic Fibrosis’ Power point slide 4 ‘Inherited disorders questions’ Students to research and write down a paragraph to explain what the inherited conditions Cystic Fibrosis and Huntington’s Chorea research and work Sheets as evidence Explain examples of genotype and phenotype determination of offspring using genetic diagrams and pedigree analysis.Complete research Students to plan in pairs an extended piece of writing to show all their learning from this and previous lessons. Once they have planned can write up their work in a flowing well sequenced piece of independent work. Emphasis on good use of punctuation, and make clear spelling words correctly is expected by using resources available. 13 By CHu