27th June 2011 Mantar Principals meeting

27th June 2011 Mantar Principals meeting
List of staff to be finalised. Teresa to send out final list. Meet 4th July at St James at 45.30pm. Everyone shares.
10 minute sharing – feedback and collective evidence entered
Staff to bring evidence of e-learning and teacher inquiry
Lead teacher’s to share how the feedback is to be shared across the Cluster
Next QLC 19th September
Principals’ and Tony Greer QLC Share mimio, facebook, mathletics, studyladder, whiteboard,
Cluster Goals – feedback
Students to become successful digital citizens
Terrace End – children presenting at Student lead conference Leadership day at Fielding
Review by staff about the Inquiry process for term 2– Kath Murdoch’s PD supported this
Every term children learning a new e-learning tool that supports literacy and numeracy. Eg Study
Wiki development for staff
Somerset Crescent -Inquiry and how does it work – where are we at? Linking Kath Murdoch’s work
with our process.
Lifted the profile of the Tekids and encouraged staff to invite the children to be part of other
classrooms to share their expertise. Tekids to share new tool at staff and Bot level.
Identifying the teachers that need support and supported for this.
Computer suite allocation of time reviewed to insist upon consistency of usage, set bookings
removed to support curriculum delivery and skill teaching rather than playing games.
Students still working on the goal to decide on the best tools to use
Kumeroa- Hopelands
TeKids presenting at Student lead Conference in Feilding. Te Kids programme working well – they
are seen as exerts and are highly motivated. Computer suite pulled apart and computers put into
classrooms. TeKids helped with this move. Selecting the best tool still ongoing for students to
understand yet. Inquiry process working well. Mathletics has been purchased and is working well.
Kath Murdoch PD – focus on questioning – reflected in classrooms. Te Kids – meet weekly with Lead.
Once a week Te Kids invite others to learn about something and they teach. Maria – sharing of
knowledge is acknowledged schoolwide.
BOT are being shown around the school to see classrooms.
Blogs working well in all classrooms.
Children shown movie insertion in Powerpoint by Val – from Digi awards PD
Saint James
Reflection from Kath Murdoch PD – making the process very explicit, and also being explicit for the
children about the types of thinking and tools and why they are being used.
Feedback using Kaths 10 essential elements of good inquiry - staff gave back feedback to staff using
these as a criteria on the last terms inquiry.
Cyber safety continuing on. Each term two sessions undertaken from Hectors World. TeKids very
Evidence of e-learning on the blogs. Theresa – using Blogger dashboard alerts you to latest entries
on the different school blogs.
Suggestions and ideas by Theresa –
-Sharing by lead teachers, principals, around Inquiry and how it works in our school. What inquiry
planning and what thinking is going on throughout the process. This needs to be planned for.
-An e-learning strategic plan for 5 years
- Flip video and Facebook – putting what is happening in the school on Facebook.
- Community end of year carol /singing – could using other languages.
Goal 4 – community involvement
St James – Facebook page – Theresa inputs info
Maths – Basic fact – family afternoon – children involved. Each family got a home pack to support
basic facts learning. Very successful. Personal invite from children
Inquiry stages shared in newsletter
Parents invited into school at end of term – children explain what is happening in the Inquiry
Blogging – families invited to give comments, homework on the blog, new parents shown website
and blogs
TeKids planned to show parents what they are doing
Invite to parents to parents to show classrooms.
Kumeroa Hopelands
Website – this is up and running but will be working better soon.
Reading workshop for parents
Somerset Crescent
Website development underwayEtap parent portal – this will allow parents to view progress and other information
Some classroom Blogs working well.
Consultation – re homework. Personal invites from children, children focussed, relevant context for
Language Festival – children wrote speech in English at school, then got help at home writing it in
own language. Presented speech in own language. Members of communities were invited to judge.
This was very successful.
Terrace End
Revisit website planned.
Parent days- every classroom per term shares work being done with parents. It is about inviting
parents to be a part of a working classroom.
Assembly- class takes lead and invites parents- more parents coming.
Matariki – sharing of learning about Matariki = outside
Digi Awards
An expectation that all staff will be making contributions from the children.
Principals will attend the evening
Workshops have been held.
Thedigiawards.wikispaces.com- has examples etc for children
Entries close Friday 30th sept. Monday 31st Oct Awards Evening
Cluster PD
Blogging workshop held by Lyn Ross very useful
Lead teacher development – working with Lyn Ross has been very useful for leading schools forward
with e-learning and thinking.
VLN – Principal’s need to make the time to make reflections.
Term 3 Check Mantar calendar for management meetings
Lyn Ross – Lead Teacher development in the Mantar calendar 22/8 Inquiry 26/9
Jan Watts 23/8 Staff
ULEARN 19/20/21 Sept
*Change Management day of 26/9 – to 12/9
*Investigate -Nick Rate to take a session on ‘planning for a strategic plan’ – an evening including
BOTs before week 4.
*Mary’s appraisal. Theresa to meet Monday 4th to discuss.