
Final Project 2007/08
Irene Moreno González 100039158
José Manuel Camacho Camacho 100038938
Table of Contents
Visualisation of Data .................................................................................... 2
Linear Classifiers .......................................................................................... 2
Single Perceptron with ADALINE Learning Rule ..................................................... 2
Sequential Gradient Rule & Soft Activation .............................................................. 3
Non-Linear, Non-Parametric Classification............................................ 6
Reducing Costs via Clustering ................................................................... 8
Final Project 2007/08
In order to have a general view of the problem, the cloud of points is represented first,
showing with each colour which class the data belongs to.
Single Perceptron with ADALINE Learning Rule
This machine has the same structure as the hard SLP (single layer perceptron). The
structure that will be used is as follows:
x   x1 
 x2 
 w0 
w   w1 
 w2 
Given a group of already classified samples, the perceptron can be trained following a
Widrow-Hoff algorithm applied to the input at the error of the decider:
In each iteration, the weights are re-calculated as shown above, where the samples used as
input are the training samples. The step controls the speed of the convergence in the
There are some design decisions that were taken during the implementation:
Weights are initialized randomly; for this reason, even if the training samples and
the iterations do not change, different results are obtained each time the algorithm
is run.
A pocket algorithm with zipper is used to obtain the optimum weights. Although
the weights are calculated with the training samples as inputs, it is the validation
set the one used to selects the optimum weights to keep. In this way, better
generalization of the problem is reached, since the perceptron is receiving more
information about the distribution of the data; but its raise of the computational
complexity can be shown as a disadvantage, since for each re-calculation of the
weights, the error over the whole validation set has to be obtained.
In each iteration both training and validation sets are reordered in a random way,
but initial weights are no longer random, since the ones from previous iterations
are used. A number of 100 iterations is chosen, although the algorithm reaches its
convergence much earlier, as it will be shown later.
Although it is important to know the samples that were correctly classified, not the
percentage error but the MSE one is considered during the training phase, since not
only has the success rate to be optimized, also an intermediate position of the
border between the clouds of patterns is sought.
The value of the step was set by trial and error: different steps were used until the
best results were reached. For the case of the ADALINE algorithm, a final step of
0.0001 was chosen.
Step: 0.0001
Error rate|TRN = 3.23 %
Error rate|VAL = 3.31 %
Error rate|TEST= 3.15 %
In order to obtain the error rate for each set, every point is multiplied by the weights, and
the decision will be based in the sign of the result. Decision border and the error rates that
were obtained are show above.
Next plot shows the evolution of the error rate of the validation set through the iterations of
the algorithm. The fact that the test rate is lower than the training and validation one is
not relevant: linear classification is performed, so depending on the position of the clouds of
data for each set, the problem can be more separable or less. Nevertheless, as it was
pointed out before, these results depend on the initialization of the problem each time, since
it follows a random procedure.
As it can be seen from the figures, the algorithm gets its minimum before the 15 th iteration,
so the weights stored in the pocket are no longer renewed from that moment (right side
figure). The MSE error of the validation set starts increasing after that minimum (left side
With this algorithm, the number of error is not minimized, but a convergence to a local
minimum is ensured.
Sequential Gradient Rule & Soft Activation
The advantage of the sequential gradient rule is that the hard decision is replaced by a
derivable approximation. In this case, soft hyperbolic tangent activation function was used.
In this way, a Least Mean Squared (LMS) algorithm can be implemented for the
recalculation of the weights:
Parameters and design decisions remain the same as in the ADALINE case, but a better
performance and better results are obtained with this learning rule, as it is shown in
following graphs and percentages. A step of 0.05 was used.
Step: 0.05
w 2=-1.292
Error rate|TRN = 3.23 %
Error rate|VAL = 3.31 %
Error rate|TEST= 3.15 %
As can be seen in the figures, convergence is fast and optimal for this rule. The algorithm
gets its minimum around the 20th iteration, but the recalculation of the weights is less
unstable than in ADALINE case.
k-NN Classifier was implemented as required in the guide. Following sections depict
classifier’s properties in terms of error rates, expresiveness and computational cost.
Comparision with linear classifier results is provided as well.
a. Plot the training and validation classification error rates of this classifier as a
function of k, for k = 1, 3, 5, 7, …, 25.
Fig. 1
Training and Validation Error Rates (as percentage) for each value of ‘k’, for k=1,3…25
At a first glance, it can be clearly seen that error rates are slightly lower at training than in
validation classification, for any value of k. This is due to the k set during the training
classification has at least one training point belonging to the true class, which is the sample
itself. Latter does not hold for validation, even, if training points are not representative
enough, this method may generalise badly and training error rates could not be reliable.
Validation set was used to estimate the optimum k parameter. Classification resulted in,
This value is employed to compute results for the test set later on.
b. Depict the decision borders for the classifiers with k = 1, 5, 25.
Fig. 3, Fig. 2 and Fig. 4 show classification border for three different values of k. Dealing
with expressiveness, this method has better properties compared to the linear
classification, error rates are reduced thanks to a better fitting of these classification
borders to the data spread all over the plane, specially those at the right part, which were
always missed by the linear border.
Given a training set from which build up a
classification border, effect of k choice is
discussed here. 1-NN method has null training
error rate, its border is therefore flawless, as it
can be seen, creating very expressive shapes.
Validation error rate, however, it is not the best,
hence it can be concluded that 1-NN classifier
over-fits to the training set, laying rather bad
generalization in validation (and we guess that
also for testing).
25-NN classifier has exactly the opposite
behavior. For each classification it takes into
account so many training points, which
introduce wrong information to the classifier.
Actually, this classifier neither fits well the
Fig. 3
Classification Border for the 1-NN Classifier
training nor the validation set.
In between is the 5-NN. It has not such a good
training error rate, however it establishes a not
so shaped classification border compared to 1NN. In principle, that can lead to better
generalization and less sensitivity to outliers.
Furthermore, it seems clear that, in the choice of
k depends on how close/far are the training
points of different classes to each other.
Fig. 2
Classification Border for the 5-NN Classifier
In order to obtain the results for this part of the
assignment, several simulations with the
implemented k-NN classifier were carried out.
Time consumption was much higher than in
linear classification. If  operations are needed
to calculate distance between one sample from
the training set to a training point, and k
operations to select the k closest points and
counting its labels, we get that in order to
classify n samples,
Same computational cost is required for
validation and test if those sets have similar size
as the training set.
Fig. 4
25-NN’s Classification Border
c. Obtain the optimum value for k according to the validation set, and give the test
classification error rate that would be obtained in that case.
As mention, value of k parameter that minimizes validation error rates is k=9. In that
case, 9-NN classification had following error rate,
This error rate is lower than the one for the linear classifier, according to the improvement
of the expressiveness. Test error for this classifier is slightly higher than the training and
validation, which may be due to the dependability of the training set for the classification.
Implement the classifiers corresponding to kC =1, 2, 3,…, 50, and compute their
training and validation classification error rates.
Fig. 5
Training (orange) and Validation (blue) error rates expressed as missed
samples out of set size in the vertical axe for kc=1,2,…,50
An iteration of the algorithm for each of the possible number of centroids is run and plotted.
As can be extracted from the figure, error rates have a reasonable value when more than 3
centroids per class are used. The fact is that, due to the shape of the cloud of the given
points, three or less centroids are not good enough to represent the data. In addition,
training error rates are always lower than validation ones, since the centroids seek their
optimum position with reference to the training set.
Select the value kC* that minimizes the following objective function
J(kC) = Te + log10(kC)
Where Te is the validation error rate. Obtain the test classification error rate when
using kC*, and plot the classification border of this classifier.
Fig. 6
Objective Function J(kC) for kC = 1,2,…,50.
In order to obtain the optimum value of centroids to be used, as a compromise between the
error rate and the complexity of the problem, the objective function J is compute for each of
the values of kc. It results with a minimum value for a kC*=20. The test error is computed
for this case. Using this target function, large numbers of centroids are avoided. Using Te
as figure of merit, kC would trend to the given number of training points, because error
rates would converge to the 1-NN error, and therefore, computational cost would not be
reduced. Instead, weighting the error percentage with log10(kC), not only affects the
optimum kC to the error rate, but computational cost is kept low.
Following picture depicts the test points and classification border for kC=20
The border of the classifier gets a quite good
adaptation to the samples. Actually, this
border is the set of equidistant points among
different centroids representing each class.
Fig. 7
An issue that was found during the
development of the algorithm is that, when
having a relative high kC, after some
iterations some of the centroids did not get
any sample assigned to them, since all the
close samples found a closer centroid to join.
Our implementation, does not re-allocate
these centroids. But different adjustments
can be done to the algorithm to handle this
problem: those "dummy" centroids can either
be assigned a new random value, nudging
them, or splitting clusters with greater
dispersion into two groups, producing two
new clusters.
Repeat now the experiment 100 times, and give the following results:
Plot the average value and the standard deviation of the training and
validation error rates as a function of kC.
Since the initialization of the centroids is done in a random fashion, different results of
error rates and performance are obtained from different runnings of the algorithm. For this
reason, a good way to get trusty results is to run the experiment a given number of
iterations, extracting the average value and standard deviation of the error rates. In this
case, 100 iterations were performed, and the figures below show the results:
Fig. 8
Mean and Standard Deviation of Error Rates (no percentages) for different values of kC. Despite using v as letter for the
right graph, it is not the variance, it is sigma or standard deviation.
From the figures it can be concluded that:
- There is a strong dependency of the error rates on the initialization when using small
number of centroids (less than 10). This is due to the fact that the shape of data spread all
over the plane makes those few centroids not representative of data set. Bad initialization
may cause the error to grow even more (large confidence interval).
- For higher values of kC both the  and  decrease steady towards the 1-NN behavior. As it
is discussed latter, these results show that the relatively small improvement of the error
rate for large kC may not be enough to justify the increase the cost of employing such
amount of centroids.
- When there is one centroid per class, algorithm has the worst performance. Convergence
is reached at the first iteration, since the centroid is simply the center of mass of all the
samples of its class. Hence, average error is constant through all repetitions up. Therefore,
variance is null, since the centroid is always the same, so that error rate is deterministic.
Using a histogram, give an approximate representation of the distribution of
the 100 values obtained for kC*. Obtain the average value for kC*, and for
its corresponding test error rate.
In order to carry out this section, we have assumed that for each initialization of the
centroids, kC can be view as a different discrete random variable. By adding 100 random
variables, central limit theorem guarantees that independently of each variable
distribution, the total mixture can be characterized as a Gaussian distribution.
The histogram shows the results obtained through the 100 iterations: for each of them, a
value of
turned out to be the optimum one, and the histogram represents the frequency
of those elected values. Fitting a Gaussian p.d.f. to the displayed histogram, expectation of
kC is,
Latter results are consistent with
previous analysis. Average error is
higher than 1-NN error. Furthermore,
optimum choice for kC is at the
beginning of the flat region of Fig. 8,
where, as mentioned, good properties in
term of errors can be achieved without
increasing algorithm complexity.
Dealing with computational cost, like in
previous section, if  is said to be the
cost to compute the Euclidean distance
between two points, and k is the cost of
computing the closest centroid among k
centroids, total cost of classifying a
entire n-sample set is as follows,
Thus, once centroids have been calculated (there may not be reduction of computational
cost while training), this clustering approach reduces computational cost to a linear cost in
n during classification, instead of k-NN quadratic approach, providing more scalability
while keeping such a good performance in terms of errors. As mentioned, kC also affects the
complexity. A randomly chosen classification border of a classifier obtained among the 100
iterations using the optimum estimated kC early is shown below.
Linear Classifiers: they provide a simple tool for data classification, with reasonable
performance which can be enough for certain applications. Their main drawbacks
are the lack of expressiveness (linear borders) and sensitivity to step size. Soft
activation has shown better performance (almost same error rates but less
k-NN classifier gave the best performance for this classification problem. Its good
properties to depict complex classification borders provided the best classification
pattern. Good k choice is critical to have good generalisation. The main shortcoming
of this algorithm is the humongous computational cost, because it performs a global
sweep for each sample to get choose the most suitable class for that sample.
Clustering classification provides in this particular case the chance to set up a
trade-off between computational cost and accuracy. The amount of centroids
calculated during training for each class determines the accuracy of the results.
Small number of centroids means low computational cost is required but
performance turns out to be clumsy, whereas is every training point becomes a
centroid (extrem case) same performance as de k-NN algorithm is achieved by
means of the already mentioned computational effort.