AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENT’S ERROR IN USING THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE ( at the Eleventh Grade Senior High School 1 Warungkondang) Cecep Endang Atin Gumilar English Education Study Program Language and Arts Department Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Siliwangi Bandung ABSTRACT The objectives of this research entitled “An Analysis of Students’ Errors in Using the Simple Present Tense at the Eleventh Grade Students of Senior High School 1 Warungkondang Kab. Cianjur”, were to find out how many errors that the students made, to find out type of errors the most frequently appeared, to find out type of errors the least frequently appeared. In this research the writer used decriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this research were 30 of Eleventh grade Student of Senior Hight School 1 Warungkondang Kab. Cianjur 2012-2013. The instrument of the research was writing test on Simple Present Tense. The data were collected by giving writting test on Simple Present Tense to the students sample. The collected data was identified, classified, analysed and interpreted based on the types of errors using Dulay’s theory (based on the surface strategy taxonomy). The result of the research showed that: the total amount of errors were 108 word. They include omission type = 48 (44.4 %), misformation type = 12 (11.1%), addition type = 18 (16.7 %), and misordering type = 30 (27.8%). Based on the data analysis above, the most error was frequently appear omission, and the least of the error was misformation. Keyword: error analysis, Simple Present Tense A.BACKGROUND Writingn English is different from writing Indonesian. English is a foreign language for Indonesian student and they often have trouble when they learn it. Indonesian is a language which the students have got earlier basically, the writer believe that students have enough knowledge and have known to use it well and correctly. They use Indonesian more frequently with they chose to their speaking or writing habits. This is one thing that invites problems when the student writes the sentence composition in English. English learnt by people all over the word for certain reason. For example, Indonesian student learnt it for the absorption and development of relation with other nation. In addition, successful English learning is affected by factors. One of them is grammar. Grammar is description of the structure of the way which linguistic unit as world and phrases are combined to procedure sentence in language.Students’ error analysis is one important and appropriate effort to identify, classify, and correct. B.LITERATURE REVIEW A.Description of Error Analysis Error reflect gaps in learner’s knowledge; they accur because the learner does not know what correct is, (Ellis 1997). While Brown stated that,’’error refers to a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker, reflecting the interlanguage competence of the learner. It shows the learners’ system based upon their best attempt to provide order and structure to fulfill the target language. In addition, Corder (1967) used the term errors as a systematic error. In the systematic errors, the learner might do some errors because they do not know the correct form. According to Brown (1994), error analysis is observing, analyzing and classifying errors to reveal the system that the learners use. Error analysis also shows the learners’ systems that arise from some possible sources: the influence of the native language, intra lingual errors in the target language, and the sociolinguistic context of communication and psycholinguistics. Meanwhile Ellis (1986), claimed that error analysis is a procedure which involves collecting sample of learners language, identifying the errors in the sample, describing these errors. In addition, an error may very in magnitude. It can include a phoneme, a morpheme, a word, a sentence or even a paragraph. Due to this fact, errors may also be viewed as being either global or local ( cited in Brown, 2000) is parallel with Corder’s other categorization of overtly and covertly (1973). Overt errors are unquestionably ungrammatical at the sentence level and covert errors are grammatically well formed at the sentence level but not interpretable within the context for communication. For instance,’’ I am ready,thanks.’’ Is a correct sentence but if it is given as an answer to the question of’’ how old are you? It is a covertly error. method is unlimited only on collecting and arranging the data, but including analysis and interpretation of the data”.Surakhmad continues (1990:140) explaning that the sign of descriptive research are: 1. Focus to the problem solving to the present problems and actual problems. 2. The data got, firstly to be arranged, explained, and reanalyzed. B.Research Method In conducting this research, the writer used: 1. Library Research It implies that the writer looks for the information and theories which support his research. 2. Field Research It was done when the writer conducted his survey to find the data of the students’ scores n writing. C.Research Intrument C.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY To get data the writer used writing test. This test should be completed by the subjects in order to find out the errors in their writing. The test explores the gramma r use, especially the use of simple present tense. A.Research Design D.Population and Sample In the matter, the writer chooses descriptive method. The descriptive method is a method that can solve, investigate, and describe an event to get the problem clearer, systematic, factual and accurate illustration about the facts, characteristics, and phenomenon found in the research. a. Population In related to the research method, Sudjana (1998:64) states that,”Descriptive research is a research which is trying to describe a phenomenon or event happen in the present time”. Furthermore, Surakhmad (1990:139) explaines about the steps descriptive method. He states,”The implementation of descriptive The population is an entire group of people or object or event which all have at least one characteristics in common, and must be defined specifically an unambiguously (Burn, 1995:20). The population of this research will take students of the Eleventh grade of Senior High School 1 Warungkondang Kabupaten Cianjur consist of 30 students. b. Sample Sample is a part of population that represents population as a source of data. In this research, the writer took a class of the eleventh grade wiith 30 students as the samples. E.Research Data Collection The data are derived from the score of wrirting test at the eleventh grade of Senior High School 1 Warungkondang Kabupaten Cianjur. F.Research Data Analysis Analysis data technique in close related to the kind if the data got, research question or hypothesis and research purpose. Research purpose and research question or hypothesis even defferent in formula but has similarities in target. At this research, the research purpose or research question just to be aimed to get the description. Therefore, the data analysis uses simple statistic description, counting frequency and percentages that served just in table or graphic form. The result of the individual test has been processed by using processed by using percentages. To gain the result of implementation of the research, the writer described several steps and shows the formula used in error analysis. The steps are as follows: 1. The writer asked students to write composing in some paragraphs with the theme that had been determined. 2. The writer marked the students’ errors in their composing to find out what errors are made by the students in writing. 3. The writer carried out an errors analysis in order to find out the types of errors. 4. The writer grouped the errors into the table. 5. Then the writer counted the percentage of each errors. The writer used the following formula: (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:83) P = 100% F N P = Percentage (%) F = Number of instrumental responses N = Total number of response 6. After counting the percentage, the writer discusses in accordance with the source/finding the problem couses. G.Research Procedure In working this research, the writer did the following steps: 1. Developing the research iinstrument (written test). 2. Sellecting the sample of population 3. Administering individual test to the students 4. Processing/ Analyzing the collected data using percentage. 5. Concluding the result of the study. D. FINDING AND DISCUSSION This chapter portrays research findings and discussion. To identify the students’ errors the writer has computed the scores of the test which has been given individually.The score of the test shows the students’ mastery on grammar, especially on Simple Present Tense. The last, discusses the data found to answer the following research questions. 1. What kinds of simple present tense errors made by the students in their test? 2. What are dominant errors of simple present tense that the students make? 3. 4.1 Data Analysis In processing the data the writer gained the errors made by students in their English writing. To investigate that, the writer does some steps, namely: 1. To compute the score from writing that the produced by the students. The score of the test shows the mastery of students on English grammar, especially on simple present tense. 2. To classify the errors that the students made in their test. 3. To count the percentages of students’ errors in their test. 4.1.1 Computing the Score Here is the table of presenting data that are gained: Based on the data above, showed that only 20% the students who can master the Simple Present Tense well. It means that 80% of them are failed in mastering the English Simple Present Tense. Table 4.1.1 The score of test No Nam CV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Adin Agus Arif Devi Dodi Dwia Egi Elin Endi Gina Hilm Ika Ima Kiki Hen Rahi May Min Rina Rozi Saina Siti Sri Trian Tuh Umi Upi Yose Yulia Yusu Ttl 5 8 5 7 5 6 4 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 6 4 7 6 7 7 8 7 5 6 7 8 9 8 6 7 192 I V 5 3 5 3 5 4 6 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 4 6 3 4 3 3 2 3 5 4 3 2 1 2 5 3 108 Scor 50 70 50 70 50 60 40 70 60 50 80 70 60 50 60 40 70 40 70 70 80 70 50 60 70 80 90 80 60 70 P of E 50% 30% 50% 30% 50% 40% 60% 30% 40% 50% 20% 30% 40% 50% 40% 60% 30% 40% 30% 30% 20% 30% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 20% 40% 30% 300 Deg Poor Fair Poor Fair Poor Fair Poor Fair Fair Poor Good Fair Fair Poor Fair Poor Fair Fair Fair Fair Good Fair Poor Fair Fair Good Good Good Poor Fair There are 192 correct verbs that the students have written and 108 incorrect ones n their writing test. The highest score that the students got 90 and the lowest is 40. The students who got good score (80 and 90) are 6 (20%), the students who got fair (60 and 70) 16 (53.33%) and the students who got poor score (40and 50 ) are 8 (26.67%). 4.1.3 The Students’ Errors is Simple Present Tense Table 4.1.3 Frequ ency of Error 108 % of Categories of Error Error Omis Addit Misfor ion ion mation 100% 48 18 12 Missor dering 30 Table 4.1.4 The Percentages of Error Categories of Error in Percentages Omissi on Additi on Misform ation Misorderin Total g 48 18 12 30 108 44.4% 16.7% 11.1% 27.8% 100% a. The percentage of the student’s errors is: 108 /100 X 100% = 100% b. The percentage of Omission is 48/ 108 X 100% = 44.4% c. The percentage of Addition is 18 / 108 X 100 = 16.7% d. The percentage of Misformation is 12/ 108 X 100 = 11.1% e. percentage of Misordering is 30 / 108 X 100 = 27.8% 4.2 Discussion After analyzing and computing, the data show that the eleventh grade students of Senior High School 1 Warungkondang Cianjur still make errors in understanding Simple Present Tense, although this material has been taught since they were in the eleventh grade as well as in the eleventh grade. The total errors of using Simple Present Tense are 36%. Then the percentage of omission errors are 16% (48), 6% (18), addition errors, misformation 4% (12), misordering 10% (30). E. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS In this chapter the writer comes to his conclusions and suggestions of this research. 5.1 The Conclusions Based on the study conducded in chapter four, the writer comes to his conclusions as follows: 1. There are four kinds of errors based on the surface strategy, namely: Omission is 48 (44.4%), Addition 18 (16.7%), Misformation 12 (11.1%), Misordering 30 (27.8%). 2. Some factors causing the student’s errors: a. Students’ weakness In connection with the result achieved in this research, the researcher would give some suggestion as follows: 1. The ability of simple present tense mastery of some students are still relatively poor, it is suggested that the teaching of tenses should be intensified and the frequency and duration in the teaching tenses needs improving. It needs more than two credit hours in one semester (SKS) to process a wide range of tenses. 2. It would be better if teaching tenses be integrated with other skills, such as in writing skill, writing skill needs improving, because it is found very effective in mastering English Tenses. 3.Teachers should develop various strategies in teaching English Tenses. So that their students are not bored in learning English Tenses. BIBLIOGRAPHY Arikunto, Suharsini 2006, Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, Edisi Revisi VI, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta Brown, H. 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