NTU Learning and Teaching Professional Development Framework NTU Practice Standards for Teaching and Supporting Learning in HE Target audience All staff who teach and/or support learning at NTU including managers Those applying for HEA Professional Recognition via the HEA-accredited NTU Framework What’s in this document An overview of the national standards as set out in the UKPSF (November 2011) The NTU professional practice standards aligned to the UKPSF: Guide reference Further information Table 1: Table 2: Table 3: an overview of NTU practice standards at all 4 levels, and how they align with the UKPSF and levels of HEA professional recognition NTU practice standards for Levels 1-3 against each of the 3 categories of standards in the UKPSF – areas of activity, core knowledge and professional values Practice expectations for NTU Level 4 (further information to follow). CPLD 2013 For further information on the NTU Framework follow the link on the front page of the CPLD website: www.ntu.ac.uk/cpld, or email CPLDEnquiries@ntu.ac.uk 1|Page Overview The NTU practice standards defined in detail in this document have been informed by, and align directly with, the national standards for teaching and supporting learning in higher education set out in the UKPSF (Higher Education Academy (HEA), November 2011 – see Figure 1 below). Further information on the UKPSF from the HEA website www.heacademy.ac.uk Areas of Activity A1 Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study A2 Teach and/or support learning A3 Assess and give feedback to learners A4 Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance A5 Engage in CPD in subjects / disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practice Core Knowledge K1 The subject material K2 Appropriate methods for teaching and learning in the subject area and at level of academic programme K3 How students learn, both generally and within their subject/disciplinary context K4 The use and value of appropriate learning technologies K5 Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching K6 The implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and professional practice with a particular focus on teaching Professional Values V1 Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities V2 Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners V3 Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development V4 Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognizing the implications for professional practice Figure 1: The UKPSF standards (HEA, November 2011) The national standards are defined in 4 levels (D1-D4) which directly align with the 4 levels of HEA professional recognition: Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow and Principal Fellow. They also align directly with the four levels of practice standards defined in the NTU Framework. 2|Page In both the UKPSF and the NTU Framework, levels are differentiated in relation to scope of practice and/or its impact: Levels 1 and 2 differ in the scope of number of UKPSF areas of activity which are expected to be demonstrated Levels 2-4 require all 5 UKPSF areas of activity to be evidenced Levels 2-4 differ in the scope of practice and its impact as follows: o Level 2 focuses on own practice in the main o Level 3 focuses on your impact on other people’s practice – whether within a team, or group of people, or department or discipline Level 4 recognises impact at institutional and/or sector level Levels 3 and 4 both require a more thorough and sustained demonstration of awareness, understanding and critical application of research and/or scholarship in HE learning and teaching to inform practice. You can use the standards defined in the NTU Framework: to inform peer observation and review processes, to reflect on your own practice standards and development as part of professional development planning and review at individual, team or department level, to identify the practice standards you will be asked to evidence when applying for different levels of HEA professional recognition to identify which level of professional recognition you are most eligible to apply for The HEA accredited the NTU Framework in July 2012 to enable us to award HEA professional recognition via the Framework. For further information on Applying for HEA Professional Recognition and guidance on evidencing these practice standards, see the CPLD website 3|Page Table 1: Overview of NTU Learning and Teaching Professional Development Framework Practice Standards NTU Framework Levels 1 2 3 4 Overview of practice standards expected of staff at each level Staff are expected to demonstrate: A broad awareness, understanding and critical application of appropriate areas of core knowledge and professional values to inform their professional practice in at least 2 of the 5 areas of activity Staff are expected to demonstrate: A broad awareness, understanding and critical application of appropriate core knowledge and professional values to inform their professional practice across all 5 areas of activity Staff are expected to demonstrate: A thorough awareness, understanding and critical application of appropriate core knowledge and professional values to achieve a key impact on high quality HE teaching and learning within the team, department, or discipline across all 5 areas of activity Staff are expected to demonstrate: A thorough awareness, understanding and critical application of appropriate core knowledge and professional values to achieve a sustained impact on high quality HE teaching and learning across the institution and/or sector across all 5 areas of activity Alignment with the 4 levels in the UKPSF national standards Equivalent HEA level of professional recognition Descriptor 1 (D1) Descriptor 2 (D2) Descriptor 3 (D3) Descriptor 4 (D4) HEA Associate Fellow HEA Fellow HEA Senior Fellow HEA Principal Fellow 4|Page Table 2: Description of NTU Practice Standards for areas of activity, core knowledge & professional values Areas of Activity NTU Levels 1 & 2 (HEA Associate Fellow/Fellow) NTU Level 3 (HEA Senior Fellow) A1 Design and plan learning activities and / or programmes of study As for Levels 1 & 2, and: A2 Teach and/or support learning A3 Assess and give feedback to learners A4 Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance A5 Engage in CPD in subjects / disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practice Demonstrates effective application of constructive alignment design approach to design and plan learning opportunities aligned to the learning outcomes the learners are expected to achieve (whether for sessions, modules and/or programmes). Demonstrates application of current and relevant discipline, and learning and teaching knowledge and practice, to inform the curriculum design and content. Demonstrates accurate awareness and application of current NTU academic practice policy in their design and planning. Demonstrates appropriately informed use of teaching and learning methods which promote and support the active and inclusive engagement of learners in working to achieve the intended learning outcomes. Demonstrates appropriate use and design of sustainable learning resources in appropriate media, at an appropriate academic level and using appropriate technology. Demonstrates appropriately informed use of a range of assessment and feedback methods, which help learners identify their progress and how to develop further. Demonstrates accurate awareness, application and understanding of current NTU academic practice policy relating to assessment and feedback in their practice. Demonstrates an awareness of equality and diversity issues in learning and teaching, and how this awareness is applied to create a learning environment which supports student learning in whatever media used. Demonstrates their contribution to the pastoral care of students, providing support and referring students to other colleagues and professional services as appropriate. Demonstrates their wider contribution at team, course and/or discipline level to the review and professional development of other colleagues’ practice across all 5 areas of activity to develop and deliver practice enhancements. Demonstrates the impact of this contribution on learning and teaching practice standards within teams, department, and/or discipline. Innovates practice, and leads colleagues by personal example. Demonstrates active reflection on their professional practice to identify areas for development and how these can be addressed. Demonstrates active participation in L&T continuing professional development relevant to their role and expertise, and how this is applied to enhance their professional practice and student learning. 5|Page Areas of Core Knowledge NTU Levels 1 & 2 (HEA Associate Fellow/Fellow) NTU Level 3 (HEA Senior Fellow) K1 The subject material Evidence of: current discipline knowledge and how it is used to inform and update the material and learning activities designed and delivered engagement with relevant professional bodies and subject/discipline colleagues to develop approaches to teaching, and promote student understanding of the discipline Evidence of: use of learning and teaching methods which address diversity of student needs at an appropriate academic level informed choice of learning and teaching methods to encourage the active participation of learners in the learning process application of constructive alignment principles in curriculum design and delivery application of NTU Academic Standards and Quality Regulations and academic practice policy to professional practice as appropriate Evidence of: relevant awareness and demonstration in their practice of the relationship between teaching and learning, and the factors which support successful independent learning approaches that support active participation and engagement of students in learning generally, and in the discipline As for Levels 1 & 2, and evidence of: contribution to enabling others within a team and/or discipline to do likewise to their practice K2 Appropriate methods for teaching and learning in the subject area and at level of academic programme K3 How students learn, both generally and within their subject / disciplinary context K4 The use and value of appropriate learning technologies Evidence of: appropriate use of NTU VLE and associated tools for design and delivery of learning and teaching to help meet diverse learning needs and stimulate more active and selfmanaged learning opportunities applying knowledge of digital and non-digital technologies in learning and teaching, and their benefits in supporting active and independent learning in HE K5 Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching Evidence of: knowledge and consistent use of a selection of appropriate methods to evaluate own learning and teaching practice and its impact on student learning using an appropriate range of feedback sources to inform curriculum design and delivery Evidence of: knowledge of, and appropriate participation in NTU quality management processes for learning and teaching design, approval and review at individual, team and K6 The implications of quality assurance and quality As for Levels 1 & 2, and evidence of: impact of contribution to the professional development of other colleagues learning and teaching methods within a team and/or discipline As for Levels 1 & 2, and evidence of: contribution to the wider development and application of approaches to professionally develop other colleagues practice within a team and/or discipline As for Levels 1 & 2, and evidence of: contribution to the wider development, evaluation, and application of appropriate technologies in the design and delivery of HE learning and teaching within a team and/or discipline As for Levels 1 & 2, and evidence of: contribution to the evaluation and assessment of teaching effectiveness within a team and/or discipline As for Levels 1 & 2, and evidence of: contribution to supporting the promotion, development and 6|Page enhancement for academic and professional practice with a particular focus on teaching departmental level alignment of personal practice to NTU Academic Standards and Policy as appropriate how these impact on enhanced learning and teaching application of colleagues’ professional development practice to learning and teaching within a team and/or discipline Professional Values NTU Levels 1 & 2 (HEA Associate Fellow/Fellow) NTU Level 3 (HEA Senior Fellow) V1 Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities Evidence of: awareness of, and sensitivity to individual student needs, abilities and motivations in own practice own practice which fosters and supports students’ independent learning approach, and their self-esteem, confidence, and ability V2 Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners Evidence of: recognition of institutional and cultural barriers that may inhibit access to, and full participation in, higher education awareness of their impact on HE learning and teaching responding to the challenges by working to make own learning and teaching practice inclusive Evidence of: informed engagement in regular critical evaluation, reflection and development of own practice as part of PDCR participating in appropriate continuing professional development opportunities and using these to inform own practice As for Levels 1&2, and evidence of: making an impact on the student learning experience within a team or discipline as a result of your management/leadership leading by example to promote, support and embed this value in colleagues’ practice As for Levels 1 & 2, and: evidence of: enhancing student participation in a course or discipline as a result of your management/leadership leading by example to promote, support and embed this value in colleagues’ practice As for Levels 1 & 2, and: evidence of: enhancing the use and impact of evidence-informed approaches in a team or discipline as a result of your management/leadership promoting, supporting and embedding the use of this value in colleagues’ practice As for Levels 1 & 2, and: evidence of: alignment of practice to the wider HE context within a team or discipline as a result of your management/ leadership promoting, supporting and embedding this value in other colleagues’ practice V3 Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development V4 Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice Evidence of: knowledge of NTU learning and teaching strategy, policy and practice development priorities and how they inform own practice at individual, team and departmental level awareness of key issues in the UK Education/Education-related sectors and their impact on learning and teaching 7|Page Table 3: NTU Practice Standards for Professionals at Level 4 (HEA Principal Fellow) Professionals at this level are required to be able to demonstrate: Active commitment to, and championing of all dimensions of the UKPSF, through work with students and staff, and in institutional developments Successful, strategic leadership to enhance student learning, with a particular, but not necessarily exclusive, focus on enhancing teaching quality in institutional and/or international settings Establishing effective organisational policies and/or strategies for supporting and promoting others (eg through mentoring, coaching) in delivering high quality teaching and support for learning Championing, within institutional and wider settings, an integrated approach to academic practice (incorporating, for example, teaching, learning, research, scholarship and administration etc.) A sustained and successful commitment to, and engagement in, continuing professional development related to academic, institutional and/or other professional practices. Indicative practice examples: o Leading institutional academic practice development projects o Strategic championing of key academic development policies and practice development onto strategic agendas, leading their implementation and evaluation o Significant contributions to organisational development in relation to learning and teaching o Significant contributions to Institutional policy development and implementation o Commissioning new programmes and education opportunities to address new or changing market trends o Sustained and sector / discipline contribution as an external examiner and/or external verifier Further information to follow shortly (Autumn 2013) on specific expectations for areas of core knowledge and professional values. CPLD 2013 8|Page